Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#include <comutil.h>
// ComPtr template class (smart pointer for a simple COM class which supports
// no interfaces but IUnknown.
#pragma warning(disable: 4290)
// taken from _com_ptr_t definition in COMIP.h
template<class CLS> class ComPtr
// Default constructor.
ComPtr() throw()
: m_pInterface(NULL) {}
// This constructor is provided to allow NULL assignment. It will issue
// an error if any value other than null is assigned to the object.
ComPtr(int null) throw(_com_error)
: m_pInterface(NULL)
if (null != 0) {
// Copy the pointer and AddRef().
ComPtr(const ComPtr& cp) throw()
: m_pInterface(cp.m_pInterface)
{ _AddRef(); }
// Saves the interface.
ComPtr(CLS* pInterface) throw()
: m_pInterface(pInterface)
{ _AddRef(); }
// Saves the interface.
ComPtr& operator=(CLS* pInterface) throw()
if (m_pInterface != pInterface) {
CLS* pOldInterface = m_pInterface;
m_pInterface = pInterface;
if (pOldInterface != NULL) {
return *this;
// Copies and AddRef()'s the interface.
ComPtr& operator=(const ComPtr& cp) throw()
{ return operator=(cp.m_pInterface); }
// This operator is provided to permit the assignment of NULL to the class.
// It will issue an error if any value other than NULL is assigned to it.
ComPtr& operator=(int null) throw(_com_error)
if (null != 0) {
return operator=(reinterpret_cast<CLS*>(NULL));
// If we still have an interface then Release() it. The interface
// may be NULL if Detach() has previously been called, or if it was
// never set.
~ComPtr() throw()
{ _Release(); }
// Return the class ptr. This value may be NULL.
operator CLS*() const throw()
{ return m_pInterface; }
// Queries for the unknown and returns it
// Provides minimal level error checking before use.
operator CLS&() const throw(_com_error)
if (m_pInterface == NULL) {
return *m_pInterface;
// Returns the address of the interface pointer contained in this
// class. This is useful when using the COM/OLE interfaces to create
// this interface.
CLS** operator&() throw()
m_pInterface = NULL;
return &m_pInterface;
// Allows this class to be used as the interface itself.
// Also provides simple error checking.
CLS* operator->() const throw(_com_error)
if (m_pInterface == NULL) {
return m_pInterface;
// This operator is provided so that simple boolean expressions will
// work. For example: "if (p) ...".
// Returns TRUE if the pointer is not NULL.
operator bool() const throw()
{ return m_pInterface != NULL; }
// Compare with other class ptr
bool operator==(CLS* p) throw(_com_error)
{ return (m_pInterface == p); }
// Compares 2 ComPtr's
bool operator==(ComPtr& p) throw()
{ return operator==(p.m_pInterface); }
// For comparison to NULL
bool operator==(int null) throw(_com_error)
if (null != 0) {
return m_pInterface == NULL;
// Compare with other interface
bool operator!=(CLS* p) throw(_com_error)
{ return !(operator==(p)); }
// Compares 2 ComPtr's
bool operator!=(ComPtr& p) throw(_com_error)
{ return !(operator==(p)); }
// For comparison to NULL
bool operator!=(int null) throw(_com_error)
{ return !(operator==(null)); }
// Provides error-checking Release()ing of this interface.
void Release() throw(_com_error)
if (m_pInterface == NULL) {
m_pInterface = NULL;
// Provides error-checking AddRef()ing of this interface.
void AddRef() throw(_com_error)
if (m_pInterface == NULL) {
// The Interface.
CLS* m_pInterface;
// Releases only if the interface is not null.
// The interface is not set to NULL.
void _Release() throw()
if (m_pInterface != NULL) {
// AddRefs only if the interface is not NULL
void _AddRef() throw()
if (m_pInterface != NULL) {