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/* Comport.h
* Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by DataBeam Corporation, Lexington, KY
* Abstract:
* This is the interface file for the ComPort class. This class is the
* interface to the Win32 Comm port.
* If this class is instantiated in in-band call control mode, it will
* open the Windows port and set it up properly. It will use the
* configuration data from the Configuration object. Refer to the MCAT
* Developer's Toolkit Manual for a complete listing of the configurable
* items.
* If this class is instantiated in out-of-band mode, it is passed a
* file handle. It assumes that this port has been properly initialized.
* It get the configuration data that it needs from the port_configuration
* structure passed in.
* Caveats:
* None.
* Authors:
* James P. Galvin
* James W. Lawwill
#ifndef _T123_COM_PORT_H_
#define _T123_COM_PORT_H_
** Return values from this class
typedef enum
ComPortError, * PComPortError;
** Miscellaneous Definitions
#define OUTPUT_FLOW_CONTROL 0x0001
#define INPUT_FLOW_CONTROL 0x0002
#define DEFAULT_PATH "."
#define DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE 9600
#define COM_TRANSMIT_BUFFER 0x0001
#define COM_RECEIVE_BUFFER 0x0002
class ComPort : public IProtocolLayer
ComPort(TransportController *owner_object,
ULONG message_base,
PhysicalHandle physical_handle,
HANDLE hevtClose);
virtual ~ComPort(void);
LONG Release(void);
ComPortError Open(void);
ComPortError Close(void);
ComPortError Reset(void);
ComPortError ReleaseReset(void);
ULONG GetBaudRate(void) { return Baud_Rate; }
ProtocolLayerError SynchronousDataRequest(
LPBYTE buffer,
ULONG length,
ULONG *bytes_accepted);
BOOL ProcessReadEvent(void);
BOOL ProcessWriteEvent(void);
** Functions overridden from the ProtocolLayer object
ProtocolLayerError DataRequest (
ULONG_PTR identifier,
LPBYTE buffer_address,
ULONG length,
PULong bytes_accepted);
ProtocolLayerError RegisterHigherLayer (
ULONG_PTR identifier,
PMemoryManager memory_manager,
IProtocolLayer * higher_layer);
ProtocolLayerError RemoveHigherLayer (
ULONG_PTR identifier);
ProtocolLayerError PollReceiver(void);
ProtocolLayerError GetParameters (
USHORT * max_packet_size,
USHORT * prepend,
USHORT * append);
ProtocolLayerError DataRequest (
ULONG_PTR identifier,
PMemory memory,
PULong bytes_accepted);
ProtocolLayerError DataIndication (
LPBYTE buffer_address,
ULONG length,
PULong bytes_accepted);
ProtocolLayerError PollTransmitter (
ULONG_PTR identifier,
USHORT data_to_transmit,
USHORT * pending_data,
USHORT * holding_data);
PLUGXPRT_PSTN_CALL_CONTROL GetCallControlType(void) { return Call_Control_Type; }
BOOL PerformAutomaticDisconnect(void) { return Automatic_Disconnect; }
BOOL IsWriteActive(void) { return Write_Active; }
ProtocolLayerError WriteData(
BOOL synchronous,
LPBYTE buffer_address,
ULONG length,
PULong bytes_accepted);
void ReportInitializationFailure(ComPortError);
LONG m_cRef;
BOOL m_fClosed;
TransportController *m_pController; // owner object
ULONG m_nMsgBase;
BOOL Automatic_Disconnect;
DWORD Count_Errors_On_ReadFile;
ULONG Baud_Rate;
ULONG Tx_Buffer_Size;
ULONG Rx_Buffer_Size;
ULONG Byte_Count;
ULONG Last_Byte_Count;
ULONG m_nReadBufferOffset;
DWORD m_cbRead;
ULONG m_cbReadBufferSize;
LPBYTE m_pbReadBuffer;
HANDLE m_hCommLink;
HANDLE m_hCommLink2;
HANDLE m_hevtClose;
HANDLE m_hevtPendingRead;
HANDLE m_hevtPendingWrite;
PEventObject Write_Event_Object;
PEventObject Read_Event_Object;
OVERLAPPED m_WriteOverlapped;
OVERLAPPED m_ReadOverlapped;
DWORD Event_Mask;
BOOL Read_Active;
BOOL Write_Active;
IProtocolLayer *m_pMultiplexer; // higher layer
typedef ComPort * PComPort;
* Documentation for Public class members
* ComPort::ComPort (
* PTransportResources transport_resources,
* PChar port_string,
* IObject * owner_object,
* ULONG message_base,
* BOOL automatic_disconnect,
* PhysicalHandle physical_handle);
* Functional Description
* This is a constructor for the ComPort class. It initializes internal
* variables from the configuration object. It opens the Win32 comm port
* and initializes it properly.
* Formal Parameters
* transport_resources (i) - Pointer to TransportResources structure.
* port_string (i) - String specifing the configuration heading
* to use.
* owner_object (i) - Pointer to object that owns this object.
* If this object needs to contact its owner,
* it calls the OwnerCallback function.
* message_base (i) - When this object issues an OwnerCallback,
* it should OR the message_base with the
* actual message.
* automatic_disconnect(i) - This object, at some point, will be asked
* if it should break its physical connection
* if the logical connections are broken. The
* owner of this object is telling it how to
* respond.
* physical_handle (i) - This is the handle associated with this
* ComPort. When the ComPort registers an
* event to be monitored, it includes its
* physical_handle.
* Return Value
* None
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPort::ComPort (
* PTransportResources transport_resources,
* IObject * owner_object,
* ULONG message_base,
* ULONG handle,
* PPortConfiguration port_configuration,
* PhysicalHandle physical_handle);
* Functional Description
* This is a constructor for the ComPort class. It initializes internal
* variables from the port_configuration structure. It uses the file
* handle passed in and prepares to send and receive data.
* Formal Parameters
* transport_resources (i) - Pointer to TransportResources structure.
* owner_object (i) - Pointer to object that owns this object.
* If this object needs to contact its owner,
* it calls the OwnerCallback function.
* message_base (i) - When this object issues an OwnerCallback,
* it should OR the message_base with the
* actual message.
* handle (i) - File handle to be used as the comm port.
* port_configuration (i) - Pointer to PortConfiguration structure.
* physical_handle (i) - This is the handle associated with this
* ComPort. When the ComPort registers an
* event to be monitored, it includes its
* physical_handle.
* Return Value
* None
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPort::~Comport (void)
* Functional Description
* This is the destructor for the Comport class. It releases all memory
* that was used by the class and deletes all timers
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* None
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPortError ComPort::Open (void);
* Functional Description
* This function opens the comm port and configures it with the values
* found in the configuration object. It uses the Physical_API_Enabled
* flag in the g_TransportResource structure to determine if it needst to
* open the comm port.
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* COM_NO_ERROR - Successful open and configuration
* COM_INITIALIZATION_FAILED - One of many problems could have
* occurred. For example, the com
* port is open by another application
* or one of the parameters in the
* configuration file is improper.
* When this error occurs, a callback is
* made to the user that indicates there
* is an error condition.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPortError ComPort::Close (void);
* Functional Description
* If the Physical API is not enabled, this function makes the necessary
* calls to close the Comm Windows port. It first clears the DTR signal
* to haugup the modem.
* Regardless of the Physical API being enabled, it also flushes the comm
* buffers.
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* COMPORT_NO_ERROR - Com Port closed successfully
* COMPORT_NOT_OPEN - Com Port is not open, we can't close it
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPortError ComPort::Reset (void);
* Functional Description
* This function clears the DTR signal on the Com port.
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* COMPORT_NO_ERROR - Com port reset
* COMPORT_NOT_OPEN - Com port is not open, we can't access it
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPortError ComPort::ReleaseReset (void);
* Functional Description
* This function releases the previous reset. It sets the DTR signal on
* the com port.
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* COMPORT_NO_ERROR - Com port reset
* COMPORT_NOT_OPEN - Com port is not open, we can't access it
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ComPortError ComPort::FlushBuffers (
* USHORT buffer_mask)
* Functional Description
* This function issues the Windows cals to flush the input and/or
* output buffers.
* Formal Parameters
* buffer_mask - (i) If COM_TRANSMIT_BUFFER is set, we flush the
* output buffer.
* If COM_RECEIVE_BUFFER is set, we flush the
* input buffer.
* Return Value
* COMPORT_NO_ERROR - Successful operation
* COMPORT_NOT_OPEN - Com port is not open, we can't access it
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ULONG ComPort::GetBaudRate (void);
* Functional Description
* This function returns the baud rate of the port
* Formal Parameters
* None.
* Return Value
* Baud rate of the port.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::SynchronousDataRequest (
* FPUChar buffer_address,
* ULONG length,
* FPULong bytes_accepted)
* Functional Description:
* This function is called to send data out the port in a synchronous
* manner. In other words, we will not return from the function until
* all of the bytes are actually written to the modem or a timeout occurs.
* Formal Parameters
* buffer_address (i) - Address of buffer to write.
* length (i) - Length of buffer
* bytes_accepted (o) - Number of bytes actually written
* Return Value
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* BOOL ComPort::ProcessReadEvent (void)
* Functional Description:
* This function is called when a READ event is actually set. This means
* that the read operation has completed or an error occured.
* Formal Parameters
* None.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* BOOL ComPort::ProcessWriteEvent (
* HANDLE event);
* Functional Description:
* This function is called when a WRITE event is actually set. This means
* that the write operation has completed or an error occured.
* Formal Parameters
* event (i) - Object event that occured
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* BOOL ComPort::ProcessControlEvent (void)
* Functional Description:
* This function is called when a CONTROL event is actually set. This
* means that the CONTROL operation has occured. In our case the RLSD
* signal has changed.
* Formal Parameters
* None.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError DataLink::DataRequest (
* ULONG identifier,
* LPBYTE buffer_address,
* USHORT length,
* USHORT * bytes_accepted);
* Functional Description
* This function is called by a higher layer to request transmission of
* a packet.
* Formal Parameters
* identifier (i) - Identifier of the higher layer
* buffer_address (i) - Buffer address
* length (i) - Length of packet to transmit
* bytes_accepted (o) - Number of bytes accepted by the DataLink.
* This value will either be 0 or the packet
* length since this layer has a packet interface.
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError DataLink::RegisterHigherLayer (
* ULONG identifier,
* PMemoryManager memory_manager,
* IProtocolLayer * higher_layer);
* Functional Description
* This function is called by the higher layer to register its identifier
* and its address. When this object needs to send a packet up, it calls
* the higher_layer with a Data Indication
* Formal Parameters
* identifier (i) - Unique identifier of the higher layer. If we
* were doing multiplexing at this layer, this
* would have greater significance.
* memory_manager (i) - Pointer to outbound memory manager
* higher_layer (i) - Address of higher layer
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_REGISTRATION_ERROR - Error occured on registration
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError DataLink::RemoveHigherLayer (
* Functional Description
* This function is called by the higher layer to remove its identifier
* and its address. If the higher layer removes itself from us, we have
* no place to send incoming data
* Formal Parameters
* None used
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError DataLink::PollReceiver (
* ULONG identifier);
* Functional Description
* This function is called to give the DataLink a chance pass packets
* to higher layers
* Formal Parameters
* identifier (i) - Not used
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError DataLink::GetParameters (
* ULONG identifier,
* USHORT * max_packet_size,
* USHORT * prepend_size,
* USHORT * append_size);
* Functional Description:
* This function returns the maximum packet size that it can handle via
* its DataRequest() function.
* Formal Parameters
* identifier (i) - Not used
* max_packet_size (o) - Address to return max. packet size in.
* prepend_size (o) - Return number of bytes prepended to each packet
* append_size (o) - Return number of bytes appended to each packet
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* BOOL ComPort::PerformAutomaticDisconnect (void)
* Functional Description:
* This function returns TRUE if we want to terminate a physical connection
* as soon as the logical connections are disconnected.
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* TRUE - If we want to drop the physical connection after all
* logical connections are dropped.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError DataLink::DataRequest (
* ULONG identifier,
* PMemory memory,
* PULong bytes_accepted);
* Functional Description
* This function is called by a higher layer to request transmission of
* a packet.
* Formal Parameters
* identifier (i) - Identifier of the higher layer
* memory (i) - Pointer to memory object
* bytes_accepted (o) - Number of bytes accepted by the DataLink.
* This value will either be 0 or the packet
* length since this layer has a packet interface.
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR - Not supported.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataIndication (
* LPBYTE buffer_address,
* ULONG length,
* PULong bytes_accepted);
* Functional Description
* This function will never be called. It is only here because this
* class inherits from ProtocolLayer.
* Formal Parameters
* buffer_address (i) - Buffer address
* memory (i) - Pointer to memory object
* bytes_accepted (o) - Number of bytes accepted by the DataLink.
* This value will either be 0 or the packet
* length since this layer has a packet interface.
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR - Not supported.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::PollTransmitter (
* ULONG identifier,
* USHORT data_to_transmit,
* USHORT * pending_data,
* USHORT * holding_data);
* Functional Description
* This function does nothing.
* Formal Parameters
* None used.
* Return Value
* PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None