mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
184 lines
3.4 KiB
184 lines
3.4 KiB
use strict;
my $modulebase;
my $module;
my $filename;
my @files;
open (OUT,">$modulebase.reg") or die "Can't open $modulebase.reg for output\n";
opendir (DIR, ".");
@files = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
foreach $filename (@files)
if ($filename =~ /\.rgs/i)
makereg ($filename);
sub makereg()
my $infile;
$infile = shift;
print OUT "; -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print OUT "; Automatically generated from $infile using makereg.pl\n";
open (IN,"<$infile") or die "Can't open $infile for input\n";
print OUT "; End $infile\n\n";
sub GetModuleName()
my $targetname;
my $targettype;
my $sg_targettype;
open (F, "sources") or die "SOURCES file does not exist\n";
while (<F>)
if (/TARGETNAME=(\S*)/i)
if (/TARGETTYPE=(\S*)/i)
if (/SG_TARGETTYPE=(\S*)/i)
if ($targetname && $targettype)
if ($targettype =~ /PROGRAM/i)
elsif ($targettype =~ /DYNLINK/i)
elsif ( ($targettype =~ /LIBRARY/i) && ($sg_targettype =~ /PROGRAM/i) )
elsif ( ($targettype =~ /LIBRARY/i) && ($sg_targettype =~ /DYNLINK/i) )
die "$targettype is an invalid TARGETTYPE=\n";
die "TARGETNAME= and TARGETTYPE= not specified in SOURCES file\n";
sub recurse
my $newp; # new path to pass into recurse
my $p=shift; # p = first parameter
my ($key,$name, $value); # temp local variables.
while (<IN>)
s/NoRemove//g; #remove the NoRemove string (isn't it ironic?)
s/ForceRemove//g; #remove the ForceRemove string
s/^\s*//; #remove white space at begining of line
s/\s*$//; #remove white space at end of line.
# If line is a {, recurse
if (/^{$/)
# If line is a }, end recurse.
if (/^}$/)
# set initial values for temp variables.
$key = undef;
$name = "\@";
$value = undef;
if (/^val /)
# if this is a value, save the name. This removes the string before the = so the next if doesn't find a key
if (/=\s*s/)
# If line has an "= s" in it, its a string. Set the key and the value
$value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$value =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$value = "\"$value\"";
elsif (/=\s*d/)
# If line has an "= d" in it, its a dword. Set the key and the value
$value = sprintf("dword:%x",$2);
# Last case, line is a key name. Save the key
# strip single quotes from $key, $name, and $value
$key =~ s/\'//g;
$name =~ s/\'//g;
$value =~ s/\'//g;
$value =~ s/%MODULE%/$module/;
# add quotes to the name
if ($name NE "\@")
$name = "\"$name\"";
# If we have a new key, set the new path and print it.
if ($key)
if ($p)
print OUT "[$newp]\n";
#if we have a value, print it.
if ("$value" ne "")
print OUT "\t$name=$value\n";