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* crost.h
* Copyright (c) 1995 by DataBeam Corporation, Lexington, KY
* Abstract:
* Instances of this class represent a single Conference Roster's
* information base. It encapsulates all the functionality required to
* maintain the information base which includes the ability to add new
* roster records, delete records and update records. It has the ability
* to convert its internal information base into a list of conference
* records that can be used in a GCC_ROSTER_UPDATE_INDICATION callback. It
* is also responsible for converting its internal information base into
* Conference Roster Update PDUs. Basically, this class is responsible
* for all operations that require direct access to the records contained
* in a Conference Roster.
* The Conference Roster class incorporates Rogue Wave list to hold the
* roster record information. Using iterators throughout the class makes
* it easy to quickly convert the information contained in the list into
* either a PDU or into a list of record pointers (for roster update
* indications back to the node controller).
* A Conference Roster object has the ability to serialize its roster data
* into a single contiguous memory block when it is required to send a
* message to the application interface. This serialization process is
* managed externally by the CConfRosterMsg class through calls to
* LockConferenceRoster(), UnLockConferenceRoster() and
* GetConfRoster(). When a conference roster is to be serialized, a
* call is made to LockConferenceRoster() which causes the CConfRoster
* object to increment an internal lock count and returns the number of
* bytes required to hold the complete roster update. The Conference
* Roster is then serialized into memory through a call to
* GetConfRoster(). The CConfRoster is then unlocked to allow
* it to be deleted when the free flag gets set through the
* FreeConferenceRoster() function. In the current implementation of GCC,
* FreeConferenceRoster() is not used since the CConfRosterMsg
* maintains the data used to deliver the message (see a more detailed
* description of the lock, free and unlock mechanism in the section
* describing the data containers).
* The Conference Roster object also is responsible for maintaining
* internal PDU data which is updated whenever a change occurs to its
* internal information base. This PDU can be affected by both local
* request or by processing incoming PDUs. Higher level objects access
* this PDU data by calling the Conference Roster's flush routine which in
* turn causes the PDU to be freed on any subsequent request that affects
* the rosters internal information base.
* Caveats:
* None.
* Author:
* blp
#include "netaddr.h"
#include "userdata.h"
#include "clists.h"
** These enumerations define the different ways the a conference roster list
** can be updated. It is used externally to inform a conference roster object
** what to of send data PDU to build.
typedef enum
** This list is used to keep track of the conference participants. It is
** a list of rogue wave pointers to Unicode Strings.
class CParticipantNameList : public CList
DEFINE_CLIST(CParticipantNameList, LPWSTR)
void DeleteList(void);
** This is the structure used to maintain the conference roster information
** internally. Optional paramters use a NULL pointer to indicate that the
** parameter is not in use.
typedef struct CONF_RECORD
UserID superior_node;
NodeType node_type;
NodeProperties node_properties;
LPWSTR pwszNodeName;
CParticipantNameList *participant_name_list;
LPWSTR pwszSiteInfo;
CNetAddrListContainer *network_address_list;
LPOSTR poszAltNodeID;
CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list;
** This list is used to hold the pointers to the actual conference record for
** each node in the conference. The list is indexed by the Node ID associated
** with the record.
class CConfRecordList2 : public CList2
void CleanList(void);
class CConfRoster : public CRefCount
CConfRoster(UserID uidTopProvider, UserID uidSuperiorNode, UserID uidMime,
BOOL is_top_provider, BOOL is_local_roster, BOOL maintain_pdu_buffer);
* Utilities that operate on roster update PDU strucutures.
void FlushRosterUpdateIndicationPDU(PNodeInformation);
GCCError BuildFullRefreshPDU(void);
GCCError ProcessRosterUpdateIndicationPDU(PNodeInformation, UserID uidSender);
* Utilities used to generate a roster update message.
UINT LockConferenceRoster(void);
void UnLockConferenceRoster(void);
UINT GetConfRoster(PGCCConferenceRoster *, LPBYTE memory_pointer);
** Utilities that operate directly on the conference roster objects
** internal databease.
GCCError AddRecord(PGCCNodeRecord, UserID);
GCCError ReplaceRecord(PGCCNodeRecord, UserID);
GCCError RemoveUserReference(UserID);
** Miscelaneous utilities.
void ResetConferenceRoster(void);
UINT GetNumberOfNodeRecords(void) { return m_RecordList2.GetCount(); }
BOOL Contains(UserID uidConf) { return m_RecordList2.Find(uidConf) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
BOOL HasRosterChanged(void) { return m_fRosterChanged; }
* Utilities used to create a roster update indication PDU.
GCCError BuildRosterUpdateIndicationPDU(CONF_ROSTER_UPDATE_TYPE, UserID);
GCCError BuildSetOfRefreshesPDU(void);
GCCError BuildParticipantsListPDU(UserID, PParticipantsList *);
* Utilities used to Free a roster update indication PDU.
void FreeRosterUpdateIndicationPDU(void);
void FreeSetOfRefreshesPDU(void);
void FreeSetOfUpdatesPDU(void);
void FreeParticipantsListPDU(PParticipantsList);
void CleanUpdateRecordPDU(PSetOfNodeRecordUpdates);
* Utilities used to Process roster update indications.
GCCError ProcessSetOfRefreshesPDU(PSetOfNodeRecordRefreshes);
GCCError ProcessSetOfUpdatesPDU(PSetOfNodeRecordUpdates);
GCCError ProcessParticipantsListPDU(PParticipantsList, CONF_RECORD *);
* Utilities used to operate on conference roster reports.
void ClearRecordList(void);
void GetNodeTypeAndProperties (
NodeType pdu_node_type,
NodeProperties pdu_node_properties,
PGCCNodeType node_type,
PGCCNodeProperties node_properties);
void GetPDUNodeTypeAndProperties (
GCCNodeType node_type,
GCCNodeProperties node_properties,
PNodeType pdu_node_type,
PNodeProperties pdu_node_properties);
GCCError DeleteRecord(UserID node_id);
GCCError GetNodeSubTree(UserID, CUidList *);
BOOL m_fNodesAdded;
BOOL m_fNodesRemoved;
BOOL m_fRosterChanged;
BOOL m_fTopProvider;
BOOL m_fLocalRoster;
BOOL m_fMaintainPduBuffer;
BOOL m_fPduFlushed;
UserID m_uidTopProvider;
UserID m_uidSuperiorNode;
UserID m_uidMyNodeID;
UINT m_nInstanceNumber;
UINT m_cbDataMemorySize;
NodeInformation m_NodeInformation;
CConfRecordList2 m_RecordList2;
PSetOfNodeRecordUpdates m_pNodeRecordUpdateSet;
* CConfRoster( UserID top_provider_id,
* UserID superior_node,
* BOOL is_top_provider,
* BOOL is_local_roster,
* BOOL maintain_pdu_buffer,
* Public Function Description
* This is the conference roster constructor. It is responsible for
* initializing all the instance variables used by this class.
* Formal Parameters:
* top_provider_id - (i) The Node ID of the Top Provider
* superior_node - (i) The Node ID of the node that is the parent
* to this one. Zero for the top provider.
* is_top_provider - (i) Indicates if this is the top provider node.
* is_local_roster - (i) Indicates if this roster is a local one.
* maintain_pdu_buffer - (i) Indicates if this roster should maintain
* a PDU buffer.
* Return Value
* None.
* Side Effects
* None.
* Caveats
* None.
* ~CConfRoster ()
* Public Function Description
* This is the conference roster destructor. It is responsible for
* freeing up all the internal memory used by this class.
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value
* None.
* Side Effects
* None.
* Caveats
* None.
* void FlushRosterUpdateIndicationPDU (
* PNodeInformation node_information)
* Public Function Description
* This routine is used to access any PDU data that might currently be
* queued inside the conference roster. PDU data is queued whenever
* a request is made to the conference roster that affects its
* internal information base.
* Formal Parameters:
* node_information - (o) Pointer to the PDU buffer to fill in.
* Return Value
* None.
* Side Effects
* None.
* Caveats
* The PDU data returned by this routine is automatically freed the next
* time a request is made to this roster object that affects its internal
* databease.
* GCCError BuildFullRefreshPDU (void)
* Public Function Description
* This routine is responsible for generating a full conference roster
* refresh PDU.
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value
* GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured.
* GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured.
* Side Effects
* None.
* Caveats
* None.
* GCCError ProcessRosterUpdateIndicationPDU (
* PNodeInformation node_information)
* Public Function Description
* This routine is responsible for processing the decoded PDU data.
* It essentially changes the conference roster objects internal database
* based on the information in the structure.
* Formal Parameters:
* node_information - (i) This is a pointer to a structure that
* holds the decoded PDU data.
* Return Value
* GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured.
* GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured.
* Side Effects
* None.
* Caveats
* None.
* UINT LockConferenceRoster()
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to "lock" the "API" data for this object. This
* results in the lock count for this object being incremented. When the
* lock count transitions from 0 to 1, a calculation is made to determine
* how much memory will be needed to hold any "API" data which will
* be referenced by, but not held in, the GCCConferenceRoster structure
* which is filled in on a call to GetConfRoster. This is the
* value returned by this routine in order to allow the calling object to
* allocate that amount of memory in preparation for the call to
* GetConfRoster.
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value:
* The amount of memory, if any, which will be needed to hold "API" data
* which is referenced by, but not held in, the GCCConferenceRoster
* structure provided as an output parameter to the GetConfRoster
* call.
* Side Effects:
* The internal lock count is incremented.
* Caveats:
* The internal lock count is used in conjuction with an internal "free"
* flag as a mechanism for ensuring that this object remains in existance
* until all interested parties are through with it. The object remains
* valid (unless explicity deleted) until the lock count is zero and the
* "free" flag is set through a call to FreeConferenceRoster. This allows
* other objects to lock this object and be sure that it remains valid
* until they call UnLock which will decrement the internal lock count. A
* typical usage scenerio for this object would be: A CConfRoster
* object is constructed and then passed off to any interested parties
* through a function call. On return from the function call, the
* FreeConferenceRoster call is made which will set the internal "free"
* flag. If no other parties have locked the object with a Lock call,
* then the CConfRoster object will automatically delete itself when
* the FreeConferenceRoster call is made. If, however, any number of
* other parties has locked the object, it will remain in existence until
* each of them has unlocked the object through a call to UnLock.
* void UnLockConferenceRoster ();
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to "unlock" the "API" data for this object. This
* results in the lock count for this object being decremented. When the
* lock count transitions from 1 to 0, a check is made to determine
* whether the object has been freed through a call to
* FreeConferenceRoster. If so, the object will automatically delete
* itself.
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* The internal lock count is decremented.
* Caveats:
* It is the responsibility of any party which locks an CConfRoster
* object by calling Lock to also unlock the object with a call to UnLock.
* If the party calling UnLock did not construct the CConfRoster
* object, it should assume the object to be invalid thereafter.
* UINT GetConfRoster(
* PGCCConferenceRoster FAR * conference_roster,
* LPSTR memory_pointer);
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to retrieve the conference roster data from
* the CConfRoster object in the "API" form of a GCCConferenceRoster.
* Formal Parameters:
* conference_roster (o) The GCCConferenceRoster structure to fill in.
* memory_pointer (o) The memory used to hold any data referenced by,
* but not held in, the output structure.
* Return Value:
* The amount of data, if any, written into the bulk memory block provided.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* GCCError AddRecord( PGCCNodeRecord conference_record,
* UserID node_id)
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to add a single nodes conference record to the
* conference roster object's internal list of records.
* Formal Parameters:
* conference_record (i) Pointer to the "API" record structure to add.
* node_id (i) Node ID associated with record being added.
* Return Value:
* GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured.
* GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured.
* GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid parameter passed in.
* GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS - Invalid network address passed in.
* GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS_TYPE - Bad "choice" field for address
* GCC_BAD_USER_DATA - The user data passed in contained
* an invalid object key.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* GCCError RemoveRecord(UserID node_id)
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to remove a single nodes conference record from the
* conference roster object's internal list of records.
* Formal Parameters:
* node_id (i) Node ID of record to be removed.
* Return Value:
* GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured.
* GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid parameter passed in.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* GCCError ReplaceRecord( PGCCNodeRecord conference_record,
* UserID node_id)
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to replace a single nodes conference record in the
* conference roster object's internal list of records.
* Formal Parameters:
* conference_record (i) Conference record to use as the replacement.
* node_id (i) Node ID of record to be replaced.
* Return Value:
* GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured.
* GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured.
* GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid parameter passed in.
* GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS - Invalid network address passed in.
* GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS_TYPE - Bad "choice" field for address
* GCC_BAD_USER_DATA - The user data passed in contained
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* GCCError RemoveUserReference (
* UserID detached_node)
* Public Function Description:
* This routine removes the record associated with the specified node
* id.
* Formal Parameters:
* detached_node (i) Node reference to remove.
* Return Value:
* GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured.
* GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER - No records associated with this node
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* BOOL Contains( UserID conference_node_id )
* Public Function Description:
* This routine is used to determine if the specified record exists in
* the conference roster.
* Formal Parameters:
* conference_node_id (i) Node ID of record to check for
* Return Value:
* TRUE - If the record is contained in the conference roster.
* FALSE - If the record is not contained in the conference roster.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* USHORT GetNumberOfNodeRecords ();
* Public Function Description:
* This routine returns the total number of conference roster records
* contained in the objects conference roster record list.
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value:
* The number of records in the conference roster list.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* void ResetConferenceRoster ()
* Public Function Description:
* This routine takes care of resetting all the internal flags that are
* used to convey the current state of the conference roster. Should be
* called after the roster is flushed and any roster update messages have
* been delivered (after a change to the roster occurs).
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
* BOOL HasRosterChanged ();
* Public Function Description:
* This routine informs the caller if the roster has changed since the
* last time it was reset.
* Formal Parameters:
* None.
* Return Value:
* TRUE - If roster has changed
* FALSE - If roster has not changed
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.