Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
796 B

@if "%echo%"=="" echo off
if "%1"=="all" goto :doall
set _tooldir=%2
if not "%_tooldir%"=="" goto :checktooldir
if "%processor_architecture%"=="x86" set _tooldir=i386
if "%processor_architecture%"=="X86" set _tooldir=i386
if "%processor_architecture%"=="IA64" set _tooldir=ia64
if "%_tooldir%"=="i386" goto :step2
if "%_tooldir%"=="ia64" goto :step2
goto :usage
if "%1"=="pdlparse" goto :step3
if "%1"=="nfparse" goto :step3
if "%1"=="ascparse" goto :step3
goto :usage
cd %1
build -cZ
cd ..
sd edit bin\%_tooldir%\%1.exe
copy %1\obj\%_tooldir%\%1.exe bin\%_tooldir%\%1.exe
goto :done
echo usage: update [all^|pdlparse^|ascparse^|nfparse] {i386^|a64}
goto :done
call update pdlparse %2
call update ascparse %2
call update nfparse %2