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package Env;
=head1 NAME
Env - perl module that imports environment variables
use Env;
use Env qw(PATH HOME TERM);
Perl maintains environment variables in a pseudo-hash named %ENV. For
when this access method is inconvenient, the Perl module C<Env> allows
environment variables to be treated as simple variables.
The Env::import() function ties environment variables with suitable
names to global Perl variables with the same names. By default it
does so with all existing environment variables (C<keys %ENV>). If
the import function receives arguments, it takes them to be a list of
environment variables to tie; it's okay if they don't yet exist.
After an environment variable is tied, merely use it like a normal variable.
You may access its value
@path = split(/:/, $PATH);
or modify it
$PATH .= ":.";
however you'd like.
To remove a tied environment variable from
the environment, assign it the undefined value
undef $PATH;
=head1 AUTHOR
Chip Salzenberg E<lt>F<[email protected]>E<gt>
sub import {
my ($callpack) = caller(0);
my $pack = shift;
my @vars = grep /^[A-Za-z_]\w*$/, (@_ ? @_ : keys(%ENV));
return unless @vars;
eval "package $callpack; use vars qw("
. join(' ', map { '$'.$_ } @vars) . ")";
die $@ if $@;
foreach (@vars) {
tie ${"${callpack}::$_"}, Env, $_;
bless \($_[1]);
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = @_;
sub STORE {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
if (defined($value)) {
$ENV{$$self} = $value;
} else {
delete $ENV{$$self};