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| invcmap.c - Microsoft Video 1 Compressor - Inverse Color Map. |
| |
| Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Microsoft Corporation. |
| Portions Copyright Media Vision Inc. |
| All Rights Reserved. |
| |
| You have a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and perpetual |
| license to use this source code in developing hardware, software |
| (limited to drivers and other software required for hardware |
| functionality), and firmware for video display and/or processing |
| boards. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with |
| respect to the Video 1 codec, including without limitation warranties |
| of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Microsoft |
| shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever, including without |
| limitation consequential damages arising from your use of the Video 1 |
| codec. |
| |
| |
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <win32.h>
//#pragma optimize("", off)
int redloop(void);
int greenloop( int restart );
int blueloop( int restart );
#ifdef _WIN32
#define maxfill(pbuffer, side) \
memset(pbuffer, -1, colormax*colormax*colormax*sizeof(LONG))
void maxfill( DWORD _huge *buffer, long side);
void inv_cmap_2( int colors, BYTE colormap[3][256], int bits,
DWORD _huge *dist_buf, LPBYTE rgbmap );
void inv_cmap_1( int colors, BYTE colormap[3][256], int bits,
DWORD _huge *dist_buf, LPBYTE rgbmap );
/* Track minimum and maximum in inv_cmap_2. */
BYTE NewMap[3][256];
LPVOID FAR PASCAL MakeITable(LPRGBQUAD lprgbq, int nColors)
LPVOID lpDistBuf;
LPBYTE lpITable;
int i;
lpITable = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND|GMEM_SHARE,32768l);
if (lpITable == NULL)
return NULL; // error no memory
lpDistBuf = (LPVOID)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,32768l * sizeof(DWORD));
if (lpDistBuf == NULL) {
return NULL; // error no memory
for (i = 0; i < nColors; i++) {
NewMap[0][i] = lprgbq[i].rgbRed;
NewMap[1][i] = lprgbq[i].rgbGreen;
NewMap[2][i] = lprgbq[i].rgbBlue;
return lpITable;
static int bcenter, gcenter, rcenter;
static long gdist, rdist, cdist;
static long cbinc, cginc, crinc;
static DWORD _huge *gdp;
static DWORD _huge *rdp;
static DWORD _huge *cdp;
static LPBYTE grgbp;
static LPBYTE rrgbp;
static LPBYTE crgbp;
static int gstride, rstride;
static long x, xsqr, colormax;
static int cindex;
* TAG( inv_cmap_2 )
* Compute an inverse colormap efficiently.
* Inputs:
* colors: Number of colors in the forward colormap.
* colormap: The forward colormap.
* bits: Number of quantization bits. The inverse
* colormap will have (2^bits)^3 entries.
* dist_buf: An array of (2^bits)^3 long integers to be
* used as scratch space.
* Outputs:
* rgbmap: The output inverse colormap. The entry
* rgbmap[(r<<(2*bits)) + (g<<bits) + b]
* is the colormap entry that is closest to the
* (quantized) color (r,g,b).
* Assumptions:
* Quantization is performed by right shift (low order bits are
* truncated). Thus, the distance to a quantized color is
* actually measured to the color at the center of the cell
* (i.e., to r+.5, g+.5, b+.5, if (r,g,b) is a quantized color).
* Algorithm:
* Uses a "distance buffer" algorithm:
* The distance from each representative in the forward color map
* to each point in the rgb space is computed. If it is less
* than the distance currently stored in dist_buf, then the
* corresponding entry in rgbmap is replaced with the current
* representative (and the dist_buf entry is replaced with the
* new distance).
* The distance computation uses an efficient incremental formulation.
* Distances are computed "outward" from each color. If the
* colors are evenly distributed in color space, the expected
* number of cells visited for color I is N^3/I.
* Thus, the complexity of the algorithm is O(log(K) N^3),
* where K = colors, and N = 2^bits.
* Here's the idea: scan from the "center" of each cell "out"
* until we hit the "edge" of the cell -- that is, the point
* at which some other color is closer -- and stop. In 1-D,
* this is simple:
* for i := here to max do
* if closer then buffer[i] = this color
* else break
* repeat above loop with i := here-1 to min by -1
* In 2-D, it's trickier, because along a "scan-line", the
* region might start "after" the "center" point. A picture
* might clarify:
* | ...
* | ... .
* ... .
* ... | .
* . + .
* . .
* . .
* .........
* The + marks the "center" of the above region. On the top 2
* lines, the region "begins" to the right of the "center".
* Thus, we need a loop like this:
* detect := false
* for i := here to max do
* if closer then
* buffer[..., i] := this color
* if !detect then
* here = i
* detect = true
* else
* if detect then
* break
* Repeat the above loop with i := here-1 to min by -1. Note that
* the "detect" value should not be reinitialized. If it was
* "true", and center is not inside the cell, then none of the
* cell lies to the left and this loop should exit
* immediately.
* The outer loops are similar, except that the "closer" test
* is replaced by a call to the "next in" loop; its "detect"
* value serves as the test. (No assignment to the buffer is
* done, either.)
* Each time an outer loop starts, the "here", "min", and
* "max" values of the next inner loop should be
* re-initialized to the center of the cell, 0, and cube size,
* respectively. Otherwise, these values will carry over from
* one "call" to the inner loop to the next. This tracks the
* edges of the cell and minimizes the number of
* "unproductive" comparisons that must be made.
* Finally, the inner-most loop can have the "if !detect"
* optimized out of it by splitting it into two loops: one
* that finds the first color value on the scan line that is
* in this cell, and a second that fills the cell until
* another one is closer:
* if !detect then {needed for "down" loop}
* for i := here to max do
* if closer then
* buffer[..., i] := this color
* detect := true
* break
* for i := i+1 to max do
* if closer then
* buffer[..., i] := this color
* else
* break
* In this implementation, each level will require the
* following variables. Variables labelled (l) are local to each
* procedure. The ? should be replaced with r, g, or b:
* cdist: The distance at the starting point.
* ?center: The value of this component of the color
* c?inc: The initial increment at the ?center position.
* ?stride: The amount to add to the buffer
* pointers (dp and rgbp) to get to the
* "next row".
* min(l): The "low edge" of the cell, init to 0
* max(l): The "high edge" of the cell, init to
* colormax-1
* detect(l): True if this row has changed some
* buffer entries.
* i(l): The index for this row.
* ?xx: The accumulated increment value.
* here(l): The starting index for this color. The
* following variables are associated with here,
* in the sense that they must be updated if here
* is changed.
* ?dist: The current distance for this level. The
* value of dist from the previous level (g or r,
* for level b or g) initializes dist on this
* level. Thus gdist is associated with here(b)).
* ?inc: The initial increment for the row.
* ?dp: Pointer into the distance buffer. The value
* from the previous level initializes this level.
* ?rgbp: Pointer into the rgb buffer. The value
* from the previous level initializes this level.
* The blue and green levels modify 'here-associated' variables (dp,
* rgbp, dist) on the green and red levels, respectively, when here is
* changed.
inv_cmap_2( int colors, BYTE colormap[3][256], int bits,
DWORD _huge *dist_buf, LPBYTE rgbmap )
int nbits = 8 - bits;
colormax = 1 << bits;
x = 1 << nbits;
xsqr = 1 << (2 * nbits);
/* Compute "strides" for accessing the arrays. */
gstride = (int) colormax;
rstride = (int) (colormax * colormax);
maxfill( dist_buf, colormax );
for ( cindex = 0; cindex < colors; cindex++ )
* Distance formula is
* (red - map[0])^2 + (green - map[1])^2 + (blue - map[2])^2
* Because of quantization, we will measure from the center of
* each quantized "cube", so blue distance is
* (blue + x/2 - map[2])^2,
* where x = 2^(8 - bits).
* The step size is x, so the blue increment is
* 2*x*blue - 2*x*map[2] + 2*x^2
* Now, b in the code below is actually blue/x, so our
* increment will be 2*(b*x^2 + x^2 - x*map[2]). For
* efficiency, we will maintain this quantity in a separate variable
* that will be updated incrementally by adding 2*x^2 each time.
/* The initial position is the cell containing the colormap
* entry. We get this by quantizing the colormap values.
rcenter = colormap[0][cindex] >> nbits;
gcenter = colormap[1][cindex] >> nbits;
bcenter = colormap[2][cindex] >> nbits;
rdist = colormap[0][cindex] - (rcenter * x + x/2);
gdist = colormap[1][cindex] - (gcenter * x + x/2);
cdist = colormap[2][cindex] - (bcenter * x + x/2);
cdist = rdist*rdist + gdist*gdist + cdist*cdist;
crinc = 2 * ((rcenter + 1) * xsqr - (colormap[0][cindex] * x));
cginc = 2 * ((gcenter + 1) * xsqr - (colormap[1][cindex] * x));
cbinc = 2 * ((bcenter + 1) * xsqr - (colormap[2][cindex] * x));
/* Array starting points. */
cdp = dist_buf + rcenter * rstride + gcenter * gstride + bcenter;
crgbp = rgbmap + rcenter * rstride + gcenter * gstride + bcenter;
/* redloop -- loop up and down from red center. */
int detect;
int r, i = cindex;
int first;
long txsqr = xsqr + xsqr;
static long rxx;
detect = 0;
/* Basic loop up. */
for ( r = rcenter, rdist = cdist, rxx = crinc,
rdp = cdp, rrgbp = crgbp, first = 1;
r < (int) colormax;
r++, rdp += rstride, rrgbp += rstride,
rdist += rxx, rxx += txsqr, first = 0 )
if ( greenloop( first ) )
detect = 1;
else if ( detect )
/* Basic loop down. */
for ( r = rcenter - 1, rxx = crinc - txsqr, rdist = cdist - rxx,
rdp = cdp - rstride, rrgbp = crgbp - rstride, first = 1;
r >= 0;
r--, rdp -= rstride, rrgbp -= rstride,
rxx -= txsqr, rdist -= rxx, first = 0 )
if ( greenloop( first ) )
detect = 1;
else if ( detect )
return detect;
/* greenloop -- loop up and down from green center. */
greenloop( int restart )
int detect;
int g, i = cindex;
int first;
long txsqr = xsqr + xsqr;
static int here, min, max;
static int prevmax, prevmin;
int thismax, thismin;
static long ginc, gxx, gcdist; /* "gc" variables maintain correct */
static DWORD _huge *gcdp; /* values for bcenter position, */
static LPBYTE gcrgbp; /* despite modifications by blueloop */
/* to gdist, gdp, grgbp. */
if ( restart )
here = gcenter;
min = 0;
max = (int) colormax - 1;
ginc = cginc;
prevmax = 0;
prevmin = (int) colormax;
thismin = min;
thismax = max;
detect = 0;
/* Basic loop up. */
for ( g = here, gcdist = gdist = rdist, gxx = ginc,
gcdp = gdp = rdp, gcrgbp = grgbp = rrgbp, first = 1;
g <= max;
g++, gdp += gstride, gcdp += gstride, grgbp += gstride, gcrgbp += gstride,
gdist += gxx, gcdist += gxx, gxx += txsqr, first = 0 )
if ( blueloop( first ) )
if ( !detect )
/* Remember here and associated data! */
if ( g > here )
here = g;
rdp = gcdp;
rrgbp = gcrgbp;
rdist = gcdist;
ginc = gxx;
thismin = here;
detect = 1;
else if ( detect )
thismax = g - 1;
/* Basic loop down. */
for ( g = here - 1, gxx = ginc - txsqr, gcdist = gdist = rdist - gxx,
gcdp = gdp = rdp - gstride, gcrgbp = grgbp = rrgbp - gstride,
first = 1;
g >= min;
g--, gdp -= gstride, gcdp -= gstride, grgbp -= gstride, gcrgbp -= gstride,
gxx -= txsqr, gdist -= gxx, gcdist -= gxx, first = 0 )
if ( blueloop( first ) )
if ( !detect )
/* Remember here! */
here = g;
rdp = gcdp;
rrgbp = gcrgbp;
rdist = gcdist;
ginc = gxx;
thismax = here;
detect = 1;
else if ( detect )
thismin = g + 1;
/* If we saw something, update the edge trackers. For now, only
* tracks edges that are "shrinking" (min increasing, max
* decreasing.
if ( detect )
if ( thismax < prevmax )
max = thismax;
prevmax = thismax;
if ( thismin > prevmin )
min = thismin;
prevmin = thismin;
return detect;
/* blueloop -- loop up and down from blue center. */
blueloop( int restart )
int detect;
register DWORD _huge *dp;
register LPBYTE rgbp;
register long bdist, bxx;
register int b, i = cindex;
register long txsqr = xsqr + xsqr;
register int lim;
static int here, min, max;
static int prevmin, prevmax;
int thismin, thismax;
#endif /* MINMAX_TRACK */
static long binc;
if ( restart )
here = bcenter;
min = 0;
max = (int) colormax - 1;
binc = cbinc;
prevmin = (int) colormax;
prevmax = 0;
#endif /* MINMAX_TRACK */
detect = 0;
thismin = min;
thismax = max;
/* Basic loop up. */
/* First loop just finds first applicable cell. */
for ( b = here, bdist = gdist, bxx = binc, dp = gdp, rgbp = grgbp, lim = max;
b <= lim;
b++, dp++, rgbp++,
bdist += bxx, bxx += txsqr )
if ( *dp > (DWORD)bdist )
/* Remember new 'here' and associated data! */
if ( b > here )
here = b;
gdp = dp;
grgbp = rgbp;
gdist = bdist;
binc = bxx;
thismin = here;
detect = 1;
/* Second loop fills in a run of closer cells. */
for ( ;
b <= lim;
b++, dp++, rgbp++,
bdist += bxx, bxx += txsqr )
if ( *dp > (DWORD)bdist )
*dp = bdist;
*rgbp = (BYTE) i;
thismax = b - 1;
/* Basic loop down. */
/* Do initializations here, since the 'find' loop might not get
* executed.
lim = min;
b = here - 1;
bxx = binc - txsqr;
bdist = gdist - bxx;
dp = gdp - 1;
rgbp = grgbp - 1;
/* The 'find' loop is executed only if we didn't already find
* something.
if ( !detect )
for ( ;
b >= lim;
b--, dp--, rgbp--,
bxx -= txsqr, bdist -= bxx )
if ( *dp > (DWORD)bdist )
/* Remember here! */
/* No test for b against here necessary because b <
* here by definition.
here = b;
gdp = dp;
grgbp = rgbp;
gdist = bdist;
binc = bxx;
thismax = here;
detect = 1;
/* The 'update' loop. */
for ( ;
b >= lim;
b--, dp--, rgbp--,
bxx -= txsqr, bdist -= bxx )
if ( *dp > (DWORD)bdist )
*dp = bdist;
*rgbp = (BYTE) i;
thismin = b + 1;
/* If we saw something, update the edge trackers. */
if ( detect )
/* Only tracks edges that are "shrinking" (min increasing, max
* decreasing.
if ( thismax < prevmax )
max = thismax;
if ( thismin > prevmin )
min = thismin;
/* Remember the min and max values. */
prevmax = thismax;
prevmin = thismin;
#endif /* MINMAX_TRACK */
return detect;
#ifndef _WIN32
void maxfill( DWORD _huge *buffer, long side)
register unsigned long maxv = ~0uL;
register long i;
register DWORD _huge *bp;
for ( i = colormax * colormax * colormax, bp = buffer;
i > 0;
i--, bp++ )
*bp = maxv;
#ifdef CMAP1
* TAG( inv_cmap_1 )
* Compute an inverse colormap efficiently.
* Inputs:
* colors: Number of colors in the forward colormap.
* colormap: The forward colormap.
* bits: Number of quantization bits. The inverse
* colormap will have (2^bits)^3 entries.
* dist_buf: An array of (2^bits)^3 long integers to be
* used as scratch space.
* Outputs:
* rgbmap: The output inverse colormap. The entry
* rgbmap[(r<<(2*bits)) + (g<<bits) + b]
* is the colormap entry that is closest to the
* (quantized) color (r,g,b).
* Assumptions:
* Quantization is performed by right shift (low order bits are
* truncated). Thus, the distance to a quantized color is
* actually measured to the color at the center of the cell
* (i.e., to r+.5, g+.5, b+.5, if (r,g,b) is a quantized color).
* Algorithm:
* Uses a "distance buffer" algorithm:
* The distance from each representative in the forward color map
* to each point in the rgb space is computed. If it is less
* than the distance currently stored in dist_buf, then the
* corresponding entry in rgbmap is replaced with the current
* representative (and the dist_buf entry is replaced with the
* new distance).
* The distance computation uses an efficient incremental formulation.
* Right now, distances are computed for all entries in the rgb
* space. Thus, the complexity of the algorithm is O(K N^3),
* where K = colors, and N = 2^bits.
inv_cmap_1( int colors, BYTE colormap[3][256], int bits,
DWORD _huge *dist_buf, LPBYTE rgbmap )
register DWORD _huge *dp;
register LPBYTE rgbp;
register long bdist, bxx;
register int b, i;
int nbits = 8 - bits;
register int colormax = 1 << bits;
register long xsqr = 1 << (2 * nbits);
int x = 1 << nbits;
int rinc, ginc, binc, r, g;
long rdist, gdist, rxx, gxx;
for ( i = 0; i < colors; i++ )
* Distance formula is
* (red - map[0])^2 + (green - map[1])^2 + (blue - map[2])^2
* Because of quantization, we will measure from the center of
* each quantized "cube", so blue distance is
* (blue + x/2 - map[2])^2,
* where x = 2^(8 - bits).
* The step size is x, so the blue increment is
* 2*x*blue - 2*x*map[2] + 2*x^2
* Now, b in the code below is actually blue/x, so our
* increment will be 2*x*x*b + (2*x^2 - 2*x*map[2]). For
* efficiency, we will maintain this quantity in a separate variable
* that will be updated incrementally by adding 2*x^2 each time.
rdist = colormap[0][i] - x/2;
gdist = colormap[1][i] - x/2;
bdist = colormap[2][i] - x/2;
rdist = rdist*rdist + gdist*gdist + bdist*bdist;
rinc = 2 * (xsqr - (colormap[0][i] << nbits));
ginc = 2 * (xsqr - (colormap[1][i] << nbits));
binc = 2 * (xsqr - (colormap[2][i] << nbits));
dp = dist_buf;
rgbp = rgbmap;
for ( r = 0, rxx = rinc;
r < colormax;
rdist += rxx, r++, rxx += xsqr + xsqr )
for ( g = 0, gdist = rdist, gxx = ginc;
g < colormax;
gdist += gxx, g++, gxx += xsqr + xsqr )
for ( b = 0, bdist = gdist, bxx = binc;
b < colormax;
bdist += bxx, b++, dp++, rgbp++,
bxx += xsqr + xsqr )
if ( i == 0 || *dp > bdist )
*dp = bdist;
*rgbp = i;