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Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Classes to handle cert wildcard mapping
Philippe Choquier (phillich) 17-oct-1996
#if !defined( _IISCMR_HXX )
#define _IISCMR_HXX
VOID InitializeWildcardMapping( HANDLE hModule );
VOID TerminateWildcardMapping();
typedef BOOL
) ;
// X.509 cert fields we recognize
} ;
// Mapper between ASN.1 names ( ASCII format ) & well-known abbreviations
typedef struct _MAP_ASN {
LPSTR pAsnName;
LPSTR pTextName;
DWORD dwResId;
#define INDEX_ERROR 0xffffffff
// Mapper between field IDs and well-known field names
typedef struct _MAP_FIELD {
DWORD dwResId;
LPSTR pTextName;
#define DBLEN_SIZE 2
#define GETDBLEN(a) (WORD)( ((LPBYTE)a)[1] + (((LPBYTE)a)[0]<<8) )
// sub-field match types
MATCH_ALL = 1, // whole content must match
MATCH_FIRST, // beginning of cert subfield must match
MATCH_LAST, // end of cert subfield must match
MATCH_IN // must be matched inside cer subfield
} ;
// X.509 DER encoded certificate partially decoded
class CDecodedCert {
dllexp CDecodedCert( PCERT_CONTEXT );
dllexp ~CDecodedCert();
dllexp BOOL GetIssuer( LPVOID* ppCert, LPDWORD pcCert );
dllexp PCERT_RDN_ATTR* GetSubField( CERT_FIELD_ID fi, LPSTR pszAsnName, LPDWORD pdwLen );
CERT_RDN_ATTR SerialNumber;
} ;
// Access to array of issuers recognized by the server SSL implementation
// provide conversion between issuer ID & DER encoded issuer
class CIssuerStore {
dllexp CIssuerStore();
dllexp ~CIssuerStore();
dllexp VOID Reset();
// Read list of issuer from SSL server provider
dllexp BOOL LoadServerAcceptedIssuers();
// Unserialize from buffer
dllexp BOOL Unserialize( LPBYTE* ppb, LPDWORD pc );
dllexp BOOL Unserialize( CStoreXBF* pX );
// Serialize to buffer
dllexp BOOL Serialize( CStoreXBF* pX );
dllexp VOID Lock()
{ EnterCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); }
dllexp VOID Unlock()
{ LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); }
// Get count of issuers
dllexp DWORD GetNbIssuers()
{ return m_IssuerCerts.GetNbEntry(); }
// Get issuer DER encoded format by index ( 0-based )
dllexp BOOL GetIssuer( DWORD i, LPSTR* ppszIssuerName, LPBYTE* ppIssuer, LPDWORD pcIssuer );
// Get issuer DER encoded format by ID
dllexp BOOL GetIssuerByName( LPSTR pszIssuerName, LPBYTE* ppIssuer, LPDWORD pcIssuer );
CStrPtrXBF m_pIssuerNames;
CBlobXBF m_IssuerCerts;
BOOL m_fValid;
} ;
// Control information global to all rules :
// - rule ordering while checking for a match
// - rules enabled or nor
class CCertGlobalRuleInfo {
// global rule API, used by admin tool
dllexp CCertGlobalRuleInfo();
dllexp ~CCertGlobalRuleInfo();
dllexp BOOL IsValid() { return m_fValid; }
dllexp BOOL Reset();
// Retrieve ptr to user-editable array of index ( as DWORD ) of rule
// ordering to consider when checking for rule match
// e.g. order is 3, 2, 0, 1 the 4th rule will be considered 1st, then
// the 3rd, ...
dllexp LPDWORD GetRuleOrderArray() { return (LPDWORD) m_Order.GetBuff(); }
// Get count of rule index in array. Is the same as # of rules in
// CIisRuleMapper object
// Win64 fixed
dllexp DWORD GetRuleOrderCount() { return m_Order.GetUsed() / sizeof(DWORD); }
dllexp BOOL AddRuleOrder();
dllexp BOOL DeleteRuleById( DWORD dwId, BOOL DecrementAbove );
// Set rules enabled flag
// if FALSE, no wildcard matching will take place
dllexp VOID SetRulesEnabled( BOOL f ) { m_fEnabled = f; }
// Get rules enabled flag
dllexp BOOL GetRulesEnabled() { return m_fEnabled; }
// Serialize to buffer
dllexp BOOL SerializeGlobalRuleInfo( CStoreXBF* pX);
// Unserialize from buffer
dllexp BOOL UnserializeGlobalRuleInfo( LPBYTE* ppB, LPDWORD pC );
// old broken code on Win64
// CPtrXBF m_Order;
// Win64 fixed -- added CPtrDwordXBF class to handle Dwords
CPtrDwordXBF m_Order;
BOOL m_fEnabled;
BOOL m_fValid;
} ;
// Individual rule
// Rules have a name, target NT account, enabled/disabled status,
// deny access status
// Consists of an array of rule elements, each one being a test
// against a cert field/subfield, such as Issuer.O, Subject.CN
// The field designation is stored as a field ID ( CERT_FIELD_ID )
// The sub-field designation is stored as an ASN.1 name ( ascii format )
// The match checking is stored as a byte array which can either
// - be present at the beginning of the cert subfield
// - be present at the end of the cert subfield
// - be present inside the cert subfield
// - be identical to the cert subfield
// An array of issuer (stored as Issuer ID, cf. CIssuerStore for
// conversion to/from DER encoded issuer ) can be associated to a rule.
// Each issuer in this array can be flagged as recognized or not.
// If specified, one of the recognized issuers must match the cert issuer
// for a match to occurs.
class CCertMapRule {
// rule API. Field is numeric ID ( Issuer, Subject, ...), subfield is ASN.1 ID
// used by admin tool
dllexp CCertMapRule();
dllexp ~CCertMapRule();
dllexp BOOL IsValid() { return m_fValid; }
dllexp VOID Reset();
dllexp BOOL Unserialize( LPBYTE* ppb, LPDWORD pc );
dllexp BOOL Unserialize( CStoreXBF* pX );
dllexp BOOL Serialize( CStoreXBF* pX );
// return ERROR_INVALID_NAME if no match
dllexp BOOL Match( CDecodedCert* pC, CDecodedCert* pAuth, LPSTR pszAcct, LPSTR pszPwd,
LPBOOL pfDenied );
// Set the rule name ( used by UI only )
dllexp BOOL SetRuleName( LPSTR pszName ) { return m_asRuleName.Set( pszName ); }
// Get the rule name
dllexp LPSTR GetRuleName() { return m_asRuleName.Get(); }
// Set the associated NT account
// can return FALSE, error ERROR_INVALID_NAME if account syntax invalid
dllexp BOOL SetRuleAccount( LPSTR pszAcct );
// Get the associated NT account
dllexp LPSTR GetRuleAccount() { return m_asAccount.Get(); }
// Set the associated NT pwd
dllexp BOOL SetRulePassword( LPSTR pszPwd ) { return m_asPassword.Set( pszPwd ); }
// Get the associated NT pwd
dllexp LPSTR GetRulePassword() { return m_asPassword.Get(); }
// Set the rule enabled flag. If disabled, this rule will not be
// consider while searching for a match
dllexp VOID SetRuleEnabled( BOOL f ) { m_fEnabled = f; }
// Get the rule enabled flag
dllexp BOOL GetRuleEnabled() { return m_fEnabled; }
// Set the rule deny access flag. If TRUE and a match occurs
// with this rule then access will be denied to the browser
// request
dllexp VOID SetRuleDenyAccess( BOOL f ) { m_fDenyAccess = f; }
// Get the rule deny access flag
dllexp BOOL GetRuleDenyAccess() { return m_fDenyAccess; }
// Get the count of rule elements
dllexp DWORD GetRuleElemCount() { return m_ElemsContent.GetNbEntry(); }
// Retrieve rule element info using index ( 0-based )
// CERT_FIELD_ID, subfield ASN.1 name, content as binary buffer.
// content can be converted to user displayable format using the
// BinaryToMatchRequest() function.
dllexp BOOL GetRuleElem( DWORD i, CERT_FIELD_ID* pfiField, LPSTR* ppContent,
LPDWORD pcContent, LPSTR* ppSubField, LPDWORD pdwFlags = NULL );
// Delete a rule element by its index
dllexp BOOL DeleteRuleElem( DWORD i );
// Delete all rule elements whose CERT_FIELD_ID match the one specified
dllexp BOOL DeleteRuleElemsByField( CERT_FIELD_ID fiField );
// Add a rule element info using index ( 0-based ) where to insert.
// if index is 0xffffffff, rule element is added at the end of
// rule element array
// Must specifiy CERT_FIELD_ID, subfield ASN.1 name,
// content as binary buffer.
// content can be converted from user displayable format using the
// MatchRequestToBinary() function.
dllexp DWORD AddRuleElem( DWORD iBefore, CERT_FIELD_ID fiField,
LPSTR pszSubField, LPBYTE pContent, DWORD cContent,
DWORD dwFlags = 0 );
// Issuer list : we store issuer ID ( linked to schannel reg entries ) + status
// Issuer ID is HEX2ASCII(MD5(issert cert))
// Set the match all issuers flag. If set, the issuer array will be
// disregarded and all issuers will match.
dllexp VOID SetMatchAllIssuer( BOOL f ) { m_fMatchAllIssuers = f; }
// Get the match all issuers flag
dllexp BOOL GetMatchAllIssuer() { return m_fMatchAllIssuers; }
// Get count of issuer in array
dllexp DWORD GetIssuerCount() { return m_Issuers.GetNbEntry(); }
// Retrieve issuer info by index ( 0-based )
// ID ( cf. CIssuerStore for conversion
// to/from ID <> DER encoded issuer ), accept flag
// The ID is returned as a ptr to internal storage, not to be
// alloced or freed.
dllexp BOOL GetIssuerEntry( DWORD i, LPBOOL pfS, LPSTR* ppszI);
// Retrieve issuer accept status by ID
dllexp BOOL GetIssuerEntryByName( LPSTR pszName, LPBOOL pfS );
// Set issue accept flag using index ( 0-based )
dllexp BOOL SetIssuerEntryAcceptStatus( DWORD, BOOL );
// Add issuer entry : ID, accept status
// ID must come from CIssuerStore
dllexp BOOL AddIssuerEntry( LPSTR pszName, BOOL fAcceptStatus );
// Delete issuer entry by index ( 0-based )
dllexp BOOL DeleteIssuerEntry( DWORD i );
CAllocString m_asRuleName;
CAllocString m_asAccount;
CAllocString m_asPassword;
BOOL m_fEnabled;
BOOL m_fDenyAccess;
CBlobXBF m_ElemsContent; // content to match
// prefix ( MATCH_TYPES ) :
// MATCH_ALL : must be exact match
// MATCH_FIRST : must match 1st n char
// MATCH_LAST : must match last n char
// MATCH_IN : must match n char in content
// followed by length of match, then match
CStrPtrXBF m_ElemsSubfield; // ASN.1 ID
CPtrXBF m_ElemsField; // field ID ( CERT_FIELD_ID )
CPtrXBF m_ElemsFlags;
// NOTE : In IIS 5, we no longer use any of these fields but we're keeping them
// so that we can still read out and use IIS 4 mappings
CStrPtrXBF m_Issuers;
CPtrXBF m_IssuersAcceptStatus;
BOOL m_fMatchAllIssuers;
BOOL m_fValid;
} ;
class CIisRuleMapper {
dllexp CIisRuleMapper();
dllexp ~CIisRuleMapper();
dllexp BOOL IsValid() { return m_fValid; }
dllexp BOOL Reset();
// Lock rules. Must be called before modifying any information
// or calling Match()
dllexp VOID LockRules()
{ EnterCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); }
// Unlock rules
dllexp VOID UnlockRules()
{ LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); }
dllexp BOOL Load( LPSTR pszInstanceId );
dllexp BOOL Save( LPSTR pszInstanceId );
// Serialize all rules info to buffer
dllexp BOOL Serialize( CStoreXBF* pX );
// Un-serialize all rules from buffer ( using extensible buffer class )
dllexp BOOL Unserialize( CStoreXBF* pX );
// Un-serialize all rules from buffer
dllexp BOOL Unserialize( LPBYTE*, LPDWORD );
// Get count of rules
dllexp DWORD GetRuleCount()
{ return m_fValid ? m_Rules.GetNbPtr() : 0; }
// Delete a rule by index ( 0-based )
dllexp BOOL DeleteRule( DWORD dwI );
// Add an empty new rule at end of rule array.
// Use GetGlobalRulesInfo()->GetRuleOrderArray() to access/update
// array specifying rule ordering.
// Use GetRule() then CCertMapRule API to access/update the created rule.
dllexp DWORD AddRule(); // @ end, use SetRuleOrder ( default is last pos )
dllexp DWORD AddRule(CCertMapRule*); // @ end, use SetRuleOrder ( default is last pos )
// look for a matching rule and resulting NT account
// given DER encoded cert.
// If returns error ( FALSE ), GetLastError() can be the following :
// - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if access denied
// - ERROR_INVALID_NAME if not found
// - ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED if invalid internal state
// returns addr of NT account in pszAcct, buffer assumed to be big enough
// before to insure ptr remains valid until Unlock()
dllexp BOOL Match( PCERT_CONTEXT pCert, PCERT_CONTEXT pAuth, LPSTR pszAcct, LPSTR pszPwd );
// Retrieve ptr to rule by index ( 0-based )
// You can then use the CCertMapRule API to access/update rule properties
dllexp CCertMapRule* GetRule( DWORD dwI ) // for ser/unser/set/get purpose
{ return m_fValid && dwI < m_Rules.GetNbPtr() ? (CCertMapRule*)m_Rules.GetPtr(dwI) : NULL; }
// Access global rule info ( common to all rules )
// cf. CCertGlobalRuleInfo
dllexp CCertGlobalRuleInfo* GetGlobalRulesInfo() // for ser/unser/set/get purpose
{ return &m_GlobalRuleInfo; }
CCertGlobalRuleInfo m_GlobalRuleInfo;
CPtrXBF m_Rules;
BOOL m_fValid;
} ;
// Helper functions
// convert match request to/from internal format
// Map user displayable sub-field content to internal format
// result must be freed using FreeMatchConversion
dllexp BOOL MatchRequestToBinary( LPSTR pszReq, LPBYTE* ppbBin, LPDWORD pdwBin );
// Map internal format to user displayable content
// result must be freed using FreeMatchConversion
dllexp BOOL BinaryToMatchRequest( LPBYTE pbBin, DWORD dwBin, LPSTR* ppszReq );
// Free result of the 2 previous map API
dllexp VOID FreeMatchConversion( LPVOID );
// Map field displayable name ( from a MAP_FIELD array )
// to CERT_FIELD_ID. returns CERT_FIELD_ERROR if no match
dllexp CERT_FIELD_ID MapFieldToId( LPSTR pField );
// Map CERT_FIELD_ID to field displayable name ( from a MAP_FIELD array )
dllexp LPSTR MapIdToField( CERT_FIELD_ID dwId );
// Get flags for specified CERT_FIELD_ID
dllexp DWORD GetIdFlags( CERT_FIELD_ID dwId );
// Map sub field displayable name ( e.g. O, OU, CN, ... )
// to ASN.1 name ( as an ascii string )
// returns NULL if no match
dllexp LPSTR MapSubFieldToAsn1( LPSTR pszSubField );
// Map ASN.1 name ( as an ascii string )
// to sub field displayable name ( e.g. O, OU, CN, ... )
// returns ASN.1 name if no match
dllexp LPSTR MapAsn1ToSubField( LPSTR pszAsn1 );
// Enumerate known subfields
dllexp LPSTR EnumerateKnownSubFields( DWORD dwIndex );
UINT cStr,
UINT cSub,
BOOL fCaseInsensitive
dllexp VOID
LPVOID pMapper
LPBYTE pIssuer,
DWORD * pdwIssuer