Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#include "precomp.h"
#include <oprahcom.h>
/* C E N T E R W I N D O W */
%%Function: CenterWindow
Center a window over another window.
VOID NMINTERNAL CenterWindow(HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent)
int xNew, yNew;
int cxChild, cyChild;
int cxParent, cyParent;
int cxScreen, cyScreen;
RECT rcChild, rcParent, rcScrn;
// Get the Height and Width of the child window
GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &rcChild);
cxChild = rcChild.right - rcChild.left;
cyChild = rcChild.bottom -;
// Get the display limits
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rcScrn);
cxScreen = rcScrn.right - rcScrn.left;
cyScreen = rcScrn.bottom -;
if(hwndParent != NULL )
// Get the Height and Width of the parent window
GetWindowRect(hwndParent, &rcParent);
cxParent = rcParent.right - rcParent.left;
cyParent = rcParent.bottom -;
// No parent - center on desktop
cxParent = cxScreen;
cyParent = cyScreen;
SetRect(&rcParent, 0, 0, cxScreen, cyScreen);
// Calculate new X position, then adjust for screen
xNew = rcParent.left + ((cxParent - cxChild) / 2);
if (xNew < 0)
xNew = 0;
else if ((xNew + cxChild) > cxScreen)
xNew = cxScreen - cxChild;
// Calculate new Y position, then adjust for screen
yNew = + ((cyParent - cyChild) / 2);
if (yNew < 0)
yNew = 0;
else if ((yNew + cyChild) > cyScreen)
yNew = cyScreen - cyChild;
SetWindowPos(hwndChild, NULL, xNew, yNew, 0, 0,