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// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// CSynth.h
#ifndef __CSYNTH_H__
#define __CSYNTH_H__
#include "synth.h"
#define MAX_VOICES 1000
// Forward declarations
struct IDirectSoundSynthSink;
class CSynth : public CListItem
friend class CControlLogic;
CSynth * GetNext() {return(CSynth *)CListItem::GetNext();};
HRESULT SetStereoMode(DWORD dwBufferFlags);
HRESULT SetSampleRate(DWORD dwSampleRate);
HRESULT Activate(DWORD dwSampleRate, DWORD dwBufferFlags);
HRESULT Deactivate();
HRESULT Download(LPHANDLE phDownload, void *pdwData, LPBOOL bpFree);
HRESULT PlayBuffer(IDirectMusicSynthSink *pSynthSink, REFERENCE_TIME rt, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, ULONG ulCable);
HRESULT SetNumChannelGroups(DWORD dwCableCount);
void SetGainAdjust(VREL vrGainAdjust);
HRESULT Open(DWORD dwCableCount, DWORD dwVoices, BOOL fReverb);
HRESULT Close();
void ResetPerformanceStats();
HRESULT AllNotesOff();
HRESULT SetMaxVoices(short nMaxVoices,short nTempVoices);
HRESULT GetMaxVoices(short *pnMaxVoices,short *pnTempVoices);
HRESULT GetPerformanceStats(PerfStats *pStats);
void Mix(short **ppvBuffer, DWORD *pdwIDs, DWORD *pdwFuncIDs, long *plPitchBends, DWORD dwBufferCount, DWORD dwBufferFlags, DWORD dwLength, LONGLONG llPosition);
HRESULT SetChannelPriority(DWORD dwChannelGroup,DWORD dwChannel,DWORD dwPriority);
HRESULT GetChannelPriority(DWORD dwChannelGroup,DWORD dwChannel,LPDWORD pdwPriority);
void GetReverb(DMUS_WAVES_REVERB_PARAMS *pParams);
void SetReverbActive(BOOL fReverb);
BOOL IsReverbActive();
/* DirectX8 methods */
HRESULT PlayBuffer(STIME stTime, REFERENCE_TIME rt, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, ULONG ulCable);
HRESULT PlayBuffer(IDirectSoundSynthSink *pSynthSink, REFERENCE_TIME rt, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, ULONG ulCable);
HRESULT PlayVoice(IDirectSoundSynthSink *pSynthSink, REFERENCE_TIME rt, DWORD dwVoiceId, DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, DWORD dwDLId, VREL vrVolume, PREL prPitch, SAMPLE_TIME stVoiceStart, SAMPLE_TIME stLoopStart, SAMPLE_TIME stLoopEnd);
HRESULT StopVoice(IDirectSoundSynthSink *pSynthSink, REFERENCE_TIME rt, DWORD dwVoiceId);
HRESULT GetVoiceState(DWORD dwVoice[], DWORD cbVoice, DMUS_VOICE_STATE VoiceState[]);
HRESULT Refresh(DWORD dwDownloadID, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT AssignChannelToBuses(DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, LPDWORD pdwBusses, DWORD cBusses);
bool BusIDToFunctionID(DWORD dwBusID, DWORD *pdwFunctionID, long *plPitchBends, DWORD *pdwIndex); // Converts the passed bus id into the equivalent function id and position in buffer array.
void StealNotes(STIME stTime);
void StartMix(short *pBuffer,DWORD dwlength,BOOL bInterleaved);
void FinishMix(short *pBuffer,DWORD dwlength,BOOL bInterleaved);
short ChangeVoiceCount(CVoiceList *pList,short nOld,short nCount);
DWORD * m_pdwBusIDs; // Temp pointer to array of bus ids. This is valid only during a mix.
DWORD * m_pdwFuncIDs; // Temp pointer to array of corresponding functional ids. This is also only valid during a mix.
long * m_plPitchBends; // Temp pointer to array of corresponding pitch offsets.
DWORD m_dwBufferCount; // Size of two preceding arrays.
CVoice * OldestVoice();
void QueueVoice(CVoice *pVoice);
CVoice * StealVoice(DWORD dwPriority);
STIME m_stLastTime; // Sample time of last mix.
CVoiceList m_VoicesFree; // List of available voices.
CVoiceList m_VoicesExtra; // Extra voices for temporary overload.
CVoiceList m_VoicesInUse; // List of voices currently in use.
short m_nMaxVoices; // Number of allowed voices.
short m_nExtraVoices; // Number of voices over the limit that can be used in a pinch.
STIME m_stLastStats; // Last perfstats refresh.
PerfStats m_BuildStats; // Performance info accumulator.
PerfStats m_CopyStats; // Performance information for display.
BOOL m_fReverbActive; // Whether reverb is currently on or off.
long * m_pStates; // State storage for reverb.
void * m_pCoefs; // Coeeficient storage for reverb.
DMUS_WAVES_REVERB_PARAMS m_ReverbParams; // Reverb settings.
VREL m_vrGainAdjust; // Final output gain adjust
// DLS-1 compatibility parameters: set these off to emulate hardware
// which can't vary volume/pan during playing of a note.
BOOL m_fAllowPanWhilePlayingNote;
BOOL m_fAllowVolumeChangeWhilePlayingNote;
STIME m_stMinSpan; // Minimum time allowed for mix time span.
STIME m_stMaxSpan; // Maximum time allowed for mix time span.
DWORD m_dwSampleRate; // Sample rate
DWORD m_dwStereo; // Is the output stereo
CInstManager m_Instruments; // Instrument manager.
CControlLogic **m_ppControl; // Array of open ControlLogics.
DWORD m_dwControlCount; // # of open CLs.
CRITICAL_SECTION m_CriticalSection; // Critical section to manage access.
BOOL m_fCSInitialized;
BOOL m_sfMMXEnabled; // Is MMX enabled
#endif// __CSYNTH_H__