Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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IDOption NameTypeArrayLengthDescription
Standard Options
0PadGenerated-1Pad byte generated to align other data?
255EndGenerated-1Indicates end of options in DHCP packet
1Subnet MaskIP Addr-4Subnet mask in network byte order
2Time OffsetLong-4UCT offset in seconds
3RouterIP AddrY4Array of router addresses ordered by preference
4Time ServerIP AddrY4Array of time server addresses, by preference
5Name ServersIP Addr Y4Array of name servers, by preference
6DNS ServersIP AddrY4Array of DNS servers, by preference
7Log ServersIP AddrY4Array of MIT_LCS UDP log servers on subnet
8Cookie ServersIP AddrY4Array of cookie servers, RFC 865
9LPR ServersIP AddrY4Array of RFC 1179 servers, by preference
10Impress ServersIP AddrY4Array of Imagen Impress servers
11Resource Location ServersIP AddrY4Array of RFC 887 ResLoc servers on subnet, pref
12Host NameString-dynHost name for client, RFC 1035 character set
13Boot File SizeShort-2Size of boot image file in 512-octet blocks
14Merit Dump FileString-dynPath name for crash dump file
15Domain NameString-dynDomain name for client resolutions
16Swap ServerIP Addr-4Address of client's swap server
17Root PathString-dynPath name for client's root disk, char set NVT ASCII
IP Layer Parameters
18Extensions PathString-dyntftp file for option extensions
19IP Layer ForwardingBoolean-1Dis/enable IP packet forwarding on this client
20Non-local Source RoutingBoolean-1Dis/enable non-local datagrams
21Policy Filter MasksIP PairsY8Destination/mask IP address pairs to filter source routes
22Max DG Reassembly SizeShort-2Maximum size datagram for reass. by client; max 576
23Default Time-to-liveOctet-1Default TTL for client's use on outgoing DGs
24Path MTU Aging TOLong-1TO in secs for aging Path MTU values; RFC 1191
25Path MTU Plateau TableShortY2MUT discovery sizes, sorted by size, all >= 68
IP Per-interface Params
26MTU OptionShort-2MTU discovery size, >= 68
27All subnets are localBoolean-1Client assumes that all subnets are local v/v MTU
28Broadcast AddressIP Addr-4Broadcast address
29Perform Mask DiscoveryBoolean-1Client should use ICMP for subnet mask discovery
30Mask Supplier OptionBoolean -1Client should respond to subnet mask requests via ICMP
31Perform Router DiscoveryBoolean-1Client should solicit routers using RFC 1256
32Router Solicitation AddressIP Addr-4Address to use for router solicitation
33Static Route OptionIP PairsY8Destination/router address pairs, in priority order
Link Layer Per-I/FParams
34Trailer EncapsulationBoolean-1Client should negotiate use of trailers (RFC 983)
35ARP Cache TimeoutLong-4T/O in seconds for ARP cache entries
36Ethernet EncapsulationBoolean-10=>client should use ENet V2; 1=> IEEE 802.3
TCP Parameters
37Default TTL OptionOctet-1Default TTL
38Keepalive IntervalLong-4K/A T/O in seconds
39Keepalive GarbageBoolean -1Send garbage octect
Appliation Layer Params
40NIS Domain NameString-dynName of Network Information Service domain
41NIS ServersIP AddrY4Addresses of NIS servers on client's subnet
42NTP ServersIP AddrY4Addresses of Network Time Protocol servers
Vendor-specific Info
43Vendor Specific InfoBinaryYdynEmbedded vendor-specific options
44WINS/NBNS ServersIP AddrY4NBNS Address(es) in priority order
45NetBIOS over TCP/IP NBDDIP AddrY4NetBIOS over TCP/IP NBDD address(es) in priority order
46WINS/NBT Node TypeOctet-10x1 = B-node, 0x2 = P-node, 0x4 = M-node, 0x8 = H-node
47NetBIOS Scope IDString-dynNetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope ID
48X Window System FontIP AddrY4Array of X Windows font servers
49X Window System DisplayIP AddrY4Array of X Windows Display Mgr servers
DHCP Extensions
51LeaseLong-4Client IP address lease time in seconds.
58Renewal (T1) Time ValueLong-4Time between addr assignment to RENEWING state
59Rebinding (T2) Time ValueLong-4Time from addr assignment to REBINDING state
64Network Information ServiceString-dynThe name of the client's NIS+ domain. Must be at lease one character.
65Network Information ServerIP AddrY4A list of IP addresses indicating NIS+ servers available to the client.
66Boot Server Host NameString-dynTFTP boot server host name
67Bootfile NameString-dynBootfile Name
68Mobile IP Home AgentsIP AddrY4Mobile IP home agents in priority order