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#ifndef HANDLER_H
#define HANDLER_H
interface IScriptletHandlerConstructor;
interface IScriptletHandler;
Scriptlet Interface Handlers
This is a preliminary draft. Changes may need to be made based on
review feedback, support needed for client side security, and support
for MTS scalability.
The primary responsibility of a scriptlet interface handler is to
aggregate a set of COM interfaces with the scriptlet base runtime
and translate calls made on those COM interfaces into calls to the
script name space.
Interface handlers are created using a constructor object. The
constructor object takes on the role similar to that of class
objects in most other languages. It is intialized with the XML
data nested in the implements element and then can be used for:
1. Execution - creating handler objects for scriptlet instances
2. Registration - performing handler specific registration for an object
3. Type library generation - generating a typelibrary for use with MTS
typedef WORD PK;
#define pkELEMENT 0
#define pkATTRIBUTE 1
#define pkTEXT 2
#define pkCOMMENT 3
#define pkPI 4
#define pkXMLDECL 5
#define pkVALUE 6
#define fcompileIsXML 0x0001
#define fcompileValidate 0x0002
#define fcompileAllowDebug 0x8000
struct PNODE
PK pk;
ULONG line;
ULONG column;
ULONG cchToken;
LPCOLESTR pstrToken;
PNODE *pnodeNext;
PNODE *pnodeAttr;
PNODE *pnodeData;
void *pvLim; // Used to calc amount of memory to allocate
} element;
PNODE *pnodeAttr;
void *pvLim;
} xmldecl;
PNODE *pnodeValue;
void *pvLim; // Used to calc amount of memory to allocate
} attribute, pi;
void *pvLim; // Used to calc amount of memory to allocate
} text, comment, value;
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IScriptletHandlerConstructor, 0xa3d52a50, 0xb7ff, 0x11d1, 0xa3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x60, 0x8, 0xc3, 0xfb, 0xfc);
interface IScriptletHandlerConstructor : public IUnknown
STDMETHOD(Load)(WORD wFlags, PNODE *pnode) PURE;
STDMETHOD(Create)(IUnknown *punkContext, IUnknown *punkOuter,
IUnknown **ppunkHandler) PURE;
STDMETHOD(Register)(LPCOLESTR pstrPath, REFCLSID rclisid,
STDMETHOD(Unregister)(REFCLSID rclsid, LPCOLESTR pstrProgId) PURE;
STDMETHOD(AddInterfaceTypeInfo)(ICreateTypeLib *ptclib,
ICreateTypeInfo *pctiCoclass, UINT *puiImplIndex) PURE;
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IScriptletHandler, 0xa001a870, 0xa7df, 0x11d1, 0x89, 0xbe, 0x0, 0x60, 0x8, 0xc3, 0xfb, 0xfc);
interface IScriptletHandler : public IUnknown
STDMETHOD(GetNameSpaceObject)(IUnknown **ppunk) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetScriptNameSpace)(IUnknown *punkNameSpace) PURE;
#define IScriptletHandlerConstructorNew IScriptletHandlerConstructor
#define IID_IScriptletHandlerConstructorNew IID_IScriptletHandlerConstructorNew
Scriptlet XML Object Model Interfaces
In an ideal world, we would be using a standard IPersistXML interface
with a standardized XML DOM to load interface handlers from the XML
data stream. Unfortunately, these interface definitions will not be ready
in time for our ship date. As a result, we define our own private
intefaces which we will use until the official stuff becomes available.
These interfaces are designed to provide the minimal set of methods
needed to implement persistence support for scriptlet interface handlers.
Matching the proposed XML interfaces was a consideration, but not an
overwhelming factor. The main constraint in this design is the time
required to implement.
The return values of the methods name and data depend on the node
type. Here's a table that describes the return values for each of the
types. NOTHING is signalled by the method returning S_FALSE and setting
the bstr pointer to NULL.
Type name method data method
==== =========== ===========
ATTRIBUTE Attribute name NOTHING or attribute value if exists
TEXT NOTHING Characters in text
COMMENT NOTHING Characters in comment
PI Processing instruction Data for the PI.
The getFirstChild and getAttributes methods are only valid for
nodes of type ELEMENT. The nodes returned by getFirstAttribute will
always be of type ScriptletXML_ATTRIBUTE.
The getNext method gets the next sibling. The grfxml parameter allows
you to filter out the types of nodes you're interested in. The flag
fxmlText will only return only those text sequences that are not
all white space. Passing in fxmlAllText will get all text nodes.
interface IScriptletXML;
typedef enum
} ScriptletXMLNodeType;
#define fxmlElement (1<<ScriptletXML_ELEMENT)
#define fxmlAttribute (1<<ScriptletXML_ATTRIBUTE)
#define fxmlText (1<<ScriptletXML_TEXT)
#define fxmlComment (1<<ScriptletXML_COMMENT)
#define fxmlPI (1<<ScriptletXML_PI)
#define fxmlXMLDecl (1<<ScriptletXML_XMLDECL)
#define fxmlHasText 0x0100
#define kgrfxmlNormal (fxmlElement|fxmlHasText)
#define kgrfxmlAll (fxmlElement|fxmlAttribute|fxmlText|fxmlComment| \
#define fattrFailOnUnknown 0x0001
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IScriptletXML, 0xddd30cc0, 0xa3fe, 0x11d1, 0xb3, 0x82, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x11, 0xe8, 0xb2);
interface IScriptletXML : public IUnknown
STDMETHOD(getNodeType)(long *ptype) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getPosition)(ULONG *pline, ULONG *pcolumn) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getName)(BSTR *pbstrName) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getData)(BSTR *pbstrValue) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getNext)(WORD grfxmlFilter, IScriptletXML **ppxml) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getFirstChild)(WORD grfxmlFilter, IScriptletXML **ppxml) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getFirstAttribute)(IScriptletXML **ppxml) PURE;
STDMETHOD(getAttributes)(WORD grfattr, long cattr,
LPCOLESTR *prgpstrAttributes, BSTR *prgbstrValues) PURE;
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IScriptletHandlerConstructorOld, 0x67463cd0, 0xb371, 0x11d1, 0x89, 0xca, 0x0, 0x60, 0x8, 0xc3, 0xfb, 0xfc);
interface IScriptletHandlerConstructorOld : public IUnknown
STDMETHOD(Load)(WORD wFlags, IScriptletXML *pxmlElement) PURE;
STDMETHOD(Create)(IUnknown *punkContext, IUnknown *punkOuter,
IUnknown **ppunkHandler) PURE;
STDMETHOD(Register)(LPCOLESTR pstrPath, REFCLSID rclisid,
STDMETHOD(Unregister)(REFCLSID rclsid, LPCOLESTR pstrProgId) PURE;
STDMETHOD(AddInterfaceTypeInfo)(ICreateTypeLib *ptclib,
ICreateTypeInfo *pctiCoclass, UINT *puiImplIndex) PURE;
#endif // HANDLER_H