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// ITSORT.H: IITSortKey, IITSortKeyConfig, and related definitions.
#ifndef __ITSORT_H__
#define __ITSORT_H__
#include <comdef.h>
// Some standard definitions for sort key types. In general, key types (and
// their #defines) are specific to a particular implementation of a sort object.
// However, in the interest of making it easier to call a variety of sort object
// implementations, we define some standard key type definitions that can be
// used across different implementations.
// New sort objects should feel free to add arbitrary key formats, which could
// include a variety of custom binary formats tailored to specific applications
// (e.g. a binary key that provides indirection to a dictionary of strings).
// Note that the format of the key type must always allow its length to be
// determined without any other data than the key itself, as follows:
// 1) length is constant for the key type (e.g. DWORD is always 4 bytes)
// 2) key includes length information (e.g. a WORD prefix indicating
// how many memory units (bytes, words, etc.) the key contains
// 3) key must contain an explicit terminator (e.g. null terminated strings).
#define IITSK_KEYTYPE_WORD ((DWORD) 18) // Binary word
#define IITSK_KEYTYPE_DWORD ((DWORD) 19) // Binary dword
#define IITSK_KEYTYPE_ANSI_SZ ((DWORD) 30) // NULL-term. MBCS string
#define IITSK_KEYTYPE_UNICODE_SZ ((DWORD) 31) // NULL-term. Unicode string
// Valid parameters that can be returned by IITSortKey::Compare in *pgrfReason.
// Valid parameters that can be passed to IITSortKey::IsRelated.
// Returns in *pcbSize the size of the key in bytes (including any
// length information).
// On exit, *plResult is set according to strcmp conventions:
// < 0, = 0, > 0, depending on whether lpcvKey1 is less than, equal to, or
// greater than lpcvKey2. If pgrfReason is not NULL, *pgrfReason may be
// filled in on exit with one or more bit flags giving more information about
// the result of the comparison if the result was affected by something other
// than raw lexical comparison (e.g. special character mappings). If
// *pgrfReason contains 0 on exit, that means the comparison result
// was purely lexical; if *pgrfReason contains IITSK_COMPREASON_UNKNOWN,
// then the sort object implementation wasn't able to provide additional
// information about the comparison result.
STDMETHOD(Compare)(LPCVOID lpcvKey1, LPCVOID lpcvKey2,
LONG *plResult, DWORD *pgrfReason) PURE;
// Returns S_OK if lpcvKey1 is related to lpcvKey2 according to
// dwKeyRelation; else S_FALSE. If the value specified for dwKeyRelation
// is not supported, E_INVALIDARG will be returned. If pgrfReason is not
// NULL, *pgrfReason will be filled in just as it would be by
// IITSortKey::Compare.
STDMETHOD(IsRelated)(LPCVOID lpcvKey1, LPCVOID lpcvKey2,
DWORD dwKeyRelation, DWORD *pgrfReason) PURE;
// Converts a key of one type into a key of another type. This is intended
// mainly for converting an uncompressed key into a compressed key,
// but a sort object is free to provide whatever conversion combinations
// it wants to. *pcbSizeOut should contain the size of the buffer pointed
// to by lpvKeyOut. The caller can obtain a guaranteed adequate buffer size
// through *pcbSizeOut by passing 0 on entry.
// The following errors are returned:
// E_INVALIDARG: the specified conversion is not supported, i.e.
// one or both of the REFGUID params is invalid.
// E_FAIL: the buffer pointed to by lpvKeyOut was too small
// to hold the converted key.
STDMETHOD(Convert)(DWORD dwKeyTypeIn, LPCVOID lpcvKeyIn,
DWORD dwKeyTypeOut, LPVOID lpvKeyOut,
DWORD *pcbSizeOut) PURE;
STDMETHOD(ResolveDuplicates)(LPCVOID lpcvKey1, LPCVOID lpcvKey2,
LPCVOID lpvKeyOut, DWORD *pcbSizeOut) PURE;
typedef IITSortKey *PIITSKY;
// Sort flags that can be passed to IITSortKeyConfig::SetControlInfo.
#define IITSKC_SORT_STRINGSORT 0x00001000 /* use string sort method */
#define IITSKC_NORM_IGNORECASE 0x00000001 /* ignore case */
#define IITSKC_NORM_IGNORENONSPACE 0x00000002 /* ignore nonspacing chars */
#define IITSKC_NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS 0x00000004 /* ignore symbols */
#define IITSKC_NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE 0x00010000 /* ignore kanatype */
#define IITSKC_NORM_IGNOREWIDTH 0x00020000 /* ignore width */
// External data types that can be passed to
// IITSortKeyConfig::LoadExternalSortData.
// Sets/gets locale info that will affect the comparison results
// returned from all subsequent calls to IITSortKey::Compare.
// Returns S_OK if locale described by params is supported
// by the sort object; E_INVALIDARG otherwise.
STDMETHOD(SetLocaleInfo)(DWORD dwCodePageID, LCID lcid) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetLocaleInfo)(DWORD *pdwCodePageID, LCID *plcid) PURE;
// Sets/gets the sort key type that the sort object will expect
// to see in the following method calls that take keys as params:
// IITSortKey::GetSize, Compare, IsRelated
// Returns S_OK if the sort key type is understood by the
// sort object; E_INVALIDARG otherwise.
STDMETHOD(GetKeyType)(DWORD *pdwKeyType) PURE;
// Sets/gets data that controls how sort key comparisons are made.
// This method currently accepts only the following set of flags
// in grfSortFlags:
// In the future, additional information may be passed in through
// dwReserved.
STDMETHOD(SetControlInfo)(DWORD grfSortFlags, DWORD dwReserved) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetControlInfo)(DWORD *pgrfSortFlags, DWORD *pdwReserved) PURE;
// Will load external sort data, such as tables containing the relative
// sort order of specific characters for a textual key type, from the
// specified stream. The format of the data is entirely implementation
// specific, with the value passed in dwExtDataType providing a hint.
STDMETHOD(LoadExternalSortData)(IStream *pStream, DWORD dwExtDataType) PURE;
typedef IITSortKeyConfig *PIITSKYC;
#endif // __ITSORT_H__