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This header file defines an LRU0 cache template that
can be used to hold arbitrary objects !
Items in the Cache must have the following format :
class DataItem {
ICacheRefInterface* m_pCacheRefInterface ;
} ;
class Constructor {
StaticRelease( DATA*, PERCACHEDATA* )
#ifndef _CACHE2_H_
#define _CACHE2_H_
#include "randfail.h"
#include "fdlhash.h"
#include "lockq.h"
#include "tfdlist.h"
#include "rwnew.h"
#include "refptr2.h"
typedef CShareLockNH CACHELOCK ;
class CAllocatorCache {
Class Description :
This class provides a Memory Allocation cache - we work with
an operator new provide below. We exist to provide some
optimizations for allocations of the elements of the caches
specified in this module.
We assume the caller provides all locking !
private :
// The structurure we use to keep our free list !
struct FreeSpace {
struct FreeSpace* m_pNext ;
} ;
// Size of each element - clients must not ask for something bigger !
DWORD m_cbSize ;
// Number of elements in our list at this moment !
DWORD m_cElements ;
// The maximum number of elements we should hold !
DWORD m_cMaxElements ;
// Top of the stack !
struct FreeSpace* m_pHead ;
// Make the following private - nobody is allowed to use these !
CAllocatorCache( CAllocatorCache& ) ;
CAllocatorCache& operator=( CAllocatorCache& ) ;
public :
// Initialize the Allocation Cache !
CAllocatorCache( DWORD cbSize,
DWORD cMaxElements = 512
) ;
// Destroy the Allocation Cache - release extra memory back to system !
~CAllocatorCache() ;
// Allocate a block of memory
// returns NULL if Out of Memory !
Allocate( size_t cb ) ;
// Return some memory back to the system heap !
Free( void* pv ) ;
} ;
class ICacheRefInterface : public CQElement {
Class Description :
This class defines the interface for Cache References -
the mechanism that allows multiple caches to reference
a single data item.
protected :
// Add an item to the list of caches referencing
// this cache item !
virtual BOOL
AddCacheReference( class ICacheRefInterface*, void* pv, BOOL ) = 0 ;
// Remove an item from the list of caches referencing
// this cache item !
virtual BOOL
RemoveCacheReference( BOOL fQueue ) = 0 ;
// Remove all references to the cache item !
virtual BOOL
RemoveAllReferences( ) = 0 ;
} ;
#include "cintrnl.h"
// This callback function is used to issue a stop hint during a
// long spin while shutting down so that the shutdown won't time
// out.
typedef void (*PSTOPHINT_FN)();
extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_CacheShutdown ;
// Call these functions to initialize the Cache Library
extern BOOL __stdcall CacheLibraryInit() ;
extern BOOL __stdcall CacheLibraryTerm() ;
template < class Data,
class Key
class CacheExpungeObject {
public :
// This function is called to determine whether we should remove
// the item from the cache.
// pKey - Pointer to the Key of the item in the cache
// pData - Pointer to the data for the item in the cache
// cOutstandingReferences - The number of times of outstanding check-outs on the item !
// fMultipleReferenced - TRUE if there is more than one cache that contains
// this item !
fRemoveCacheItem( Key* pKey,
Data* pData
) = 0 ;
} ;
template < class Data >
class CacheCallback {
public :
virtual BOOL fRemoveCacheItem( Data& d ) {
return FALSE ;
} ;
class CacheStats : public CHashStats {
public :
enum COUNTER {
ITEMS, // Number of items in the cache
CLRU, // Number of items in the LRU List
EXPIRED, // Number of items that have been expired !
INSERTS, // Number of items inserted over time
READHITS, // Number of times we've had a cache hit needing only readlocks during FindOrCreate()!
SUCCESSSEARCH, // Number of times we've successfully searched for an item !
FAILSEARCH, // Number of times we've failed to find an item !
RESEARCH, // Number of times we've had to search a second time for an item
WRITEHITS, // Number of times we've had a cache hit requiring a PartialLock()
PARTIALCREATES, // Number of times we've created an item with only a PartialLock
EXCLUSIVECREATES, // Number of times we've created an item with an Exclusive Lock !
CEFAILS, // Number of times we've failed to allocate a CACHEENTRY structure
CLIENTALLOCFAILS, // Number of times we've failed to allocate a Data object
CLIENTINITFAILS, // Number of times a client object has failed to initialize !
MAXCOUNTER // A Invalid Counter - all values smaller than this !
} ;
// Array of longs to hold different values !
long m_cCounters[MAXCOUNTER] ;
CacheStats() {
ZeroMemory( m_cCounters, sizeof(m_cCounters) ) ;
} ;
typedef CacheStats CACHESTATS ;
inline void
IncrementStat( CacheStats* p, CACHESTATS::COUNTER c ) {
if( p != 0 ) {
InterlockedIncrement( &p->m_cCounters[c] ) ;
inline void
AddStat( CacheStats*p, CACHESTATS::COUNTER c, long l ) {
if( p != 0 ) {
InterlockedExchangeAdd( &p->m_cCounters[c], l ) ;
inline void
DecrementStat( CacheStats* p, CACHESTATS::COUNTER c ) {
if( p != 0 ) {
InterlockedDecrement( &p->m_cCounters[c] ) ;
template < class Data,
class Key,
class Constructor,
class PerCacheData = LPVOID
class CacheEx : public CacheTable {
public :
// For compare, hash functions etc.... we will use this type !
typedef Data DATA ;
typedef Key KEY ;
typedef Key* PKEY ;
// Hash Computation function
typedef DWORD (*PFNHASH)( PKEY ) ;
// Key Comparison function - to be provided by caller !
typedef int (*PKEYCOMPARE)(PKEY, PKEY) ;
// Callback objects for Expunge Operations !
typedef CacheCallback< DATA > CALLBACKOBJ ;
// Objects that the user can give to the cache to manage the removal of items !
typedef CacheExpungeObject< DATA, KEY > EXPUNGEOBJECT ;
private :
// Define a 'CACHEENTRY' object which holds all the
// necessary data for each object which is placed in the cache !
typedef CCacheItemKey< DATA, KEY, Constructor, PerCacheData > CACHEENTRY ;
// Define the helper class for Hash Tables
typedef TFDLHash< CACHEENTRY, PKEY, &CacheState::HashDLIST > HASHTABLE ;
// An iterator that lets us walk everything in the hash table !
typedef TFDLHashIterator< HASHTABLE > HASHITER ;
// Is the 'Cache' initialized and in a valid state !
BOOL m_fValid ;
// An object to collect statistics about cache operations !
// This may be NULL !
class CacheStats* m_pStats ;
// A list of everything in the Cache, used for TTL processing
CLRUList m_ExpireList ;
// A hash table we use to find things within the Cache
HASHTABLE m_Lookup ;
// Pointer to a runtime-user provided function which is used
// to determine what things should be removed from the Cache
// BOOL (* m_pfnExpungeSpecific )( Data & ) ;
// Pointer to a runtime-user provided object derived from CacheCallback< Data >
// which lets the user invoke some function for each item in the Cache !
CALLBACKOBJ* m_pCallbackObject ;
// Reader writer lock which protects all these data structures !
// The initial TTL we should assign to all newly cached objects !
// The cache used for creation/deletion of our CACHEENTRY objects !
CAllocatorCache m_Cache ;
protected :
// Virtual function called by CScheduleThread's thread which
// we use to bump TTL counters
// Function which removes an Entry from the Cache !
CacheState* pEntry
) ;
// Virtual Function called by CacheList when we pass call
// CacheList::ExpungeSpecific
CacheState* pEntry
) ;
// Virtual Function part of CacheTable interface - used
// by LRUList to do appropriate locking !
GetLock() {
return m_Lock ;
public :
// This is the users extra data - we will provide it on calls
// to constructor objects so that they can track some state sync'd
// with the cache locks !
PerCacheData m_PerCacheData ;
// This function is used to return an item to the cache -
// it will bump down a ref count for the number of clients
// currently using the item !
static void
CheckIn( DATA* ) ;
// This function is provided for cases when the client needs
// to check-in an item from a Cache Callback function (i.e. Expunge)
static void
CheckInNoLocks( DATA* ) ;
// This function is used to add a client reference to an item in the cache !
static void
CheckOut( DATA*,
long cClientRefs = 1
) ;
// Constructor - cMax specifies the maximum number of entries
// we should hold in the cache.
CacheEx( ) ;
// Destructor - remove ourselves from schedule list before continuing !
~CacheEx() ;
// Initialization function - take pointer to function
// which should be used to compute hash values on Key's
// Also takes the number of seconds objects should live in
// the cache !
PFNHASH pfnHash,
DWORD dwLifetimeSeconds,
DWORD cMaxInstances,
) {
Routine Description :
This function initializes the cache so that it is ready
to take entries.
Arguments :
pfnHash - function to be used to compute hash values on keys
dwLifetimeSeconds - The number of seconds objects should live in the Cache
pfnStopHint - function to be used to send stop hints during
long spins so shutdown's don't time out.
Return Value :
TRUE if successfull
m_pStats = pStats ;
m_ExpireList.Init( cMaxInstances,
) ;
return m_fValid = m_Lookup.Init(
) ;
Expire() {
EnterCriticalSection( &g_CacheShutdown ) ;
DWORD c = 0 ;
m_ExpireList.Expire( this, &m_Cache, c, &m_PerCacheData ) ;
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_CacheShutdown ) ;
// Called to remove all items from the cache !
EmptyCache() ;
) ;
// Function which can be used to remove items from the Cache
// If default args are used we pick an expired item in the Cache
// to remove
DWORD dwHash,
PKEY key
) ;
// Either find an item in the cache or Construct a new item
// and place it in the Cache.
// return the result through pDataOut no matter what !
// INTERNAL API's - These are public for convenience - not intended
// for Use outside of cachelib !!
// Either find an item in the cache or Construct a new item
// and place it in the Cache.
// return the result !
DWORD dwHash,
KEY& key,
Constructor& constructor,
DATA* &pData,
BOOL fEarlyCreate = FALSE /* Best Perf if this is FALSE - but required by some users !*/
) ;
// Find the item if it is in the cache !
DWORD dwHash,
KEY& key
) ;
// Insert a new item into the cache -
// We get to specify whether and what kind of reference
// we will hold outside of the cache !
DWORD dwHash,
KEY& key,
DATA* pData,
long cClientRefs = 0
) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
static long s_cCreated ;
} ;
template < class Data,
class Key,
class Constructor,
class PerCacheData = LPVOID
class MultiCacheEx {
typedef Data DATA ;
typedef Key KEY ;
typedef Key* PKEY ;
// Hash Computation function
typedef DWORD (*PFNHASH)( PKEY ) ;
// Key Comparison function - to be provided by caller !
typedef int (*PKEYCOMPARE)(PKEY, PKEY) ;
// Callback objects for Expunge Operations !
typedef CacheCallback< DATA > CALLBACKOBJ ;
// Objects that the user can give to the cache to manage the removal of items !
typedef CacheExpungeObject< DATA, KEY > EXPUNGEOBJECT ;
private :
// Define a 'CACHEENTRY' object which holds all the
// necessary data for each object which is placed in the cache !
typedef CCacheItemKey< DATA, KEY, Constructor, PerCacheData > CACHEENTRY ;
// Define the type for a single instance !
typedef CacheEx< Data, Key, Constructor, PerCacheData > CACHEINSTANCE ;
// Is the 'Cache' initialized and in a valid state !
BOOL m_fValid ;
// Pointer to the various Cache's we subdivide our work into
// Number of sub cache's we use to split up the work !
DWORD m_cSubCaches ;
// We use the hash function to choose which of our subcaches to work with !
// Return the correct cache instance to hold the selected piece of data !
DWORD ChooseInstance( DWORD dwHash ) ;
public :
// Constructor - cMax specifies the maximum number of entries
// we should hold in the cache.
MultiCacheEx( ) ;
// Destructor - destroys are various sub cache's
~MultiCacheEx() ;
// Initialization function - take pointer to function
// which should be used to compute hash values on Key's
// Also takes the number of seconds objects should live in
// the cache !
PFNHASH pfnHash,
DWORD dwLifetimeSeconds,
DWORD cMaxElements,
DWORD cSubCaches,
) ;
// Expire items in the cache !
Expire() ;
// Called to remove all items from the cache !
EmptyCache() ;
// The user wants to remove a large set of items from the cache !
) ;
// Function which can be used to remove items from the Cache
// If default args are used we pick an expired item in the Cache
// to remove
PKEY key
) ;
// Either find an item in the cache or Construct a new item
// and place it in the Cache.
// return the result through pDataOut no matter what !
Key& key,
Constructor& constructor,
BOOL fEarlyCreate = FALSE
) ;
// Either find an item in the cache or Construct a new item
// and place it in the Cache.
// return the result through pDataOut no matter what !
// NOTE : This is for use when the caller has a cheaper
// way to compute the hash value then us - in debug we
// need to assure that the caller correctly computes this !
DWORD dwHash,
Key& key,
Constructor& constructor,
BOOL fEarlyCreate = FALSE
) ;
// Find an item in the cache - hash of key is precomputed !
Find( DWORD dwHash,
KEY& key
) ;
// Find an item in the cache
Find( KEY& key ) ;
// Insert a new item into the cache -
// We get to specify whether and what kind of reference
// we will hold outside of the cache !
Insert( DWORD dwHash,
KEY& key,
Data* pData,
long cClientRefs = 0
) ;
// Insert a new item into the cache -
// We get to specify whether and what kind of reference
// we will hold outside of the cache !
Insert( KEY& key,
Data* pData,
long cClientRefs = 0
) ;
// This function is used to return an item to the cache -
// it will bump down a ref count for the number of clients
// currently using the item !
static void
CheckIn( DATA* ) ;
// This function is provided for cases when the client needs
// to check-in an item from a Cache Callback function (i.e. Expunge)
static void
CheckInNoLocks( DATA* ) ;
// This function is used to add a client reference to an item in the cache !
static void
CheckOut( DATA*,
long cClientRefs = 1
) ;
} ;
#include "cache2i.h"
#endif // _CACHE2_H_