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/* T123.h
* Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by DataBeam Corporation, Lexington, KY
* Abstract:
* This class controlls the T123 stack associated with a particular
* physical connection.
* This class builds a T123 PSTN stack. The physical layer is passed in via
* the constructor. During the constructor, we instantiate a multiplexer.
* This multiplexer will allow us to mux multiple DataLink layers to the
* same physical address. For this particular physical connection (PSTN)
* the Multiplexer adds a CRC to the packet and frames it before passing
* it to the physical layer. On the receive side, it frames the incoming
* stream data and packetizes it. It also checks the CRC for validity.
* The Multiplexer receives data from its higher layer
* (DataLink) in packet form. When the Multiplexer passes data to its
* lower layer, it passes it in stream form. The Multiplexer is
* configured to be a multi-DataLink entity. Since it does handle multiple
* DataLinks, it can NOT buffer data on the receive side. If one
* particular DataLink is backed up, it can NOT hold the other DataLinks
* up. If it can not pass a packet up immediately, it will trash it.
* After the Multiplexer issues a callback to us to us it is ready, we
* will create a DataLink Layer to service the Network layer. The DataLink
* Layer is based on the Q.922 standard. The DLCI associated with this
* DataLink is 0. Its Lower Layer is the Multiplexer. Its Higher Layer is
* the SCF Layer.
* The SCF Layer is the Network Layer. It is responsible for
* arbitrating the DLCI and parameters used in other transport
* connections. It has no responsibilities once the connection is up. If
* this class receives a ConnectRequest() from the user, it issues a
* ConnectRequest() to the SCF Layer. SCF will notify us when the
* connection is up.
* When the SCF notifies us that a new connection exists, we create a
* DataLink Layer that services the new Transport Connection. This
* DataLink Layer uses our Multiplexer as its Lower Layer.
* When the DataLink Layer is up and operational, it notifies us. At this
* point, we create an X224 Layer to interface with the user. The X224
* Layer interfaces with the DataLink Layer to send data. It also
* interfaces with the user to pass data on up.
* Caveats:
* None.
* Author:
* James W. Lawwill
#ifndef _T123_H_
#define _T123_H_
#include "scf.h"
#include "q922.h"
#include "mplex.h"
#include "x224.h"
** Layer Numbers
#define MULTIPLEXER_LAYER 2 // This is a DataBeam-specific layer
** Layer Message Bases
#define LAYER_MASK 0x7000
#define MESSAGE_MASK 0x0fff
** Maximum number of priorities
** Each DLCI has this structure associated with it.
typedef struct
BOOL link_originator;
CLayerX224 *x224; // transport_layer
CLayerQ922 *q922; // datalink_layer
TransportPriority priority;
BOOL disconnect_requested;
BOOL connect_requested;
PMemoryManager data_request_memory_manager;
USHORT network_retries;
DLCIStruct, *PDLCIStruct;
class T123
T123(TransportController *owner_object,
USHORT message_base,
BOOL link_originator,
ComPort *physical_layer,
PhysicalHandle physical_handle,
BOOL * t123_initialized);
virtual ~T123(void);
** Functions related to making and breaking a linkg
TransportError ConnectRequest (
LogicalHandle logical_handle,
TransportPriority priority);
TransportError ConnectResponse (
LogicalHandle logical_handle);
TransportError DisconnectRequest (
LogicalHandle logical_handle,
UINT_PTR trash_packets);
TransportError DataRequest (
LogicalHandle logical_handle,
LPBYTE user_data,
ULONG user_data_length);
TransportError PurgeRequest (
LogicalHandle logical_handle);
void EnableReceiver (void);
ULONG PollReceiver (void);
void PollTransmitter (void);
ULONG OwnerCallback(ULONG, void *p1 = NULL, void *p2 = NULL, void *p3 = NULL);
void Reset (void);
DLCI GetNextDLCI (void);
void ProcessMessages (void);
void NetworkDisconnectIndication (
DLCI dlci,
BOOL link_originator,
BOOL retry);
void DataLinkRelease (
DLCI dlci,
DataLinkDisconnectType error);
void NewConnection (void);
void NetworkConnectIndication (
PNetworkConnectStruct connect_struct);
void NetworkConnectConfirm (
PNetworkConnectStruct connect_struct);
void DataLinkEstablish (
DLCI dlci);
BOOL m_fValidSDKParams;
DictionaryClass Logical_Connection_List;
DictionaryClass DLCI_List;
SListClass Message_List;
SListClass DataLink_List;
SListClass *Logical_Connection_Priority_List[NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES];
TransportController *m_pController;
BOOL Link_Originator;
USHORT m_nMsgBase;
CLayerSCF *m_pSCF; // network layer
CLayerQ922 *m_pQ922; // data link layer
Multiplexer *m_pMultiplexer; // multiplexer layer
ComPort *m_pComPort; // physical layer
PhysicalHandle m_hCommLink;
DataLinkParameters DataLink_Struct;
PMemoryManager Data_Request_Memory_Manager;
PRandomNumberGenerator Random;
BOOL Disconnect_Requested;
typedef T123 * PT123;
* Documentation for Public class members
* T123::T123 (
* PTransportResources transport_resources,
* IObject * owner_object,
* USHORT message_base,
* BOOL link_originator,
* IProtocolLayer * physical_layer,
* PhysicalHandle physical_handle,
* BOOL * initialized);
* Functional Description
* This is the constructor for the T123 class. It prepares for new
* connections.
* Formal Parameters
* transport_resources (i) - Address of resources structure.
* owner_object (i) - Address of owner object. Used for owner
* callbacks.
* message_base (i) - Message base used with owner callbacks.
* link_originator (i) - TRUE if we actually originated the
* connection
* physical_layer (i) - Pointer to physical layer
* physical_handle (i) - Identifier that needs to be passed to the
* physical layer to identify the connection
* initialized (o) - TRUE if the object initialized OK.
* Return Value
* None
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* T123::~T123 (void)
* Functional Description
* This is the T123 destructor. It removes all active connections
* Formal Parameters
* None
* Return Value
* None
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* TransportError T123::ConnectRequest (
* LogicalHandle logical_handle
* TransportPriority priority);
* Functional Description
* This function initiates a logical connection.
* Formal Parameters
* logical_handle (i) - Handle assocaiated with the
* logical connection
* priority (i) - Requested priority of the connection.
* Return Value
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* TransportError T123::ConnectResponse (
* LogicalHandle logical_handle)
* Functional Description
* This function is called in response to TRANSPORT_CONNECT_INDICATION
* message that was sent the owner. By making this call, the owner is
* accepting the connection.
* Formal Parameters
* logical_handle (i) - Logical connection handle
* Return Value
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* TransportError T123::DisconnectRequest (
* LogicalHandle logical_handle,
* BOOL trash_packets);
* Functional Description
* This function terminates the transport connection. The user will
* receive a TRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_INDICATION message when the connection
* is terminated
* If the logical_handle equals INVALID_LOGICAL_HANDLE, the user is
* telling us to take down all logical connections and ultimately the
* physical connection.
* Formal Parameters
* logical_handle - (i) Logical connection number to terminate
* trash_packets - (i) BOOL , set to TRUE if we are to trash
* the packets in the output buffer.
* Return Value
* TRANSPORT_NO_SUCH_CONNECTION - Transport connection does not exist
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* TransportError T123::DataRequest (
* LogicalHandle logical_handle,
* LPBYTE user_data,
* ULONG user_data_length);
* Functional Description
* This function is used to send a data packet to the remote location.
* We simply pass this packet to the X224 object associated with the
* transport connection.
* Formal Parameters
* logical_handle - (i) Transport connection number
* user_data - (i) Address of data to send
* user_data_length - (i) Length of data to send
* Return Value
* TRANSPORT_NO_SUCH_CONNECTION - Logical connection does not exist
* TRANSPORT_WRITE_QUEUE_FULL - Transport write queues are already
* full.
* TRANSPORT_NOT_READY_TO_TRANSMIT - The transport layer is in the
* process of building or breaking
* down the transport stack and is
* not ready for user data.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* TransportError T123::PurgeRequest (
* LogicalHandle logical_handle)
* Functional Description
* This function purges the outbound packets for the logical connection.
* Formal Parameters
* logical_handle - (i) Transport connection number
* Return Value
* TRANSPORT_NO_SUCH_CONNECTION - Logical connection does not exist
* Side Effects
* None
* TransportError T123::EnableReceiver (void);
* Functional Description
* This function is called to enable TRANSPORT_DATA_INDICATION callbacks
* to the user application.
* Formal Parameters
* None.
* Return Value
* Side Effects
* None
* void T123::PollReceiver (void);
* Functional Description
* This function gives the T123 stack a chance to receive packets from
* the remote site. During this call, we may be making user callbacks to
* pass the data on up.
* Formal Parameters
* None.
* Return Value
* None.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* void T123::PollTransmitter (void);
* Functional Description
* This function gives the T123 stack a chance to transmit data to the
* remote site.
* Formal Parameters
* None.
* Return Value
* None.
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None
* ULONG T123::OwnerCallback (
* USHORT layer_message,
* ULONG parameter1,
* ULONG parameter2,
* PVoid parameter3);
* Functional Description
* This function is the owner callback function. If any of the layers
* owned by this object want to send us a message, they make an owner
* callback. During instantiation of these lower layers, we pass them our
* address. They can call us with significant messages.
* Formal Parameters
* layer_message (i) - Layer-specific message
* parameter1 (i) - Message-specific parameter
* parameter2 (i) - Message-specific parameter
* parameter3 (i) - Message-specific parameter
* Return Value
* Message specific
* Side Effects
* None
* Caveats
* None