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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000.
// File: wqitem.hxx
// Contents: WEB Query cache class
// History: 96/Jan/3 DwightKr Created
#pragma once
const unsigned _int64 CWQueryItemSignature = 0x6c61726269476943; // CiGibral
const unsigned MAX_QUERY_COLUMNS = 50;
class CHTXFile;
class CWebCanonicalResultsOut;
// Class: CWQueryItem
// Purpose: A single query item, including its associated IDQ & HTX files,
// as well as the query results.
// History: 96/Jan/23 DwightKr Created
class CWQueryItem : public CDoubleLink
CWQueryItem(CIDQFile & idqFile,
CHTXFile & htxFile,
XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsColumns,
XPtr<CDbColumns> & dbColumns,
CDynArray<WCHAR> & awcsColumns,
ULONG ulSequenceNumber,
LONG lNextRecordNumber,
CSecurityIdentity securityIdentity );
void AddRef()
long x = InterlockedIncrement( (LONG *) &_refCount );
// underflow check
Win4Assert( 0 != x );
void Release()
long x = InterlockedDecrement( (LONG *) &_refCount );
// underflow check
Win4Assert( 0xffffffff != x );
ULONG LokGetRefCount() const { return _refCount; }
time_t LokGetLastAccessTime() const { return _lastAccessTime; }
ULONG GetSequenceNumber() const { return _ulSequenceNumber; }
LONG GetNextRecordNumber() const { return _lNextRecordNumber; }
void SetNextRecordNumber(LONG lNextRecordNumber)
Win4Assert( IsSequential() );
_lNextRecordNumber = lNextRecordNumber;
void ExecuteQuery( CVariableSet & variableSet,
COutputFormat & outputFormat );
BOOL LokIsCachedDataValid()
return _idqFile.IsCachedDataValid() &&
void OutputQueryResults( CVariableSet & variableSet,
COutputFormat & outputFormat,
CVirtualString & vString );
void OutputQueryResults( CVariableSet & variableSet,
COutputFormat & outputFormat,
CWebCanonicalResultsOut & output );
WCHAR const * GetRestriction() const { return _wcsRestriction; }
WCHAR const * GetScope() const { return _wcsScope; }
WCHAR const * GetSort() const { return _wcsSort; }
WCHAR const * GetIDQFileName() const { return _idqFile.GetIDQFileName(); }
WCHAR const * GetTemplate() const { return _htxFile.GetVirtualName(); }
WCHAR const * GetCatalog() const { return _wcsCatalog; }
WCHAR const * GetColumns() const { return _wcsColumns; }
SYSTEMTIME & GetQueryTime() { return _queryTime; }
WCHAR const * GetQueryTimeZone() const { return _wcsQueryTimeZone; }
WCHAR const * GetCiFlags() const { return _wcsCiFlags; }
WCHAR const * GetForceUseCI() const { return _wcsForceUseCI; }
WCHAR const * GetDeferTrimming() const { return _wcsDeferTrimming; }
BOOL IsSequential() const { return _htxFile.IsSequential(); }
unsigned _int64 GetSignature() const { return _signature; }
CSecurityIdentity & GetSecurityIdentity() { return _securityIdentity; }
//BOOL IsQueryUpToDate();
void UpdateQueryStatus( CVariableSet & variableSet );
BOOL IsZombie() const { return _fIsZombie; }
void Zombify() { _fIsZombie = TRUE; }
BOOL IsInCache() const { return _fInCache; }
void InCache() { _fInCache = TRUE; }
BOOL CanCache() const { return _fCanCache; }
BOOL IsQueryDone();
ULONG GetReplaceableParameterCount() const
return _idqFile.GetReplaceableParameterCount();
BOOL IsCanonicalOutput() const
return _idqFile.IsCanonicalOutput();
CIDQFile & GetIDQFile() const { return _idqFile; }
CHTXFile & GetHTXFile() const { return _htxFile; }
LCID GetLocale() const { return _locale; }
LONG GetMaxRecordsInResultSet() const { return _lMaxRecordsInResultSet; }
LONG GetFirstRowsInResultSet() const { return _lFirstRowsInResultSet; }
#if (DBG == 1)
void LokDump( CVirtualString & string,
CVariableSet * pVariableSet = 0,
COutputFormat * pOutputFormat = 0 );
CBaseQueryResultsIter * GetQueryResultsIterator( COutputFormat & outputFormat );
void ConvertValueToString( COutputColumn & column,
DBTYPE dbType,
NUMBERFMT * pNumberFormat,
CVirtualString & string );
unsigned _int64 _signature; // Signature to ID this memory block
ULONG _ulSequenceNumber; // Unique sequence number
ULONG _refCount; // Ref count
time_t _lastAccessTime; // Last time this query accessed
BOOL _fIsZombie; // Is this a zombie query
BOOL _fInCache; // Is this item in the cache
BOOL _fCanCache; // TRUE for non-admin queries
LCID _locale; // Locale used for this query
WCHAR * _wcsRestriction; // Restriction string
WCHAR * _wcsDialect; // Restriction version
WCHAR * _wcsSort; // Sort string
WCHAR * _wcsScope; // Query scope
WCHAR * _wcsCatalog; // Catalog as in CiCatalog
WCHAR * _wcsColumns; // Output columns
WCHAR * _wcsCiFlags; // CI Flags
WCHAR * _wcsForceUseCI; // ForceUseCI flag
WCHAR * _wcsDeferTrimming; // DeferTrimming flag
WCHAR * _wcsQueryTimeZone; // Timezone of the query
SYSTEMTIME _queryTime; // Time query executed
CDbColumns * _pDbColumns; // Output column specification
CDynArray<WCHAR> _awcsColumns; // Parsed column names
IRowset * _pIRowset; // Cached query results
IAccessor * _pIAccessor; // Accessor to query results
IRowsetQueryStatus *_pIRowsetStatus; // Interface to determine if done
ICommand * _pICommand; // Main query ICommand
HACCESSOR _hAccessor; // Handle to accessor
LONG _lMaxRecordsInResultSet; // # items to examine
LONG _lFirstRowsInResultSet;
LONG _lNextRecordNumber; // Next available rec # in query
ULONG _cFilteredDocuments; // # documents filtered in the catalog
ULONG _ulDialect; // wtoi(_wcsDialect)
CIDQFile & _idqFile; // A parsed IDQ file
CHTXFile & _htxFile; // A parsed HTX file
CSecurityIdentity _securityIdentity; // Security ID of this query
// Class: CWPendingQueryItem
// Purpose: A single pending query item.
// History: 96/Mar/01 DwightKr Created
class CWPendingQueryItem
CWPendingQueryItem( XPtr<CWQueryItem> & queryItem,
XPtr<COutputFormat> & outputFormat,
XPtr<CVariableSet> & variableSet );
BOOL IsQueryDone()
Win4Assert( 0 != _pQueryItem );
return _pQueryItem->IsQueryDone();
CWQueryItem * AcquirePendingQueryItem()
Win4Assert( 0 != _pQueryItem );
CWQueryItem *pItem = _pQueryItem;
_pQueryItem = 0;
return pItem;
CWQueryItem * GetPendingQueryItem() const { return _pQueryItem; }
COutputFormat & GetOutputFormat() { return *_pOutputFormat; }
CVariableSet & GetVariableSet() { return *_pVariableSet; }
#if (DBG == 1)
void LokDump( CVirtualString & string );
CWQueryItem * _pQueryItem; // The corresponding query
COutputFormat * _pOutputFormat; // String format of #'s & dates
CVariableSet * _pVariableSet; // List of browser variables