Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: nsimgm.idl
uuid (d6d70ef0-0e3b-11cb-acc3-08002b1d29c4),
version (1.0),
pointer_default (unique)
interface NsiM
* N S I _ G R O U P _ D E L E T E
* Remove a group attribute from a name service entry.
void nsi_group_delete
[in] UNSIGNED32 group_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T group_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ G R O U P _ M B R _ A D D
* Add a an entry name to a group, if necessary, create the group.
void nsi_group_mbr_add
[in] UNSIGNED32 group_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T group_name,
[in] UNSIGNED32 member_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T member_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ G R O U P _ M B R _ R E M O V E
* Delete a an entry name to a group.
void nsi_group_mbr_remove
[in] UNSIGNED32 group_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T group_name,
[in] UNSIGNED32 member_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T member_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ G R O U P _ M B R _ I N Q _ B E G I N
* Create an inquiry context for an group with a certain name syntax..
void nsi_group_mbr_inq_begin
#ifdef __CLIENT__ // workaround for midl bug.
[in] handle_t function_explicit_handle,
[in] UNSIGNED32 group_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T group_name,
[in] UNSIGNED32 member_name_syntax,
[out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T * inq_context,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ G R O U P _ M B R _ I N Q _ N E X T
* Return the next group member in name service group.
void nsi_group_mbr_inq_next
[in] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T inq_context,
[out] STRING_T * member_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ G R O U P _ M B R _ I N Q _ D O N E
* Delete a inquiry context for a group.
void nsi_group_mbr_inq_done
[in,out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T * inq_context,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ P R O F I L E _ D E L E T E
* Remove a profile attribute from a name service entry.
void nsi_profile_delete
[in] UNSIGNED32 profile_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T profile_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ P R O F I L E _ E L T _ A D D
* Add a an entry name to a profile, if necessary, create the profile.
void nsi_profile_elt_add
[in] UNSIGNED32 profile_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T profile_name,
[in] NSI_IF_ID_P_T if_id,
[in] UNSIGNED32 member_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T member_name,
[in] UNSIGNED32 priority,
[in] STRING_T annotation,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ P R O F I L E _ E L T _ R E M O V E
* Delete a an entry name to a profile.
void nsi_profile_elt_remove
[in] UNSIGNED32 profile_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T profile_name,
[in] NSI_IF_ID_P_T if_id,
[in] UNSIGNED32 member_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T member_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ P R O F I L E _ E L T _ I N Q _ B E G I N
* Create an inquiry context for an profile with a certain name syntax..
void nsi_profile_elt_inq_begin
#ifdef __CLIENT__ // workaround for midl bug.
[in] handle_t function_explicit_handle,
[in] UNSIGNED32 profile_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T profile_name,
[in] UNSIGNED32 inquiry_type,
[in] NSI_IF_ID_P_T if_id,
[in] UNSIGNED32 vers_option,
[in] UNSIGNED32 member_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T member_name,
[out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T * inq_context,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ P R O F I L E _ E L T _ I N Q _ N E X T
* Return the next profile member in name service profile.
void nsi_profile_elt_inq_next
[in] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T inq_context,
[in,out] NSI_IF_ID_P_T if_id,
[out] STRING_T * member_name,
[out] UNSIGNED32 * priority,
[out] STRING_T * annotation,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ P R O F I L E _ E L T _ I N Q _ D O N E
* Delete a inquiry context for a profile.
void nsi_profile_elt_inq_done
[in,out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T * inq_context,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ E N T R Y _ O B J E C T _ B E G I N
* Create an inquiry context for an server entry's object UUIDs.
void nsi_entry_object_inq_begin
#ifdef __CLIENT__ // workaround for midl bug.
[in] handle_t function_explicit_handle,
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T * inq_context,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ E N T R Y _ O B J E C T _ I N Q _ N E X T
* Return the object UUID in a server entry.
void nsi_entry_object_inq_next
[in] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T inq_context,
[in, out] NSI_UUID_P_T uuid,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ E N T R Y _ O B J E C T _ I N Q _ D O N E
* Delete a inquiry context for a server entry's objects.
void nsi_entry_object_inq_done
[in,out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T * inq_context,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ E N T R Y _ E X P A N D _ N A M E
* Expand a cell relative name into a global one.
void nsi_entry_expand_name
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[out] STRING_T * expanded_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ M G M T _ B I N D I N G _ U N E X P O R T
* Remove interfaces and/or objects from a given server entry.
void nsi_mgmt_binding_unexport
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[in] NSI_IF_ID_P_T if_id,
[in] UNSIGNED32 vers_option,
[in] NSI_UUID_VECTOR_P_T object_uuid_vec,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ M G M T _ E N T R Y _ D E L E T E
* Delete a server/group/profile name service entry.
void nsi_mgmt_entry_delete
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ M G M T _ E N T R Y _ C R E A T E
* Create a name service entry.
void nsi_mgmt_entry_create
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ M G M T _ E N T R Y _ I N Q _ I F D S
* Inquiry the interfaces at a given name service entry.
void nsi_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[out] NSI_IF_ID_VECTOR_T ** if_id_vec,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ M G M T _ I N Q _ E X P _ A G E
* Inquiry the global age of entries cached.
void nsi_mgmt_inq_exp_age
[out] UNSIGNED32 * expiration_age,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status
* N S I _ M G M T _ I N Q _ S E T _ A G E
* Set the global age of entries cached.
void nsi_mgmt_inq_set_age
[in] UNSIGNED32 expiration_age,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status