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; Module Name: so_prim.asm
; xform routines.
; Created: 10/14/1996
; Author: Otto Berkes [ottob]
; Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
.model small,pascal
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT
assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
extrn ___glClipCodes :DWORD
extrn ___glOne:DWORD
extrn ___glHalf:DWORD
extrn ___glZero:DWORD
; Internal definitions:
_R_ = 0
_G_ = 4
_B_ = 8
_A_ = 12
_X_ = 0
_Y_ = 4
_Z_ = 8
_W_ = 12
; pdLast is passed as parameter
pdLast equ [ebp+8]
; Temporary data
gc equ -4[ebp]
pa equ -8[ebp]
extrn @__glNormalize@8:NEAR
; Makes clip code for frustum clip planes
; General case
; Input:
; edx = pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = pointer to graphics context
; pdLast = pointer to the last vertex
; pa = pointer to POLYARRAY
; gc = pointer to graphics context
; ReuseClipCode if set to 1, new clip code is combined using OR with existing one
; Returns:
; eax = andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
PAClipCheckFrustum MACRO ReuseClipCode
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edx+PA_pd0]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_W_] ; esi = clipW
or esi, esi ; if (clipW == 0) go to special case
jz @WEqZero
fld ___glOne
fdiv DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_W_] ; start division
; edi will accumulate index to clip table
; bit 6 - 1 if clipW < 0
; bit 5 - 1 if clipX < 0
; bit 4 - 1 if abs(clipX) < abs(clipW)
; bit 3 - 1 if clipY < 0
; bit 2 - 1 if abs(clipY) < abs(clipW)
; bit 1 - 1 if clipZ < 0
; bit 0 - 1 if abs(clipZ) < abs(clipW)
xor edi, edi
add esi, esi ; esi = abs(clipW) shifted left 1 bit
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_X_] ; ebx = clipX
adc edi, edi ; edi = sign clipW
add esi, 1 ; X-W bit should be set when X-W <= 0 !!!
add ebx, ebx ; ebx = abs(clipX) shifted left 1 bit
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipX)
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipX) - abs(clipW))
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Y_]
mov ecx, pa
add ebx, ebx
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipY)
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipY) - abs(clipW))
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Z_]
add edx, sizeof_POLYDATA ; advance vertex ptr
add ebx, ebx ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipZ)
adc edi, edi
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipZ) - abs(clipW))
mov esi, [ecx+PA_orClipCodes] ; get prim OR code
mov ebx, [ecx+PA_andClipCodes] ; get prim AND code
mov ecx, ___glClipCodes[edi*4] ; ecx = clip code
mov edi, pa
if ReuseClipCode eq 1
or ecx, [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA] ; update vertex clip code
mov [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx ; store vertex clip code
or esi, ecx ; compute prim OR
and ebx, ecx ; " " AND
mov [edi+PA_orClipCodes], esi ; store prim OR
mov [edi+PA_andClipCodes], ebx ; store prim AND
mov ebx, gc
mov edi, pdLast
;; Save invW in window.w:
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
or ecx, ecx
jnz @Done
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xScale]
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yScale]
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_Z_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_zScale] ; z y x
fxch st(2) ; x y z
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA] ; X y z
fxch st(1) ; y X z
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA] ; Y X z
fxch st(2) ; z X Y
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA] ; Z X Y
fxch st(1) ; X Z Y
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xCenter] ; x Z Y
fxch st(2) ; Y Z x
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yCenter] ; y Z x
fxch st(1) ; Z y x
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_zCenter] ; z y x
fxch st(2) ; x y z
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Z_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
cmp edx, edi ; pd > pdLast?
jbe vertexLoop ; yes -> process next vertex
mov edx, pa
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
mov eax, [edx + PA_andClipCodes] ; return value
ret 4
; W == 0
xor edi, edi
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_X_] ; ebx = clipX
add ebx, ebx ; ebx = abs(clipX) shifted left 1 bit
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipX)
add edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Y_]
mov ecx, pa
add ebx, ebx
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipY)
add edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Z_]
add edx, sizeof_POLYDATA ; advance vertex ptr
add ebx, ebx ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipZ)
adc edi, edi
add edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1
mov esi, [ecx+PA_orClipCodes] ; get prim OR code
mov ebx, [ecx+PA_andClipCodes] ; get prim AND code
mov ecx, ___glClipCodes[edi*4] ; ecx = clip code
mov edi, pa
if ReuseClipCode eq 1
or ecx, [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA] ; update vertex clip code
mov [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx ; store vertex clip code
or esi, ecx ; compute prim OR
and ebx, ecx ; " " AND
mov [edi+PA_orClipCodes], esi ; store prim OR
mov [edi+PA_andClipCodes], ebx ; store prim AND
mov ebx, gc
mov edi, pdLast
;; Save invW in window.w:
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], 0
or ecx, ecx
jnz @Done
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xCenter]
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yCenter]
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_zCenter]
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], ebx
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Z_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx
jmp @Done
; Make clip code for frustum clip planes
; General case
; Prototype:
; GLuint FASTCALL PAClipCheckFrustum(__GLcontext *gc, POLYARRAY *pa,
; POLYDATA *pdLast);
; Input:
; edx = pa pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = gc pointer to graphics context
; [esp+4] = pointer to the last vertex
; andClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to -1
; orClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to 0
; Returns:
; andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
@PAClipCheckFrustum@12 PROC NEAR
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 12
mov DWORD PTR pa, edx
mov DWORD PTR gc, ecx
push ebx
push esi
push edi
PAClipCheckFrustum 0
@PAClipCheckFrustum@12 ENDP
; Makes clip code for frustum clip planes
; Case when vertices have W == 1.0
; Input:
; edx = pa pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = gc pointer to graphics context
; pa = pointer to POLYARRAY
; gc = pointer to graphics context
; pdLast = pointer to the last vertex
; ReuseClipCode if set to 1, new clip code is combined using OR with existing one
; Returns:
; eax = andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
PAClipCheckFrustumWOne MACRO ReuseClipCode
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edx+PA_pd0]
; edi will accumulate index to clip table
; bit 6 - 1 if clipW < 0 --- always 0 for this case
; bit 5 - 1 if clipX < 0
; bit 4 - 1 if abs(clipX) < abs(clipW)
; bit 3 - 1 if clipY < 0
; bit 2 - 1 if abs(clipY) < abs(clipW)
; bit 1 - 1 if clipZ < 0
; bit 0 - 1 if abs(clipZ) < abs(clipW)
xor edi, edi
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_X_] ; ebx = clipX
mov esi, (__FLOAT_ONE*2) + 1
add ebx, ebx ; ebx = abs(clipX) shifted left 1 bit
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipX)
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipX) - abs(clipW))
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Y_]
mov ecx, pa
add ebx, ebx
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipY)
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipY) - abs(clipW))
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Z_]
add edx, sizeof_POLYDATA ; advance vertex ptr
add ebx, ebx ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipZ)
adc edi, edi
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipZ) - abs(clipW))
mov esi, [ecx+PA_orClipCodes] ; get prim OR code
mov ebx, [ecx+PA_andClipCodes] ; get prim AND code
mov ecx, ___glClipCodes[edi*4] ; ecx = clip code
mov edi, pa
if ReuseClipCode eq 1
or ecx, [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA] ; update vertex clip code
mov [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx ; store vertex clip code
or esi, ecx ; compute prim OR
and ebx, ecx ; " " AND
mov [edi+PA_orClipCodes], esi ; store prim OR
mov [edi+PA_andClipCodes], ebx ; store prim AND
mov ebx, gc
mov edi, pdLast
;; Save invW in window.w:
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], __FLOAT_ONE
or ecx, ecx
jnz @Done
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xScale]
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yScale]
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_Z_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_zScale] ; z y x
fxch st(2) ; x y z
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xCenter] ; x y z
fxch st(1) ; y x z
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yCenter] ; y x z
fxch st(2) ; z x y
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_zCenter] ; z x y
fxch st(1) ; x z y
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Z_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
cmp edx, edi ; pd > pdLast?
jbe vertexLoop ; yes -> process next vertex
mov edx, pa
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
mov eax, [edx + PA_andClipCodes] ; return value
ret 4
; Makes clip code for frustum clip planes
; Case when vertices have W == 1.0
; Prototype:
; GLuint FASTCALL PAClipCheckFrustumWOne(__GLcontext *gc, POLYARRAY *pa,
; POLYDATA *pdLast);
; Input:
; edx = pa pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = gc pointer to graphics context
; [esp+4] = pointer to the last vertex
; andClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to -1
; orClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to 0
; Returns:
; eax = andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
@PAClipCheckFrustumWOne@12 PROC NEAR
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 12
mov DWORD PTR pa, edx
mov DWORD PTR gc, ecx
push ebx
push esi
push edi
PAClipCheckFrustumWOne 0
@PAClipCheckFrustumWOne@12 ENDP
; Makes clip code for frustum clip planes
; Case when vertices have W == 1.0 and Z == 0.0
; Input:
; edx = pa pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = gc pointer to graphics context
; pa = pointer to POLYARRAY
; gc = pointer to graphics context
; pdLast = pointer to the last vertex
; ReuseClipCode if set to 1, new clip code is combined using OR with existing one
; Returns:
; eax = andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
PAClipCheckFrustum2D MACRO ReuseClipCode
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edx+PA_pd0]
; edi will accumulate index to clip table
; bit 6 - 1 if clipW < 0 --- always 0 for this case
; bit 5 - 1 if clipX < 0
; bit 4 - 1 if abs(clipX) < abs(clipW)
; bit 3 - 1 if clipY < 0
; bit 2 - 1 if abs(clipY) < abs(clipW)
; bit 1 - 1 if clipZ < 0
; bit 0 - 1 if abs(clipZ) < abs(clipW)
xor edi, edi
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_X_] ; ebx = clipX
mov esi, (__FLOAT_ONE*2) + 1
add ebx, ebx ; ebx = abs(clipX) shifted left 1 bit
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipX)
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipX) - abs(clipW))
mov ebx, [edx+PD_clip+_Y_]
mov ecx, pa
add ebx, ebx
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(clipY)
sub ebx, esi
adc edi, edi ; edi = edi << 1 + sign(abs(clipY) - abs(clipW))
add edx, sizeof_POLYDATA ; advance vertex ptr
add edi, edi ; sign(clipZ) = 0
lea edi, [edi+edi+1] ; sign(abs(clipZ) - abs(clipW)) = 0
mov esi, [ecx+PA_orClipCodes] ; get prim OR code
mov ebx, [ecx+PA_andClipCodes] ; get prim AND code
mov ecx, ___glClipCodes[edi*4] ; ecx = clip code
mov edi, pa
if ReuseClipCode eq 1
or ecx, [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA] ; update vertex clip code
mov [edx+PD_clipCode-sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx ; store vertex clip code
or esi, ecx ; compute prim OR
and ebx, ecx ; " " AND
mov [edi+PA_orClipCodes], esi ; store prim OR
mov [edi+PA_andClipCodes], ebx ; store prim AND
mov ebx, gc
mov edi, pdLast
;; Save invW in window.w:
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_W_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], __FLOAT_ONE
or ecx, ecx
jnz @Done
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xScale]
fld DWORD PTR [edx+PD_clip+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yScale]
fxch st(1) ; x y
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_xCenter] ; x y
fxch st(1) ; y x
fadd DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_yCenter] ; y x
fxch st(1) ; x y
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_VIEWPORT_zCenter]
mov DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Z_ - sizeof_POLYDATA], ecx
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_X_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
fstp DWORD PTR [edx+PD_window+_Y_ - sizeof_POLYDATA]
cmp edx, edi ; pd > pdLast?
jbe vertexLoop ; yes -> process next vertex
mov edx, pa
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
mov eax, [edx + PA_andClipCodes] ; return value
ret 4
; Makes clip code for frustum clip planes
; Case when vertices have W == 1.0
; Prototype:
; GLuint FASTCALL PAClipCheckFrustum2D(__GLcontext *gc, POLYARRAY *pa,
; POLYDATA *pdLast);
; Input:
; edx = pa pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = gc pointer to graphics context
; [esp+4] = pointer to the last vertex
; andClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to -1
; orClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to 0
; Returns:
; eax = andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
@PAClipCheckFrustum2D@12 PROC NEAR
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 12
xor eax, eax
mov pa, edx
mov [edx+PA_orClipCodes], eax ; PA orClipCodes = 0
dec eax
push ebx
mov [edx+PA_andClipCodes], eax ; PA andClipCodes = -1
push esi
mov DWORD PTR gc, ecx
push edi
PAClipCheckFrustum2D 0
@PAClipCheckFrustum2D@12 ENDP
; Makes clip code for user planes
; Input:
; edx = pa
; ecx = gc
; pdLast = pointer to the last vertex
; ReuseClipCode if set to 1, new clip code is combined using OR with existing one
PAClipCheckUser MACRO ReuseClipCode
result equ -16[ebp]
cwSave equ -20[ebp]
cwTemp equ -24[ebp]
clipPlaneMask equ -28[ebp]
firstPlane equ -32[ebp]
;; We have to turn on rounding with double precision. There is
;; too much error in the dot product otherwise (test with tlogo).
fnstcw WORD PTR cwSave
mov edi, DWORD PTR cwSave
and edi, 0f0ffh
or edi, 00200h
mov cwTemp, edi
fldcw WORD PTR cwTemp
mov edi, pdLast ; edi will store POLYARRAY pointer
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edx+PA_pd0]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [ecx+GC_STATE_enablesClipPlanes] ; esi = clipPlaneMask
mov ebx, [ecx+GC_STATE_clipPlanes0] ; ebx points to the current user plane
or esi, esi
jz @Exit1 ; No user planes
mov clipPlaneMask, esi ; save clipPlaneMask
mov firstPlane, ebx ; save pointer to the first clip plane
mov esi, clipPlaneMask ; reload clipPlaneMask
xor eax, eax ; prepare clip code
mov ecx, __GL_CLIP_USER0 ; ecx stores __GL_CLIP_USER bits
mov ebx, firstPlane ; reload pointer to the first clip plane
test esi, 1 ; if (clipPlanesMask & 1 == 0) skip the plane
je SHORT @noClipTest
; Dot the vertex clip coordinate against the clip plane and see
; if the sign is negative. If so, then the point is out.
; if (x * plane->x + y * plane->y + z * plane->z + w * plane->w <
; __glZero)
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+_X_]
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_eye+_X_]
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+_Y_]
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_eye+_Y_]
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+_Z_]
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_eye+_Z_] ; z y x
fxch ST(2) ; x y z
faddp ST(1), ST(0) ; xy z
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+_W_] ; w xy z
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+PD_eye+_W_]
fxch ST(2) ; z xy w
faddp ST(1), ST(0) ; zxy w
faddp ST(1), ST(0) ; zxyw
fstp DWORD PTR result
cmp result, 0
jge @noClipTest
or eax, ecx ; code |= bit;
add ecx, ecx ; bit <<= 1;
add ebx, 16 ; plane++;
shr esi, 1 ; clipPlanesMask >>= 1;
jne SHORT @doAnotherPlane
if ReuseClipCode eq 1
or [edx+PD_clipCode], eax ; store vertex clip code
mov [edx+PD_clipCode], eax ; store vertex clip code
add edx, sizeof_POLYDATA ; advance vertex ptr
cmp edx, edi
jbe @vertexLoop ; process next vertex
;; restore FP state:
fldcw WORD PTR cwSave
; Make clip code when user clip planes are present
; Prototype:
; GLuint FASTCALL PAClipCheckFrustumAll(__GLcontext *gc, POLYARRAY *pa,
; POLYDATA *pdLast);
; Input:
; edx = pa pointer to POLYARRAY
; ecx = gc pointer to graphics context
; [esp+4] = pointer to the last vertex
; andClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to -1
; orClipCodes for POLYARRAY is set to 0
; Returns:
; eax = andClipCodes for POLYARRAY
@PAClipCheckAll@12 PROC NEAR
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 32
mov DWORD PTR pa, edx
mov DWORD PTR gc, ecx
push ebx
push esi
push edi
PAClipCheckUser 0 ; Check user clip planes first
mov edx, pa
PAClipCheckFrustum 1 ; Check frustum clip planes. We have to use OR when
; updating vertex clip code
@PAClipCheckAll@12 ENDP
pd equ -4[ebp]
pdLast equ -8[ebp]
@PolyArrayPropagateSameColor@8 PROC NEAR
push ebp
mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx+PA_pdNextVertex]
mov ebp, esp
sub eax, sizeof_POLYDATA
sub esp, 8
mov DWORD PTR pdLast, eax
push ebx
push esi
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [edx+PA_pd0]
push edi
; EAX = pdLast = pa->pdNextVertex-1;
; EBX = pd = pa->pd0;
mov DWORD PTR pd, ebx
; if (pd > pdLast)
cmp eax, ebx
jb @Done
mov eax, [edx+PA_flags]
lea edi, DWORD PTR [ebx+PD_colors0]
; if (pa->flags & POLYARRAY_CLAMP_COLOR) {
je @ClampDone
mov eax, [edi+_R_]
mov ebx, [ecx+GC_redVertexScale]
sub ebx, eax
mov [ecx+GC_redClampTable], eax
shr eax, 31
add ebx, ebx
mov edx, [edi+_G_]
adc eax, eax
mov ebx, [ecx+GC_greenVertexScale]
sub ebx, edx
mov eax, [4*eax+ecx+GC_redClampTable]
mov [ecx+GC_greenClampTable], edx
shr edx, 31
add ebx, ebx
mov [edi+_R_], eax
adc edx, edx
mov eax, [edi+_B_]
mov ebx, [ecx+GC_blueVertexScale]
sub ebx, eax
mov edx, [4*edx+ecx+GC_greenClampTable]
mov [ecx+GC_blueClampTable], eax
shr eax, 31
add ebx, ebx
mov [edi+_G_], edx
adc eax, eax
mov edx, [edi+_A_]
mov ebx, [ecx+GC_alphaVertexScale]
sub ebx, edx
mov eax, [4*eax+ecx+GC_blueClampTable]
mov [ecx+GC_alphaClampTable], edx
shr edx, 31
add ebx, ebx
adc edx, edx
mov [edi+_B_], eax
mov edx, [4*edx+ecx+GC_alphaClampTable]
mov [edi+_A_], edx
;; Register usage.
;; EAX: r, EBX: g, ECX: b, EDX: a
;; ESI: &pdLast->colors[0]
;; EDI: &pd->colors[0]
mov edi, pd
mov esi, pdLast
lea edi, [edi+PD_colors0+sizeof_POLYDATA]
lea esi, [esi+PD_colors0]
mov eax, [edi+_R_-sizeof_POLYDATA]
cmp edi, esi
ja @Done
mov ebx, [edi+_G_-sizeof_POLYDATA]
mov ecx, [edi+_B_-sizeof_POLYDATA]
mov edx, [edi+_A_-sizeof_POLYDATA]
mov [edi+_R_], eax
mov [edi+_G_], ebx
mov [edi+_B_], ecx
mov [edi+_A_], edx
add edi, sizeof_POLYDATA
cmp edi, esi
jbe @DoLoop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
@PolyArrayPropagateSameColor@8 ENDP
; Copy cached non lit color from GC to a polydata
; Input:
; PDreg - register with POLYDATA address
; GCreg - register with GC address
; GC_LIGHT_value - front or back light (0 or 1)
; face - 0 for front face, 1 for back face
; tmpreg1,
; tmpreg2 - temporary registers
COPY_CACHED_NON_LIT MACRO PDreg, GCreg, GC_LIGHT_value, face, tmpreg1, tmpreg2
mov eax, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_cachedNonLit+_R_]
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_cachedNonLit+_G_]
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_R_], eax
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_G_], ecx
mov eax, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_cachedNonLit+_B_]
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_alpha]
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_B_], eax
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_A_], ecx
; No lights case
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 56
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov esi, pdFirst
mov edi, pdLast
mov ebx, ecx ; ebx = gc
; for (pd = pdFirst; pd <= pdLast; pd++)
COPY_CACHED_NON_LIT <esi>, <ebx>, GC_LIGHT_value, face, <eax>, <ecx>
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
cmp edi, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 12
; Parameters:
; ecx - GC
; NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS - 1 for one light, 2 for more than one light
pdFirst equ 12[ebp]
pdLast equ 16[ebp]
pd equ pdFirst
face equ -4[ebp]
nonBack equ -4[ebp]
nxi equ DWORD PTR -8[ebp]
nyi equ DWORD PTR -12[ebp]
nzi equ DWORD PTR -16[ebp]
n1 equ DWORD PTR -20[ebp]
n2 equ DWORD PTR -24[ebp]
ifx equ -28[ebp]
msm equ -32[ebp]
baseEmissiveAmbientR equ DWORD PTR -36[ebp]
baseEmissiveAmbientG equ DWORD PTR -40[ebp]
baseEmissiveAmbientB equ DWORD PTR -44[ebp]
rsi equ DWORD PTR -48[ebp]
gsi equ DWORD PTR -52[ebp]
bsi equ DWORD PTR -56[ebp]
;; We will handle infinite lights with special cases for front and
;; back faces.
;; GL_LIGHT_value = GL_LIGHT_front or GC_LIGHT_back
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 56
xor eax, eax
push ebx
push esi
push edi
;; NOTE: esi, ebx held constant in this routine.
;; esi = pd
;; ebx = gc
mov esi, pdFirst
mov ebx, ecx
;; Start the vertex-processing loop
;; for (pd = pdFirst; pd <= pdLast; pd++)
;; If normal has not changed for this vertex, use the previously computed color.
;; if (!(pd->flags & POLYDATA_NORMAL_VALID))
mov edx, [esi+PD_flags]
jne @normalIsValid
mov eax, [(face*16) + esi + (PD_colors0 - sizeof_POLYDATA)+_R_]
mov ecx, [(face*16) + esi + (PD_colors0 - sizeof_POLYDATA)+_G_]
mov [(face*16) + esi + PD_colors0+_R_], eax
mov [(face*16) + esi + PD_colors0+_G_], ecx
mov eax, [(face*16) + esi + (PD_colors0 - sizeof_POLYDATA)+_B_]
mov ecx, [(face*16) + esi + (PD_colors0 - sizeof_POLYDATA)+_A_]
mov [(face*16) + esi + PD_colors0+_B_], eax
mov [(face*16) + esi + PD_colors0+_A_], ecx
;; loop to next pd
mov edi, pdLast
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
xor eax, eax
cmp edi, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
jmp @lightsDone
mov nonBack, eax
mov edi, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_sources]
if face eq __GL_FRONTFACE
mov eax, [esi+PD_normal+_X_]
mov ecx, [esi+PD_normal+_Y_]
mov edx, [esi+PD_normal+_Z_]
xor eax, 80000000h
xor ecx, 80000000h
xor edx, 80000000h
mov nxi, eax
mov nyi, ecx
mov nzi, edx
test edi, edi
je @lightSourcesDone
;; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
;; edi = lsm (light source pointer)
;; n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
;; nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if face eq __GL_FRONTFACE
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_normal+_X_]
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_X_]
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_normal+_Y_]
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_Y_]
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_normal+_Z_]
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_Z_]
fld nxi
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_X_]
fld nyi
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_Y_]
fld nzi
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_Z_]
fxch ST(2)
faddp ST(1), ST
faddp ST(1), ST
fstp n1
;; if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
mov ecx, nonBack
cmp n1, 0
jg @f
mov edi, [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_next]
test edi, edi
je @lightSourcesDone
jmp @lightSourcesLoop
COPY_CACHED_NON_LIT <esi>, <ebx>, GC_LIGHT_value, face, <eax>, <ecx>
;; loop to next pd
mov edi, pdLast
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
cmp edi, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
jmp @lightsDone
test ecx, ecx ; Has lighting been computed
jne @f
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_cachedEmissiveAmbient+_B_]
inc ecx
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_cachedEmissiveAmbient+_G_]
mov nonBack, ecx
fld DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_cachedEmissiveAmbient+_R_]
;; n2 = (nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi * lsm->hHat.z)
;; - msm_threshold;
if face eq __GL_FRONTFACE
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_normal+_X_]
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_normal+_Y_]
fxch ST(1)
fsub DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_threshold]
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_normal+_Z_]
fld nxi
fld nyi
fxch ST(1)
fsub DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_threshold]
fld nzi
fxch ST(2)
faddp ST(1), ST
faddp ST(1), ST
fstp n2
;; if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
mov eax, n2
or eax, eax
js @noSpecularEffect
;; ifx = (GLint)(n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf);
fld n2
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_scale]
mov edx, __FLOAT_ONE
;; Note: we don't have to do this add since we can assume that rounding
;; enabled:
;; fadd ___glHalf
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_specTable]
fistp DWORD PTR ifx
;; if (ifx < __GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
mov eax, ifx
jge @specularSaturate
;; n2 = msm_specTable[ifx];
mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx+eax*4]
mov n2, edx
fld n2
fld n2
fld n2
fxch ST(2) ; r g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; R G B
;; now handle diffuse affect:
fld n1
fld n1
fld n1
fxch ST(2) ; r g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; g b R G B
mov edi, [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_next]
faddp ST(3), ST ; b R G B
test edi, edi
faddp ST(3), ST ; R G B
jne @lightSourcesLoop
mov eax, nonBack
test eax,eax
jne @f
COPY_CACHED_NON_LIT <esi>, <ebx>, GC_LIGHT_value, face, <eax>, <ecx>
;; loop to next pd
mov edi, pdLast
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
xor eax, eax
cmp edi, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
jmp @lightsDone
endif ; NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS eq 2
;; OK, we had some lighting for this vertex. Now, handle clamping:
fstp rsi
mov eax, [ebx+GC_redVertexScale]
fstp gsi
mov edx, rsi
fstp bsi
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_greenVertexScale]
mov edi, gsi
sub eax, edx
sub ecx, edi
or eax, edx
or ecx, edi
mov edx, [ebx+GC_blueVertexScale]
or eax, ecx
mov edi, bsi
or eax, edi
sub edx, edi
or eax, edx
jns @noClamp
mov eax, rsi
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_redVertexScale]
sub ecx, eax
mov [ebx+GC_redClampTable], eax
shr eax, 31
add ecx, ecx
mov edx, gsi
adc eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_greenVertexScale]
sub ecx, edx
mov eax, [4*eax+ebx+GC_redClampTable]
mov [ebx+GC_greenClampTable], edx
shr edx, 31
add ecx, ecx
mov rsi, eax
adc edx, edx
mov eax, bsi
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_blueVertexScale]
sub ecx, eax
mov edx, [4*edx+ebx+GC_greenClampTable]
mov [ebx+GC_blueClampTable], eax
shr eax, 31
add ecx, ecx
mov gsi, edx
adc eax, eax
mov eax, [4*eax+ebx+GC_blueClampTable]
mov bsi, eax
;; store colors
mov eax, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_value+MATERIAL_alpha]
mov ecx, rsi
mov edx, gsi
mov edi, bsi
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_A_], eax
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_R_], ecx
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_G_], edx
mov [esi+PD_colors0+(face*16)+_B_], edi
;; loop to next pd
mov edi, pdLast
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
xor eax, eax
cmp edi, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 12
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront@20 PROC NEAR
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront@20 ENDP
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack@20 PROC NEAR
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack@20 ENDP
; Functions for the one light source
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront1@20 PROC NEAR
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront1@20 ENDP
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack1@20 PROC NEAR
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack1@20 ENDP
; Functions for the no light sources
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront0@20 PROC NEAR
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront0@20 ENDP
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack0@20 PROC NEAR
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack0@20 ENDP
; void FASTCALL PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColor(__GLcontext* gc, int face, POLYARRAY* pa,
; POLYDATA* pdFirst, POLYDATA* pdLast)
; Input:
; ecx = gc
; edx = face (0 - front, 1 - back)
; [esp+4] = pa
; [esp+8] = pdFirst
; [esp+12] = pdLast
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColor@20 PROC NEAR
push edi
mov edi, [ecx+GC_LIGHT_sources]
or edi, edi
jz @noLights
cmp [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_next], 0
jne @multipleLights
; one lignt case
pop edi
test edx, edx
je @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront1@20
jmp @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack1@20
pop edi
test edx, edx
je @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront0@20
jmp @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack0@20
pop edi
test edx, edx
je @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorFront@20
jmp @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColorBack@20
@PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColor@20 ENDP
; void FASTCALL PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColor(__GLcontext* gc, int face, POLYARRAY* pa,
; POLYDATA* pdFirst, POLYDATA* pdLast)
; Input:
; ecx = gc
; edx = face (0 - front, 1 - back)
; [esp+4] = pa
; [esp+8] = pdFirst
; [esp+12] = pdLast
emissiveAmbientR equ DWORD PTR -60[ebp]
emissiveAmbientG equ DWORD PTR -64[ebp]
emissiveAmbientB equ DWORD PTR -68[ebp]
colorMaterialChange equ -72[ebp]
alpha equ DWORD PTR -76[ebp]
ri equ DWORD PTR -80[ebp]
gi equ DWORD PTR -84[ebp]
bi equ DWORD PTR -88[ebp]
diffuseSpecularR equ DWORD PTR -92[ebp]
diffuseSpecularG equ DWORD PTR -96[ebp]
diffuseSpecularB equ DWORD PTR -100[ebp]
@PolyArrayFastCalcRGBColor@20 PROC NEAR
mov eax, [ecx+GC_LIGHT_front+MATERIAL_colorMaterialChange]
test edx, edx
je @f
mov eax, [ecx+GC_LIGHT_back+MATERIAL_colorMaterialChange]
test eax, eax
je @PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColor@20
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 100
test edx, edx
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
push esi
;; if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
;; msm = &gc->light.front;
;; else
;; msm = &gc->light.back;
lea ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_front]
je short @f
lea ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_LIGHT_back]
push edi
mov DWORD PTR face, edx
mov msm, ecx
mov eax, [ecx+MATERIAL_colorMaterialChange]
mov colorMaterialChange, eax
jne @baseEmissiveSimple
mov eax, [ecx+MATERIAL_cachedEmissiveAmbient+_R_]
mov edx, [ecx+MATERIAL_cachedEmissiveAmbient+_G_]
mov baseEmissiveAmbientR, eax
mov emissiveAmbientR, eax
mov baseEmissiveAmbientG, edx
mov emissiveAmbientG, edx
mov eax, [ecx+MATERIAL_cachedEmissiveAmbient+_B_]
mov esi, pdFirst
mov edi, pdLast
mov baseEmissiveAmbientB, eax
cmp edi, esi
mov emissiveAmbientB, eax
jb @lightsDone
jmp @baseEmissiveDone
mov eax, [ecx+MATERIAL_paSceneColor+_R_]
mov edx, [ecx+MATERIAL_paSceneColor+_G_]
mov baseEmissiveAmbientR, eax
mov emissiveAmbientR, eax
mov baseEmissiveAmbientG, edx
mov emissiveAmbientG, edx
mov eax, [ecx+MATERIAL_paSceneColor+_B_]
mov esi, pdFirst
mov edi, pdLast
mov baseEmissiveAmbientB, eax
cmp edi, esi
mov emissiveAmbientB, eax
jb @lightsDone
; If there is no emissive or ambient color material change, this
; will be the emissive and ambient components.
; emissiveAmbientI.r = baseEmissiveAmbient.r;
; emissiveAmbientI.g = baseEmissiveAmbient.g;
; emissiveAmbientI.b = baseEmissiveAmbient.b;
;; Vertex loop follows:
;; for (pd = pdFirst; pd <= pdLast; pd++)
;; If normal has not changed for this vertex, use the previously
;; computed color.
mov edx, [esi+PD_flags]
jne @normalOrColorIsValid
mov eax, face
shl eax, 4
lea edi, [eax + esi + PD_colors0]
lea esi, [eax + esi + (PD_colors0 - sizeof_POLYDATA)]
mov esi, pd
mov edi, pdLast
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
cmp edi, esi
mov pd, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
jmp @lightsDone
;; if (pd->flags & POLYDATA_COLOR_VALID)
;; ri = pd->colors[0].r * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale;
;; gi = pd->colors[0].g * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale;
;; bi = pd->colors[0].b * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale;
;; alpha = pd->colors[0].a;
je @usePreviousColors
mov eax, [esi+PD_colors0+_A_]
mov alpha, eax
mov eax, colorMaterialChange
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_colors0+_R_]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_oneOverRedVertexScale]
fld DWORD PTr [esi+PD_colors0+_G_]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_oneOverGreenVertexScale]
fld DWORD PTR [esi+PD_colors0+_B_]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_oneOverBlueVertexScale] ;; b g r
fxch ST(2) ;; r g b
fstp ri
fstp gi
fstp bi ;; FPU stack empty
je @noMaterialAmbient
;; Handle ambient color changes:
;; if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT) {
;; emissiveAmbient.r = baseEmissiveAmbient.r + ri * lm_ambient.r;
;; emissiveAmbient.g = baseEmissiveAmbient.g + gi * lm_ambient.g;
;; emissiveAmbient.b = baseEmissiveAmbient.b + bi * lm_ambient.b;
;; }
fld ri
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_STATE_lightModelAmbient+_R_]
fld gi
mov edi, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_sources]
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_STATE_lightModelAmbient+_G_]
fld bi
test edi, edi
fmul DWORD PTR [ebx+GC_STATE_lightModelAmbient+_B_] ; b g r
fxch ST(1) ; g b r
fadd baseEmissiveAmbientG ; G b r
fxch ST(1) ; b G r
fadd baseEmissiveAmbientB ; B G r
fxch ST(2) ; r G B
fadd baseEmissiveAmbientR ; R G B
jne @ambientLoop
fstp emissiveAmbientR ;; If we don't have to process
fstp emissiveAmbientG ;; the lights, pop the FPU stack
fstp emissiveAmbientB ;; and continue
jmp @emissiveAmbientDone
;; Add per-light per-material ambient values.
;; We will start with the current basEmissiveAmbient values
;; already on the stack.
;; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) {
;; emissiveAmbientI.r += ri * lsm->state.ambient.r;
;; emissiveAmbientI.g += gi * lsm->stats.ambient.g;
;; emissiveAmbientI.b += bi * lsm->state.ambient.b;
;; }
mov edx, [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_state] ; lss
fld ri
fld gi
fld bi
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+LIGHTSOURCESTATE_ambient+_B_] ;; b g r R G B
fxch ST(2) ;; r g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0)
mov edi, [edi+LIGHTSOURCE_next]
faddp ST(3), ST(0)
test edi, edi
faddp ST(3), ST(0)
jne @ambientLoop
;; There are no lights, so pop the emissive result at this point
;; and continue:
fstp emissiveAmbientR
fstp emissiveAmbientG
fstp emissiveAmbientB
jmp @emissiveAmbientDone
;; Handle emissive material changes if needed:
je @emissiveAmbientDone
;; emissiveAmbientR = baseEmissiveAmbientR + pd->colors[0].r;
;; emissiveAmbientG = baseEmissiveAmbientG + pd->colors[0].g;
;; emissiveAmbientB = baseEmissiveAmbientB + pd->colors[0].b;
fld baseEmissiveAmbientR
fadd DWORD PTR [esi+PD_colors0+_R_]
fld baseEmissiveAmbientG
fadd DWORD PTR [esi+PD_colors0+_G_]
fld baseEmissiveAmbientB
fadd DWORD PTR [esi+PD_colors0+_B_] ; b g r
fxch ST(2) ; r g b
fstp emissiveAmbientR
fstp emissiveAmbientG
fstp emissiveAmbientB
;; OK, we're done handling emissive and diffuse color changes, or
;; we're simply using the previous values. Now, handle portion of
;; lighting which depends on the vertex normals (diffuse + specular):
;; if (pd->flags & POLYDATA_NORMAL_VALID)
mov edx, [esi+PD_flags]
je @normalNotValid
mov eax, face
;; if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
mov ecx, [esi+PD_normal+_X_]
mov edx, [esi+PD_normal+_Y_]
mov esi, [esi+PD_normal+_Z_]
test eax, eax
je @notBackFace
;; negate the floating-point normal values
xor ecx, 80000000h
xor edx, 80000000h
xor esi, 80000000h
mov nxi, ecx
mov nyi, edx
mov nzi, esi
jmp @calcColor
;; if (!(msm_colorMaterialChange & (__GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR | __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)))
;; goto store_color;
je @storeColor
fld ___glZero
mov esi, [ebx+GC_LIGHT_sources]
fld ___glZero
test esi, esi
fld ___glZero
je @lightSourcesDone
;; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
mov eax, face
;; lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
lea ecx, [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_front]
test eax, eax
je @f
lea ecx, [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_back]
;; esi = lsm
;; ecx = lspmm
;; n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
;; nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
fld nxi
mov edi, msm
fmul DWORD PTR [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_X_]
fld nyi
fmul DWORD PTR [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_Y_]
fld nzi
fmul DWORD PTR [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_unitVPpli+_Z_]
fxch ST(2)
faddp ST(1), ST
faddp ST(1), ST
fstp n1
;; if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
mov eax, n1
cmp eax, 0
jg @f
mov esi, [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_next]
test esi, esi
jne @lightSourcesLoop
jmp @lightSourcesDone
;; n2 = (nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi * lsm->hHat.z)
;; - msm_threshold;
fld nxi
fld nyi
fxch ST(1)
fsub DWORD PTR [edi+MATERIAL_threshold]
fld nzi
fxch ST(2)
faddp ST(1), ST
faddp ST(1), ST
fstp n2
;; if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
mov eax, n2
or eax, eax
js @noSpecularEffect
;; ifx = (GLint)(n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf);
fld n2
fmul DWORD PTR [edi+MATERIAL_scale]
mov edx, __FLOAT_ONE
;; Note: we don't have to do this add since we can assume that rounding
;; enabled:
;; fadd ___glHalf
mov edi, [edi+MATERIAL_specTable]
fistp DWORD PTR ifx
;; if (ifx < __GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
mov eax, ifx
jge @specularSaturate
;; n2 = msm_specTable[ifx];
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edi+eax*4]
mov eax, colorMaterialChange
mov n2, edx
je @noSpecularMaterialChange
fld n2
mov edx, [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_state]
fmul ri
fld n2
fmul gi
fld n2
fmul bi ; b g r
fxch ST(2) ; r g b
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+LIGHTSOURCESTATE_specular+_R_]
fxch ST(1) ; g r b
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+LIGHTSOURCESTATE_specular+_G_]
fxch ST(2) ; b r g
fmul DWORD PTR [edx+LIGHTSOURCESTATE_specular+_B_]
fxch ST(1) ; r b g R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0) ; b g R G B
fxch ST(1) ; g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0) ; b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0) ; R G B
jmp short @noSpecularEffect
fld n2
fld n2
fld n2
fxch ST(2) ; r g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; R G B
;; now handle diffuse affect:
mov eax, colorMaterialChange
je @noDiffuseMaterialChange
fld n1
mov edx, [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_state]
fmul ri
fld n1
fmul gi
fld n1
fmul bi ; b g r
fxch ST(2) ; r g b
fxch ST(1) ; g r b
fxch ST(2) ; b r g
fxch ST(1) ; r b g R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0) ; b g R G B
fxch ST(1) ; g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0) ; b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST(0) ; R G B
jmp short @lightSourcesDone
fld n1
fld n1
fld n1
fxch ST(2) ; r g b R G B
faddp ST(3), ST ; g b R G B
mov esi, [esi+LIGHTSOURCE_next]
faddp ST(3), ST ; b R G B
test esi, esi
faddp ST(3), ST ; R G B
jne @lightSourcesLoop
fst diffuseSpecularR
fadd emissiveAmbientR ; R g b
fxch ST(1) ; g R b
fst diffuseSpecularG
fadd emissiveAmbientG ; G R b
fxch ST(2) ; b R G
fst diffuseSpecularB
fadd emissiveAmbientB ; B R G
fxch ST(1) ; R B G
fstp rsi
mov eax, [ebx+GC_redVertexScale]
fstp bsi
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_greenVertexScale]
fstp gsi
mov edx, rsi
jmp short @handleClamp
;; Now add emissiveAmbient (on FP stack) and diffuseSpecular.
;; Interleave with start of clamping:
fld emissiveAmbientR
mov eax, [ebx+GC_redVertexScale]
fadd diffuseSpecularR
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_greenVertexScale]
fld emissiveAmbientG
fadd diffuseSpecularG
fld emissiveAmbientB
fadd diffuseSpecularB
fxch ST(2) ; r g b
fstp rsi
fstp gsi
mov edx, rsi
fstp bsi
;; handle clamping:
mov edi, gsi
sub eax, edx
sub ecx, edi
or eax, edx
or ecx, edi
mov edx, [ebx+GC_blueVertexScale]
or eax, ecx
mov edi, bsi
or eax, edi
sub edx, edi
or eax, edx
jns @noClamp
mov eax, rsi
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_redVertexScale]
sub ecx, eax
mov [ebx+GC_redClampTable], eax
shr eax, 31
add ecx, ecx
mov edx, gsi
adc eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_greenVertexScale]
sub ecx, edx
mov eax, [4*eax+ebx+GC_redClampTable]
mov [ebx+GC_greenClampTable], edx
shr edx, 31
add ecx, ecx
mov rsi, eax
adc edx, edx
mov eax, bsi
mov ecx, [ebx+GC_blueVertexScale]
sub ecx, eax
mov edx, [4*edx+ebx+GC_greenClampTable]
mov [ebx+GC_blueClampTable], eax
shr eax, 31
add ecx, ecx
mov gsi, edx
adc eax, eax
mov eax, [4*eax+ebx+GC_blueClampTable]
mov bsi, eax
;; ecx = pd->colors[face]
mov edx, msm
mov eax, face
mov esi, pd
shl eax, 4
lea ecx, [esi+PD_colors0]
mov edi, colorMaterialChange
add ecx, eax
je @noAlphaChange
mov edx, alpha
mov eax, [ebx+GC_alphaVertexScale]
test edx, edx
jns @f
xor edx, edx
sub eax, edx
jge @alphaDone
mov edx, [ebx+GC_alphaVertexScale]
jmp short @alphaDone
mov edx, [edx+MATERIAL_alpha]
mov edi, pdLast
add esi, sizeof_POLYDATA
;; store colors
mov [ecx+_A_], edx
mov eax, rsi
mov edx, gsi
mov [ecx+_R_], eax
mov pd, esi
mov eax, bsi
mov [ecx+_G_], edx
mov [ecx+_B_], eax
;; loop to next pd
cmp edi, esi
jae @lightVertexLoop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 12
@PolyArrayFastCalcRGBColor@20 ENDP