Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
3.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef __CTOC_H__
#define __CTOC_H__
#ifndef __SITEMAP_H__
#include "sitemap.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "parserhh.h"
#include "collect.h"
#include "hhtypes.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "navui.h" // Cleanup headers.
class CHtmlHelpControl; // forward reference
class CHHWinType; // forward reference
class CToc : public INavUI
void UpdateTOCSlot(CTreeNode* pNode);
CToc(CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl, IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CHHWinType* phh = NULL);
virtual ~CToc();
//--- INavUI Functions.
BOOL Create(HWND hwndParent);
LRESULT OnCommand(HWND hwnd, UINT id, UINT uNotifiyCode, LPARAM lParam);
void HideWindow(void);
void ShowWindow(void);
void ResizeWindow();
void SetPadding(int pad) { m_padding = pad; }
void SetTabPos(int tabpos) { m_NavTabPos = tabpos; }
LRESULT OnNotify(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) ;
void SetDefaultFocus() ;
void Refresh(void);
// Not Implemented
bool ProcessMenuChar(HWND hwndParent, int ch) { /*Not Implemented*/ return false;}
void OnDrawItem(UINT id, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis) {/*Not Implemented*/}
void Seed(LPCSTR pszSeed) {/*Not Implemented*/}
void OnVKListNotify(NMHDR* pNMHdr) {/*Not Implemented*/}
//--- Other Member Functions
void ChangeOuter(IUnknown* pUnkOuter) { m_pOuter = pUnkOuter; }
BOOL InitTreeView(void);
LRESULT OnSiteMapContentsCommand(UINT id, UINT uNotifiyCode, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnBinTOCContentsCommand(UINT id, UINT uNotifiyCode, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL ReadFile(PCSTR pszFile);
void SetStyles(DWORD exStyles, DWORD dwStyles) { m_exStyles = exStyles; m_dwStyles = dwStyles; }
LRESULT TreeViewMsg( NM_TREEVIEW* pnmhdr ); // The treeview message handeler
LRESULT OnSiteMapTVMsg( NM_TREEVIEW *pnmhdr ); // The message handeler for handeling SITEMAP
LRESULT OnBinaryTOCTVMsg( NM_TREEVIEW *pnmhdr );// The message handeler for handeling Binary TOC
BOOL Synchronize(LPCSTR pszUrl);
void SaveCurUrl(void);
BOOL m_fBinaryTOC; // TRUE if compiled TOC (.chm/.chi) is available, else FALSE
CTreeNode* m_pBinTOCRoot; // The root of the binary table of contents
CTreeNode* pCurrentTreeNode;
CSiteMap m_sitemap; // the sitemap that holds an uncompiled TOC.
HTREEITEM m_tiFirstVisible; // Binary TOC, the initial tree view visible when the Tree
// view is first displayed.
HTREEITEM* m_phTreeItem;
int m_cntFirstVisible;
int m_cntCurHighlight;
HTREEITEM m_hitemCurHighlight;
BOOL m_fSuppressJump; // TRUE to prevent jumping on selection change
BOOL m_fIgnoreNextSelChange;
BYTE* m_pSelectedTocInfoTypes;
HWND m_hwndTree;
HBITMAP m_hbmpBackGround;
HPALETTE m_hpalBackGround;
HBRUSH m_hbrBackGround; // background brush
int m_cxBackBmp;
int m_cyBackBmp;
int m_cFonts;
HFONT* m_ahfonts;
BOOL m_fGlobal; // means we've already initialized ourselves once
CHtmlHelpControl* m_phhctrl;
IUnknown* m_pOuter;
BOOL m_fHack;
DWORD m_exStyles;
DWORD m_dwStyles;
int m_padding;
int m_NavTabPos;
BOOL m_fSuspendSync;
CHHWinType* m_phh;
CStr m_cszCurUrl;
BOOL m_fSyncOnActivation; // TRUE to sync when TOC tab is activated
CInfoType* m_pInfoType; // The information Types
#endif // __CTOC_H__