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#include "NmAppletDispID.h"
helpstring("NetMeeting Applet Client Site Interface"),
interface INmAppletClientSite : IUnknown
HRESULT SetStatusBarVisible( [in] BOOL bShow );
HRESULT SetIcons( [in] HICON hIconSmall, [in] HICON hIconBig );
HRESULT SetWindowText( [in] LPCTSTR lpszCaption );
helpstring("Component Window Creation Flags"),
enum NmAppletCapsFlags
[helpstring("Applet can save")] NmAppletCapsFlag_CanSave = 0x00000001,
[helpstring("Applet can load")] NmAppletCapsFlag_CanLoad = 0x00000002,
} NmAppletCapsFlags;
helpstring("INmApplet Interface"),
interface INmApplet : IUnknown
[propget, id(1), helpstring("property NmAppletCaps")]
HRESULT NmAppletCaps([out] DWORD* pdwCaps );
[id(2), helpstring("method SaveDialog")]
HRESULT SaveDialog( [in, out] LPTSTR lpszFile, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [out] LPWORD pnFileOffset );
[id(3), helpstring("method OpenDialog")]
HRESULT OpenDialog();
[id(4), helpstring("method GetIconData")]
HRESULT GetIconData( [in] int cxBitmap, [in] int cyBitmap,
[out] int* pcStates,
[out] HBITMAP** pphBitmapIcon,
[out] HBITMAP** pphBitmapIconHot,
[out] HBITMAP** pphBitmapIconDisabled
[id(5), helpstring("method GetIconLabel")]
HRESULT GetIconLabel( [out] BSTR* pLabel );
[id(6), helpstring("method OnContainerActivating")]
HRESULT OnContainerActivating( [in] BOOL bAppActivating );
[id(7), helpstring("method SetFocus")]
HRESULT SetFocus();
[id(8), helpstring("method SetClientSite")]
HRESULT SetClientSite( [in] INmAppletClientSite* pClientSite );
[id(9), helpstring("method ShiftFocus")]
HRESULT ShiftFocus( [in] HWND hWndCur, BOOL bForward );
[id(10), helpstring("method IsChild")]
HRESULT IsChild( [in] HWND hWnd );
[id(11), helpstring("method QueryEndSession")]
HRESULT QueryEndSession( [out,ref] BOOL* pbCancelTermination );
[id(12), helpstring("method OnMenuSelect")]
HRESULT OnMenuSelect( [in] DWORD wParam, [in] DWORD lParam );
[id(13), helpstring("method OnCommand")]
HRESULT OnCommand( [in] DWORD wParam, [in] DWORD lParam );
[id(14), helpstring("method OnGetMinMax")]
HRESULT OnGetMinMax( [in] DWORD lParam );
helpstring("NetMeeting Applet Notification Interface"),
interface INmAppletNotify : IUnknown
HRESULT OnStateChanged( [in] int State );