Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// L21DGDI.h: Line 21 Decoder GDI-related base class code
#ifndef _INC_L21DGDI_H
#define _INC_L21DGDI_H
// Forward declarations
class CGDIWork ;
// We start with 8x12 pixel chars by default
// #define TEST
// CGDIWork: class for GDI details to print caption text to output bitmap
class CGDIWork {
CGDIWork(void) ;
~CGDIWork(void) ;
BOOL InitFont(void) ;
void InitColorNLastChar(void) ;
DWORD GetPaletteForFormat(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmih) ;
inline void SetOutputBuffer(LPBYTE lpbOut) {
m_bNewOutBuffer = m_lpbOutBuffer != lpbOut ; // Changed?
m_lpbOutBuffer = lpbOut ;
} ;
void SetColorFiller(void) ;
void FillOutputBuffer(void) ;
HRESULT GetDefaultFormatInfo(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, DWORD *pdwSize) ;
HRESULT SetOutputOutFormat(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi) ;
HRESULT SetOutputInFormat(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi) ;
inline void GetBackgroundColor(DWORD *pdwPhysColor) { *pdwPhysColor = m_dwPhysColor ; } ;
BOOL SetBackgroundColor(DWORD dwPhysColor) ;
inline BOOL GetBackgroundOpaque(void) { return m_bOpaque ; } ;
inline void SetBackgroundOpaque(BOOL bOpaque) { m_bOpaque = bOpaque ; } ;
inline UINT GetCharHeight(void) { return m_uCharHeight ; } ;
inline int GetScrollStep(void) { return m_iScrollStep ; } ;
BOOL CreateOutputDC(void) ;
BOOL DeleteOutputDC(void) ;
void DrawLeadingSpace(int iLine, int iCol) ;
void WriteChar(int iLine, int iCol, CCaptionChar& cc) ;
inline BOOL IsNewIntBuffer(void) { return m_bNewIntBuffer ; } ;
inline BOOL IsNewOutBuffer(void) { return m_bNewOutBuffer ; } ;
inline BOOL IsBitmapDirty(void) { return m_bBitmapDirty ; } ;
void ClearInternalBuffer(void) ;
inline void ClearNewIntBufferFlag(void) { m_bNewIntBuffer = FALSE ; } ;
inline void ClearNewOutBufferFlag(void) { m_bNewOutBuffer = FALSE ; } ;
inline void ClearBitmapDirtyFlag(void) { m_bBitmapDirty = FALSE ; } ;
void CopyLine(int iSrcLine, int iSrcOffset,
int iDestLine, int iDestOffset,
UINT uNumScanLines = 0xFF) ;
inline BOOL IsTTFont(void) { return m_bUseTTFont ; } ;
inline BOOL IsOutDIBClear(void) { return m_bOutDIBClear ; } ;
inline BOOL IsOutputInverted(void) { return m_bOutputInverted ; } ;
void GetOutputLines(int iDestLine, RECT *prectLine) ;
private: // private data
CCritSec m_csL21DGDI ; // to serialize actions on internal DIB secn
#ifdef TEST
HDC m_hDCTest ; // a DC on the desktop just for testing
#endif // TEST
HDC m_hDCInt ; // an HDC for output (attached to a DIBSection)
BOOL m_bDCInited ; // DC is ready for real output (DIB section created)
LPBYTE m_lpbOutBuffer ; // output sample buffer pointer
LPBYTE m_lpbIntBuffer ; // memory buffer of output DIBSection
HBITMAP m_hBmpInt ; // bitmap for output DIBSection
HBITMAP m_hBmpIntOrig ; // original bitmap for output DIBSection
LPBITMAPINFO m_lpBMIOut ; // BITMAPINFO for output from downstream filter
LPBITMAPINFO m_lpBMIIn ; // BITMAPINFO for output from upstream filter
UINT m_uBMIOutSize ; // bytes for BMI data from downstream
UINT m_uBMIInSize ; // bytes for BMI data from upstream
LONG m_lWidth ; // currently set output width
LONG m_lHeight ; // currently set output height
int m_iBorderPercent ;// current border percent (10 or 20)
DWORD m_dwPhysColor ; // bkgrnd physical color for output bitmap
BYTE m_abColorFiller[12] ; // filler to be applied for fast color keying
BOOL m_bOpaque ; // should caption background be opaque?
BOOL m_bBitmapDirty ; // new output content has been written on DIBSection
BOOL m_bNewIntBuffer ; // new DIB section created
BOOL m_bNewOutBuffer ; // new output sample buffer
BOOL m_bOutputInverted ; // output right side up for -ve height
BOOL m_bUseTTFont ; // TT font (Lucida Console) available; use that
HFONT m_hFontDef ; // default font (white, normal) to use
HFONT m_hFontSpl ; // font with any specialty (italics, underline etc.)
HFONT m_hFontOrig ; // original font that came with the DC
LOGFONT m_lfChar ; // LOGFONT struct for quick font create
BOOL m_bUseSplFont ; // Is special font being used now?
BOOL m_bFontSizeOK ; // are font sizes OK? Otherwise we don't draw
UINT m_uCharWidth ; // width of each caption char in pixels
UINT m_uCharHeight ; // height of each caption char in pixels
int m_iScrollStep ; // # scanlines to scroll by in each step
UINT m_uIntBmpWidth ; // width of internal output bitmap in pixels
UINT m_uIntBmpHeight ; // height of internal output bitmap in pixels
UINT m_uHorzOffset ; // pixels to be left from the left
UINT m_uVertOffset ; // pixels to be left from the top
UINT m_uBytesPerPixel ;// bytes for each pixel of output (based on bpp)
UINT m_uBytesPerSrcScanLine ; // bytes for each source scan line's data
UINT m_uBytesPerDestScanLine ;// bytes for each destn scan line's data
CCaptionChar m_ccLast ; // last caption char and attribs printed
COLORREF m_acrFGColors[7] ;// 7 colors from white to magenta
UINT m_uColorIndex ; // index of currently used color
BOOL m_bOutDIBClear ; // Is output DIB secn clean?
#ifdef PERF
int m_idClearIntBuff ;
int m_idClearOutBuff ;
#endif // PERF
private: // private helper methods
bool InitBMIData(void) ;
int iFontType, LPARAM lParam) ;
void CheckTTFont(void) ;
void ChangeFont(BOOL bItalics, BOOL bUnderline) ;
void ChangeFontSize(UINT uCharWidth, UINT uCharHeight) ;
void ChangeColor(int iColor) ;
BOOL SetOutputSize(LONG lWidth, LONG lHeight) ;
BOOL SetCharNBmpSize(void) ;
void SetNumBytesValues(void) ;
void SetDefaultKeyColor(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmih) ;
DWORD GetOwnPalette(int iNumEntries, PALETTEENTRY *ppe) ;
BOOL CharSizeFromOutputSize(LONG lOutWidth, LONG lOutHeight, int *piCharWidth, int *piCharHeight) ;
} ;
#endif _INC_L21DGDI_H