Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

255 lines
10 KiB

// PURPOSE: Inference support header
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Roman Mach, Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-2-96
// 1. Based on Print Troubleshooter DLL
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
// V3.0 7-21-98 JM Major revision, deprecate IDH in favor of NID, use STL.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "propnames.h"
#include "topic.h"
using namespace std;
#define MAXBUF 256 // length of text buffers used for filenames,
// IP adresses (this is plenty big), HTTP response ( like
// "200 OK", again, plenty big), registry keys,
// and occasionally just to format an arbitrary string.
// Default Values for localizable text
#define SZ_UNKNOWN _T("Unknown")
#define SZ_NEXT_BTN _T("Next")
#define SZ_START_BTN _T("StartOver")
#define SZ_BACK_BTN _T("Back")
#define SZ_PP_SNIF_BTN _T("Investigate")
//#define SZ_I_NO_RESULT_PAGE _T("<HR>Not Enough Information was available to provide a useful result\n <BR>It is also possible that the information you provided is not correct, please check your entries\n <BR>Please amend your choices\n <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Continue\"><BR>")
#define SZ_I_NO_RESULT_PAGE _T("<HR>This troubleshooter can't diagnose the cause of your problem based on the information you have provided.\n <BR>Either start the troubleshooter over, change your answers in the table and continue, or search for other resources.\n <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Continue\"><BR>")
#define SZ_ALLOW_SNIFFING_TEXT _T("I want the troubleshooter to investigate settings on this computer")
#define SZ_SNIFF_ONE_NODE _T("Investigate")
#define SZ_SNIFF_FAILED _T("The troubleshooter was unable to investigate the necessary settings. Follow the remaining instructions on this page to complete the task manually.")
// Text forms of some special state values
#define SZ_ST_FAILED _T("0") // "failed" on fixable node is considered normal
// 101 - Go to "Bye" Page (User succeeded)
#define SZ_ST_WORKED _T("101")
// 102 - Unknown (user doesn't know the correct answer here - applies to Fixable/Unfixable and
// Info nodes only)
#define SZ_ST_UNKNOWN _T("102")
// 103 - "Anything Else?" (effectively, "retry a skiped node?"
#define SZ_ST_ANY _T("103")
class CSniffConnector;
class CSniff;
class CInfer
// This class is an instrument to restore m_arrInitial - like order of
// elements in array, passed to its "Restore" function
class CArrayOrderRestorer
vector<NID> m_arrInitial;
CArrayOrderRestorer(const vector<NID>& initial) : m_arrInitial(initial) {}
bool Restore(long base_length, vector<NID>& arr_to_restore);
CInfer(CSniffConnector* pSniffConnector);
int INode(LPCTSTR sz) {return m_pTopic->INode(sz);};
void SetTopic(CTopic *pTopic);
void SetNodeState(NID nid, IST ist);
void AddToSniffed(NID nid, IST ist);
void IdentifyPresumptiveCause();
void FillInHTMLFragments(CHTMLFragmentsTS &frag);
bool AppendBESRedirection(CString & str);
NID NIDFromIDH(IDH idh) const;
NID NIDSelected() const;
CSniff* GetSniff();
void SetLastSniffedManually(bool);
enum ActionButtons {
k_BtnNext = 0x01,
k_BtnBack = 0x02,
k_BtnStartOver = 0x04,
k_BtnPPSniffing = 0x08, // Problem Page sniff button for expensive sniffing
// of multiple nodes
k_BtnManualSniffing = 0x10, // for manual sniffing of a single node
typedef UINT ActionButtonSet; // should be an OR of 0 or more ActionButtons
bool IsProblemNode(NID nid) const;
void AddToBasisForInference(NID nid, IST ist);
void GetRecommendations();
void RecycleSkippedNode();
bool AllCauseNodesNormal();
bool IsInSniffedArray(NID nid) const;
bool IsPresumptiveCause(NID nid) const;
void CreateUnknownButtonText(CString & strUnknown) const;
void AppendNextButtonText(CString & str) const;
void AppendBackButtonText(CString & str) const;
void AppendPPSnifferButtonText(CString & str) const;
void AppendStartOverButtonText(CString & str) const;
void AppendManualSniffButtonText(CString & str) const;
void AppendHistTableSniffedText(CString & str) const;
void AppendAllowSniffingText(CString & str) const;
void AppendSniffFailedText(CString & str) const;
void AppendActionButtons(CString & str, ActionButtonSet btns, NID nid = -1) const;
void AppendNextButton(CString & str) const;
void AppendStartOverButton(CString & str) const;
void AppendBackButton(CString & str) const;
void AppendPPSnifferButton(CString & str) const;
void AppendManualSniffButton(CString & str, NID nid) const;
void AppendMultilineNetProp(CString & str, LPCTSTR szPropName, LPCTSTR szFormat);
void AppendMultilineNodeProp(CString & str, NID nid, LPCTSTR szPropName, LPCTSTR szFormat);
void AppendCurrentRadioButtons(NID nid, CString & str);
static void AppendRadioButtonCurrentNode(
CString &str, LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szValue, LPCTSTR szLabel, bool bChecked =false);
void AppendRadioButtonVisited(CString &str, NID nid, UINT value, bool bSet,
LPCTSTR szLabel, bool bShowHistory) const;
void CreateProblemVisitedText(CString & str, NID nidProblem, bool bShowHistory);
bool AppendVisitedNodeText(CString & str, NID nid, bool bShowHistory) const;
void AppendStateText(CString & str, NID nid, UINT state, bool bSet, bool bSkipped,
bool bShowHistory, int nStateSet);
void AppendHiddenFieldSniffed(CString &str, NID nid) const;
void AddAllowAutomaticSniffingHiddenField(CString &str) const;
void AppendCurrentNodeText(CString & str);
void AppendByeMsg(CString & str);
void AppendFailMsg(CString & str);
void AppendServiceMsg(CString & str);
void AppendNIDPage(NID nid, CString & str);
void AppendImpossiblePage(CString & str);
void AppendSniffAllCausesNormalPage(CString & str);
void AppendProblemPage(CString & str);
void AppendProblemNodes(CString & str);
void AppendLinkAsButton(
CString & str,
const CString & strTarget,
const CString & strLabel) const;
// JSM V3.2 wrapper for AppendMultilineNetProp() used by FillInHTMLFragments()
CString ConvertNetProp(const CString &strNetPropName);
bool ShowFullBES();
bool TimeForBES();
void OutputBackend(CString & str);
static bool HideState(LPCTSTR szStateName);
bool SymbolicFromNID(CString & str, NID nid) const;
static bool IsCause (ESTDLBL lbl);
bool IsSkipped(NID nid) const;
bool ManuallySniffedNodeExists() const;
bool IsManuallySniffedNode(NID nid) const;
CTopic *m_pTopic; // associated belief network
CSniff *m_pSniff; // associated sniffing object
// History, extracted from the query from the user.
// All this is known _before_ we seek a recommendation.
CBasisForInference m_BasisForInference; // tie together nodes & their states; excludes
// skipped nodes
CBasisForInference m_SniffedStates; // tie together successfully sniffed nodes & their states
vector<NID> m_arrnidSkipped; // nodes for which the user has been unable to give
// a yes or no answer (or, in the case of multistate,
// any useful answer at all).
vector<NID> m_arrnidVisited; // node numbers of recommendations the user has visited
// This includes skipped nodes, but excludes the selected problem
// and excludes pseudo-nodes like the FAIL node.
NID m_nidProblem; // problem node indicated by user request.
// set to nidNil if no problem node yet specified.
bool m_bDone; // TRUE ==> we got back state ST_WORKED (better be
// for the last node in the list!) so it's time to
// show the BYE page
CString m_strStartOverLink; // For Online TS, URL of Problem page
// Recommendations
CRecommendations m_Recommendations; // new recommendations. We only care about the
// first recommendation not already offered and skipped.
bool m_bRecOK; // true ==> m_Recommendations is valid. (Can be valid and
// empty if nothing to recommend).
CNodeStatePair m_SniffedRecommendation; // if a recommendation from a sniffer overrides normal;
// method of getting a recommendation, here's where we store it.
// Otherwise, nidNil.
// Because this is always a Cause node in its abnormal state,
// it is actually redundant (but harmless) to track state as
// well as node ID.
// Back End Search
bool m_bUseBackEndRedirection;// Set true when user asks for Back End Search
CString m_strEncodedForm; // URL-encoded search form (like the contents of a Get-method
// query). This is built as a side effect when we construct
// the full BES page.
// Variables related to re-offering a previously skipped node
bool m_bRecycleSkippedNode; // Set TRUE if user (responding to service node) wants
// to revisit a previously skipped node. May be set false
// if we discover there is no such node to revisit.
NID m_nidRecycled; // Node to use if m_bRecycleSkippedNode is TRUE
bool m_bRecyclingInitialized;// Protects against multiple calls to RecycleSkippedNode()
// ------------- Misc -------------
NID m_nidSelected; // once we work out what node to show the user, we keep this
// around for logging.
bool m_bLastSniffedManually; // identifies that last node was sniffed manually
#endif // !defined(APGTSINF_H_INCLUDED)