Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

392 lines
13 KiB

// PURPOSE: Main header file for DLL
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-633-4743 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Roman Mach
// further work by Richard Meadows (RWM), Joe Mabel, Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-2-96
// 1. Based on Print Troubleshooter DLL
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
// V0.2 6/4/97 RWM Local Version for Memphis
// V0.3 3/24/98 JM/OK+ Local Version for NT5
//#define __DEBUG_HTTPQUERY_ 1
// !!! NOTE !!!
// Purpose of Single Thread Version: To allow noncaching of DLL to allow easy
// update of dll w/o dealing with shutting down server/starting it up.
// for belief networks
#define MAXBNCFG 1 // An allocation unit, not really relevant here in the Local Troubleshooter,
// because (unlike the Online Troubleshooter) this is _not_ a server which
// handles multiple troubleshooting networks simultaneously.
#define MAXBUF 256 * 2 // length of text buffers used for filenames and other purposes
// *2 is because we need a larger buffer for the MBCS strings.
#define STRBUFSIZE 258 // CString buffer size for calling BNTS functions.
#define CHOOSE_TS_PROBLEM_NODE _T("TShootProblem")
#define TRY_TS_AT_MICROSOFT_SZ _T("TShootGotoMicroSoft")
// Note: put no trailing slashes on this...
#define TSREGKEY_MAIN _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\TShoot")
#define TSREGKEY_TL _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\TShoot\\TroubleshooterList")
#define TSREGKEY_SFL _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\TShoot\\SupportFileList")
#define FULLRESOURCE_STR _T("FullPathToResource")
#define LOCALHOST_STR _T("LocalHost")
#define TS_REG_CLASS _T("Generic_Troubleshooter_DLL")
#define REG_EVT_PATH _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application")
#define REG_EVT_MF _T("EventMessageFile")
#define REG_EVT_TS _T("TypesSupported")
#define REGSZ_TSTYPES _T("TroubleShooterList")
#define FRIENDLY_NAME _T("FName")
#define FRIENDLY_PATH _T("Path")
// reg class (optional)
// value names under file type
#define TSLCL_FVERSION _T("Version")
#define TSLCL_FMAINEXT _T("FExtension")
// DSC file extensions.
#define DSC_COMPRESSED _T(".dsz")
#define DSC_UNCOMPRESSED _T(".dsc")
#define DSC_DEFAULT _T(".dsz")
#define CHM_DEFAULT _T(".chm")
#define HTI_DEFAULT _T(".hti")
// max search terms to send to index server
// maximum cache for belief networks
#define MAXCACHESIZE 200
#define evtype(e) ( 1 << (3 - ((e >> 30))))
//------------- Growable string object ---------------//
#define CSTRALLOCGRAN 4096
//------------- Log File ---------------
#define LOGFILEPREFACE _T("gt")
#define MAXLOGSIZE 1000
//------------- Generic Object list ---------------
// This really should have been a template class, but when it was first written that
// technology was not available. VOID *m_tlist should really be a pointer to the type
// specified in this use of the template.
class COBList {
COBList(UINT incsize);
DWORD GetStatus();
VOID *AddItemSpace(UINT itemsize); // caller must pass in token size in bytes,
// because this class doesn't know.
VOID *GetList();
UINT GetCount();
VOID IncrementCount();
UINT m_tokencount; // number of tokens actually used. Mostly managed from outside
// the class by calls to IncrementCount(). Grows monotonically.
UINT m_tokenlistsize; // number of "chunks" we've allocated to the list of tokens
UINT m_incsize; // size of a chunk (number of tokens)
VOID *m_tlist, // points to array of "tokens" (e.g. WORD_TOKEN). Type here really
// ought to be argument to a template.
*m_memerror; // after a memory reallocation failure, this takes on the old value
// of m_tlist so the caller, aware of what the underlying type is,
// can clean it up.
DWORD m_dwErr; // NOTE: once this is set nonzero, it can never be cleared, effectively
// disabling AddItemSpace.
//------------- Word List Manager ---------------
// Not currently used in Local TS. Commented-out code here from Online TS.
typedef struct _WORD_TOKEN {
TCHAR *token; // pointer to the keyword (or other) text
// >> what else besides keywords are typical uses?
UINT state; // >>> (a guess JM 10/24/97:)state number: small integer indicating
// state of a node. *token is the name of this state.
BOOL bDiscard; // >>> what does it mean to "discard" a token?
BOOL bKeyword; // keyword >>> vs. what?
class CWordList {
CWordList(BOOL bSorted, BOOL bAddDuplicates, BOOL bExceptCheck);
DWORD GetStatus();
VOID ReadWordsFromFile(TCHAR *filepath);
WORD_TOKEN *FindWord(TCHAR *token, UINT state, BOOL bDiscard);
WORD_TOKEN *FindWordContained(TCHAR *token, UINT *puStartOff);
BOOL AddWord(TCHAR *token, UINT state, BOOL bDiscard, BOOL bKeyword);
VOID ScanInString(CWordList *pWL, const TCHAR *txtptr, UINT state, BOOL bDiscard);
VOID ScanInKeywordString(CWordList *pWL, const TCHAR *txtptr, UINT state, BOOL bDiscard);
BOOL ProcessToken(CWordList *pWL, TCHAR *token, UINT state, BOOL bDiscard, BOOL bKeyword);
VOID SetOffset(UINT uOff, BOOL bSkipDiscard);
UINT GetOffset();
WORD_TOKEN *GetAtCurrOffset();
VOID IncCurrOffset(BOOL bSkipDiscard);
BOOL IsValidChar(int ch);
BOOL IsTokenChar(INT ch);
UINT CountNonDiscard();
VOID OrderContents(UINT uMaxCount);
VOID DumpContents(UINT nodeid);
void CleanStr(TCHAR *str);
VOID SkipDiscards();
// The text associated with an item (indexed by i) in the list is
// *((static_cast<WORD_TOKEN *>(m_list->m_tlist))[i].token)
// For simplicity, the following comments refer to that as "TOKEN"
COBList *m_list;
DWORD m_dwErr; // NOTE: once this is set nonzero, it can never be cleared.
UINT m_uOff; // an index into m_list->m_tlist. "Current Offset"
BOOL m_bSorted, // if true, m_list->m_tlist is sorted by alphabetical order on
m_bAddDuplicates, // TRUE ==> may have two or more identical TOKEN values.
m_bExceptCheck; // (>>> conjecture JM 10/28/97) do not allow words from
// ARTICLES.TXT in this list
//------------- Node-Word List Manager ---------------
// Not currently used in Local TS. Commented-out code here from Online TS.
typedef struct _WNODE_ELEM {
UINT nodeid;
CWordList *words; // a word-list associated with this node, >>>but just what is
// in this word list?
class CWNodeList {
DWORD GetStatus();
WNODE_ELEM *FindNode(UINT nodeid);
CWordList *AddNode(UINT nodeid);
UINT GetNodeCount();
WNODE_ELEM *GetNodeAt(UINT uOffset);
VOID DumpContents();
COBList *m_list;
DWORD m_dwErr; // NOTE: once this is set nonzero, it can never be cleared.
//------- cache classes ------------
typedef struct _BN_CACHE_ITEM {
UINT uNodeCount, // number of items in array pointed to by uName (& also uValue)
uRecCount; // number of items in array pointed to by uRec
UINT *uName; // array of Node IDs from a single belief network. Typically not all
// the nodes in the belief network, just the ones on which we
// have state data from the user.
UINT *uValue; // array of States. These are in 1-1 correspondence to *uName.
// uValue is a state # within the states of the corresponding node.
UINT *uRec; // array of Node IDs. Only the first one really matters because we will
// only give one recommendation at a time. This is effectively an
// output we give on a perfect match to the network state expressed
// by arrays *uName and *uValue.
class CBNCacheItem
CBNCacheItem(const BN_CACHE_ITEM *, CBNCacheItem*);
CBNCacheItem* m_pcitNext;
DWORD GetStatus();
DWORD m_dwErr; // NOTE: once this is set nonzero, it can never be cleared.
class CBNCache
BOOL AddCacheItem(const BN_CACHE_ITEM *);
BOOL FindCacheItem(const BN_CACHE_ITEM *pList, UINT& count, UINT Name[]);
UINT CountCacheItems() const;
DWORD GetStatus();
CBNCacheItem* m_pcit; // points to most recently used cache item, which is head
// of a singly linked list
DWORD m_dwErr; // NOTE: once this is set nonzero, it can never be cleared.
//------- index server search file -----------
// Not currently used in Local TS. Commented-out code here from Online TS.
class CSearchForm {
CSearchForm(TCHAR *filepath);
DWORD Initialize();
DWORD Reload();
TCHAR *GetEncodedSearchString();
TCHAR *GetHTMLSearchString();
static void ToURLString(TCHAR *ptr, TCHAR *tostr);
VOID Destroy();
DWORD HTMLFormToURLEncoded(TCHAR *szStr, CString *pCOutStr); // Note arg type is our CString, not MFC - JM 10/97
static DWORD DecodeInputAttrib(TCHAR *str, TCHAR **ptrtype, TCHAR **ptrname, TCHAR **ptrvalue);
CString // Note this is our CString, not MFC - 10/97
*m_pCOutStr, // URL encoded string derived from contents of BES file indicated by
// m_filepath, and sufficient to reconstruct that BES file
*m_pCFormStr; // Raw copy of entire contents of BES file indicated by m_filepath
TCHAR m_filepath[MAXBUF]; // fully qualified filename of a BES file
BOOL m_bIsAND; // Normally TRUE. Set FALSE if we encounter " OR" in the search string
//------- property types -----------
// Node Properties ---------------------------------------
#define H_ST_NORM_TXT_STR _T("HStNormTxt") // text for radio button for "normal" state
// (state 0)
#define H_ST_AB_TXT_STR _T("HStAbTxt") // text for radio button for "abnormal" state
// (state 1)
#define H_ST_UKN_TXT_STR _T("HStUknTxt") // text for radio button for "no state" (e.g.
// "I don't want to answer this right now"
// (pseudo state 102)
#define H_NODE_HD_STR _T("HNodeHd") // Header text for this node
#define H_NODE_TXT_STR _T("HNodeTxt") // Body text for this node
#define H_NODE_DCT_STR _T("HNodeDct") // Special text to indicate that this node
// was sniffed as being in an abnormal
// state. Only relevant for a fixable node
// that can be sniffed.
#define H_PROB_TXT_STR _T("HProbTxt") // Only relevant to problem nodes. Problem
// text (e.g. "Gazonk is broken.")
#define H_PROB_SPECIAL_STR _T("HProbSpecial") // If this contains the string "hide", then
// this problem is never actually shown on a
// problem page
// Network Properties -------------------------------------
#define H_PROB_HD_STR _T("HProbHd") // Header text for problem page
#define HTK_BACK_BTN _T("HTKBackBtn") // Text for "BACK" button
#define HTK_NEXT_BTN _T("HTKNextBtn") // Text for "NEXT" button
#define HTK_START_BTN _T("HTKStartBtn") // Text for "START OVER" button
#define HX_SER_HD_STR _T("HXSERHd") // Header text for server page
#define HX_SER_TXT_STR _T("HXSERTxt") // Body text for server page
#define HX_SER_MS_STR _T("HXSERMs") // NOT CURRENTLY USED 3/98. For service page,
// offers option of downloading a TS from
// Microsoft's site.
#define HX_SKIP_HD_STR _T("HXSKIPHd") // Header for "skip" page (e.g. "This
// troubleshooter was unable to solve your
// problem.")
#define HX_SKIP_TXT_STR _T("HXSKIPTxt") // Text for "skip" page (e.g."Some questions
// were skipped. Try providing answers..."
#define HX_SKIP_MS_STR _T("HXSKIPMs") // NOT CURRENTLY USED 3/98. For skip page,
// offers option of downloading a TS from
// Microsoft's site.
#define HX_SKIP_SK_STR _T("HXSKIPSk") // for "skip" page (e.g. "I want to see the
// questions that I skipped.")
#define HX_IMP_HD_STR _T("HXIMPHd") // Header text for "impossible" page
#define HX_IMP_TXT_STR _T("HXIMPTxt") // Body text for "impossible" page
#define HX_FAIL_HD_STR _T("HXFAILHd") // Header text for "fail" page
#define HX_FAIL_TXT_STR _T("HXFAILTxt") // Body text for "fail" page
#define HX_BYE_HD_STR _T("HXBYEHd") // Header text for "Bye" (success) page
#define HX_BYE_TXT_STR _T("HXBYETxt") // Body text for "Bye" (success) page
#define HX_SNIFF_AOK_HD_STR _T("HXSnOkHd") // Header text for "Sniff AOK" page (page
// you hit when there is nothing at all to
// recommend for a problem because sniffing
// says every single node on the path is OK)
// If missing, "fail" page header should be
// used
#define HX_SNIFF_AOK_TXT_STR _T("HXSnOkTxt") // Body text for "Sniff AOK" page
// If missing, "fail" page body should be
// used
//------------- Event Handling ---------------
// event name (goes under application)
// event prototypes
VOID ReportWFEvent(LPTSTR string1,LPTSTR string2,LPTSTR string3,LPTSTR string4,DWORD eventID);