Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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** Copyright 1995-2095, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
const GLubyte *const __locale = glsCSTR(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, GLS_NONE)); \
GLboolean __saveLocale = (GLboolean)(__locale[0] != 'C' || __locale[1])
#define __GLS_C_LOCALE_BEGIN \
if ( \
__saveLocale && \
__glsString_assign(&__GLS_CONTEXT->savedLocale, __locale) \
) { \
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); \
} else { \
__saveLocale = GL_FALSE; \
#define __GLS_C_LOCALE_END \
if (__saveLocale) setlocale( \
LC_NUMERIC, (const char *)__GLS_CONTEXT->savedLocale.head \
typedef struct {
GLvoid *base;
size_t byteCount;
} __GLSglrcBuf;
typedef struct __GLSglrc __GLSglrc;
struct __GLSglrc {
GLuint layer;
GLuint readLayer;
GLuint shareGLRC;
__GLSglrcBuf feedbackBuf;
__GLSglrcBuf selectBuf;
#if __GL_EXT_vertex_array
__GLSglrcBuf colorBuf;
__GLSglrcBuf edgeFlagBuf;
__GLSglrcBuf indexBuf;
__GLSglrcBuf normalBuf;
__GLSglrcBuf texCoordBuf;
__GLSglrcBuf vertexBuf;
#endif /* __GL_EXT_vertex_array */
extern void __glsGLRC_final(__GLSglrc *inoutGLRC);
extern void __glsGLRC_init(__GLSglrc *outGLRC);
typedef struct __GLSlayer __GLSlayer;
struct __GLSlayer {
GLfloat invisibleAspect;
GLSenum displayFormat;
GLint doubleBuffer;
GLint invisible;
GLint invisibleHeightPixels;
GLint level;
GLint stereo;
GLint transparent;
GLint indexBits;
GLint redBits;
GLint greenBits;
GLint blueBits;
GLint alphaBits;
GLint depthBits;
GLint stencilBits;
GLint accumRedBits;
GLint accumGreenBits;
GLint accumBlueBits;
GLint accumAlphaBits;
GLint auxBuffers;
#if __GL_SGIS_multisample
GLint sampleBuffers;
GLint samples;
#endif /* __GL_SGIS_multisample */
extern void __glsLayer_init(__GLSlayer *outLayer);
typedef struct __GLSheader __GLSheader;
struct __GLSheader {
GLfloat aspect;
GLfloat borderWidth;
GLfloat contrastRatio;
GLfloat heightMM;
GLfloat borderColor[4];
GLfloat gamma[4];
GLfloat origin[2];
GLfloat pageColor[4];
GLfloat pageSize[2];
GLfloat redPoint[2];
GLfloat greenPoint[2];
GLfloat bluePoint[2];
GLfloat whitePoint[2];
GLint frameCount;
GLint glrcCount;
__GLSglrc *glrcs;
GLint heightPixels;
GLint layerCount;
GLint tileable;
__GLSlayer *layers;
GLint createTime[6];
GLint modifyTime[6];
__GLSstring extensions;
__GLSstring author;
__GLSstring description;
__GLSstring notes;
__GLSstring title;
__GLSstring tools;
__GLSstring version;
extern void __glsHeader_final(__GLSheader *inoutHeader);
extern GLboolean __glsHeader_init(__GLSheader *outHeader);
extern GLboolean __glsHeader_reset(__GLSheader *inoutHeader);
// DrewB
typedef void (*__GLSdecodeBinFunc)(GLubyte *inoutPtr);
typedef void (*__GLSdecodeTextFunc)(__GLSreader *inoutReader);
typedef void (*__GLSdecodeBinFunc)(struct __GLScontext *ctx,
GLubyte *inoutPtr);
typedef void (*__GLSdecodeTextFunc)(struct __GLScontext *ctx,
__GLSreader *inoutReader);
typedef struct __GLScontextStream __GLScontextStream;
typedef struct __GLSlistString __GLSlistString;
typedef struct {
GLint count;
GLulong vals[__GLS_MAX_OUT_ARGS];
} __GLSoutArgs;
typedef struct __GLScontext {
GLSenum abortMode;
GLSenum blockType;
GLint callNesting;
GLint captureEntryCount;
GLScaptureFunc captureEntryFunc;
GLScaptureFunc captureExitFunc;
GLubyte captureFlags[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
GLint captureNesting;
GLSfunc commandFuncs[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
GLboolean contextCall;
__GLSdict *contextStreamDict;
__GLS_ITERLIST(__GLScontextStream) contextStreamList;
GLboolean current;
GLuint currentGLRC;
GLvoid *dataPointer;
FILE *defaultReadChannel;
FILE *defaultWriteChannel;
GLboolean deleted;
GLSfunc dispatchAPI[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
GLSfunc dispatchCall[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
__GLSdecodeBinFunc dispatchDecode_bin[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
__GLSheader header;
GLuint name;
__GLSoutArgs outArgs;
GLboolean pixelSetupGen;
GLSreadFunc readFunc;
__GLS_ITERLIST(__GLSlistString) readPrefixList;
__GLSstring returnString;
__GLSstring savedLocale;
__GLSversion streamVersion;
GLSwriteFunc unreadFunc;
struct __GLSwriter *writer;
struct __GLSwriter *writers[__GLS_MAX_CAPTURE_NESTING];
GLSwriteFunc writeFunc;
__GLSlistString *writePrefix;
// DrewB
GLboolean captureExecOverride;
GLSfunc captureExec[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
} __GLScontext;
typedef __GLS_LIST(__GLScontext) __GLScontextList;
extern GLvoid* __glsContext_allocFeedbackBuf(
__GLScontext *inoutContext, size_t inByteCount
extern GLvoid* __glsContext_allocSelectBuf(
__GLScontext *inoutContext, size_t inByteCount
#if __GL_EXT_vertex_array
extern GLvoid* __glsContext_allocVertexArrayBuf(
__GLScontext *inoutContext, GLSopcode inOpcode, size_t inByteCount
#endif /* __GL_EXT_vertex_array */
extern __GLScontext* __glsContext_create(GLuint inName);
extern __GLScontext* __glsContext_destroy(__GLScontext *inContext);
extern void __glsContext_updateDispatchDecode_bin(__GLScontext *inoutContext);
extern void __glsContext_updateDispatchTables(__GLScontext *inoutContext);
typedef struct __GLScontextStreamBlock __GLScontextStreamBlock;
struct __GLScontextStream {
__GLS_LIST(__GLScontextStreamBlock) blockList;
GLint callCount;
__GLSstring name;
GLboolean deleted;
typedef __GLS_LIST_ITER(__GLScontextStreamBlock) __GLScontextStreamBlockIter;
extern __GLScontextStream* __glsContextStream_create(const GLubyte *inName);
extern __GLScontextStream* __glsContextStream_destroy(
__GLScontextStream *inStream
extern __GLScontextStreamBlock* __glsContextStream_appendBlock(
__GLScontextStream *inoutStream, size_t inBufSize
extern void __glsContextStream_call(__GLScontextStream *inoutStream);
extern __GLScontextStreamBlock* __glsContextStream_firstBlock(
__GLScontextStream *inoutStream
extern size_t __glsContextStream_getByteCount(__GLScontextStream *inoutStream);
extern GLuint __glsContextStream_getCRC32(__GLScontextStream *inoutStream);
extern __GLScontextStreamBlock* __glsContextStream_lastBlock(
__GLScontextStream *inoutStream
extern void __glsContextStream_truncate(
__GLScontextStream *inoutStream,
__GLScontextStreamBlock *inBlock,
size_t inOffset
struct __GLScontextStreamBlock {
GLubyte *buf;
GLubyte *bufTail;
GLubyte *writeTail;
extern __GLScontextStreamBlock* __glsContextStreamBlock_create(
size_t inBufSize
extern __GLScontextStreamBlock* __glsContextStreamBlock_destroy(
__GLScontextStreamBlock *inBlock
extern GLboolean __glsContextStreamBlock_addJump(
__GLScontextStreamBlock *inoutBlock, GLubyte *inDest
extern GLboolean __glsContextStreamBlock_addPad(
__GLScontextStreamBlock *inoutBlock
extern GLboolean __glsContextStreamBlock_hasJump(
__GLScontextStreamBlock *inBlock
extern GLboolean __glsContextStreamBlock_removeJump(
__GLScontextStreamBlock *inoutBlock
struct __GLSlistString {
__GLSstring val;
extern GLboolean __glsListString_prefix(
const __GLSlistString *inString,
const GLubyte *inName,
__GLSstring *outPath
extern __GLSlistString* __glsListString_create(const GLubyte *inVal);
extern __GLSlistString* __glsListString_destroy(__GLSlistString *inString);