Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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/* (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1991-1994. All Rights Reserved */
* Routines for dealing with Resource-string based message
* boxes.
/* Revision History.
* 4/2/91 LaurieGr (AKA LKG) Ported to WIN32 / WIN16 common code
* 22/Feb/94 LaurieGr Merged Motown and Daytona versions
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmreg.h>
#include "soundrec.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* @func short | ErrorResBox | This function displays a message box using
* program resource error strings.
* @parm HWND | hwnd | Specifies the message box parent window.
* @parm HANDLE | hInst | Specifies the instance handle of the module
* that contains the resource strings specified by <p idAppName> and
* <p idErrorStr>. If this value is NULL, the instance handle is
* obtained from <p hwnd> (in which case <p hwnd> may not be NULL).
* @parm UINT | flags | Specifies message box types controlling the
* message box appearance. All message box types valid for <f MessageBox> are
* valid.
* @parm UINT | idAppName | Specifies the resource ID of a string that
* is to be used as the message box caption.
* @parm UINT | idErrorStr | Specifies the resource ID of a error
* message format string. This string is of the style passed to
* <f wsprintf>, containing the standard C argument formatting
* characters. Any procedure parameters following <p idErrorStr> will
* be taken as arguments for this format string.
* @parm arguments | [ arguments, ... ] | Specifies additional
* arguments corresponding to the format specification given by
* <p idErrorStr>. All string arguments must be FAR pointers.
* @rdesc Returns the result of the call to <f MessageBox>. If an
* error occurs, returns zero.
* @comm This is a variable arguments function, the parameters after
* <p idErrorStr> being taken for arguments to the <f printf> format
* string specified by <p idErrorStr>. The string resources specified
* by <p idAppName> and <p idErrorStr> must be loadable using the
* instance handle <p hInst>. If the strings cannot be
* loaded, or <p hwnd> is not valid, the function will fail and return
* zero.
#define STRING_SIZE 1024
short FAR _cdecl
ErrorResBox (
HWND hwnd,
UINT flags,
UINT idAppName,
UINT idErrorStr,
... )
va_list va; // got to do this for DEC Alpha platform
// where parameter lists are different.
if (hInst == NULL) {
if (hwnd == NULL) {
return FALSE;
hInst = (HANDLE)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE);
w = 0;
sz = (PTSTR) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, STRING_SIZE*sizeof(TCHAR));
szFmt = (PTSTR) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, STRING_SIZE*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (!sz || !szFmt)
goto ExitError; // no mem, get out
if (!LoadString(hInst, idErrorStr, szFmt, STRING_SIZE))
goto ExitError;
va_start(va, idErrorStr);
wvsprintf(sz, szFmt, va);
if (!LoadString(hInst, idAppName, szFmt, STRING_SIZE))
goto ExitError;
if (gfErrorBox) {
#if DBG
TCHAR szTxt[256];
wsprintf(szTxt, TEXT("!ERROR '%s'\r\n"), sz);
return 0;
else {
w = MessageBox(hwnd, sz, szFmt, flags);
if (sz) GlobalFreePtr(sz);
if (szFmt) GlobalFreePtr(szFmt);
return (short)w;