Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// This class will implement
class CICWApp
// Data
HWND m_hWndApp; // Window Handle of the Application
HACCEL m_haccel;
TCHAR m_szAppTitle[MAX_TITLE];
COLORREF m_clrBusyBkGnd;
CICWButton m_BtnBack;
CICWButton m_BtnNext;
CICWButton m_BtnCancel;
CICWButton m_BtnFinish;
CICWButton m_BtnTutorial;
CICWApp( void );
~CICWApp( void );
HRESULT Initialize( void );
UINT uMessage,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
void SetWizButtons(HWND hDlg, LPARAM lParam);
HRESULT SetBackgroundBitmap(LPTSTR szBkgrndBmp);
HRESULT SetFirstPageBackgroundBitmap(LPTSTR szBkgrndBmp);
HRESULT SetTitleParams(int iTitleTop,
int iTitleLeft,
LPTSTR lpszFontFace,
long lFontPts,
long lFontWeight,
COLORREF clrFont);
int GetButtonAreaHeight();
// Use Default wizard page placement
HRESULT SetWizardWindowTop(int iTop);
HRESULT SetWizardWindowLeft(int iLeft);
// Fuctions
BOOL InitWizAppWindow(HWND hWnd);
BOOL InitAppButtons(HWND hWnd);
BOOL InitAppHTMLWindows(HWND hWnd);
BOOL CreateWizardPages(HWND hWnd);
BOOL CycleButtonFocus(BOOL bForward);
BOOL CheckButtonFocus( void );
void DisplayHTML( void );
void CenterWindow( void );
// Data
HWND m_hwndHTML;
HWND m_hwndTitle;
HFONT m_hTitleFont;
COLORREF m_clrTitleFont;
int m_iWizardTop; // Top left corner of where the
int m_iWizardLeft; // wizard dialogs will be placed
RECT m_rcClient; // Client area of the Application
RECT m_rcHTML; // Size of the OEM HTML area (first page)
RECT m_rcTitle;
int m_iBtnBorderHeight; // Total border above and below the wizard
// buttons
int m_iBtnAreaHeight; // Overall button area height
BOOL m_bOnHTMLIntro;
HWND m_hWndFirstWizardPage;
HBITMAP m_hbmFirstPageBkgrnd;
WORD m_wMinWizardHeight;
WORD m_wMinWizardWidth;