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This file contains internal definitions for the cache library -
this stuff should not be of interest for most users.
#ifndef _CINTRNL_H_
#define _CINTRNL_H_
class CScheduleThread {
Class Description :
This is a base class for those objects which wish to be
called on a regularily scheduled basis.
The constructors for this class will automatically
put the object in a doubly linked list walked by a
background thread which periodically executes a virtual function.
private :
// Special constructor for the 'Head' element of the
// doubly linked list this class maintains.
CScheduleThread( BOOL fSpecial ) ;
protected :
// Has the scheduler been initialized ?
static BOOL s_fInitialized ;
// Crit sect protecting doubly linked list.
static CRITICAL_SECTION s_critScheduleList ;
// Handle to event used to terminate background thread.
static HANDLE s_hShutdown ;
// Handle to background thread.
static HANDLE s_hThread ;
// The head element of the doubly linked list.
static CScheduleThread s_Head ;
// The thread which calls our virtual functions
static DWORD WINAPI ScheduleThread( LPVOID lpv ) ;
// Previous and Next pointers which maintain doubly linked
// list of scheduled itesm.
class CScheduleThread* m_pPrev ;
class CScheduleThread* m_pNext ;
protected :
// Derived classes should override this function -
// it will be called on a regular basis by the scheduler thread.
virtual void Schedule( void ) {}
// Constructor and Destructor automagically manage
// insertion into doubly linked list of other scheduled items.
// These are protected as we want people to buid only
// derived objects which use this.
CScheduleThread() ;
// Member functions which put us into the regular schedule !
void AddToSchedule() ;
void RemoveFromSchedule() ;
public :
// Initialize the class - don't construct
// any derived objects before this is called.
static BOOL Init() ;
// Terminate class and background thread !
static void Term() ;
// Global which tells clients how frequently they
// will be called !
static DWORD dwNotificationSeconds ;
// Destructor is protected - we should only be invoked
// by derived class constructors
virtual ~CScheduleThread() ;
} ;
class CacheState : public ICacheRefInterface {
Class Description :
This class will provide the base support for LRU
removal of items in the cache !
Base Class :
CQElement - we put these objects into
a TLockQueue to amortize LRU operations !
private :
// The following operations are not allowed !
CacheState() ;
CacheState( CacheState& ) ;
CacheState& operator=( CacheState& ) ;
// Tell us if this entry is older than the specified time !
OlderThan( FILETIME& filetime ) {
return CompareFileTime( &m_LastAccess, &filetime ) <= 0 ;
protected :
// The LRU List which holds all of these items gets to
// know are innards !
friend class CLRUList ;
// For debug purposes - make the memory recognizable !
DWORD m_dwSignature ;
// The lock used to protect operations within the derived
// classes of this object - most operations within this class
// don't require locking, however all derived classes need
// various locking services, so we provide one lock for all users !
CACHELOCK m_lock ;
// Our signaure, and constants for supporting us implementing two
// kinds of reference counts !
CLIENT_REF = 0x10000,
} ;
// Keep a reference count - number of references holding
// this in memory !
// NOTE : we hold two types of references in here -
// regular references added by AddRef() and Release()
// which are references from other caches
// As well as client references. To Add a client reference
// add CLIENT_REF atomically to this !
volatile long m_cRefs ;
// a long that we use as a lock for calls to LRUReference
volatile long m_lLRULock ;
// The last time this was touched - helps LRU algorithm !
FILETIME m_LastAccess ;
// The LRU List that owns this object !
public: class CLRUList* m_pOwner ;
// Pointers to maintain doubly linked list of
// items in the LRU chain !
protected: DLIST_ENTRY m_LRUList ;
// structure to keep track of all the References to a
// particular item ! - note m_lock is used to protect
// access to this list
DLIST_ENTRY m_ReferencesList ;
// The field used to chain in Hash Table buckets
DLIST_ENTRY m_HashList ;
// This Constructor is protected as we only ever want to see
// classes derived from this thing created !
CacheState( class CLRUList*,
long cClientRefs = 1
) ;
// Destructor must be virtual - lots of derived classes !
virtual ~CacheState() ;
// Touch the structure in a fashion so that the LRU state
// is updated !
LRUReference( class CLRUList* pLRU ) ;
// calling this function insures that the correct Destructor is called !
void virtual
Destroy( void* pv ) = 0 ;
// Reference counting support - Add a reference
AddRef() ;
// Keeping track of clients - remove a client ref !
CheckIn( class CAllocatorCache* pAlloc = 0
) ;
// Keeping track of clients - remove a client ref !
CheckInNoLocks( class CAllocatorCache* pAlloc = 0
) ;
IsMasterReference() {
return TRUE ;
GetMasterReference() {
return this ;
AddRefMaster( ) {
TraceFunctEnter( "CacheState::AddRefMaster()" ) ;
m_lock.ShareLock() ;
CacheState* pReturn = GetMasterReference() ;
if( pReturn ) {
long l = pReturn->AddRef() ;
DebugTrace( DWORD_PTR(pReturn), "Added a reference to %x this %x", pReturn, this ) ;
m_lock.ShareUnlock() ;
return pReturn ;
public :
#ifdef DEBUG
// The number of these things that have been allocated !
static long g_cCacheState ;
// Remove a reference - when we return 0 we're destroyed !
Release( class CAllocatorCache *pAlloc,
void* pv
) ;
// Provided to deal with failures during initialization of items
// being insert into the cache - this function ensures that the
// cache item ends up on the list for destruction !
FailedCheckOut( class CLRUList* p,
long cClientRefs,
CAllocatorCache* pAllocator,
void* pv
) ;
// For allocating these we use this special operator new
// which goes through our allocation cache !
// NOTE : We take a reference because the cache MUST be provided !
operator new( size_t size,
class CAllocatorCache& cache
) {
return cache.Allocate( size ) ;
// Exclusive Lock ourselves !
ExclusiveLock() {
m_lock.ExclusiveLock() ;
// Unlock ourselves
ExclusiveUnlock() {
m_lock.ExclusiveUnlock() ;
// Keeping track of clients - Add a client ref !
CheckOut( class CLRUList* p,
long cClientRefs = 1
) ;
ExternalCheckIn( ) ;
ExternalCheckInNoLocks( ) ;
// Check to see whether this element is still referenced
// by the hash table containing the cache !
InCache() {
return !m_HashList.IsEmpty() ;
// Check to see whether any Cache clients have a
// reference to this item !
// Return TRUE if any clients have added a reference !
IsCheckedOut() {
return (m_cRefs & CLIENT_BITS) != 0 ;
// Return TRUE if this item is in our LRU list !
IsInLRUList() {
// return whether we are in the LRU List !
return !m_LRUList.IsEmpty() ;
#ifdef DEBUG
// This is used in _ASSERT's and stuff to check that the cache is correctly ordered
// by time !
IsOlder( FILETIME filetimeIn,
FILETIME& filetimeOut
) ;
// The following support functions are used to support manipulating
// these objects in the various kinds of doubly linked lists we may reside in
FLockCandidate( BOOL fExpireChecks,
FILETIME& filetime,
BOOL& fToYoung
) ;
// The following function locks an element of the cache.
// If this is the master cache entry, we will also look all associated items and return TRUE.
// If this is not the master, we lock only the one entry !
FLockExpungeCandidate( CacheState*& pMaster ) ;
// This function pairs with FLockExpungeCandidate()
ReleaseLocks( CacheState* pMaster ) ;
// This is the other half of FLockExpungeCandidate -
// we ensure the destruction of the selected item !
FinishCandidate( CacheState* pMaster ) ;
// The following is not thread safe and is only for use during
// shutdown, where there should be no thread issues !
IsolateCandidate() ;
// This removes the item from the LRU List - Cache lock must be held exclusive or partially !
RemoveFromLRU() ;
// Define the Pointer to Function type that is so usefull
// for using the DLIST templates !
typedef DLIST_ENTRY* (*PFNDLIST)( class CacheState* pState ) ;
// Helper function for Doubly linked lists of these items in the
// Cache's hash tables !
inline static
HashDLIST( CacheState* p ) {
return &p->m_HashList ;
// Helper function for Doubly linked lists of these items in the
// LRU lists
inline static
LRUDLIST( CacheState* p ) {
return &p->m_LRUList ;
// Helper function for Doubly linked lists of these items in
// the reference lists - the list of items referencing the same
// cache item !
inline static
REFSDLIST( CacheState* p ) {
return &p->m_ReferencesList ;
} ;
// Now Define some Doubly Linked Lists that we can use to manipulate the
// items in the cache in various ways !
typedef TDListHead< CacheState, &CacheState::LRUDLIST > LRULIST ;
typedef TDListHead< CacheState, &CacheState::REFSDLIST > REFSLIST ;
typedef TDListIterator< REFSLIST > REFSITER ;
class CacheTable : public CScheduleThread {
Class Description :
This class defines a call back interface which we hand to
the LRU List to manipulate the items in the cache !
public :
// Get the lock we use for manipulating the lock state of the table !
virtual CACHELOCK&
GetLock() = 0 ;
// Remove an item from the Cache's hash table !
virtual BOOL
CacheState* pEntry
) = 0 ;
// Ask if we want to remove this particular item !
virtual BOOL
CacheState* pEntry
) = 0 ;
} ;
class CLRUList {
Class Description :
This class implements our LRU algorithms and selects
the elements that are to be deleted from the cache !
private :
// The head of the LRU List !
// A list of items that have been touched in the LRU List !
TLockQueue< CacheState > m_lqModify ;
// Maximum number of elements we should hold in this cache !
DWORD m_cMaxElements ;
// Number of items we inserted !
DWORD m_dwAverageInserts ;
// Number of items NOT in the LRU List !
DWORD m_cCheckedOut ;
// The number of subtract from the current time to
// determine our expire date !
// This function actually selects the items that will be expired
SelectExpirations( DLIST_ENTRY& expireList ) ;
// Do the expires !
DoExpirations( DLIST_ENTRY& expireList ) ;
// Don't allow copies!
CLRUList( CLRUList& ) ;
CLRUList& operator=( CLRUList& ) ;
public :
// Number of items in the cache !
long m_cItems ;
//CLRUList( ULARGE_INTEGER qwExpire ) ;
CLRUList() ;
// Initialize the LRU List with the parameters
// controlling the maximum number of elements and the time to live !
Init( DWORD cMaxInstances,
DWORD cLifeTimeSeconds
) ;
// Something has changed - put it in the list of items needing
// to be examined !
// This function should only be called when the containing cache has
// a lock on the cache !
AddWorkQueue( CacheState* pbase ) ;
// This function examines each item in the Work Queue and does
// appropriate processing !
ProcessWorkQueue( CAllocatorCache* pAllocCache,
) ;
// This function drains each item out of the Work Queue and releases
// them - called during shutdown/destruction of a cache !
DrainWorkQueue() ;
// Bump the number of items in the cache !
IncrementItems() {
return InterlockedIncrement( &m_cItems ) ;
// Decrease the number of items in the cache !
DecrementItems() {
return InterlockedDecrement( &m_cItems ) ;
// Do the work required to expire an item !
Expire( CacheTable* pTable,
CAllocatorCache* pCache,
DWORD& countExpired,
void* pv //per cache data !
) ;
Empty( CacheTable* pTable,
CAllocatorCache* pCache,
void* pv
) ;
// Remove a random set of elements in the table !
CacheTable* pTable,
DWORD& countExpunged
) ;
} ;
template< class Data
class CCacheItemBase : public CacheState {
Class Desceription :
This class provides the interface defination for
items in the cache which may or may not hold the
key as well within the cache !
Arguments :
Data - the item we will hold within the Cache
// Constructor - initialize stuff to zero !
CCacheItemBase( class CLRUList* p,
Data* pData,
BOOL fClientRef
) :
CacheState( p, fClientRef ),
m_pData( pData ) {
~CCacheItemBase() {
// Somebody else must free our data elements !
_ASSERT(m_pData == 0 ) ;
IsMasterReference() {
m_pData == 0 ||
m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface == this ;
GetMasterReference( ) {
if( m_pData == 0 ) {
return this ;
return (CacheState*)m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface ;
public :
// The actual item we are holding within the Cache !
Data* m_pData ;
// Check that our data items match !
// used for _ASSERT's
IsMatch( Data* p ) {
return p == m_pData ;
// Must be able extract the Data Item !
PublicData( class CLRUList* p ) {
Routine Description :
This function adds a client reference to an item in the cache,
and sets up the necessary LRU Manipulations!
We also return the data pointer to the client, and add a reference
to ourselves to keep track of !
Arguments :
p - the LRUList that owns us !
Return Value :
Pointer to the Data item we contain - can be NULL !
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemBase::PublicData" ) ;
_ASSERT( p != 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( p == m_pOwner ) ;
Data* pReturn = 0 ;
m_lock.ShareLock() ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "m_pData %x m_pCacheRef %x",
m_pData, m_pData ? m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface : 0 ) ;
if( m_pData ) {
CacheState* pState = (CacheState*)m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface ;
pState->CheckOut( p ) ;
pReturn = m_pData ;
// If there's no data in this item - it must not be checked out !
_ASSERT( pReturn || !IsCheckedOut() ) ;
m_lock.ShareUnlock() ;
return pReturn ;
// This is called when the locks are NOT held -
// do all the correct logic for setting this item up !
SetData( Data* pData,
CLRUList* pList,
long cClientRefs
) {
Routine Description :
Make this Cache Element point to some piece of data that was provided
by the end user.
The piece of data may be referenced by another cache - in which case
we must work well with it !!!!
Arguments :
pData - the Item the client wants us to refer to with our key
pList - the LRU List containing us !
fReference - Is the client putting the item in the cache and not keeping
his reference, this is TRUE if
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemBase::SetData" ) ;
BOOL fReturn = FALSE ;
_ASSERT( pData != 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( pList != 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( pList == m_pOwner ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "pData %x pList %x cClientRefs %x", pData, pList, cClientRefs ) ;
// Is this an item referenced by another cache -
// NOTE : IF it is an item from another Cache it MUST be checked out with a
// client reference ! The m_pCacheRefInterface of an item MUST NEVER CHANGED
// as long as an item is checked out by clients, so the following dereference
// is safe !
CCacheItemBase* p = (CCacheItemBase*)pData->m_pCacheRefInterface ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "Examined Item - m_pCacheRefInterface %x", p ) ;
if( p != 0 ) {
// In this scenario it is meaningless to access for a client reference -
// the client MUST have gotten one from the other cache !
_ASSERT( cClientRefs == 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( p->IsCheckedOut() ) ;
// Ok make our cache reference the same item !
fReturn = p->AddCacheReference( this, pData ) ;
// This can fail if the user tries to insert the same name twice !
//_ASSERT( fReturn ) ;
} else {
m_lock.ExclusiveLock() ;
if( !m_pData ) {
// The Cache should never have refences outstanding with
// the data pointer equal to NULL - so _ASSERT that we're
// not checked out by a client !
_ASSERT( !IsCheckedOut() ) ;
// Now point to the data the client wants us to point at !
m_pData = pData ;
pData->m_pCacheRefInterface = this ;
// It worked - return TRUE !
fReturn = TRUE ;
// Now we are checked out by a client !
if( cClientRefs )
CheckOut( pList, cClientRefs ) ;
m_lock.ExclusiveUnlock() ;
return fReturn ;
// Add an item to the list of caches referencing
// this cache item !
InsertRef( CCacheItemBase<Data>* p,
Data* pData,
long cClientRefs = 0
) {
Routine Description :
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemBase::InsertRef" ) ;
_ASSERT( p != 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( pData != 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( IsCheckedOut() ) ;
_ASSERT( pData->m_pCacheRefInterface == this ) ;
BOOL fReturn = FALSE ;
REFSITER refsiter( &m_ReferencesList ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "m_pData %x p %x p->m_pData %x cClientRefs %x",
m_pData, p, p->m_pData, cClientRefs ) ;
if( m_pData != 0 ) {
// Now grab the second lock !
// This _ASSERT isn't valid, the user can insert names that are already in use !
//_ASSERT( p->m_pData == 0 || p->m_pData == m_pData ) ;
if( p->m_pData == 0 ) {
// Insert p into the list of item in the list !
refsiter.InsertBefore( p ) ;
// We've added another reference to ourself !
// This comes from another Cache item, so count it specially !
long l = AddRef() ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "AddRef result %x this %x p %x", l, this, p ) ;
// Give a reference to the data we are holding !
p->m_pData = m_pData ;
fReturn = TRUE ;
} else if( p->m_pData == m_pData ) {
fReturn = TRUE ;
// This _ASSERT isn't valid, the user can insert names that are already in use !
//_ASSERT( p->m_pData == m_pData ) ;
if( fReturn && cClientRefs ) {
CheckOut( m_pOwner, cClientRefs ) ;
return fReturn ;
// Add an item to the list of caches referencing
// this cache item !
virtual BOOL
AddCacheReference( class ICacheRefInterface* pInterface,
void* pv,
BOOL fReference = FALSE
) {
Routine Description :
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemBase::AddCacheReference" ) ;
Data* pData = (Data*)pv ;
CCacheItemBase<Data>* p = (CCacheItemBase<Data>*)pInterface ;
BOOL fReturn = TRUE ;
_ASSERT( pData != 0 ) ;
_ASSERT( p != 0 ) ;
REFSITER refsiter( &m_ReferencesList ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "pInterface %x pv %x fReference %x", pInterface, pv, fReference ) ;
m_lock.ExclusiveLock() ;
p->m_lock.ExclusiveLock() ;
fReturn = InsertRef( p,
) ;
p->m_lock.ExclusiveUnlock() ;
_ASSERT( m_pData == pData ) ;
m_lock.ExclusiveUnlock() ;
return fReturn ;
// Remove an item from the list of caches referencing
// this cache item !
virtual BOOL
RemoveCacheReference( BOOL fQueue ) {
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemBase::RemoveCacheReference" ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "m_pData %x m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface %x",
m_pData, m_pData ? m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface: 0 ) ;
m_pData = 0 ;
// Well now - we're on our own - we should be expired !
if( fQueue )
LRUReference( m_pOwner ) ;
// p no longer has a reference - you can remove it !
return FALSE ;
// Remove all references to the cache item !
virtual BOOL
RemoveAllReferences( ) {
return FALSE ;
} ;
template< class Data,
class Key,
class Constructor,
class PerCacheData
class CCacheItemKey : public CCacheItemBase< Data > {
Class Description :
This class item holds the key of the item we are
referencing within the cache !
We don't assume that the data objects hold the
keys for us - we do this ourselves.
private :
// This is the type of the key we are going to be holding !
Key m_key ;
// Make all these constructors and copiers private !
CCacheItemKey() ;
CCacheItemKey& operator=( CCacheItemKey& ) ;
protected :
// Destroy ourselves
Destroy( void* pv ) {
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemKey::Destroy" ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "m_pData %x pv %x", m_pData, pv ) ;
PerCacheData* p = (PerCacheData*)pv ;
if( m_pData )
Constructor::StaticRelease( m_pData, pv ) ;
m_pData = 0 ;
CCacheItemKey::~CCacheItemKey() ;
public :
~CCacheItemKey() {
if( m_pData ) {
Constructor::StaticRelease( m_pData, 0 ) ;
m_pData = 0 ;
// Can only create by initializing the key !
CCacheItemKey( class CLRUList* p,
Key& k,
Data* pData,
long cClientRefs
) :
CCacheItemBase<Data>( p, pData, cClientRefs ),
m_key( k ) {
Key* GetKey() {
return &m_key ;
// This is called when no locks are held - assumes
// that we may find that data is in the item, or that
// we need to build it !
CACHELOCK& cachelock,
Constructor& constructor,
PerCacheData& cachedata,
CLRUList* plrulist,
class CacheStats* pStats
) {
Routine Description :
This function executes our creation protocol with the client.
The constructor.Create() function is called to create a partially
constructed Item for the cache. We will check if the returned item
is referenced in another cache - if it is we will build the list
of CacheState objects referencing the same cache item.
The caller assumes that cachelock is released by the time we return !
Arguments :
cachelock - The lock for the containing cache, we get this so that
we can minimize the time it is held !
constructor -
The object that can build an item for the cache !
cachedata -
Some client data that they get for free !
plrulist -
The LRU list that we should use !
Return Value :
Pointer to a Data item if successfull !
TraceFunctEnter( "CCacheItemKey::FindOrCreate" ) ;
_ASSERT( plrulist == m_pOwner || plrulist == 0 ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "plrulist %x", plrulist ) ;
Data* pReturn = 0 ;
// First look to see if there happens to be something here already !
m_lock.ShareLock() ;
if( m_pData ) {
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "m_pData %x m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface %x",
m_pData, m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface ) ;
// We've found this item constructed in the cache -
// so check it out, AND put on the LRU work list !
CacheState* pState = (CacheState*)m_pData->m_pCacheRefInterface ;
pState->CheckOut( plrulist ) ;
pReturn = m_pData ;
m_lock.ShareUnlock() ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "pReturn %x", pReturn ) ;
// Did we find something !
if( pReturn ) {
// Because caller assumes this is unlocked - do so now !
cachelock.PartialUnlock() ;
} else {
// An item with no data - Must not be checked out !
_ASSERT( !IsCheckedOut() ) ;
_ASSERT( m_pData == 0 ) ;
// Partially build the data object we want to hold !
Data* pData = constructor.Create( m_key, cachedata ) ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "Created pData %x", pData ) ;
if( !pData ) {
// We failed - release our locks and go away !
cachelock.PartialUnlock() ;
} else {
// Figure out if we got a reference to an item already in the cache !
CCacheItemBase<Data>* p = (CCacheItemBase<Data>*)pData->m_pCacheRefInterface ;
// Grab the locks in the correct order for what we might need !
if( p ) {
p->ExclusiveLock() ;
// If he gave us an item, it must be checked out of whatever cache
// it came from - this ensures that it will not be destroyed while we
// access it, because we are not at the point of adding our own reference
// yet !
_ASSERT( p->IsCheckedOut() ) ;
_ASSERT( p->IsMatch( pData ) ) ;
m_lock.ExclusiveLock() ;
// Don't need to hold onto the cache anymore !
cachelock.PartialUnlock() ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "Create path - pData %x p %x m_pData %x", pData, p, m_pData ) ;
// Now do whatever is necessary to finish initialization ! -
// must always call Init() unless we're going to give up on this thing !
// We should not change state as long as we've been holding either
// the cachelock or our item lock up until this point - which is the case !
_ASSERT( m_pData == 0 ) ;
if( pData->Init( m_key,
cachedata ) ) {
if( !p ) {
m_pData = pData ;
pData->m_pCacheRefInterface = this ;
pReturn = m_pData ;
CheckOut( m_pOwner ) ;
} else {
// NOTE : If the client's constructor gave us an object from another
// cache they MUST add the client's reference for us - so we pass 0 to
// InsertRef(), so that we don't add yet another reference.
if( p->InsertRef( this, pData, 0 ) ) {
// Insert Ref should setup our m_pData pointer !
_ASSERT( m_pData == pData ) ;
pReturn = m_pData ;
DebugTrace( (DWORD_PTR)this, "Create path - pReturn %x", pReturn ) ;
// NOTE :
// If pReturn==0 indicating some kind of error, than there should
// have been no client refs added at this point !
_ASSERT( pReturn || !IsCheckedOut() ) ;
_ASSERT( pReturn == m_pData ) ;
if( p ) {
// If he gave us an item, it must be checked out of whatever cache
// it came from - this ensures that it will not be destroyed while we
// access it, because we are not at the point of adding our own reference
// yet !
_ASSERT( p->IsCheckedOut() ) ;
p->ExclusiveUnlock() ;
if( pReturn ) {
IncrementStat( pStats, CACHESTATS::ITEMS ) ;
} else {
// Release the data item back to the user
// NOTE - Don't have the cachelock so can't give them
// the cachedata at this point !
constructor.Release( pData, 0 ) ;
// Insure that we get onto the expiration list - this CACHEENTRY
// should be removed at some point !
FailedCheckOut( plrulist, FALSE, 0, 0 ) ;
// Release the locks - this can be done before we go down the
// error path because we know that we won't get destroyed !
m_lock.ExclusiveUnlock() ;
return pReturn ;
} ;
#endif // _CINTRNL_H_