Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

276 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 1996 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// L21DBase.h: Line 21 Decoder 2 Base class code
#ifndef _INC_L21DBASE_H
#define _INC_L21DBASE_H
// Just a few macro definitions
#define ABS(x) (((x) > 0) ? (x) : -(x))
#define LPBMIHEADER(bmi) &((bmi)->bmiHeader)
#define DWORDALIGN(n) (((n) + 3) & ~0x03)
#define ISDWORDALIGNED(n) (0 == ((n) & 0x03))
#define DWORDALIGNWIDTH(bmih) (((((bmih).biWidth * (bmih).biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3)
#define MAKECCCHAR(b1, b2) ((b1) << 8 | (b2))
// Caption character attribs set by PACs and/or mid-row codes
#define UINT8 unsigned char
#define UINT16 unsigned short int
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_WHITE 0x00
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_GREEN 0x01
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_BLUE 0x02
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_CYAN 0x03
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_RED 0x04
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_YELLOW 0x05
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_MAGENTA 0x06
#define AM_L21_FGCOLOR_MASK 0x07
#define AM_L21_FGEFFECT_ITALICS 0x08
#define AM_L21_FGEFFECT_MASK 0x38
#define AM_L21_ATTRIB_DIRTY 0x40
#define AM_L21_ATTRIB_MRC 0x80
// Caption width and height
#define CAPTION_OUTPUT_WIDTH 640 /* 320 */
#define CAPTION_OUTPUT_HEIGHT 480 /* 240 */
// Forward declarations
class CCaptionChar ;
class CCaptionLine ;
class CRowIndexMap ;
class CCaptionBuffer ;
class CPopOnCaption ;
// The max's of rows and columns
const int MAX_CAPTION_COLUMNS = 32 ; // max # of column / line
const int MAX_CAPTION_ROWS = 15 ; // number of rows available on screen
const int MAX_CAPTION_LINES = 4 ; // max # of caption text at a time
// for text mode, add MAX_TEXT_LINES = 15 ;
// CCaptionChar: The caption char details
class CCaptionChar {
UINT16 m_wChar ; // actual char
UINT8 m_uAttrib ; // CC char attrib bits -- FG color, effect, dirty, MRC etc.
// The layout of bits (LSB -> MSB) of CC char attribs --
// 0 - 2: color (0 -> 6 for White -> Magenta)
// 3 - 5: effects (3: Italics, 4: Underline, 5: Flash)
// 6: dirty (is the CC char dirty, i.e, needs to written?)
// 7: is it a mid-row code (carries attrib, shown as opaque space)?
inline CCaptionChar(void) {
m_wChar = 0 ;
m_uAttrib = 0 ;
} ;
inline UINT16 GetChar(void) const { return m_wChar ; } ;
inline CCaptionChar& operator = (const CCaptionChar& cc) {
m_wChar = cc.m_wChar ;
m_uAttrib = cc.m_uAttrib ;
return *this ;
} ;
inline BOOL operator == (const CCaptionChar& cc) const {
return (m_wChar == cc.m_wChar &&
m_uAttrib == cc.m_uAttrib) ;
} ;
inline BOOL operator != (const CCaptionChar& cc) const {
if (*this == cc) return FALSE ;
else return TRUE ;
} ;
inline BOOL IsEqualAttrib(CCaptionChar cc) const {
return (GetColor() == cc.GetColor() &&
GetEffect() == cc.GetEffect()) ;
} ;
inline UINT8 GetColor(void) const { return m_uAttrib & AM_L21_FGCOLOR_MASK ; } ;
inline UINT8 GetEffect(void) const { return (m_uAttrib & AM_L21_FGEFFECT_MASK) >> 3 ; } ;
inline BOOL IsItalicized(void) const { return (0 != (m_uAttrib & AM_L21_FGEFFECT_ITALICS)) ; } ;
inline BOOL IsUnderLined(void) const { return (0 != (m_uAttrib & AM_L21_FGEFFECT_UNDERLINE)) ; } ;
inline BOOL IsFlashing(void) const { return (0 != (m_uAttrib & AM_L21_FGEFFECT_FLASHING)) ; } ;
inline BOOL IsDirty(void) const { return (0 != (m_uAttrib & AM_L21_ATTRIB_DIRTY)) ; } ;
inline BOOL IsMidRowCode(void) const { return (0 != (m_uAttrib & AM_L21_ATTRIB_MRC)) ; } ;
void SetChar(UINT16 wChar) ;
void SetColor(UINT8 uColor) ;
void SetEffect(UINT8 uEffect) ;
void SetItalicized(BOOL bState) ;
void SetUnderLined(BOOL bState) ;
void SetFlashing(BOOL bState) ;
void SetDirty(BOOL bState) ;
void SetMidRowCode(BOOL bState) ;
} ;
// CCaptionLine: The caption line details
class CCaptionLine {
protected: // not private
CCaptionChar m_aCapChar[MAX_CAPTION_COLUMNS] ; // char details of line
UINT8 m_uNumChars ; // number of chars in the line
UINT8 m_uStartRow ; // start row of the line
CCaptionLine(void) ;
CCaptionLine(const UINT uStartRow, const UINT uNumChars = 0) ;
CCaptionLine& operator = (const CCaptionLine& cl) ;
inline int GetNumChars(void) const { return m_uNumChars ; } ;
inline void SetNumChars(UINT uNumChars) { m_uNumChars = uNumChars & 0x3F ; } ;
int IncNumChars(UINT uNumChars) ;
int DecNumChars(UINT uNumChars) ;
inline void GetCaptionChar(UINT uCol, CCaptionChar &cc) const {
if (uCol >= (UINT)MAX_CAPTION_COLUMNS) // error!!
return ;
cc = m_aCapChar[uCol] ;
} ;
void SetCaptionChar(UINT uCol, const CCaptionChar &cc) ;
CCaptionChar* GetCaptionCharPtr(UINT uCol) ;
inline int GetStartRow(void) { return m_uStartRow ; } ;
void SetStartRow(UINT uRow) ;
inline CCaptionChar* GetLineText(void) { return (CCaptionChar *) m_aCapChar ; }
void MoveCaptionChars(int iNum) ;
void ClearLine(void) ;
} ;
// CRowIndexMap: Mapping of row usage (row to text line)
class CRowIndexMap {
DWORD m_adwMap[2] ; // bit map of row usage
inline CRowIndexMap(void) { ClearRowIndex() ; }
DWORD GetMap(int i) {
if (! (0 == i || 1 == i) )
return 0 ;
return m_adwMap[i] ;
} ;
int GetRowIndex(UINT8 uRow) ;
void SetRowIndex(UINT uLine, UINT8 uRow) ;
inline void ClearRowIndex(void) { m_adwMap[0] = m_adwMap[1] = 0 ; } ;
} ;
// A set of flags and consts for caption buffer dirty state info
#define L21_CAPBUFFER_DIRTY 0x02
// CCaptionBuffer: The caption buffer class details
class CCaptionBuffer {
protected: // private
CCaptionLine m_aCapLine[MAX_CAPTION_LINES + 1] ; // shall we always have an extra line? It's easier this way!!
CRowIndexMap m_RowIndex ; // row index map bits
UINT8 m_uNumLines ; // # lines
UINT8 m_uMaxLines ; // max # lines (4 or less)
UINT8 m_uCurrCol ; // current column on the screen
UINT8 m_uCurrLine ; // max 4: maps row # to array index
UINT8 m_uCaptionStyle ;// 0 = None, 1 = Pop-On, 2 = Paint-On, 3 = Roll-Up
UINT8 m_uDirtyState ; // caption buffer dirty state flags
CCaptionBuffer(UINT8 uStyle = AM_L21_CCSTYLE_None,
CCaptionBuffer(/* const */ CCaptionBuffer &cb) ;
inline int GetNumLines(void) { return m_uNumLines ; } ;
inline int GetMaxLines(void) { return m_uMaxLines ; } ;
inline int GetCurrRow(void) { return m_aCapLine[m_uCurrLine].GetStartRow() ; } ;
inline int GetCurrCol(void) { return m_uCurrCol ; } ; // Why do we need it??
inline int GetCurrLine(void) { return m_uCurrLine ; } ;
inline int GetRowIndex(UINT uRow) { return m_RowIndex.GetRowIndex((UINT8)uRow) ; } ;
inline int GetStyle(void) { return m_uCaptionStyle ; } ;
inline void SetNumLines(int uNumLines) { m_uNumLines = uNumLines & 0x7 ; } ;
inline void SetMaxLines(int uMaxLines) {
ASSERT(m_uMaxLines >= 0 && m_uMaxLines <= MAX_CAPTION_LINES) ;
m_uMaxLines = uMaxLines & 0x7 ;
} ;
inline void SetCurrRow(int uCurrRow) {
ASSERT(m_uCurrLine >= 0 && m_uCurrLine < m_uMaxLines) ;
m_aCapLine[m_uCurrLine].SetStartRow(uCurrRow) ;
} ;
void SetCurrCol(int uCurrCol) ;
inline void SetCurrLine(int uLine) { m_uCurrLine = uLine & 0x7 ; } ;
inline void SetRowIndex(UINT uLine, UINT uRow) { m_RowIndex.SetRowIndex(uLine, (UINT8)uRow) ; } ;
inline void SetStyle(UINT8 uStyle) { m_uCaptionStyle = uStyle ; } ;
inline CCaptionLine& GetCaptionLine(UINT uLine) {
// uLine is assumed to have been verified in the caller
return m_aCapLine[uLine] ;
} ;
void SetCaptionLine(UINT uLine, const CCaptionLine& cl) ;
void ClearCaptionLine(UINT uLine) ;
int IncCurrCol(UINT uNumChars) ;
int DecCurrCol(UINT uNumChars) ;
void ClearBuffer(void) ;
void InitCaptionBuffer(void) ;
int IncNumLines(int uLines) ;
int DecNumLines(int uLines) ;
CRowIndexMap& GetRowIndexMap(void) { return m_RowIndex ; } ;
void RemoveLineFromBuffer(UINT8 uLine, BOOL bUpNextLine) ;
inline int GetStartRow(UINT uLine) {
return m_aCapLine[uLine].GetStartRow() ;
} ;
void SetStartRow(UINT uLine, UINT uRow) ;
inline void GetCaptionChar(UINT uLine, UINT uCol, CCaptionChar& cc) {
m_aCapLine[uLine].GetCaptionChar(uCol, cc) ;
} ;
inline void SetCaptionChar(UINT uLine, UINT uCol, const CCaptionChar& cc) {
m_aCapLine[uLine].SetCaptionChar(uCol, cc) ;
} ;
inline CCaptionChar* GetCaptionCharPtr(UINT uLine, UINT uCol) {
return m_aCapLine[uLine].GetCaptionCharPtr(uCol) ;
} ;
inline int IncNumChars(int uLine, UINT uNumChars) {
return m_aCapLine[uLine].IncNumChars(uNumChars) ;
} ;
inline int DecNumChars(int uLine, UINT uNumChars) {
return m_aCapLine[uLine].DecNumChars(uNumChars) ;
} ;
inline void MoveCaptionChars(int uLine, int iNum) {
m_aCapLine[uLine].MoveCaptionChars(iNum) ;
} ;
inline BOOL IsBufferDirty(void) { return m_uDirtyState & L21_CAPBUFFER_DIRTY ; } ;
inline BOOL IsRedrawAll(void) { return m_uDirtyState & L21_CAPBUFFER_REDRAWALL ; } ;
BOOL IsRedrawLine(UINT8 uLine) ;
void SetBufferDirty(BOOL bState) ;
void SetRedrawAll(BOOL bState) ;
void SetRedrawLine(UINT8 uLine, BOOL bState) ;
} ;
#endif // #ifndef _INC_L21DBASE_H