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* Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: dvserverengine.h
* Content: Definition of class for DirectXVoice Server
* History:
* Date By Reason
* ==== == ======
* 07/06/99 rodtoll Created It
* 07/21/99 rodtoll Added settings confirm message to protocol.
* 07/22/99 rodtoll Added multiple reader/single writer guard to class
* 07/23/99 rodtoll Additional members for client/server and multicast
* 07/26/99 rodtoll Added support for new interfaces and access for DIRECTVOICESERVEROBJECT
* 08/25/99 rodtoll General Cleanup/Modifications to support new
* compression sub-system.
* Added parameter to the GetCompression Func
* 09/14/99 rodtoll Added new SetNotifyMask function
* rodtoll Updated Iniitalize parameters to take notification masks.
* rodtoll Implemented notification masks. (Allows user to choose which notifications to receive)
* 10/29/99 rodtoll Bug #113726 - Integrate Voxware Codecs, updating to use new
* pluggable codec architecture.
* 11/23/99 rodtoll Updated Initialize/SetNotifyMask so error checking behaviour is consistant
* 12/16/99 rodtoll Fix: Bug #122629 - Host migration broken in unusual configurations.
* Updated to use new algorithm described in dvprot.h
* - Generate and added host order IDs to player table messages
* - Added send of new hostmigrateleave message when shutting down and
* host should migrate
* - Sends session lost when shutting down if no one available to take over hosting
* - Added new player list message
* - Fixed handling of refusing player connections
* 01/14/2000 rodtoll Updated to allow multiple targets for a single player
* rodtoll Updated to use FPM for managing memory for Multicast mode
* rodtoll Updated to use new callback semantics
* 03/29/2000 rodtoll Bug #30753 - Added volatile to the class definition
* 04/07/2000 rodtoll Bug #32179 - Prevent registration of > 1 interface
* rodtoll Updated to use no copy sends, so handles pooling frames to be sent, proper
* pulling of frames from pools and returns.
* 07/09/2000 rodtoll Added signature bytes
* 11/16/2000 rodtoll Bug #40587 - DPVOICE: Mixing server needs to use multi-processors
* 11/28/2000 rodtoll Bug #47333 - DPVOICE: Server controlled targetting - invalid targets are not removed automatically
* 04/06/2001 kareemc Added Voice Defense
#define DVSSTATE_IDLE 0x00000001
#define DVSSTATE_STARTUP 0x00000002
#define DVSSTATE_RUNNING 0x00000003
#define DVSSTATE_SHUTDOWN 0x00000004
// CDirectVoiceClientEngine
// This class represents the IDirectXVoiceServer interface.
volatile class CDirectVoiceServerEngine: public CDirectVoiceEngine
CDirectVoiceServerEngine( DIRECTVOICESERVEROBJECT *lpObject );
public: // IDirectXVoiceServer Interface
HRESULT HostMigrateStart(LPDVSESSIONDESC lpSessionDesc, DWORD dwHostOrderIDSeed = 0 );
virtual HRESULT StartSession(LPDVSESSIONDESC lpSessionDesc, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwHostOrderIDSeed = 0 );
virtual HRESULT StopSession(DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fSilent=FALSE, HRESULT hrResult = DV_OK );
virtual HRESULT GetSessionDesc(LPDVSESSIONDESC lpSessionDescBuffer );
virtual HRESULT SetSessionDesc(LPDVSESSIONDESC lpSessionDesc );
HRESULT GetCompressionTypes( LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize, LPDWORD lpdwNumElements, DWORD dwFlags);
virtual HRESULT SetTransmitTarget(DVID dvidSource, PDVID pdvidTargets, DWORD dwNumTargets, DWORD dwFlags);
virtual HRESULT GetTransmitTarget(DVID dvidSource, LPDVID lpdvidTargets, PDWORD pdwNumElements, DWORD dwFlags );
virtual HRESULT MigrateHost( DVID dvidNewHost, LPDIRECTPLAYVOICESERVER lpdvServer );
virtual HRESULT SetNotifyMask( LPDWORD lpdwMessages, DWORD dwNumElements );
public: // CDirectVoiceEngine Members
HRESULT Initialize( CDirectVoiceTransport *lpTransport, LPDVMESSAGEHANDLER lpdvHandler, LPVOID lpUserContext, LPDWORD lpdwMessages, DWORD dwNumElements );
virtual BOOL ReceiveSpeechMessage( DVID dvidSource, LPVOID lpMessage, DWORD dwSize );
HRESULT StartTransportSession();
HRESULT StopTransportSession();
HRESULT AddPlayer( DVID dvID );
HRESULT RemovePlayer( DVID dvID );
HRESULT CreateGroup( DVID dvID );
HRESULT DeleteGroup( DVID dvID );
HRESULT AddPlayerToGroup( DVID dvidGroup, DVID dvidPlayer );
HRESULT RemovePlayerFromGroup( DVID dvidGroup, DVID dvidPlayer );
inline DWORD GetCurrentState() { return m_dwCurrentState; };
BOOL InitClass();
public: // packet validation
inline BOOL ValidateSettingsFlags( DWORD dwFlags );
inline BOOL ValidatePacketType( PDVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE lpdvFullMessage );
protected: // Protocol Layer Handling (protserver.cpp)
HRESULT Send_SessionLost( HRESULT hrReason );
HRESULT Send_HostMigrateLeave( );
HRESULT Send_HostMigrated();
HRESULT Send_DisconnectConfirm( DVID dvid, HRESULT hrReason );
HRESULT Send_DeletePlayer( DVID dvid );
HRESULT Send_CreatePlayer( DVID dvidTarget, CVoicePlayer *pPlayer );
HRESULT Send_ConnectRefuse( DVID dvid, HRESULT hrReason );
HRESULT Send_ConnectAccept( DVID dvid );
HRESULT SendPlayerList( DVID dvidSource, DWORD dwHostOrderID );
BOOL CheckProtocolCompatible( BYTE ucMajor, BYTE ucMinor, DWORD dwBuild );
HRESULT InternalSetNotifyMask( LPDWORD lpdwMessages, DWORD dwNumElements );
void DoPlayerDisconnect( DVID dvidPlayer, BOOL bInformPlayer );
void TransmitMessage( DWORD dwMessageType, LPVOID lpdvData, DWORD dwSize );
void SetCurrentState( DWORD dwState );
HRESULT CreatePlayerEntry( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_SETTINGSCONFIRM lpdvSettingsConfirm, DWORD dwHostOrderID, CVoicePlayer **ppPlayer );
BOOL HandleDisconnect( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_GENERIC lpdvDisconnect, DWORD dwSize );
BOOL HandleConnectRequest( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_CONNECTREQUEST lpdvConnectRequest, DWORD dwSize );
BOOL HandleSettingsConfirm( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_SETTINGSCONFIRM lpdvSettingsConfirm, DWORD dwSize );
BOOL HandleSettingsReject( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_GENERIC lpdvGeneric, DWORD dwSize );
BOOL HandleSpeechWithTarget( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_SPEECHWITHTARGET lpdvSpeech, DWORD dwSize );
BOOL HandleSpeech( DVID dvidSource, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_SPEECHHEADER lpdvSpeech, DWORD dwSize );
PDVTRANSPORT_BUFFERDESC GetTransmitBuffer( DWORD dwSize, LPVOID *ppvContext );
void ReturnTransmitBuffer( PVOID pvContext );
HRESULT BuildAndSendTargetUpdate( DVID dvidSource, CVoicePlayer *pPlayerInfo );
BOOL CheckForMigrate( DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fSilent );
HRESULT InformClientsOfMigrate();
void WaitForBufferReturns();
protected: // Client Server specific information (mixserver.cpp)
static DWORD WINAPI MixerWorker( void *lpContext );
static DWORD WINAPI MixerControl( void *pvContext );
static BOOL MixingServerWakeupProc( DWORD_PTR param );
void HandleMixerThreadError( HRESULT hr );
void Mixer_Buffer_Reset(DWORD dwThreadIndex);
void Mixer_Buffer_MixBuffer( DWORD dwThreadIndex,unsigned char *source );
void Mixer_Buffer_Normalize( DWORD dwThreadIndex );
HRESULT SetupBuffers();
HRESULT FreeBuffers();
HRESULT StartupClientServer();
HRESULT ShutdownClientServer();
HRESULT ShutdownWorkerThreads();
HRESULT StartWorkerThreads();
HRESULT HandleMixingReceive( CDVCSPlayer *pTargetPlayer, PDVPROTOCOLMSG_SPEECHWITHTARGET pdvSpeechWithtarget, DWORD dwSpeechSize, PBYTE pbSpeechData );
void AddPlayerToMixingAddList( CVoicePlayer *pVoicePlayer );
void UpdateActiveMixingPendingList( DWORD dwThreadIndex, DWORD *pdwNumActive );
void CleanupMixingList();
void SpinWorkToThread( LONG lThreadIndex );
void FindAndRemoveDeadTarget( DVID dvidTargetID );
protected: // Forwarding Server specific funcs (fwdserver.cpp)
HRESULT StartupMulticast();
HRESULT ShutdownMulticast();
HRESULT HandleForwardingReceive( CVoicePlayer *pTargetPlayer,PDVPROTOCOLMSG_SPEECHWITHTARGET pdvSpeechWithtarget, DWORD dwSpeechSize, PBYTE pbSpeechData );
void CleanupActiveList();
DWORD m_dwSignature; // Signature
LPDVMESSAGEHANDLER m_lpMessageHandler; // User message handler
LPVOID m_lpUserContext; // User context for message handler
DVID m_dvidLocal; // DVID of the transport player for this host
DWORD m_dwCurrentState; // Current state of the engine
CDirectVoiceTransport *m_lpSessionTransport; // Transport for the session
DVSESSIONDESC m_dvSessionDesc; // Description of session
DWORD m_dwTransportFlags; // Flags for the transport session
DWORD m_dwTransportSessionType;
// Type of transport session (client/server or peer to peer)
LPDVFULLCOMPRESSIONINFO m_lpdvfCompressionInfo; // Details of current compression type
DWORD m_dwCompressedFrameSize;// Max size of compressed frame
DWORD m_dwUnCompressedFrameSize;
// Size of a single frame uncompressed
DWORD m_dwNumPerBuffer; // Size of playback/record buffers in frames
CFramePool *m_pFramePool; // Pool of frames for the queues
// time of a frame size.
DIRECTVOICESERVEROBJECT *m_lpObject; // Pointer to the COM object this is running in
LPDWORD m_lpdwMessageElements; // Array containing the DVMSGID_XXXX values for all the
// notifications developer wishes to receive.
// If this is NULL all notifications are active
DWORD m_dwNumMessageElements; // # of elements in the m_lpdwMessageElements array
DWORD m_dwNextHostOrderID;
HRESULT m_hrStopSessionResult; // Reason that the session was stopped
BOOL m_mixerEightBit; // Is the mixer format 8-bit
BYTE m_padding[3];
ServerStats *m_pServerStats;
DVCAPS m_dvCaps; // Caps
DNCRITICAL_SECTION m_csNotifyLock; // Lock protection notification mask
BILINK m_blPlayerActiveList;
DNCRITICAL_SECTION m_csPlayerActiveList;
CVoiceNameTable m_voiceNameTable;
CLockedFixedPool<CDVCSPlayer> m_fpCSPlayers;
CLockedFixedPool<CVoicePlayer> m_fpPlayers;
ServerStats m_dvsServerStatsFixed; // If global memory is unavailable
PFPOOL m_pBufferDescPool;
PFPOOL *m_pBufferPools;
DWORD *m_pdwBufferPoolSizes;
DWORD m_dwNumPools;
protected: // Mixing server information
DWORD m_dwNumMixingThreads;
DWORD m_dwMixerSize; // # of samples in the high resolution mixer buffer
HANDLE m_hTickSemaphore; // Semaphore signalled by the timer
HANDLE m_hShutdownMixerEvent; // Event signalled to shutdown the mixer
HANDLE m_hMixerDoneEvent; // Signalled by the mixer thread when it's shutdown
Timer *m_timer; // Timer that is signalled on a period equal to the
DWORD m_dwMixerControlThreadID;
HANDLE m_hMixerControlThread;
MixingServerStats m_statMixingFixed;
MixingServerStats *m_pStats;
PERF_APPLICATION m_perfInfo; // Perf info entry for this object
PERF_APPLICATION_INFO m_perfAppInfo; // APplication specific perrf info
BOOL m_fCritSecInited;