Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

462 lines
13 KiB

#include <iostream.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "array.hxx"
extern bool g_fWriteToStdOut;
CompareBuffer(char* pBuff1, char* pBuff2, unsigned long nLen)
for ( unsigned long i=0; i<nLen; i++ )
if (pBuff1[i] != pBuff2[i])
return false;
return true;
CompareBufferNoCase( char* pBuff1, char* pBuff2, unsigned long nLen)
// or ing with 0x20 always gives the lower case for ASCII characters.
// this way we can compare case insensitive.
for ( unsigned long i=0; i<nLen; i++ )
if ( (pBuff1[i]|0x20) != (pBuff2[i]|0x20) )
return false;
return true;
WriteLine(HANDLE file, char* pBuff, int nLen)
DWORD dwSize;
char szBuff[2] = {0x0d, 0x0a};
if (-1 == nLen)
nLen = lstrlen( pBuff );
WriteFile(file, pBuff, nLen, &dwSize, NULL);
WriteFile(file, &szBuff, 2, &dwSize, NULL);
unsigned long
FindEndOfLine( char* pBuff )
char* pWalk = pBuff;
while ( *pWalk != 0x0d )
return ((unsigned long)(pWalk-pBuff));
GetLine(HANDLE file, char** ppTarget)
char* pchBuff;
unsigned long ulBuffIdx;
unsigned long ulBuffSize = SZ;
// Read variables
DWORD dwRead=0;
BOOL bRes;
//allocate the initial buffer
pchBuff = new char[ulBuffSize];
//if we are currently positioned at wherever the previous
//operation left us, skip the carriage returns and
//get to the real data.
pchBuff[0] = 0x0d;
while (( pchBuff[0] == 0x0d ) || ( pchBuff[0] == 0x0a ))
bRes = ReadFile( (HANDLE)file, pchBuff, 1, &dwRead, NULL);
if ( !bRes || !dwRead )
return false;
//get the buffer until you reach the terminating character.
//the first character of the buffer is filled. ulBuffIdx always points
//to the char. to be read.
ulBuffIdx = 1;
BOOL fContinue = true;
while( fContinue )
bRes = ReadFile( (HANDLE)file, &pchBuff[ulBuffIdx], 1, &dwRead, NULL);
if ( !bRes || !dwRead )
return false;
//was this the terminating character?
if ( pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] == 0x0A )
fContinue = false;
ulBuffIdx++; //always point to the character to be read.
//did we reach the end of the buffer? If so, enlarge buffer
if ( 0 == (ulBuffIdx % SZ) )
//allocate new memory chunk
char* pTmp = new char[ulBuffSize+SZ];
//copy data
memcpy( pTmp, pchBuff, ulBuffSize);
//release old memory
delete [] pchBuff;
//make the new chunk the current one
pchBuff = pTmp;
ulBuffSize += SZ;
pchBuff[ulBuffIdx-2] = 0;
//if there is a receiving pointer and it is
//initialized to NULL properly
if ((ppTarget) && (*ppTarget==NULL))
*ppTarget = pchBuff;
//since there are no valid receivers of the buffer,
//we can delete it.
delete [] pchBuff;
return true;
// Function : GetBlockType
// Description : Get a block of memory that is the first line
// of a block, and determine the block type, by
// checking the first characters on the line
// Parameters :
// char* : pointer to the buf. that contains the line
// Returns : Returns the type of the block ( enumeration BLOCK_TYPE)
GetBlockType( char* pchData, char* pchTerm )
assert( pchData );
assert( pchTerm );
switch (*pchData)
case 'd':
*pchTerm = '}'; //end of block
case 'i':
*pchTerm = '}'; //end of block
case 'c':
*pchTerm = '}'; //end of block
case 't':
*pchTerm = ';'; //end of type definition
case '[':
*pchTerm = ']'; //end of attribute
return BLK_ATTR;
*pchTerm = 0x0a; //end of line
return BLK_NONE;
GetBlock(HANDLE file, INDEX* pIdx, char** ppTarget = NULL, unsigned long* pulBlockBase = NULL )
char * pchBuff; //buffer
unsigned long ulBuffIdx; //walking pointer
unsigned long ulBuffBase; //end of the last memory chunk.
unsigned long ulBlockBase; //beginning of the actual block,
//after the funny characters are skipped
unsigned long ulBuffSize = SZ+1; // the extra character is for the NULL termination.
unsigned long ulLines = 0;
BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
//read variables
DWORD dwRead=0;
BOOL bRes;
char chTerm;
if ( ppTarget )
*ppTarget = NULL; //reset the pointer to be returned.
//allocate the initial buffer
pchBuff = new char[ulBuffSize];
ulBuffBase = ulBuffIdx = ulBlockBase = 0;
//we are currently positioned at wherever the previous
//operation left us. learn where we are and start to read.
pIdx->ulStartPos = SetFilePointer( (HANDLE)file, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
while( fContinue )
//read a block from the file.
bRes = ReadFile( (HANDLE)file, &pchBuff[ulBuffIdx], SZ, &dwRead, NULL);
//if there was a failure or we had reached the end of the file.
if ( !bRes || !dwRead )
return false;
//skip the possible 0d 0a sequences at the beginning and process the rest of
//the message.
if ( ulBuffIdx== 0 )
while((pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] == 0x0D ) ||
( pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] == 0x0A ) ||
( pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] == 0x20 ))
ulBuffIdx++; //read position in the buffer
ulBlockBase++; //increment the buffer base position.
pIdx->ulStartPos++; //start position in the file.
//if we reached the end of file by doing this, return. There is nothing left.
if (dwRead==ulBuffIdx)
return false;
//now we are pointing to the actual data, learn the terminating
//character and terminate this loop.
pIdx->blockType = GetBlockType(&pchBuff[ulBuffIdx], &chTerm);
//walk until you reach the terminating character or the end of the read buffer
while ((ulBuffIdx<(ulBuffBase+dwRead)) && (pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] != chTerm))
//check for the 0x0A to determine the number of lines
//the linefeed after the chTerm is found is taken care of
//in the spin routine for the empty lines.
if (pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] == 0x0A )
//did we reach the end of the buffer or found the chTerm character
if (ulBuffIdx == ulBuffSize - 1)
char* pTmp = new char[ulBuffSize+SZ]; //allocate new memory chunk
memcpy( pTmp, pchBuff, ulBuffSize); //copy data
delete [] pchBuff; //release old memory
pchBuff = pTmp; //make the new chunk the current one
ulBuffSize += SZ; //adjust the buffer size
ulBuffBase = ulBuffIdx; //reset the base to the current limit
//we found the terminating character.
ulBuffIdx++; //always point to the character to be read next.
// Subtract the block base, If there were 0d0a pairs, we incremented both
// ulStartPos and ulBuffIdx, and doubled the effect of the skipping these
// characters. Compensation is provided by -ulBlockBase ...
pIdx->ulEndPos = pIdx->ulStartPos + ulBuffIdx - ulBlockBase;
// If the terminating character was a line break, we don't want it to go
// into the record as a part of this line
if ( chTerm == 0x0a )
pIdx->ulEndPos -= 2;
ulBuffIdx -= 2;
// Reset the pointer to the end of this block.
SetFilePointer( (HANDLE)file, pIdx->ulEndPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
// Terminate the buffer, since the index always shows the next
// position available, subtract 1 from the index.
pchBuff[ulBuffIdx] = 0;
// If there is a receiving pointer and it is
// initialized to NULL properly
if ((ppTarget) && (*ppTarget==NULL) && (pulBlockBase))
*ppTarget = pchBuff;
*pulBlockBase = ulBlockBase;
// Since there are no valid receivers of the buffer,
// we can delete it.
delete [] pchBuff;
return true;
// Compare two attribute blocks. Attribute blocks are placed before interface descriptions
// and coclass descriptions.
// dual --> breaker for both coclass and interface if added/removed
// uuid(...) --> breaker for interfaces of all kinds if the contents of the uuid is changed
// Return Value:
// The return value from this function 0 if there are no differences between these two blocks
// otherwise an error code is returned.
CompareAttributeBlock( char * pRefBuf,
CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>* pRefList,
char * pCurBuf,
CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>* pCurList)
char szDual[] = {"dual"};
char szUuid[] = {"uuid"};
char * pszAttr;
ATTRINFO attrCur, attrRef;
int i, j, k;
long lErr;
// For all of the attributes that are in the reference list, if the attribute is one of
// the attributes that we care about, we will make sure that the current list contains
// the same attribute.
for ( i=0; i < pRefList->Size(); i++ )
pRefList->GetAt(i, &attrRef);
if (attrRef.ulAttrLength == 4)
pszAttr = szDual;
else if (attrRef.ulAttrLength == 42)
pszAttr = szUuid;
// is this attribute one of those that we want to check for?
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
if( pszAttr[j] != pRefBuf[attrRef.ulAttrStart+j])
// We don't want to compare this attribute.
if (j != 4)
// we care about this attribute. It MUST be in the current attribute block
for (k=0; k < pCurList->Size(); k++)
pCurList->GetAt(k, &attrCur);
if ((!attrCur.fUsed) &&
(0 == memcmp( pRefBuf+attrRef.ulAttrStart,
// if the attribute is found, then mark the current list so we skip
// over this one next time.
attrCur.fUsed = true;
pCurList->Set(k, attrCur);
// shortcut...
// if we did not find the same attribute, return the error code that is in lErr
if (k == pCurList->Size())
return lErr;
// check for things that are added to the current list,
// but don't exist in the reference list. If something we check for is added, this is a breaker.
for ( i=0; i < pCurList->Size(); i++)
pCurList->GetAt(i, &attrCur);
if (!attrCur.fUsed)
// only check for "dual" here.
pszAttr = szDual;
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
if( pszAttr[j] != pCurBuf[attrCur.ulAttrStart+j])
if (j==4)
return 0;
TokenizeAttributes( char* pBuf, unsigned long nCnt, CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>* pList )
unsigned long i,j;
ATTRINFO attrInfo;
attrInfo.ulAttrStart = 0;
// the first attribute is always at 0
for ( i=0, j=0; i<= nCnt; i++, j++ )
if ( ( pBuf[i] == ',' ) || (i==nCnt) )
attrInfo.ulAttrLength = i- attrInfo.ulAttrStart;
attrInfo.fUsed = false;
pList->Append( attrInfo );
i += 2;
attrInfo.ulAttrStart = i;