Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Copyright (c) 1994 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include <streams.h>
#include <vfwmsgs.h>
// define the GUIDs for streams and my CLSID in this file
#include <initguid.h>
#include <dvdmedia.h>
#include <il21dec.h>
#include "dvdgb.h"
// setup data
// list of class ids and creator functions for class factory
CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] = {
{ L"DVD Graph Builder"
, &CLSID_DvdGraphBuilder
, CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateInstance
, NULL } // self-registering info
int g_cTemplates = sizeof(g_Templates) / sizeof(g_Templates[0]);
// exported entry points for registration and
// unregistration (in this case they only call
// through to default implmentations).
STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
return AMovieDllRegisterServer2( TRUE );
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer()
return AMovieDllRegisterServer2( FALSE );
CDvdGraphBuilder::CDvdGraphBuilder(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT * phr)
: CUnknown(pName, pUnk),
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CDvdGraphBuilder()"))) ;
*phr = CreateGraph() ;
ZeroMemory(m_achwPathName, MAX_PATH * sizeof(m_achwPathName[0])) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::~CDvdGraphBuilder() entering"))) ;
// If we have a graph object
if (m_pGB)
StopGraph() ; // make sure the graph is REALYY stopped
// Break the connections and remove all the filters we added from the graph
ClearGraph() ;
m_pGB->Release() ; // free it
m_pGB = NULL ;
#if 0
// Get a list of decoders in use in the graph and release them.
// Then free the memory for the list of decoders.
IBaseFilter *pDecList ;
int n = m_Decoders.GetList(&pDecList) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; n++)
(pDecList + i)->Release() ;
if (pDecList)
CoTaskMemFree(pDecList) ;
#endif // #if 0
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::~CDvdGraphBuilder() ending"))) ;
void CDvdGraphBuilder::StopGraph(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::StopGraph()"))) ;
// Just paranoia
if (NULL == m_pGB)
ASSERT(FALSE) ; // so that we know
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: How are we doing a Stop w/o a graph???"))) ;
return ;
// Check that the graph has stopped; otherwise stop it here. Because a
// playing graph can't be cleaned up or rebuilt.
IMediaControl *pMC ;
LONG lState ;
HRESULT hr = m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (LPVOID *)&pMC) ;
pMC->GetState(INFINITE, &lState) ;
if (State_Stopped != lState)
hr = pMC->Stop() ;
while (State_Stopped != lState)
Sleep(10) ;
hr = pMC->GetState(INFINITE, &lState) ;
pMC->Release() ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("DVD-Video playback graph has stopped"))) ;
STDMETHODIMP CDvdGraphBuilder::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::NonDelegatingQueryInterface()"))) ;
if (ppv)
*ppv = NULL;
if (riid == IID_IDvdGraphBuilder)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("QI for IDvdGraphBuilder"))) ;
return GetInterface((IDvdGraphBuilder *) this, ppv) ;
else // more interfaces
return CUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv) ;
// this goes in the factory template table to create new instances
CUnknown * CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT * phr)
return new CDvdGraphBuilder(TEXT("DVD Graph Builder"), pUnk, phr) ;
// IDvdGraphBuilder stuff
#if 0
// Use my filtergraph to build your DVD playback graph
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::SetFiltergraph(IGraphBuilder *pGB)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::SetFiltergraph(0x%lx)"), pGB)) ;
if (m_pGB) // we already have a graph
return E_UNEXPECTED ; // no thanks.
if (pGB == NULL)
return E_POINTER ;
m_pGB = pGB ;
m_pGB->AddRef() ; // we own a copy now
// If we want to bother about the filters that might have been added to the
// passed in filter graph, we could enumerated and list them. But ignore that
// for now at least.
return NOERROR ;
#endif // #if 0
// What filtergraph is graph building being done in?
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::GetFiltergraph(IGraphBuilder **ppGB)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::GetFiltergraph(0x%lx)"), ppGB)) ;
if (ppGB == NULL)
return E_POINTER ;
#if 0
EnsureGraphExists() ;
#endif // #if 0
*ppGB = m_pGB ;
if (NULL == m_pGB)
m_pGB->AddRef() ; // app owns a copy now
return NOERROR ;
#if 0 // NOT for now
// Set DVD source specification
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::SetDvdSourceFilter(IBaseFilter *pDVDSrc, LPCWSTR lpszwSrcName)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::SetDvdSourceFilter(0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
ppGB, lpszwSrcName)) ;
BOOL bGraphDone = m_bGraphDone ;
// if (m_pDVDSrc) // some DVD source filter was specified -- remove it
// m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pDVDSrc) ;
#if 0
hr = EnsureGraphExists() ;
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr ;
if (bGraphDone) // if graph was built before then rebuild it
ClearGraph() ;
// Also need to unload all the decoders currently loaded
// m_Decoders.CleanAll() ; -- should be covered by ClearGraph()
if (pDVDSrc) // a new DVD source filter is specified -- add it
m_pGB->AddFilter(pDVDSrc, lpszwSrcName) ;
m_pDVDSrc = pDVDSrc ; // this is the new DVD source (or NULL for default)
if (bGraphDone) // if graph was built then indicate rebuild needed
// Otherwise we are done for now
return NOERROR ;
#endif // #if 0
// Get a specified interface off of a filter in the DVD playback graph
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::GetDvdInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvIF)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::GetDvdInterface(%s, 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR)CDisp(riid), ppvIF)) ;
if (IsBadWritePtr(ppvIF, sizeof(LPVOID)))
*ppvIF = NULL ;
// We can't return any of the internal filter interface pointers before
// building the whole graph.
if (! m_bGraphDone )
if (IID_IDvdControl == riid)
if (m_pDVDSrc) // if user specified DVD source
return m_pDVDSrc->QueryInterface(IID_IDvdControl, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else // if using default DVD source -- our Nav
return m_pDVDNav->QueryInterface(IID_IDvdControl, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else if (IID_IDvdInfo == riid)
if (m_pDVDSrc) // if user specified DVD source
return m_pDVDSrc->QueryInterface(IID_IDvdInfo, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else // if using default DVD source -- our Nav
return m_pDVDNav->QueryInterface(IID_IDvdInfo, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else if (IID_IVideoWindow == riid)
if (m_pVR)
return m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoWindow, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else if (IID_IBasicVideo == riid)
if (m_pVR)
return m_pVR->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicVideo, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else if (IID_IBasicAudio == riid)
if (m_pAR)
return m_pAR->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
else if (IID_IAMLine21Decoder == riid)
if (m_pL21Dec)
return m_pL21Dec->QueryInterface(IID_IAMLine21Decoder, (LPVOID *)ppvIF) ;
// Build the whole graph for playing back the specifed or default DVD volume
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderDvdVideoVolume(LPCWSTR lpcwszPathName, DWORD dwFlags,
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderDvdVideoVolume(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
lpcwszPathName, dwFlags, pStatus)) ;
#if 0
hr = EnsureGraphExists() ; // make sure that a graph exists; if not create one
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create a filter graph object"))) ;
return hr ;
#endif // #if 0
if (m_bGraphDone) // if graph was built before,
StopGraph() ; // just make sure the graph is in Stopped state first
ZeroMemory(pStatus, sizeof(AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS)) ; // clear status
m_bUseVPE = (0 == (dwFlags & AM_DVD_NOVPE)) ; // is VPE needed?
if (0 == (dwFlags & DVDGRAPH_FLAGSVALIDDEC)) // 0 by default means HW max
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("dwFlags specified as 0x%lx; added .._HWDEC_PREFER"), dwFlags)) ;
dwFlags |= AM_DVD_HWDEC_PREFER ; // use HW Decs maxm
// Now build graph based on flag specified in the call
hr = MakeGraphHW(FALSE, pStatus) ;
break ;
hr = MakeGraphHW(TRUE, pStatus) ;
break ;
// m_bUseVPE = FALSE ;
hr = MakeGraphSW(FALSE, pStatus) ;
break ;
// m_bUseVPE = FALSE ;
hr = MakeGraphSW(TRUE, pStatus) ;
break ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Got an invalid DVD Render flag"))) ;
break ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("Graph building failed (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
// m_Decoders.CleanAll() ; -- should be covered by ClearGraph()
ClearGraph() ;
return hr ;
HRESULT hrFinal = hr ; // as it has been so far
// Now get all the mixers, renderers etc to complete the graph
hr = RenderDecoderOutput(pStatus) ;
// If we were successful before and the decoder output rendering wasn't
// then at least set the warning flag.
if (S_OK == hrFinal && S_OK != hr ||
SUCCEEDED(hrFinal) && FAILED(hr))
hrFinal = hr ;
// Do we really need it?
if (lpcwszPathName)
lstrcpynW(m_achwPathName, lpcwszPathName, MAX_PATH) ;
// Set the specified root file name/DVD volume name (even NULL because
// that causes the DVD Nav to search for one)
IDvdControl *pDvdC ;
if (m_pDVDSrc)
hr = m_pDVDSrc->QueryInterface(IID_IDvdControl, (LPVOID *)&pDvdC) ;
hr = m_pDVDNav->QueryInterface(IID_IDvdControl, (LPVOID *)&pDvdC) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pDvdC)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't get IDvdControl interface (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
return hr ;
// Set the specified DVD volume path
// Does the SetRoor() function handle the NULL properly?
hr = pDvdC->SetRoot(lpcwszPathName) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2,
TEXT("IDvdControl::SetRoot() call couldn't use specified volume (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
if (lpcwszPathName)
pStatus->bDvdVolInvalid = TRUE ;
pStatus->bDvdVolUnknown = TRUE ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hrFinal)) // if we were so far perfect, ...
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // ...we aren't so anymore
pDvdC->Release() ; // done with this interface
// Only if we haven't entirely failed, set the graph built flag and
// return overall result.
if (SUCCEEDED(hrFinal))
m_bGraphDone = TRUE ;
return hrFinal ;
#if 0
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::GetStatusMessage(AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus,
LPTSTR lpszMessage, int *piLength)
return E_NOTIMPL ; // for now
#endif // #if 0
// Make sure a filter graph has been created; if not create one here
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::EnsureGraphExists(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::EnsureGraphExists()"))) ;
if (m_pGB)
return S_OK ;
return CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
IID_IGraphBuilder, (LPVOID *)&m_pGB) ;
// Create a fresh filter graph
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateGraph(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateGraph()"))) ;
return CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
IID_IGraphBuilder, (LPVOID *)&m_pGB) ;
// Delete the existing filter graph's contents
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::DeleteGraph(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::DeleteGraph()"))) ;
m_pGB->Release() ;
return NOERROR ;
// Clear all the existing filters from the graph
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::ClearGraph(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::ClearGraph()"))) ;
// Just paranoia...
if (NULL == m_pGB)
ASSERT(FALSE) ; // so that we know
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: How are we Clearing w/o a graph???"))) ;
return E_FAIL ;
// Reset state and release interfaces
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = 0 ;
if (m_pL21PinToRender)
m_pL21PinToRender->Release() ;
m_pL21PinToRender = NULL ;
if (m_pSPPinToRender)
m_pSPPinToRender->Release() ;
m_pSPPinToRender = NULL ;
// Remove all (connected only?) filters from graph
RemoveAllFilters() ;
// Release all decoders too
m_Decoders.CleanAll() ;
m_bGraphDone = FALSE ; // reset the "graph already built" flag
return NOERROR ;
// Delete all the non-decoder filters from the current graph.
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RemoveAllFilters(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RemoveAllFilters()"))) ;
if (m_pVR)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Removing Video Renderer from the graph"))) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pVR) ;
m_pVR->Release() ;
m_pVR = NULL ;
if (m_pAR)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Removing Audio Renderer from the graph"))) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pAR) ;
m_pAR->Release() ;
m_pAR = NULL ;
if (m_pVM)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Removing Video Mixer from the graph"))) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pVM) ;
m_pVM->Release() ;
m_pVM = NULL ;
if (m_pL21Dec)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Removing Line21 dec from the graph"))) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pL21Dec) ;
m_pL21Dec->Release() ;
m_pL21Dec = NULL ;
m_IntFilters.RemoveAll() ; // remove intermediate filters, if any
// Now remove the Nav
if (m_pDVDNav)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Removing DVD Nav from the graph"))) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pDVDNav) ;
m_pDVDNav->Release() ;
m_pDVDNav = NULL ;
return NOERROR ;
// Create a filter and add it to the filter graph
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID Clsid,
LPCTSTR lpszFilterName, IBaseFilter **ppFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateFilterInGraph(%s, %s, 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(Clsid), lpszFilterName, ppFilter)) ;
if (NULL == m_pGB)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Filter graph object hasn't been created yet"))) ;
return E_FAIL ;
hr = CoCreateInstance(Clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter,
(LPVOID *)ppFilter) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == *ppFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create filter %s (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(Clsid), hr)) ;
return hr ;
// Add it to the filter graph
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achwFilterName, lpszFilterName) ;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszFilterName, -1, achwFilterName, MAX_FILTER_NAME) ;
#endif // UNICODE
hr = m_pGB->AddFilter(*ppFilter, achwFilterName) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't add filter %s to graph (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(Clsid), hr)) ;
(*ppFilter)->Release() ; // release filter too
*ppFilter = NULL ; // and set it to NULL
return hr ;
return NOERROR ;
// Find the nth pin with a specific direction in a filter
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::FindOpenPin(IBaseFilter *pFilter, PIN_DIRECTION pd,
int iIndex, IPin **ppPin)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::FindOpenPin(0x%lx, %d, %d, 0x%lx)"),
pFilter, pd, iIndex, ppPin)) ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPins ;
IPin *pPin ;
IPin *pPin2 ;
ULONG ul ;
*ppPin = NULL ;
if (NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Can't find a pin from NULL filter!!!"))) ;
hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPins) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumPins) ;
while (S_OK == pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPin, &ul) && 1 == ul)
hr = pPin->QueryDirection(&pdFound) ;
if (pd != pdFound)
pPin->Release() ; // don't need this pin
continue ;
hr = pPin->ConnectedTo(&pPin2) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPin2)
pPin2->Release() ; // we don't want this pin actually
pPin->Release() ; // this pin is already connected
continue ; // try next one
if (0 == iIndex)
// Got the reqd pin in the right direction
*ppPin = pPin ;
hr = S_OK ;
break ;
else // some more to go
iIndex-- ; // one more down...
pPin->Release() ; // this is not the pin we are looking for
pEnumPins->Release() ;
return hr ; // whatever it is
BOOL CDvdGraphBuilder::CheckPinMediaTypeMatch(IPin *pPinIn, DWORD dwStreamFlag)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CheckPinMediaTypeMatch(%s, %lu)"),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPinIn), dwStreamFlag)) ;
BOOL bResult = FALSE ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMTIn ;
HRESULT hr = pPinIn->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMTIn) ;
ULONG ul ;
while (!bResult &&
S_OK == pEnumMTIn->Next(1, &pmtIn, &ul) && 1 == ul) // more mediatypes
// Decipher the mediatype
if (pmtIn->majortype == MEDIATYPE_MPEG2_PES ||
if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is MPEG2_VIDEO"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
else if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is DOLBY_AC3"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO ;
else if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DVD_SUBPICTURE)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is DVD_Subpicture"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown subtype %s"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmtIn->subtype))) ;
else if (pmtIn->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) // elementary stream
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is Video elementary"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is DVD_SUBPICTURE"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC ;
else if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is MPEG2_VIDEO"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown subtype %s"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmtIn->subtype))) ;
else if (pmtIn->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio) // elementary stream
ASSERT(pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3) ; // just checking
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is Audio elementary"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO ;
// There is a chance that some IHV/ISV creates a private mediatype
// (major or sub) as in the case of IBM (for CSS filter). We have to
// search the parts of the mediatype to locate something we recognize.
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2,
TEXT("Unknown mediatype %s:%s. But we won't give up..."),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmtIn->majortype), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pmtIn->subtype))) ;
if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is ISV/IHV-specific Audio"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO ;
else if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is ISV/IHV-specific Video"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
else if (pmtIn->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DVD_SUBPICTURE)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is ISV/IHV-specific Subpicture"))) ;
bResult = dwStreamFlag == AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown mediatype. Couldn't detect at all."))) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmtIn) ;
} // end of while()
pEnumMTIn->Release() ;
return bResult ; // whatever we found
IBaseFilter * CDvdGraphBuilder::GetFilterBetweenPins(IPin *pPinOut, IPin *pPinIn)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::GetFilterBetweenPins(Out=%s, In=%s)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
if (NULL == pPinOut || NULL == pPinIn) // what!!!
return NULL ;
IPin *pPin ;
IBaseFilter *pFilter = NULL ;
HRESULT hr = pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPin) ;
if (pPin && SUCCEEDED(hr))
pPin->QueryPinInfo(&pi) ;
pFilter = pi.pFilter ;
ASSERT(pFilter && PINDIR_INPUT == pi.dir) ;
// We intentionally keep the extra ref count because this is an intermediate
// filter and other intermediate filters picked up based on registry based
// filter enum (for SW decoding case) will have the extra ref count. We
// release the IBaseFilter interface pointer in CIntFilters::RemoveAll() and
// if we don't keep this extra ref count here, we'll fault. On the other
// hand we must do Release() on CIntFilters elements, because SW enum-ed
// filters will not be unloaded.
// if (pi.pFilter)
// pi.pFilter->Release() ; // it has an extra ref count from the Query...
pPin->Release() ; // done with the pin for now
// Just for checking...
#ifdef DEBUG
hr = pPinIn->ConnectedTo(&pPin) ;
if (pPin && SUCCEEDED(hr))
pPin->QueryPinInfo(&pi) ;
ASSERT(pi.pFilter && PINDIR_OUTPUT == pi.dir) ;
if (pi.pFilter)
ASSERT(IsEqualObject(pFilter, pi.pFilter)) ; // we should have got the same filter
pi.pFilter->Release() ; // it has an extra ref count from the Query...
pPin->Release() ; // done with the pin for now
#endif // DEBUG
return pFilter ;
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::ConnectSrcToHWDec(IBaseFilter *pSrc,
CListDecoders *pHWDecList,
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::ConnectSrcToHWDec(0x%lx, 0x%0x, 0x%lx)"),
pSrc, pHWDecList, pStatus)) ;
ULONG ul ;
int i ;
IPin *pPinOut ;
IPin *pPinIn ;
BOOL bConnected ;
IBaseFilter *pHWDec ;
LPTSTR szName ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPinsOut ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ; // assumed innocent
if (0 == pHWDecList->GetNumHWFilters()) // if there is no HW decoder
return S_FALSE ; // not a failure, but not a full success
if (NULL == pSrc)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: NULL Src passed to ConnectSrcToHWDec()"))) ;
hr = pSrc->EnumPins(&pEnumPinsOut) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumPinsOut) ;
while (S_OK == pEnumPinsOut->Next(1, &pPinOut, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pPinOut->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd)
pPinOut->Release() ;
continue ;
hr = pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinIn)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s is already connected to %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
pPinIn->Release() ; // we don't want this pin actually
pPinOut->Release() ; // this pin is already connected
continue ; // try next one
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s will be tried for connection to HW decoder"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
// Got an unconnected output pin of the DVD source filter
// We are going to get the successive inpins of the already
// loaded decoders and see if the outpin can connect directly
// to it.
bConnected = FALSE ;
// Try all HW decoders for mediatype match and then connection
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to try %d HW decoders..."),
pHWDecList->GetNumHWFilters())) ;
for (i = 0 ; !bConnected && i < pHWDecList->GetNumHWFilters() ; i++)
pHWDecList->GetFilter(i, &pHWDec, &szName, &bHW) ;
ASSERT(pHWDec && bHW) ; // paranoia!!!
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("HW Decoder: %s"), szName)) ;
BOOL bNotInUse ;
bNotInUse = (DECLIST_NOTFOUND == m_Decoders.IsInList(TRUE, (LPVOID)pHWDec)) ;
if (bNotInUse) // not already in the graph/decoder list
// First add filter to graph and then try to connect
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achwFilterName, szName) ;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szName, -1, achwFilterName,
#endif // UNICODE
m_pGB->AddFilter(pHWDec, achwFilterName) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("HW decoder (%s) is already in the graph"), szName)) ;
// Try all input pins of this HW decoder until we can connect the
// Nav out pin to one (or all in pins have been tried)
int j = 0 ;
while ( !bConnected &&
SUCCEEDED(hr = FindOpenPin(pHWDec, PINDIR_INPUT, j, &pPinIn)) &&
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Open input pin #%d found on HW decoder"), j)) ;
// Find the mediatype of this input pin of the proxy filter. If
// it's the same type as the output pin of the Nav, then they
// are supposed to be connected (may be) -- try it.
DWORD dwStreamIn = StreamFlagFromSWPin(pPinOut) ;
if (CheckPinMediaTypeMatch(pPinIn, dwStreamIn))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3,
TEXT("Pin <%s> and Pin <%s> has matching mediatypes (%lu)"),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPinIn), dwStreamIn)) ;
// First try to do "direct connect" so that no other intermediate
// filter gets picked up (which is the most common case).
hr = m_pGB->ConnectDirect(pPinOut, pPinIn, NULL) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
bConnected = TRUE ;
// Add it to list, ONLY IF not already in
if (bNotInUse)
m_Decoders.AddFilter(pHWDec, szName, TRUE, NULL) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s directly connected to pin %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
else // direct connection doesn't work
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s did NOT directly connect to pin %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
// Now do an "intelligent connect" so that any required intermediate
// filter can get picked up. This is mainly to accommodate IBM's
// separate CSS filter.
hr = m_pGB->Connect(pPinOut, pPinIn) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
bConnected = TRUE ;
// Add it to list, ONLY IF not already in
if (bNotInUse)
m_Decoders.AddFilter(pHWDec, szName, TRUE, NULL) ;
// BUGBUG: We assume that there will be only one intermediate
// filter sitting between the Nav's out pin and the decoder,
// which is the most likely case, but there IS a chance that
// there can be two more such filters. We should rather add
// all such filters to the intermediate filters' list inside
// GetFilter(s)BetweenPins() method.
m_IntFilters.AddFilter(GetFilterBetweenPins(pPinOut, pPinIn)) ; // add to the list
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s *indirectly* connected to pin %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s did NOT indirectly connect to pin %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
} // end of else of if (connect direct)
} // end of if (CheckPinMediaTypeMatch())
pPinIn->Release() ; // done with this in pin
j++ ;
} // end of while (try all in pins untill connected to one)
if (0 == j)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("No open input pin found on HW decoder"))) ;
// If we didn't connect to it AND we added it to the graph
// THIS TIME then ONLY remove it. I spent almost day debugging
// for the missing if (bNotInUse) check!!!
if ( !bConnected && bNotInUse)
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(pHWDec) ;
} // end of for (all HW decs)
if (! bConnected ) // if we couldn't connect this pin
if (NOERROR == hrFinal) // if it was perfect so far,
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // it's not so anymore
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Pin (%s) couldn't be connected to any HW Dec"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pPinOut->Release() ; // done with this out pin
} // end of while (out pin enum)
pEnumPinsOut->Release() ; // done with pin enum of DVD Src
return hrFinal ;
BOOL CDvdGraphBuilder::StartDecAndConnect(IPin *pPinOut,
IFilterMapper *pMapper,
ULONG ul ;
IPin *pPinIn ;
BOOL bConnected ;
LPTSTR szName ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPinsOut ;
IEnumRegFilters *pEnumFilters ;
IBaseFilter *pSWDec ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMT ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ; // assumed innocent
int iDecPos ;
hr = pMapper->EnumMatchingFilters(&pEnumFilters, /* MERIT_NORMAL */
pmt->majortype, pmt->subtype, FALSE, TRUE,
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pEnumFilters)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("No matching enum for mediatype (%s:%s)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->majortype), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->subtype))) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt) ;
return FALSE ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Got a filter enum for mediatype (%s:%s)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->majortype), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->subtype))) ;
// Go through all the filters in this enumerator to locate a
// suitable one to connect to.
bConnected = FALSE ; // clear flag at starting
while ( !bConnected &&
S_OK == pEnumFilters->Next(1, &pRegDec, &ul) && 1 == ul )
iDecPos = m_Decoders.IsInList(FALSE, (LPVOID)&(pRegDec->Clsid)) ;
if (DECLIST_NOTFOUND == iDecPos) // not in list
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Not an existing SW decoder-- going to create"))) ;
hr = CoCreateInstance(pRegDec->Clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID *)&pSWDec) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pSWDec)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("Couldn't load a matching registered filter (%s) (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pRegDec->Clsid), hr)) ;
CoTaskMemFree(pRegDec) ; // before we try the next
continue ; // onto the next matching filter...
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Started matching registered filter (%s)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pRegDec->Clsid))) ;
hr = m_pGB->AddFilter(pSWDec, pRegDec->Name) ;
else // already created; use existing instance
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to use an existing SW decoder (%d)"),
iDecPos)) ;
m_Decoders.GetFilter(iDecPos, &pSWDec, &szName, &bHW) ;
ASSERT(pSWDec && !bHW) ; // want to be sure!!
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, pSWDec, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("One more pin connected (to decoder or 3rd party filter?)"))) ;
// There is a chance that the filter we just above created and connected
// Nav's out pin to, "may NOT be" actually a decoder -- it may also be a
// 3rd party intermediate filter, like IBM's CSS filter.
IPin *pPinOut2 ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMT2 ;
BOOL bMTDecoded = FALSE ;
hr = FindOpenPin(pSWDec, PINDIR_OUTPUT, 0, &pPinOut2) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinOut2)
hr = pPinOut2->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMT2) ;
while ( !bMTDecoded &&
S_OK == pEnumMT2->Next(1, &pmt2, &ul) && 1 == ul)
bMTDecoded = MEDIATYPE_Video == pmt2->majortype ||
MEDIATYPE_Audio == pmt2->majortype ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt2) ; // otherwise
if (bMTDecoded) // we HAVE connected to a decoder!!!
// Add decoder info to our decoder list and set the success flag
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Nav pin / 3rd party's pin connected to decoder"))) ;
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achName, pRegDec->Name) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pRegDec->Name, -1,
#endif // UNICODE
if (DECLIST_NOTFOUND == iDecPos) // only if not in list
m_Decoders.AddFilter(pSWDec, achName, FALSE, &(pRegDec->Clsid)) ;
bConnected = TRUE ; // success!!
else // we have connected to an intermediate filter so far
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Nav pin (%s) connected to 3rd party filter with out pin (%s)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut2))) ;
m_IntFilters.AddFilter(pSWDec) ; // pSWDec is actually the intermediate filter
pEnumMT2->Reset() ; // need to enum mediatypes AGAIN for connection
while( !bConnected &&
S_OK == pEnumMT2->Next(1, &pmt2, &ul) && 1 == ul )
bConnected = StartDecAndConnect(pPinOut2, pMapper, pmt2) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt2) ; // done with this mediatype
} // end of while (!bConnected && pEnumMT2->Next())
if ( !bConnected ) // connection attempts failed
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin (%s) -> Pin(%s) couldn't be connected to any SW Dec"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut2))) ;
pEnumMT2->Release() ; // media enum over
pPinOut2->Release() ; // done with this pin
else // connection attempt failed
if (DECLIST_NOTFOUND == iDecPos) // only if we created it in this pass
hr = m_pGB->RemoveFilter(pSWDec) ; // connection failed; remove it
pSWDec->Release() ; // don't need it
CoTaskMemFree(pRegDec) ; // before we forget
} // end of while (!bConnected && pEnumFilters->Next())
pEnumFilters->Release() ; // let go of the filter enumerator
return bConnected ;
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::ConnectSrcToSWDec(IBaseFilter *pSrc,
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::ConnectSrcToSWDec(0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
pSrc, pStatus)) ;
ULONG ul ;
IPin *pPinOut ;
IPin *pPinIn ;
BOOL bConnected ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPinsOut ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMT ;
IFilterMapper *pMapper ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ; // assumed innocent
if (NULL == pSrc)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: NULL Src passed to ConnectSrcToSWDec()"))) ;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterMapper, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
IID_IFilterMapper, (LPVOID *)&pMapper) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pMapper) ;
hr = pSrc->EnumPins(&pEnumPinsOut) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumPinsOut) ;
while (S_OK == pEnumPinsOut->Next(1, &pPinOut, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pPinOut->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd)
pPinOut->Release() ;
continue ;
hr = pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinIn) // already connected out pin of DVD src
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Pin %s is already connected to pin %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
pPinIn->Release() ; // let the in pin go
pPinOut->Release() ; // let the out pin go
continue ;
// Got an unconnected out pin of DVD src
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Found pin %s not yet connected"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
// First check if there is any existing intermediate filter(s).
// If so, we may be able to connect through it.
int iCount = m_IntFilters.GetCount() ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("%d intermediate filters in list"), iCount)) ;
IBaseFilter *pIntFilter ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < iCount ; i++)
pIntFilter = m_IntFilters.GetFilter(i) ;
ASSERT(pIntFilter) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, pIntFilter, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Nav's out pin (%s) connected to 3rd party filter"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pPinOut->Release() ; // done with Nav's pin; now we need int. filter's pin
// Next we'll get the out pin of the intermediate filter and release it
// at the end of the while loop, in place of the above pPinOut.
hr = FindOpenPin(pIntFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, 0, &pPinOut) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinOut)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Got 3rd party filter's out pin %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
break ; // done for this pin of Nav; next step below.
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Nav's pin %s didn't connect to int. filter #%d"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), i)) ;
// Now we try to connect to the decoder (or an intermediate filter)
bConnected = FALSE ;
hr = pPinOut->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMT) ;
while( !bConnected &&
S_OK == pEnumMT->Next(1, &pmt, &ul) && 1 == ul )
bConnected = StartDecAndConnect(pPinOut, pMapper, pmt) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt) ; // done with this mediatype
} // end of while (!bConnected && pEnumMT->Next())
pEnumMT->Release() ; // done with mediatype enum
if (!bConnected) { // connection attempts failed
if (NOERROR == hrFinal) // if it was perfect so far,
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // it's not so anymore
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Pin (%s) couldn't be connected to any SW Dec"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pPinOut->Release() ; // done with this out pin
} // end of while (pEnumPinsOut->Next())
pEnumPinsOut->Release() ; // done with DVD source's pin enum
pMapper->Release() ; // done with the filter mapper
return hrFinal ;
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::CheckSrcPinConnection(IBaseFilter *pSrc,
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CheckSrcPinConnection(0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
pSrc, pStatus)) ;
ULONG ul ;
IPin *pPinOut ;
IPin *pPinIn ;
IEnumPins *pEnumSrcPins ;
DWORD dwStreamOut ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ;
HRESULT hr = pSrc->EnumPins(&pEnumSrcPins) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumSrcPins) ;
while (S_OK == pEnumSrcPins->Next(1, &pPinOut, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pPinOut->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd)
// Huh!!! In pin for DVD Src? Anyway...
pPinOut->Release() ;
continue ;
dwStreamOut = StreamFlagFromSWPin(pPinOut) ;
pStatus->iNumStreams++ ; // one more DVD stream found
pPinIn = NULL ; // start as NULL
if (m_IntFilters.GetCount() > 0) // there is indirect connection
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Nav pin %s connection will be checked aginst %d int. filters"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), m_IntFilters.GetCount())) ;
hr = pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ; // get connected filter's in pin
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinIn)
pPinIn->QueryPinInfo(&pi) ;
// pPinIn->Release() ; // got the intermediate filter ptr, let go of the pin
if (m_IntFilters.IsInList(pi.pFilter)) // Nav pin is going via one of the intermediate filters
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Nav pin %s is connected to an int. filter in our list"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pPinIn->Release() ; // got the intermediate filter ptr, let go of the pin
pPinIn = NULL ; // reset the pointer too
// Locate the "corresponding" out pin of the intermediate filter.
// Use the Nav out pin's mediatype to detect the correspodning out
// pin of the intermediate filter.
IPin *pIntFPinOut ;
IEnumPins *pEnumIntFPins ;
hr = pi.pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumIntFPins) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumIntFPins) ;
while (NULL == pPinIn &&
S_OK == pEnumIntFPins->Next(1, &pIntFPinOut, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pIntFPinOut->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_OUTPUT == pd) // we only care about out pins
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Int. filter's pin %s mediatype is being determined..."),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pIntFPinOut))) ; // pPinOut
DWORD dwStream = StreamFlagFromSWPin(pIntFPinOut) ;
if (dwStream == dwStreamOut) // corresponding pin
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Found out pin of int. filter corresponding to %s of Nav (Stream 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut)) ;
hr = pIntFPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ; // get connection info
if (0 == dwStream)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Couldn't find which pin of int. filter corresponds to %s of Nav (Stream 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut)) ;
// HACK: (for MediaMatics 3D Audio filter)
// Most probably the 3rd party filters uses a custom
// mediatype on the out pin. We'll see if the out is
// connected at all. If not, we'll say dwStreamOut
// is not rendered; else we'll try two methods.
hr = pIntFPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ; // is it connected?
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinIn)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Out pin (%s) of int. filter corresponding to %s of Nav (Stream 0x%lx) connects to %s"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut, (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
// Method 1: If Int filter has 1 in and 1 out pin
if (m_IntFilters.GetNumInPin(pi.pFilter) == 1 &&
m_IntFilters.GetNumOutPin(pi.pFilter) == 1) // method 1 worked!!!
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Int. filter has 1 in and 1 out pin. No need to try more."))) ;
else // there are more than 1 in/out pin(s).
// Try method 2: Check mediatype of out pin of filter
// downstream of int. filter's out pin.
PIN_INFO pi2 ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPin2 ;
IPin *pPin2 ;
pPinIn->QueryPinInfo(&pi2) ;
ASSERT(pi2.pFilter) ;
pi2.pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPin2) ;
ASSERT(pEnumPin2) ;
dwStream = 0 ; // just to be sure
while (0 == dwStream &&
S_OK == pEnumPin2->Next(1, &pPin2, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pPin2->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_OUTPUT == pd) // we only care about out pins
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Downstream filter's pin %s mediatype is being determined..."),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPin2))) ;
DWORD dwStream = StreamFlagFromSWPin(pPin2) ;
pPin2->Release() ; // done with this pin
} // end of while ()
ASSERT(dwStream) ; // I hope we didn't have another failure
pEnumPin2->Release() ; // done enum-ing
pi2.pFilter->Release() ; // else we leak
// Check if we got the matching in and out pins
if (dwStream == dwStreamOut)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Downstream filter's out pin %s matches Nav's out pin %s (Stream 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPin2), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut)) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Downstream filter's out pin %s DOES NOT match Nav's out pin %s (Stream 0x%lx). Try more..."),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPin2), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut)) ;
// We weren't really looking for this pin;
// keep trying the other out pins.
pPinIn->Release() ;
pPinIn = NULL ;
} // end of if (connected?)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("NOTE: Unconnected out pin (%s) of int. filter corresponding to %s of Nav (Stream 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pIntFPinOut), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut)) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Skipping non-matching pin (Stream 0x%lx) of int. filter for %s of Nav (Stream 0x%lx)"),
dwStream, (LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut), dwStreamOut)) ;
pIntFPinOut->Release() ;
} // end while ()
pEnumIntFPins->Release() ; // done with pin enum
} // end of if (m_IntFilters.IsInList())
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Nav pin %s is NOT connected to an int. filter in our list"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pi.pFilter->Release() ; // else we leak
// Otherwise pPinIn or hr indicates the "not connected" state which
// will be tested below to set the approp. flags etc. in the Status
// struct.
else // Nav connects directly to the decoder(s)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Pin %s is NOT connected indirectly"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
hr = pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ;
if (/* SUCCEEDED(hr) && */ pPinIn) // already connected out pin of DVD src
pPinIn->Release() ; // let the in pin go
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 4, TEXT("NOTE: Pin %s is not connected"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
if (0 == (dwStreamOut & pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag)) // hasn't yet been set
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= dwStreamOut ;
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
pPinOut->Release() ; // let the out pin go
} // end of while (S_OK == ...->Next())
pEnumSrcPins->Release() ; // done with src pin enum
// Check that at least one stream has been rendered right. Otherwise
// fail the method.
if (pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed >= pStatus->iNumStreams)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("None of the %d DVD streams rendered right (failed %d)"),
pStatus->iNumStreams, pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed)) ;
return hrFinal ;
// Build the DVD playback graph using all/most HW decoder
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::MakeGraphHW(BOOL bHWOnly, AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::MakeGraphHW(%d, 0x%lx)"),
bHWOnly, pStatus)) ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ;
CListDecoders HWDecs ;
// If graph was previously built and we are rebuilding now (may be with
// different options) then clear the existing graph.
if (m_bGraphDone)
ClearGraph() ;
// Build using as many HW decoders as possible
hr = CreateDVDHWDecoders(&HWDecs) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || 0 == HWDecs.GetNumHWFilters())
if (bHWOnly)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 4, TEXT("No hardware DVD decoder found, but only HW decoding asked"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("No hardware DVD decoder found, HW decoding was preferred"))) ;
IBaseFilter *pSrc ;
// Instantiate DVD Nav, only if user hasn't specified a DVD source filter
if (m_pDVDSrc)
pSrc = m_pDVDSrc ;
hr = CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID_DVDNavigator, TEXT("DVD Navigator"), &m_pDVDNav) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == m_pDVDNav)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: DVD Nav couldn't be instantiated (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pSrc = m_pDVDNav ;
// Connect DVD source filters' output pins (as many as possible) to the
// input pins of the HW decoder filters (if any).
hr = ConnectSrcToHWDec(pSrc, &HWDecs, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
return VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL ; // hr ;
if (S_OK != hr && !bHWOnly) // if some pins are unconnected AND only if not HW-only
// If we still have any output pin unconnected then try to find some
// SW decoder to connect to. So go through the list once more.
hr = ConnectSrcToSWDec(pSrc, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
return VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL ; // hr ;
// Check if all the output pin of DVD source have been connected. If not
// set the warning sign for the caller to catch.
hr = CheckSrcPinConnection(pSrc, pStatus) ;
if (S_OK != hr && SUCCEEDED(hrFinal))
hrFinal = hr ;
// The other DVD HW decoders will get unloaded when we exit this function
// as that will be out of scope for the HWDecs object causing its
// destructor to be called which frees all unused items in the list.
return hrFinal ;
// Build the DVD playback graph using all/most SW decoders
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::MakeGraphSW(BOOL bSWOnly, AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::MakeGraphSW(%d, 0x%lx)"),
bSWOnly, pStatus)) ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ;
IBaseFilter *pSrc ;
// If graph was previously built and we are rebuilding now (may be with
// different options) then clear the existing graph.
if (m_bGraphDone)
ClearGraph() ;
// Instantiate DVD Nav, only if user hasn't specified a DVD source filter
if (m_pDVDSrc)
pSrc = m_pDVDSrc ;
hr = CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID_DVDNavigator, TEXT("DVD Navigator"), &m_pDVDNav) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == m_pDVDNav)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: DVD Nav couldn't be instantiated (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pSrc = m_pDVDNav ;
// Connect DVD source filters' output pins (as many as possible) to the
// input pins of the SW decoder filters (if any).
hr = ConnectSrcToSWDec(pSrc, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
return VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL ; // hr ;
if (0 == m_Decoders.GetNumSWFilters())
if (bSWOnly)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 4, TEXT("No software DVD decoder found, but only SW decoding asked"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("No software DVD decoder found, SW decoding was preferred"))) ;
if (S_OK != hr && !bSWOnly) // if not all pins are connected AND if not SW-only
// If we still have any output pin unconnected then try to find some
// HW decoder to connect to. So go through the list once more.
CListDecoders HWDecs ;
hr = CreateDVDHWDecoders(&HWDecs) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || 0 == HWDecs.GetNumHWFilters()) // no HW decoder found
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 4, TEXT("HW Decoders couldn't be instantiated/found."))) ;
else // got some HW decoders; try them
hr = ConnectSrcToHWDec(pSrc, &HWDecs, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
return VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL ; // hr ;
// Check if all the output pin of DVD source have been connected. If not
// set the warning sign for the caller to catch.
hr = CheckSrcPinConnection(pSrc, pStatus) ;
if (S_OK != hr && SUCCEEDED(hrFinal))
hrFinal = hr ;
// The other DVD HW decoders will get unloaded when we exit this function
// as that will be out of scope for the HWDecs object causing its
// destructor to be called which frees all unused items in the list.
return hrFinal ;
#define CLSID_VideoMixer CLSID_OverlayMixer
// Complete the DVD playback graph by bringing in renderers etc.
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderDecoderOutput(AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderDecoderOutput(0x%lx)"), pStatus)) ;
int i ;
IBaseFilter *pDecFilter ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPins ;
IPin *pPinOut ;
ULONG ul ;
LPTSTR lpszName ;
int iAll = m_Decoders.GetNumFilters() ;
int iHW = m_Decoders.GetNumHWFilters() ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ;
// If caller didn't object about VPE, we need to create the
// VideoMixer first and then do the Render; otherwise it fails
// anyway!!! If the caller doesn't want VPE, we'll let it
// fail by not creating VideoMixer and detect the failure using
// the DetectFailedHWPin() call.
// To render the video output pin. We are going to use
// overlay mixing for SW decoders
if (m_bUseVPE)
// Create VideoMixer, Line21 decoder and Video Renderer here
// (just because it's easier)
hr = CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID_VideoRenderer,
TEXT("Video Renderer"), &m_pVR) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == m_pVR)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't start Video Renderer -- no display on monitor"))) ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ; // can't show CC or Video
hrFinal = FALSE ;
hr = CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID_VideoMixer, TEXT("Overlay Mixer"),
&m_pVM) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == m_pVM)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("Couldn't start VideoMixer -- no mixing"))) ;
pStatus->hrVPEStatus = hr ;
hrFinal = FALSE ;
hr = CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID_Line21Decoder,
TEXT("Line21 Decoder"), &m_pL21Dec) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == m_pL21Dec)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 3, TEXT("Couldn't start Line21 Dec -- no CC"))) ;
hrFinal = FALSE ;
// Assume that video decoder (HW/SW) doesn't produce Line21 data and
// we don't render it right until we find some proof otherway.
pStatus->bNoLine21In = TRUE ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ;
// We must not connect the output of any other filter to any pin of the
// Video mixer filter (VPMixer/OverlayMixer) until the video decoder's
// output pin is connected to its primary input pin. So if the CC pin
// or Subpicture pin is enumerated before the video out pin of the decoder,
// we have to remember to render them later.
// We should reset these late-rendering-helper-members
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = 0 ;
m_pL21PinToRender = NULL ;
m_pSPPinToRender = NULL ;
// render the output pins of all the decoders used
IPin *pPinIn ;
for (i = 0 ; i < iAll ; i++)
if (! m_Decoders.GetFilter(i, &pDecFilter, &lpszName, &bHW) )
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("*** INTERNAL ERROR: Can't get filter from decoder list ***"))) ;
ASSERT(FALSE) ; // so that we know
continue ; // at least avoid faulting
ASSERT(pDecFilter) ;
hr = pDecFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPins) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumPins) ;
pEnumPins->Reset() ;
while (S_OK == pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPinOut, &ul) && 1 == ul)
hr = pPinOut->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd) // don't want input pin
pPinOut->Release() ; // don't need this pin
continue ;
hr = pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinIn) // don't want connected pin
pPinIn->Release() ; // not interseted in it
pPinOut->Release() ; // not this one
continue ;
// If the decoder is HW based, the proxy doesn't let us enum
// the supported media types and then connect to a suitable in
// pin on the other side.
if (bHW)
hr = RenderHWOutPin(pPinOut, pStatus) ;
hr = RenderSWOutPin(pPinOut, pStatus) ;
if (S_OK != hr) // if not perfect
hrFinal = hr ; // use this error code
pPinOut->Release() ; // done with this pin
} // end of while (pEnumPins->Next()...)
pEnumPins->Release() ; // done with this enumerator
} // end of for (i)
// If the caller didn't object about VPE (i.e, on-screen playback) then connect
// the video mixer to the video renderer.
if (m_bUseVPE)
if (NULL == m_pVM)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Video Mixer didn't start -- no CC at least"))) ;
// pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ; // can't show CC with video
if (NULL == m_pVR)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Video Renderer didn't start!!!"))) ;
// we have already set the video stream flag in pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag
if (S_OK == hrFinal) // very unlikely that we didn't know yet
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
else // we have video mixer and renderer
// We should connect the VideoMixer and the VideoRenderer ONLY IF
// connection to OverlayMixer worked. So check for video render flag.
if (m_dwVideoRenderStatus & VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER)
hr = FindOpenPin(m_pVM, PINDIR_OUTPUT, 0, &pPinOut) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPinOut)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pVR, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Connected %s to Video Renderer"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
else // Extremely unlikely, well impossible. Still...
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't connect %s to Video Renderer (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), hr)) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
pPinOut->Release() ; // let the pin go now
else // Extremely unlikely, well impossible. Still...
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't find the output pin of video mixer"))) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Couldn't connect to OverlayMixer. VM and VR not connected."))) ;
// There is a possibility that the Line21 decoder's out pin was not rendered
// fully, because the video pin was not connected to the mixer till then. For
// this case, we have to do the rendering now.
hr = CompleteLateRender(pStatus) ;
if (S_OK != hr && SUCCEEDED(hrFinal))
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // hr?
// Remove any unused filters from the graph (is it necessary?)
RemoveUnusedFilters(pStatus) ;
// If there was some problem with the getting or rendering Line21 data
// then indicate the result as partial success (of course if it's not
// worse than that already :-).
if ((pStatus->bNoLine21In || pStatus->bNoLine21Out) && S_OK == hrFinal)
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
// Last minute clean-up:
// 1. If the "No VPE" flag was specified in the call, don't bother about CC
// 2. If there was no line21 data produced by the video decoder then we
// shouldn't feel bad about not being able decode "nothing".
if (! m_bUseVPE )
pStatus->bNoLine21In = FALSE ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = FALSE ;
else if (pStatus->bNoLine21In)
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = FALSE ;
return hrFinal ;
// Check if we have the Line21 decoder and/or the Subpicture decoder's output
// pin unconnected. If so, AND if the video decoder's output pin has been
// connected already then complete the remaining pending connections.
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::CompleteLateRender(AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CompleteLateRender(0x%lx)"),
pStatus)) ;
if (m_dwVideoRenderStatus & VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER) // only if video connects to OverlayMixer
if (m_pSPPinToRender)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(m_pSPPinToRender, m_pVM, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Late render of pin %s done"),
(LPCSTR)(CDisp) m_pSPPinToRender)) ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 2, TEXT("WARNING: Pin %s couldn't be late rendered (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR)(CDisp) m_pSPPinToRender, hr)) ;
hr = E_FAIL ; // some problem
// We are done with it. Reset the flag and pointer...
m_pSPPinToRender->Release() ;
m_pSPPinToRender = NULL ;
if (m_pL21PinToRender)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(m_pL21PinToRender, m_pVM, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Late render of pin %s done (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR)(CDisp) m_pL21PinToRender, hr)) ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = FALSE ; // line21 data has been rendered
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 2, TEXT("WARNING: Pin %s couldn't be late rendered"),
(LPCSTR)(CDisp) m_pL21PinToRender)) ;
hr = E_FAIL ; // some problem
// We are done with it. Reset the flag and pointer...
m_pL21PinToRender->Release() ;
m_pL21PinToRender = NULL ;
else // video rendering failed somehow -- can't do SP/CC
if (m_pSPPinToRender)
// Can't do anything -- release the interface and set SP render failure flag
m_pSPPinToRender->Release() ;
m_pSPPinToRender = NULL ;
if (0 == (pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag & AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC)) // if not set yet
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC ;
if (m_pL21PinToRender)
// Can't do anything -- release the interface and set CC render failure flag
m_pL21PinToRender->Release() ;
m_pL21PinToRender = NULL ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ; // couldn't render
return hr ;
BOOL CDvdGraphBuilder::RemoveFilterIfUnused(IBaseFilter *pFilter,
LPCTSTR lpszFilterName)
IEnumPins *pEnumPins ;
IPin *pPin ;
IPin *pPinOther ;
ULONG ul ;
if (pFilter)
hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPins) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumPins) ;
while (S_OK == pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPin, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pPin->ConnectedTo(&pPinOther) ;
if (pPinOther)
pPin->Release() ;
pPinOther->Release() ;
bInUse = TRUE ;
break ; // done with our search
pPin->Release() ;
pEnumPins->Release() ;
if (!bInUse)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Releasing unncessary filter %s"), lpszFilterName)) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(pFilter) ;
pFilter->Release() ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Filter %s is being used"), lpszFilterName)) ;
return (! bInUse ) ; // removed / in use
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RemoveUnusedFilters(AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RemoveUnusedFilters(0x%lx)"),
pStatus)) ;
// Check if Line21 decoder, Video Mixer, Video and Audio Renderer are
// unused (and unconnected). If so, remove and free them.
if (RemoveFilterIfUnused(m_pVM, TEXT("Overlay Mixer")))
m_pVM = NULL ;
// Line21 decoder is removed if either
// a) it's not in use, i.e, not connected on either side or
// b) it's connected on at least one side, but bLine21In/Out flag is set
// indicating the connection wasn't completely successful and CC won't work.
if (RemoveFilterIfUnused(m_pL21Dec, TEXT("Line21 Decoder")))
m_pL21Dec = NULL ;
else if (pStatus->bNoLine21In || pStatus->bNoLine21Out && // if somehow CC won't work,
m_pL21Dec) // but we have a L21Dec
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Line21 decoder was connected, but won't work. Hence removed."))) ;
m_pGB->RemoveFilter(m_pL21Dec) ;
m_pL21Dec->Release() ;
m_pL21Dec = NULL ;
if (RemoveFilterIfUnused(m_pVR, TEXT("VideoRenderer")))
m_pVR = NULL ;
if (RemoveFilterIfUnused(m_pAR, TEXT("AudioRenderer")))
m_pAR = NULL ;
return NOERROR ;
void CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderUnknownPin(IPin *pPinOut)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderUnknownPin(0x%lx)"),
pPinOut)) ;
HRESULT hr = m_pGB->Render(pPinOut) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("Rendering (%s) failed (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), hr)) ;
else // seems to have rendered
IPin *pPinIn ;
pPinOut->ConnectedTo(&pPinIn) ;
if (pPinIn)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("Pin %s with unknown mediatype rendered successfully"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pPinIn->Release() ;
else // this may be the NTSC out pin
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("Pin %s with unknown mediatype actually wasn't rendered"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
// but we don't care anymore about it. So ignore it.
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderAudioOutPin(IPin *pPinOut, AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderAudioOutPin(0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
pPinOut, pStatus)) ;
if (NULL == m_pAR)
hr = CreateFilterInGraph(CLSID_DSoundRender, TEXT("DSound Renderer"), &m_pAR) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == m_pAR) // couldn't instantiate audio renderer
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0,
TEXT("Couldn't instantiate audio renderer (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO ;
return hr ;
else // weird -- who started audio renderer?
ASSERT(NULL == m_pAR) ; // so that we know
hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pAR, NULL, FALSE) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3,
TEXT("Couldn't even indirectly connect pin (%s) to audio renderer (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), hr)) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO ;
return hr ;
return NOERROR ;
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::ConnectLine21OutPin(IPin *pPinOut)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::ConnectLine21OutPin(0x%lx)"),
pPinOut)) ;
HRESULT hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pL21Dec, NULL, TRUE) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5,
TEXT("Couldn't connect Line21 out to Line21Dec (Error 0x%lx)"),
hr)) ;
return hr ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Line21 output connected to Line21 Dec"))) ;
ASSERT(NULL == m_pL21PinToRender) ;
hr = FindOpenPin(m_pL21Dec, PINDIR_OUTPUT, 0, &m_pL21PinToRender) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_pL21PinToRender) ;
// We should connect the Line21 Decoder output to the
// VideoMixer ONLY IF the decoded video stream has already
// been connected.
if (m_dwVideoRenderStatus & VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to connect CC output to video mixer..."))) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(m_pL21PinToRender, m_pVM, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("L21Dec output connected to video mixer"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1,
TEXT("WARNING: L21Dec output COULDN'T be connected to Video mixer (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
// Don't need to maintain this late rendering info anymore
m_pL21PinToRender->Release() ;
m_pL21PinToRender = NULL ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Video stream not rendered fully. L21Dec render deferred."))) ;
// There is a chance that we'll be able to do a late render on
// this pin after the video pin is rendered. So retain the info
// and try at last.
return hr ;
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderHWOutPin(IPin *pPinOut, AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderHWOutPin(0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
pPinOut, pStatus)) ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ;
IPin *pPinIn ;
DWORD dwStream ;
dwStream = StreamFlagForHWPin(pPinOut) ;
if (m_bUseVPE) // display video (and CC) on screen
if (AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO == dwStream) // this pin is video (VPE) out
if (FAILED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pVM, NULL, TRUE))) // connect VPE outpin to OverlayMixer
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Can't render pin (%s) (Error 0x%lx)"),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), hr)) ;
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ; // video stream not rendered right
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= dwStream ;
pStatus->hrVPEStatus = hr ; // TryConnect() returns VPE failure code
else // VPE out pin connected !!!
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER ;
else if (AM_DVD_STREAM_LINE21 == dwStream) // this pin is Line21 out
pStatus->bNoLine21In = FALSE ; // CC data produced by decoder
if (FAILED(hr = ConnectLine21OutPin(pPinOut))) // connect to Line21 Decoder
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ; // line21 couldn't be rendered
else // Line21 out pin connected !!!
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = FALSE ;
} // end of else if (dwStream == .._LINE21)
else if (AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO == dwStream) // audio out pin (very unlikely)
hr = RenderAudioOutPin(pPinOut, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
else // didn't connect to known filters -- try to just render
RenderUnknownPin(pPinOut) ;
} // end of else of if (AM_DVD_STREAM_... == dwStream)
else // w/o using VPE, i.e, on-screen display
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("User doesn't want VPE - no Video/CC to be rendered"))) ;
if (AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO == dwStream)
; // just ignore
else if (AM_DVD_STREAM_LINE21 == dwStream)
pStatus->bNoLine21In = FALSE ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = FALSE ;
else if (AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO == dwStream)
hr = RenderAudioOutPin(pPinOut, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
else // don't know the media type
RenderUnknownPin(pPinOut) ;
return hrFinal ;
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderSWOutPin(IPin *pPinOut, AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS *pStatus)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::RenderSWOutPin(0x%lx, 0x%lx)"),
pPinOut, pStatus)) ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMT ;
ULONG ul ;
HRESULT hrFinal = S_OK ;
hr = pPinOut->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMT) ;
pEnumMT->Reset() ;
hr = pEnumMT->Next(1, &pmt, &ul) ; // getting 1st media type is fine
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && 1 == ul) ;
if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to render 'video' out pin (%s) of decoder"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
// The SW video and SP decoder both output video majortype samples.
// So we need to distinguish them before we try to connect them and
// act accordingly.
DWORD dwStream = GetInTypeForVideoOutPin(pPinOut) ;
if (AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO != dwStream &&
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Video out pin not from video or subpic in pin"))) ;
goto FinalExit ; // I hate "goto", but otherwise it's too complex
if (NULL == m_pVM)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't start VideoMixer -- no mixing"))) ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ;
if (AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC == dwStream)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Subpic stream not rendered because no videomixer"))) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC ;
else if (AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO == dwStream)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Video stream not rendered because no videomixer"))) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Unknown stream (Id: 0x%x) not rendered"), dwStream)) ;
#if 0
else if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pVR, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Video decoder's output connected to VR"))) ;
// Though the Video stream has been rendered here, we don't
// go through the VideoMixer and hence can't mix the CC (and SP, if any)
// stream. So we set the m_dwVideoRenderStatus value to VIDEO_RENDER_VR,
// which is checked before Line21 Decoder output is connected.
// (I know it's kind of hacky, but...).
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = VIDEO_RENDER_VR ; // connected to VR directly
else // very weird, but...
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1,
TEXT("WARNING: Video decoder's output COULDN'T be connected to VR (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
#endif // #if 0
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // not perfect, but...
else // VideoMixer started fine; try to connect
// We should connect the decoded subpicture stream to the
// VideoMixer ONLY IF the decoded video stream has already
// been connected.
if (AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC == dwStream)
if (m_dwVideoRenderStatus & VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to connect subpic output to video mixer..."))) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pVM, NULL, TRUE)))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("subpic output connected to video mixer's 2nd+ in pin"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1,
TEXT("WARNING: Subpic output COULDN'T be connected to Video mixer (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_SUBPIC ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("Video stream not rendered fully. Subpic render deferred."))) ;
// We'll do a late render on this pin after the video pin is
// rendered. So retain the info and try at last.
m_pSPPinToRender = pPinOut ; // maintain this out pin as SP out pin
m_pSPPinToRender->AddRef() ; // because we release it after late render
else // it's the decoded video output pin
// Make sure that the video out pin is not already connected,
// in which case the following connection to VR is unnecessary
// (and will fail causing a wrong flag to be set).
if (m_dwVideoRenderStatus & VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER)
// We should not hit this code at all. But if we ever do,
// just get out of here.
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 0,
TEXT("WARNING: Pin <%s> is video? But video is already connected to mixer!!"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
else // let's try to connect video to OverlayMixer
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pVM, NULL, TRUE))) // set video to mixer flag
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Video Dec output connected to VideoMixer"))) ;
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = VIDEO_RENDER_MIXER ; // video pin connected to mixer
else // try to connect video to VR as last resort
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1,
TEXT("WARNING: Video Dec output COULDN'T be connected to VideoMixer (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pStatus->hrVPEStatus = hr ; // pass the error code up the app
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = VIDEO_RENDER_FAILED ; // just can't render video
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // not perfect, but...
// We won't try connecting to the VR directly in this case.
#if 0
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = TryConnect(pPinOut, m_pVR, NULL, TRUE))) // just try to connect to video renderer
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Video decoder's output directly connected to VR"))) ;
// Though the Video stream has been rendered here, we don't
// go through the VideoMixer and hence can't mix the CC (and SP, if any)
// stream. So we set the m_dwVideoRenderStatus value to VIDEO_RENDER_VR
// so that we know that we got the video out pin, but CC / SP streams
// can't be mixed/rendered.
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = VIDEO_RENDER_VR ; // video is rendered, but....
else // very very weird
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1,
TEXT("WARNING: Video decoder's output COULDN'T be connected to VR (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pStatus->iNumStreamsFailed++ ;
pStatus->dwFailedStreamsFlag |= AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO ;
m_dwVideoRenderStatus = VIDEO_RENDER_FAILED ; // just can't render video
#endif // #if 0
} // end of else of if (TryConnect(.., VM, ..)
} // end of else of if (m_dwVideoRenderStatus & ..MIXER)
} // end of else of if (subpicture stream)
} // end of else of if (no VideoMixer)
} // end of if (mediatype is video)
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to render 'audio' out pin (%s) of decoder"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
hr = RenderAudioOutPin(pPinOut, pStatus) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // not perfect, but...
} // end of if (mediatype is audio)
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_AUXLine21Data)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to render 'line21' out pin (%s) of decoder"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
pStatus->bNoLine21In = FALSE ; // got line21 data input
// When the video is being decoded in SW and the caller doesn't
// want to use VPE (i.e, not on monitor), we can't show CC too;
// there is no point trying to render the Line21 output pin.
if (NULL == m_pVM)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("WARNING: not Video Mixer => no CC rendering"))) ;
hrFinal = S_FALSE ; // not perfect, but...
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ; // CC not available
// There is a Video Mixer. So we should decode Line21 data and mix
// it with the video stream.
if (FAILED(hr = ConnectLine21OutPin(pPinOut))) // connect to Line21 Decoder
hrFinal = S_FALSE ;
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = TRUE ; // line21 couldn't be rendered
else // Line21 out pin connected !!!
pStatus->bNoLine21Out = FALSE ;
} // end of else of if (NULL == m_pVM)
} // end of else if (majortype == AUXLine21Data)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("WARNING: a non-audio/video/line21 out pin!!"))) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt) ;
pEnumMT->Release() ; // done with Media Type enum
return hrFinal ;
// Helper function to detect a (in) pin from its connection mediatype
DWORD CDvdGraphBuilder::GetStreamFromMediaType(IPin *pPin)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::GetStreamFromMediaType(%s)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPin))) ;
DWORD dwStream = 0 ;
HRESULT hr = pPin->ConnectionMediaType(&mt) ;
if ( mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_MPEG2_PES ||
mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video )
if (mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
else if (mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DVD_SUBPICTURE)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Non-video/SP subtype for video data!!!"))) ;
else if ( mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_MPEG2_PES ||
mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio )
if (mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Non-audio subtype for audio data!!!"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown media type!!!"))) ;
FreeMediaType(mt) ; // release the mediatype
return dwStream ;
// Given a video output pin, we try to figure out if the input type is video
// (and subpic) or if it is subpic only. Because based on that we'll do
// immediate or deferred pin connect.
DWORD CDvdGraphBuilder::GetInTypeForVideoOutPin(IPin *pPinOut)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::GetInTypeForVideoOutPin(%s)"), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
if (NULL == pPinOut)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Can't get input type for a NULL out pin"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
return 0 ;
DWORD dwStream = 0 ;
// See if the decoder has any in pin to out pin internal connection info.
// NOTE:
// We only expect that in case the out pin has internal connections to more
// than 1 in pins then the real in pin be listed first by
// QueryInternalConnection() implementation.
ULONG ulNum = 0 ;
IPin *apPinIn[5] ; // 5 is way too much here
hr = pPinOut->QueryInternalConnections(apPinIn, &ulNum) ;
// I am not sure if we should check for S_FALSE or S_OK return from the
// above call. So I am using SUCCEEDED().
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulNum > 0) // Yahoo!! QueryInternalConnection is supported!!!
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3,
TEXT("Using QueryInternalConnections() to detect in pin of <%s>"),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
ASSERT(ulNum <= 5) ; // just to be sure
hr = pPinOut->QueryInternalConnections(apPinIn, &ulNum) ;
if (S_OK == hr)
if (ulNum > 1)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3,
TEXT("** We expect the real in pin to be listed first **"))) ;
dwStream = GetStreamFromMediaType(apPinIn[0]) ; // look at 1st pin only
// Remember to release the IPin interfaces before leaving
for (ULONG ul = 0 ; ul < ulNum ; ul++)
apPinIn[ul]->Release() ;
if (dwStream) // if we know what it is...
return dwStream ; // ...we are done.
// The filter doesn't give any in pin to out pin internal connection info.
// So we have to (kind of hack to) find out what type in pin its filter
// has; there is a possibility that there will be more than 1 in pin in the
// filter (as in MediaMatics case), in which case we have to trust that
// the video in pin enumerates first, failing which we'll mistake the video out
// pin as the SP out pin and connection may fail.
hr = pPinOut->QueryPinInfo(&pi) ;
if (NULL == pi.pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Out pin's filter pointer is NULL"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
return 0 ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPins ;
hr = pi.pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPins) ;
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnumPins) ;
ULONG ul ;
IPin *pPin ;
DWORD dw ;
BOOL bVideoIgnored = FALSE ; // a way to remember we found a video in pin
while ( 0 == dwStream &&
S_OK == pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPin, &ul) && 1 == ul)
hr = pPin->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd)
dw = GetStreamFromMediaType(pPin) ;
if (AM_DVD_STREAM_VIDEO == dw) // We got a video in pin
// HACK: **
// We want to make sure we are not mistaking the SP out as
// video out, but there is no good way left.
if (VIDEO_RENDER_NONE != m_dwVideoRenderStatus) // we already got the video out pin
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1,
TEXT("We have already got a video out pin. Try after <%s>..."),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPin))) ;
bVideoIgnored = TRUE ;
else // this is "most likely" to be the video stream
else if (AM_DVD_STREAM_AUDIO == dw ||
dwStream = dw ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown stream (%lu) found"), dw)) ;
} // end of if (pd == INPUT)
pPin->Release() ; // let the pin go
pEnumPins->Release() ;
pi.pFilter->Release() ;
// (Corresponding) HACK: **
// if we ignored the video stream, recognize that here
if (0 == dwStream && bVideoIgnored)
return dwStream ;
// Try connecting a given output pin to some input pin of the given filter
// that supports the given mediatype
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::TryConnect(IPin *pPinOut, IBaseFilter *pFilter,
CMediaType *pmt, BOOL bDirect)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::TryConnect(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %d)"),
pPinOut, pFilter, pmt, bDirect)) ;
HRESULT hrFinal = E_FAIL ; // suspected at first
IEnumPins *pEnumPins ;
ULONG ul ;
IPin *pPinIn ;
IPin *pPin ;
if (NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Can't connect %s to a NULL filter"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut))) ;
if (NULL == pPinOut)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Can't connect a NULL out pin to a filter"))) ;
hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPins) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pEnumPins)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: pin enum on filter failed!!"))) ;
while (FAILED(hrFinal) &&
S_OK == pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPinIn, &ul) && 1 == ul)
hr = pPinIn->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd)
hr = pPinIn->ConnectedTo(&pPin) ; // check if pin is already connected
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pPin) // only if not yet connected...
if (bDirect) // must connect directly
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Connect direct out pin (%s) to (%s)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
hr = m_pGB->ConnectDirect(pPinOut, pPinIn, NULL) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Connect indirect out pin (%s) to (%s)"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinOut), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pPinIn))) ;
hr = m_pGB->Connect(pPinOut, pPinIn) ;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Connected out pin to a pin of the given filter"))) ;
hrFinal = S_OK ; // we connected!!!
hrFinal = hr ; // this is the actual error
else // in pin already connected, skip it.
pPin->Release() ; // we don't need the other pin anyway
pPinIn->Release() ; // done with this pin
pEnumPins->Release() ;
return hrFinal ;
// Instantiate all the HW decoders registered under DVD Hardware Decoder
// group under the Active Filters category.
HRESULT CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateDVDHWDecoders(CListDecoders *pHWDecList)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::CreateDVDHWDecoders(0x%lx)"),
pHWDecList)) ;
ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum ;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum) ;
if (FAILED(hr))
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create system dev enum (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
return hr ;
IEnumMoniker *pEnumMon ;
hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_DVDHWDecodersCategory,
&pEnumMon, 0) ;
pCreateDevEnum->Release() ;
if (S_OK != hr)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0,
TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create class enum for DVD HW Dec category (Error 0x%lx)"),
hr)) ;
return E_FAIL ;
hr = pEnumMon->Reset() ;
ULONG ul ;
IMoniker *pMon ;
TCHAR achName[50] ; // big enough??
TCHAR achFriendlyName[50] ;
TCHAR achClsid[50] ;
while(S_OK == pEnumMon->Next(1, &pMon, &ul) && 1 == ul)
#if 0
WCHAR *wszName ;
pMon->GetDisplayName(0, 0, &wszName) ;
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achName, wszName) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszName, -1, achName, 50, NULL, NULL) ;
#endif // #if UNICODE
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Moniker enum: %s"), achName)) ;
CoTaskMemFree(wszName) ;
#endif // #if 0
IBaseFilter *pFilter ;
hr = pMon->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&pFilter) ;
if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create HW dec filter (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ;
pMon->Release() ;
continue ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("HW decoder filter found"))) ;
IPropertyBag *pPropBag ;
pMon->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropBag) ;
var.vt = VT_EMPTY ;
pPropBag->Read(L"DevicePath", &var, 0) ;
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achName, var.bstrVal) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, achName, 50, NULL, NULL) ;
#endif // #if UNICODE
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("DevicePath: %s"), achName)) ;
var.vt = VT_EMPTY;
pPropBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &var, 0);
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achName, var.bstrVal) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, achFriendlyName, 50, NULL, NULL) ;
#endif // #if UNICODE
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("FriendlyName: %s"), achFriendlyName)) ;
var.vt = VT_EMPTY;
pPropBag->Read(L"CLSID", &var, 0);
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achClsid, var.bstrVal) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, achClsid, 50, NULL, NULL) ;
#endif // #if UNICODE
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("CLSID: %s"), achClsid)) ;
// We have got a device under the required category. The proxy
// for it is already instantiated. So add to the list of HW
// decoders to be used for building the graph.
pHWDecList->AddFilter(pFilter, achFriendlyName, TRUE, NULL) ;
pPropBag->Release() ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: BindToStorage failed"))) ;
pMon->Release() ;
} // end of while()
pEnumMon->Release() ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Found total %d HW decoders"), pHWDecList->GetNumHWFilters())) ;
return NOERROR ;
// Get the stream mediatype flag from the pin of the SW decoder.
// It's a hack to guess the media stream.
DWORD CDvdGraphBuilder::StreamFlagFromSWPin(IPin *pPin)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::StreamFlagFromSWPin(%s)"),
(LPCTSTR)CDisp(pPin))) ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMT ;
HRESULT hr = pPin->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMT) ;
ULONG ul ;
DWORD dwStream = 0 ;
while (0 == dwStream && // we haven't got a known mediatype
S_OK == pEnumMT->Next(1, &pmt, &ul) && 1 == ul) // more mediatypes
// Decipher the mediatype
if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_MPEG2_PES ||
if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is MPEG2_VIDEO"))) ;
else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is DOLBY_AC3"))) ;
else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DVD_SUBPICTURE)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is DVD_Subpicture"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown subtype %s"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->subtype))) ;
#if 0 // NOT needed for now
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_AUX_Line21Data)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is Line21 data"))) ;
if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_Line21_GOPPacket ||
pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_Line21_BytePair)
dwStream = AM_DVD_STREAM_LINE21 ;
#endif // #if 0
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) // elementary stream
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is Video elementary"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is DVD_SUBPICTURE"))) ;
else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Subtype is MPEG2_VIDEO"))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown subtype %s"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->subtype))) ;
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio) // elementary stream
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is Audio elementary"))) ;
// There is a chance that some IHV/ISV creates a private mediatype
// (major or sub) as in the case of IBM (for CSS filter). We have to
// search the parts of the mediatype to locate something we recognize.
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2,
TEXT("Unknown mediatype %s:%s -- may be IHV/ISV-specific mediatype"),
(LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->majortype), (LPCSTR) CDisp(pmt->subtype))) ;
if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is ISV/IHV-specific Audio"))) ;
else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is ISV/IHV-specific Video"))) ;
else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_DVD_SUBPICTURE)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Mediatype is ISV/IHV-specific Subpicture"))) ;
// As of today, we don't know of any other media stream stype.
// If more becomes known, we'll add them here and create a flag
// in the AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS type.
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("WARNING: Unknown mediatype. Couldn't detect at all."))) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt) ;
} // end of while()
pEnumMT->Release() ;
return dwStream ;
DWORD CDvdGraphBuilder::StreamFlagForHWPin(IPin *pPin)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("CDvdGraphBuilder::StreamFlagForHWPin(0x%lx)"), pPin)) ;
ASSERT(pPin) ; // so that we know
if (NULL == pPin)
return 0 ;
DWORD dwStream = 0 ;
ULONG ul ;
IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMT ;
HRESULT hr = pPin->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMT) ;
while (0 == dwStream &&
S_OK == pEnumMT->Next(1, &pmt, &ul) && 1 == ul) // more mediatypes
if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video)
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio)
else if (pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_AUXLine21Data)
dwStream = AM_DVD_STREAM_LINE21 ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("Unknown mediatype (%s:%s) for HW pin (%s)"),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pmt->majortype), (LPCTSTR) CDisp(pmt->subtype),
(LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPin))) ;
DeleteMediaType(pmt) ; // dne with this MT
} // end of while()
pEnumMT->Release() ; // done with MT enum
return dwStream ;
// Implementation of the CListDecoders class...
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::CListDecoders()"))) ;
m_iCount = 0 ;
m_iHWCount = 0 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < DECLIST_MAX ; i++)
m_apFilters[i] = NULL ;
m_alpszName[i] = NULL ;
m_apClsid[i] = NULL ;
m_abIsHW[i] = FALSE ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::~CListDecoders()"))) ;
// We don't want to do CleanAll() here to avoid releasing the decoders
// that might be in use. The decoders are freed in the DVD Graph Builder
// object's destructor as we don't need the decoders any more.
FreeAllMem() ;
void CListDecoders::CleanAll(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::CleanAll()"))) ;
// don't have a pointer to the graph, so cache it here from the
// the first filter.
IFilterGraph *pGraph = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (m_apFilters[i])
if(pGraph == 0)
HRESULT hr = m_apFilters[i]->QueryFilterInfo(&fi);
pGraph = fi.pGraph;
ASSERT(pGraph || FAILED(hr)); // filter not on our list if not in graph
if(pGraph) {
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to release decoder #%d"), i)) ;
m_apFilters[i]->Release() ;
m_apFilters[i] = NULL ;
if (m_alpszName[i])
delete m_alpszName[i] ;
m_alpszName[i] = NULL ;
if (m_apClsid[i])
delete m_apClsid[i] ;
m_apClsid[i] = NULL ;
m_abIsHW[i] = FALSE ;
if(pGraph) {
m_iCount = 0 ;
m_iHWCount = 0 ;
void CListDecoders::FreeAllMem(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::FreeAllMem()"))) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (m_alpszName[i])
delete m_alpszName[i] ;
m_alpszName[i] = NULL ;
if (m_apClsid[i])
delete m_apClsid[i] ;
m_apClsid[i] = NULL ;
m_abIsHW[i] = FALSE ;
m_iCount = 0 ;
m_iHWCount = 0 ;
BOOL CListDecoders::AddFilter(IBaseFilter *pFilter, LPTSTR lpszName, BOOL bHW, GUID *pClsid)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::AddFilter(0x%lx, %s, %d, 0x%lx)"),
pFilter, lpszName, bHW, pClsid)) ;
if (m_iCount >= DECLIST_MAX)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("INTERNAL ERROR: Too many filters added to CListDecoders"))) ;
return FALSE ;
if (!bHW && NULL == pClsid)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("INTERNAL ERROR: NULL Clsid spcified for HW decoder"))) ;
return FALSE ;
m_alpszName[m_iCount] = new TCHAR [lstrlen(lpszName) + 1] ;
if (NULL == m_alpszName[m_iCount])
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: CListDecoders::AddFilter() -- Out of memory for filter name"))) ;
return FALSE ;
lstrcpy(m_alpszName[m_iCount], lpszName) ;
// We store Clsid ONLY for SW decs (HW decs get filter pointer thru' DevEnum and we
// don't instantiate them, so we don't bother about it)
if (!bHW) // SW dec
m_apClsid[m_iCount] = (GUID *) new BYTE[sizeof(GUID)] ;
if (NULL == m_apClsid[m_iCount])
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: CListDecoders::AddFilter() -- Out of memory for Clsid"))) ;
delete m_alpszName[m_iCount] ; // free the name string too
return FALSE ;
*m_apClsid[m_iCount] = *pClsid ;
m_apClsid[m_iCount] = NULL ;
ASSERT(pFilter) ;
m_apFilters[m_iCount] = pFilter ;
m_abIsHW[m_iCount] = bHW ;
m_iCount++ ;
if (bHW)
m_iHWCount++ ;
return TRUE ;
BOOL CListDecoders::GetFilter(int i, IBaseFilter **ppFilter, LPTSTR *lpszName, BOOL *pbHW)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::GetFilter(%d, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %d)"),
i, ppFilter, lpszName, pbHW)) ;
if (i > m_iCount)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("INTERNAL ERROR: Bad index (%d) for CListDecoders::GetFilter()"), i)) ;
*ppFilter = NULL ;
*pbHW = FALSE ;
return FALSE ;
*ppFilter = m_apFilters[i] ;
*lpszName = m_alpszName[i] ;
*pbHW = m_abIsHW[i] ;
return TRUE ;
int CListDecoders::GetList(IBaseFilter **ppFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::GetList(0x%lx)"), ppFilter)) ;
if (0 == m_iCount)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Empty decoder list"))) ;
*ppFilter = NULL ;
return 0 ;
*ppFilter = (IBaseFilter *) CoTaskMemAlloc(m_iCount * sizeof(IBaseFilter *)) ;
if (NULL == *ppFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Out of memory for decoder list"))) ;
return 0 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
ppFilter[i] = m_apFilters[i] ;
return m_iCount ;
int CListDecoders::IsInList(BOOL bHW, LPVOID pDec)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListDecoders::IsInList(%d, 0x%lx)"), bHW, pDec)) ;
GUID *pClsid ;
IBaseFilter *pFilter ;
if (bHW)
pFilter = (IBaseFilter *) pDec ;
pClsid = (GUID *) pDec ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (bHW != m_abIsHW[i]) // dec type mismatch...
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Got a %s decoder looking for a %s decoder (i = %d)"),
m_abIsHW[i] ? TEXT("HW") : TEXT("SW"),
bHW ? TEXT("HW") : TEXT("SW"), i)) ;
continue ; // ...can't be this one
if (bHW)
if (pFilter == m_apFilters[i])
return i ;
ASSERT(m_apClsid[i]) ;
if (*pClsid == *m_apClsid[i])
return i ;
return DECLIST_NOTFOUND ; // didn't match any
// Implementation of the CListIntFilters class...
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::CListIntFilters()"))) ;
CleanAll() ; // start clean
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::~CListIntFilters()"))) ;
RemoveAll() ; // make sure no such filters remains in graph
void CListIntFilters::CleanAll(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::CleanAll()"))) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_INT_FILTERS ; i++)
m_apFilters[i] = NULL ;
m_aNumInPins[i] = 0 ;
m_aNumOutPins[i] = 0 ;
m_iCount = 0 ;
void CListIntFilters::RemoveAll(void)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::RemoveAll()"))) ;
// Don't have a pointer to the graph, so cache it here from the
// the first filter.
IFilterGraph *pGraph = NULL ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (m_apFilters[i])
#ifdef DEBUG
m_apFilters[i]->QueryFilterInfo(&fi) ;
fi.pGraph->Release() ;
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(achName, fi.achName) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, fi.achName, -1,
#endif // UNICODE
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Intermediate filter #%d: <%s>"), i, achName)) ;
#endif // DEBUG
if (NULL == pGraph)
HRESULT hr = m_apFilters[i]->QueryFilterInfo(&fi) ;
pGraph = fi.pGraph ;
ASSERT(pGraph || FAILED(hr)) ; // filter not on our list if not in graph
if (pGraph)
EXECUTE_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(pGraph->RemoveFilter(m_apFilters[i]))) ;
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("Going to release intermediate filter #%d"), i)) ;
m_apFilters[i]->Release() ;
m_apFilters[i] = NULL ;
m_aNumInPins[i] = 0 ;
m_aNumOutPins[i] = 0 ;
if (pGraph)
pGraph->Release() ;
m_iCount = 0 ;
BOOL CListIntFilters::IsInList(IBaseFilter *pFilter)
if (NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Null filter pointer passed to CListIntFilters::IsInList()"))) ;
ASSERT(pFilter) ;
return FALSE ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (IsEqualObject(pFilter, m_apFilters[i]))
return TRUE ; // got a match
return FALSE ; // no match ==> not in list
BOOL CListIntFilters::AddFilter(IBaseFilter *pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::AddFilter(0x%lx)"), pFilter)) ;
if (NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Null filter pointer passed to CListIntFilters::AddFilter()"))) ;
ASSERT(pFilter) ;
return FALSE ;
if (m_iCount >= MAX_INT_FILTERS)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("INTERNAL ERROR: Too many filters added to CListIntFilters"))) ;
return FALSE ;
// Check if this filter is already in our list -- if so, just return
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (IsEqualObject(pFilter, m_apFilters[i]))
return TRUE ; // we are done
// It's NOT already in our list -- add it now
m_apFilters[m_iCount] = pFilter ;
// Now count the # in and out pins of the intermediate filter
IPin *pPin ;
ULONG ul ;
IEnumPins *pEnumPin ;
pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPin) ;
ASSERT(pEnumPin) ;
if (pEnumPin)
while (S_OK == pEnumPin->Next(1, &pPin, &ul) && 1 == ul)
pPin->QueryDirection(&pd) ;
if (PINDIR_INPUT == pd)
m_aNumInPins[m_iCount]++ ;
else if (PINDIR_OUTPUT == pd)
m_aNumOutPins[m_iCount]++ ;
pPin->Release() ; // done with pin
pEnumPin->Release() ; // done Enum-ing
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("CListIntFilters::AddFilter() -- %d in, %d out pin"),
m_aNumInPins[m_iCount], m_aNumOutPins[m_iCount])) ;
m_iCount++ ; // increment counter now
return TRUE ; // added to list
int CListIntFilters::GetNumInPin(IBaseFilter *pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::GetNumInPin(0x%lx)"), pFilter)) ;
if (NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Null filter pointer passed to CListIntFilters::GetNumInPin()"))) ;
ASSERT(pFilter) ;
return 0 ;
// Check if this filter is already in our list -- if so, just return
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (IsEqualObject(pFilter, m_apFilters[i]))
return m_aNumInPins[i] ;
return 0 ; // no match!!!
int CListIntFilters::GetNumOutPin(IBaseFilter *pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 4, TEXT("CListIntFilters::GetNumOutPin(0x%lx)"), pFilter)) ;
if (NULL == pFilter)
DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("WARNING: Null filter pointer passed to CListIntFilters::GetNumOutPin()"))) ;
ASSERT(pFilter) ;
return 0 ;
// Check if this filter is already in our list -- if so, just return
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_iCount ; i++)
if (IsEqualObject(pFilter, m_apFilters[i]))
return m_aNumOutPins[i] ;
return 0 ; // no match!!!