Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998
// File: utility.cpp
// utility.cpp: utility computation
#include <basetsd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "utility.h"
#include "infer.h"
: MBNET_NODE_RANKER( inferEng.Model() ),
_inferEng( inferEng ),
_propMgr( inferEng.Model() ),
_iLblHypo = _propMgr.ILblToUser( ESTDLBL_hypo );
_iLblInfo = _propMgr.ILblToUser( ESTDLBL_info );
_iLblProblem = _propMgr.ILblToUser( ESTDLBL_problem );
// Collect all informational, problem defining and hypothesis nodes
// into a structure with additional working data.
void MBNET_ENTROPIC_UTILITY :: BuildWorkItems ()
ZSREF zsrPropTypeLabel = _propMgr.ZsrPropType( ESTDP_label );
MODEL::MODELENUM mdlenum( Model() );
_cHypo = 0;
_cInfo = 0;
GELEMLNK * pgelm;
// Collect all the nodes into a pointer array. Three node labels
// are collected: info and probdef nodes (considered as info)
// and hypo nodes (considered as hypo).
while ( pgelm = mdlenum.PlnkelNext() )
if ( pgelm->EType() != GOBJMBN::EBNO_NODE )
// We only support discrete nodes for now.
DynCastThrow( pgelm, uwDummy._pgndd );
// See if this is an expansion (created) node
if ( uwDummy._pgndd->BFlag( EIBF_Expansion ) )
continue; // not a user-identifiable artifact; skip it
// See if it has a label
PROPMBN * propLbl = uwDummy._pgndd->LtProp().PFind( zsrPropTypeLabel );
if ( ! propLbl )
continue; // no label; skip it
uwDummy._iLbl = propLbl->Real();
if ( uwDummy._iLbl == _iLblHypo )
if ( uwDummy._iLbl == _iLblInfo || uwDummy._iLbl == _iLblProblem )
continue; // not a label of interest
// Initialize the other member variables
uwDummy._rUtil = 0.0;
uwDummy._iClamp = -1;
// Put the item on the work queue
_dquwrk.push_back( uwDummy );
UTILWORK & uwHypo,
UTILWORK & uwInfo )
assert( uwHypo._iLbl == _iLblHypo );
assert( uwInfo._iLbl != _iLblHypo );
// Clamped nodes are irrelevant
if ( uwHypo._iClamp >= 0 || uwInfo._iClamp >= 0 )
return 0.0;
REAL rUtilOfInfoForHypo = 0.0;
int cState = uwInfo._pgndd->CState();
int cStateHypo = uwHypo._pgndd->CState();
MDVCPD mdvhi;
REAL rp_h0 = uwHypo._dd[0]; // Probability of hypo node being normal
for ( int istInfo = 0; istInfo < cState; istInfo++ )
// Get belief of hypo node given info state
_inferEng.EnterEvidence( uwInfo._pgndd, CLAMP( true, istInfo, true ) );
_inferEng.GetBelief( uwHypo._pgndd, mdvhi );
REAL rp_h0xj = mdvhi[0]; // p(h0|xj)
REAL rLogSum = 0.0;
for ( int istHypo = 1; istHypo < cStateHypo; istHypo++ )
REAL rp_hi = uwHypo._dd[istHypo];
REAL rp_hixj = mdvhi[istHypo];
rLogSum += fabs( log(rp_hixj) - log(rp_h0xj) - log(rp_hi) + log(rp_h0) );
rUtilOfInfoForHypo += rLogSum * uwInfo._dd[istInfo];
// Clear evidence against info node
_inferEng.EnterEvidence( uwInfo._pgndd, CLAMP() );
return rUtilOfInfoForHypo;
void MBNET_ENTROPIC_UTILITY :: ComputeWorkItems()
CLAMP clamp;
VPUTILWORK vpuw; // Remember pointers to hypo items
// Get unconditional beliefs of all relevant (unclamped) nodes
for ( DQUTILWORK::iterator itdq = _dquwrk.begin();
itdq != _dquwrk.end();
itdq++ )
UTILWORK & ut = *itdq;
ut._rUtil = 0.0;
ut._iClamp = -1;
// Remember the indicies of the hypo nodes
if ( ut._iLbl == _iLblHypo )
vpuw.push_back( & (*itdq) );
// Get the current evidence for the node
_inferEng.GetEvidence( ut._pgndd, clamp );
// If node is unclamped,
if ( ! clamp.BActive() )
// get unconditional probs, else
_inferEng.GetBelief( ut._pgndd, ut._dd );
// remember clamped state (serves as marker)
ut._iClamp = clamp.Ist();
for ( itdq = _dquwrk.begin();
itdq != _dquwrk.end();
itdq++ )
UTILWORK & utInfo = *itdq;
if ( utInfo._iLbl == _iLblHypo )
utInfo._rUtil = 0.0;
for ( int ih = 0; ih < vpuw.size(); ih++ )
utInfo._rUtil += RComputeHypoGivenInfo( *vpuw[ih], utInfo );
void MBNET_ENTROPIC_UTILITY :: operator () ()
// Clear any old results
if ( _cHypo == 0 || _cInfo == 0 )
return; // Nothing to do
// Compute all utilities
// Sort the work queue by utility
sort( _dquwrk.begin(), _dquwrk.end() );
// Pour the information into the output work areas
int iInfo = 0;
for ( DQUTILWORK::reverse_iterator ritdq = _dquwrk.rbegin();
ritdq != _dquwrk.rend();
ritdq++ )
UTILWORK & ut = *ritdq;
if ( ut._iLbl == _iLblHypo )
_vzsrNodes[iInfo] = ut._pgndd->ZsrefName();
_vlrValues[iInfo++] = ut._rUtil;
assert( iInfo == _cInfo );