Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

290 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// L21Decod.h: Line 21 Decoder engine base class code
#ifndef _INC_L21DECOD_H
#define _INC_L21DECOD_H
// Forward declarations
class CLine21DataDecoder ;
// Input data type ID (rather than GUID) for internal functioning
typedef enum _AM_LINE21_CCSUBTYPEID {
AM_L21_CCSUBTYPEID_Invalid = 0,
// A set of values indicating what type of control code was received
// CLine21DataDecoder: class for decoding from byte pair and output to bitmap
class CLine21DataDecoder {
public: // public methods for CLine21Filter to call
~CLine21DataDecoder(void) ;
void InitState(void) ;
BOOL InitCaptionBuffer(void) ; // all buffers
BOOL InitCaptionBuffer(AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE eCCStyle) ; // only needed buffer(s)
BOOL DecodeBytePair(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL UpdateCaptionOutput(void) ;
inline BOOL IsOutputReady(void) { return m_GDIWork.IsBitmapDirty() ; } ;
void CopyOutputDIB(void) ;
void CompleteScrolling(void) ;
inline AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE GetCaptionStyle() { return m_eCCStyle ; } ;
AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE SetCaptionStyle(AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE eStyle) ;
inline BOOL IsScrolling(void) { return m_bScrolling ; } ;
void FlushInternalStates(void) ;
inline BOOL IsOutDIBClear(void) {
return m_GDIWork.IsOutDIBClear() ;
} ;
return m_GDIWork.IsSizeOK(lpbmih) ;
} ;
// methods to allow the filter to do get/set using the
// IAMLine21Decoder interface
inline AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL GetDecoderLevel(void) { return m_eLevel ; } ;
inline AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE GetCurrentService(void) { return m_eUserService ; } ;
BOOL SetCurrentService(AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE Service) ;
inline AM_LINE21_CCSTATE GetServiceState(void) { return m_eState ; } ;
BOOL SetServiceState(AM_LINE21_CCSTATE eState) ;
HRESULT GetDefaultFormatInfo(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, DWORD *pdwSize) {
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
return m_GDIWork.GetDefaultFormatInfo(lpbmi, pdwSize) ;
} ;
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
return m_GDIWork.GetOutputFormat(lpbmih) ;
} ;
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
return m_GDIWork.GetOutputOutFormat(lpbmih) ;
} ;
HRESULT SetOutputOutFormat(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi) {
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
return m_GDIWork.SetOutputOutFormat(lpbmi) ;
} ;
HRESULT SetOutputInFormat(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi) {
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
return m_GDIWork.SetOutputInFormat(lpbmi) ;
} ;
inline void GetBackgroundColor(DWORD *pdwPhysColor) {
m_GDIWork.GetBackgroundColor(pdwPhysColor) ;
} ;
inline BOOL SetBackgroundColor(DWORD dwPhysColor) {
return m_GDIWork.SetBackgroundColor(dwPhysColor) ;
} ;
inline BOOL GetRedrawAlways() { return m_bRedrawAlways ; } ;
inline void SetRedrawAlways(BOOL Option) { m_bRedrawAlways = !!Option ; } ;
inline AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE GetDrawBackgroundMode(void) {
return (m_GDIWork.GetBackgroundOpaque() ?
AM_L21_DRAWBGMODE_Opaque : AM_L21_DRAWBGMODE_Transparent) ;
} ;
inline void SetDrawBackgroundMode(AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE Mode) {
m_GDIWork.SetBackgroundOpaque(AM_L21_DRAWBGMODE_Opaque == Mode) ;
} ;
// methods to pass values between the CLine21DecFilter class and CGDIWork class
BOOL CreateOutputDC(void) {
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
return m_GDIWork.CreateOutputDC() ;
} ;
void DeleteOutputDC(void) {
CAutoLock Lock(&m_csL21Dec) ;
m_GDIWork.DeleteOutputDC() ;
} ;
// some general methods to communicate with the container class
inline void SetOutputBuffer(LPBYTE lpbOut) {
m_GDIWork.SetOutputBuffer(lpbOut) ;
} ;
inline void FillOutputBuffer(void) {
m_GDIWork.FillOutputBuffer() ;
} ;
inline void InitColorNLastChar(void) {
m_GDIWork.InitColorNLastChar() ;
} ;
void CalcOutputRect(RECT *prectOut) ;
inline DWORD GetPaletteForFormat(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmih) {
return m_GDIWork.GetPaletteForFormat(lpbmih) ;
} ;
private: // private helper methods
// The following methods are for implementing the actual decoding
// algorithm.
BOOL IsMidRowCode(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL IsPAC(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL IsMiscControlCode(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
UINT CheckControlCode(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL IsSpecialChar(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL ValidParity(BYTE ch) ;
BOOL IsStandardChar(BYTE ch) { return (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7F) ; } ;
BOOL ProcessControlCode(UINT uCodeType, BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL DecodePAC(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL DecodeMidRowCode(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL DecodeMiscControlCode(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL LineFromRow(UINT uCurrRow) ;
BOOL ProcessPrintableChar(BYTE ch) ;
BOOL ProcessSpecialChar(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleRCL(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleBS(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleDER(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleRU(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond, int iLines) ;
BOOL HandleFON(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleRDC(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleTR(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleRTD(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleEDM(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleCR(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleENM(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleEOC(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond) ;
BOOL HandleTO(BYTE chFirst, BYTE chSecond, int iCols) ;
void SetNewLinePosition(int iLines, UINT uCurrRow) ;
BOOL PutCharInBuffer(UINT16 wChar, BOOL bMidRowCode = FALSE) ; // put char in buffer (& MRC too)
BOOL IsEmptyLine(int iLine) ; // Is the line empty (no non-Xparent chars)?
BOOL RemoveCharsInBuffer(int iNumChars) ; // removes n chars to the right of current col
BOOL PrintTextToBitmap(void) ; // creates bitmap image of the caption text
void UpdateBoundingRect(RECT *prectOut, RECT *prectLine) ;
// The following methods are defined to bring uniformity in coding of
// the algorithm irrespective of any caption style being used.
CCaptionBuffer * GetDispBuffer(void) ; // display buffer: mainly for Pop-On style
void ClearBuffer(void) ;
void RemoveLineFromBuffer(UINT8 uLine, BOOL bUpNextLine) ;
void GetCaptionChar(UINT8 uLine, UINT8 uCol, CCaptionChar& cc) ;
CCaptionChar * GetCaptionCharPtr(UINT8 uLine, UINT8 uCol) ;
void SetCaptionChar(const UINT8 uLine, const UINT8 uCol,
const CCaptionChar& cc) ;
int GetMaxLines(void) ;
void SetMaxLines(UINT uLines) ;
int GetNumLines(void) ;
void SetNumLines(UINT uLines) ;
int GetNumCols(int iLines) ;
int GetRow(UINT uLine) ;
int GetCurrLine(void) ;
int GetCurrCol(void) ;
void SetCurrLine(UINT8 uLine) ;
void SetCurrCol(UINT8 uCol) ;
int GetStartRow(UINT8 uLine) ;
int GetRowIndex(UINT8 uRow) ;
void SetStartRow(UINT8 uLine, UINT8 uRow) ;
void SetRowIndex(UINT8 uLine, UINT8 uRow) ;
int IncCurrCol(UINT uNumChars) ;
int DecCurrCol(UINT uNumChars) ;
int IncNumChars(UINT uLine, UINT uNumChars) ;
int DecNumChars(UINT uLine, UINT uNumChars) ;
int IncNumLines(UINT uLines) ;
int DecNumLines(UINT uLines) ;
void MoveCaptionChars(int uLine, int iNum) ;
BOOL IsCapBufferDirty(void) ;
BOOL IsRedrawLine(UINT8 uLine) ;
BOOL IsRedrawAll(void) ;
void SetCapBufferDirty(BOOL bState) ;
void SetRedrawLine(UINT8 uLine, BOOL bState) ;
void SetRedrawAll(BOOL bState) ;
void SetScrollState(BOOL bState) ;
int IncScrollStartLine(int iCharHeight) ;
void SkipScrolling(void) ; // CR came while scrolling; skip current one
void MoveCaptionLinesUp(void) ; // remove top line, move other lines up
void RelocateRollUp(UINT uBaseRow) ; // move roll-up caption to given base row
// Common buffers used for all CC modes
CCaptionBuffer * GetCaptionBuffer(void) ;
CCaptionBuffer * GetDisplayBuffer(void) ;
inline int GetBufferIndex(void) { return m_iBuffIndex ; } ;
inline void SetBufferIndex(int iIndex) ;
inline void SwapBuffers(void) { m_iBuffIndex = 1 - m_iBuffIndex ; } ;
private: // private data
CCritSec m_csL21Dec ; // to serialize operations on line21 decoder object
CCaptionBuffer * m_pCurrBuff ;
// Actual caption buffer with text and attribs/positions/banks etc
CCaptionBuffer m_aCCData[2] ;
int m_iBuffIndex ; // index for current CC data buffer
CGDIWork m_GDIWork ; // GDI details class as a member
UINT m_uFieldNum ; // Field number: 1 or 2 (top/bottom)
// What style caption is being displayed now and was used last
AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE m_eLastCCStyle ;
// Is Line 21 decoding On/Off
AM_LINE21_CCSTATE m_eState ;
// Which service is currently being viewed by the user
AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE m_eUserService ; // one of C1/C2/T1/T2/XDS
// Decoder is standard or enhanced
AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL m_eLevel ;
// Some internal states during decoding
AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE m_eDataService ; // service indicated by received bytes
UINT m_uCurrFGEffect ; // FG effect of current position
UINT m_uCurrFGColor ; // FG color of current position
BOOL m_bExpectRepeat ; // should we expect a repeat of last pair?
BYTE m_chLastByte1 ; // the 1st second byte processed
BYTE m_chLastByte2 ; // the 2nd second byte processed
BOOL m_bScrolling ; // are we in the middle of scrolling up?
int m_iScrollStartLine ; // current scan line to be scrolled off
BOOL m_bRedrawAlways ; // client wants a total redraw per sample
#ifdef PERF
int m_idTxt2Bmp ;
int m_idBmp2Out ;
int m_idScroll ;
#endif // PERF
} ;
// Some misc. constant definitions
// Some macros to hide some gory details
#endif _INC_L21DECOD_H