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// =========================================================================== // UAMDLOGUtils.c © 1997 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. // =========================================================================== // General dialog utilities used by the Microsoft User Authentication Method. // // =========================================================================== #include <Dialogs.h> #include <Events.h> #include <Controls.h> #include <Sound.h> #include <ControlDefinitions.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "UAMUtils.h" #include "UAMListBox.h" #include "UAMDLOGText.h" #include "UAMDLOGUtils.h" #include "UAMDebug.h" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetScreenBounds() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rect UAM_GetScreenBounds() { GrafPtr savePort,p; Rect screenBounds; GetPort(&savePort); p = (GrafPtr)NewPtr(sizeof(GrafPort)); OpenPort(p); screenBounds = p->portBits.bounds; ClosePort(p); DisposePtr((Ptr)p); return(screenBounds); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetCHandle() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ControlHandle UAM_GetCHandle(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { short itype; Rect irect; Handle ihan; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); return((ControlHandle)ihan); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetItemRect() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rect UAM_GetItemRect(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { short itype; Rect irect; Handle ihan; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); return(irect); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_ToggleControl() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_ToggleControl(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { UAM_SetCValue(inDialog, item, UAM_GetCValue(inDialog, item) == 0); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetText() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_GetText(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, Str255 *theText) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); if ((itype == editText)||(itype == editText + itemDisable)) GetDialogItemText(ihan, *theText); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SetText() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SetText(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, Str255 theText) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); if ((itype == editText) ||(itype == editText+itemDisable) ||(itype == statText) ||(itype == statText+itemDisable)) SetDialogItemText(ihan, theText); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_HiliteItem() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_HiliteItem(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, short value) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); HiliteControl((ControlHandle)ihan, value); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_IsActive() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boolean UAM_IsActive(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { ControlHandle theHandle; theHandle = UAM_GetCHandle(inDialog, item); if (theHandle) { return(((*theHandle)->contrlHilite != 255)); } return(false); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetCValue() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- short UAM_GetCValue(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; short result; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); result = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)ihan); return(result); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SetCValue() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SetCValue(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, short value) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); SetControlValue((ControlHandle)ihan, value); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_PositionDialog() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_PositionDialog(ResType theType, short theID) { Rect *theRect; Rect screenBounds; Handle theTemplate; short left,top; screenBounds = UAM_GetScreenBounds(); theTemplate = GetResource(theType, theID); theRect = (Rect *)*theTemplate; left = (screenBounds.right - (theRect->right - theRect->left)) / 2; top = (screenBounds.bottom - (theRect->bottom - theRect->top)) / 3; if (top < LMGetMBarHeight()) top = LMGetMBarHeight() + 7; theRect->right = theRect->right + left - theRect->left; theRect->left = left; theRect->bottom = theRect->bottom + top - theRect->top; theRect->top = top; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetItemType() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- short UAM_GetItemType(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; GetDialogItem(inDialog, item, &itype, &ihan, &irect); return(itype); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_NewDialog() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DialogPtr UAM_NewDialog(short id, Boolean show) { Ptr storage; DialogPtr dialog; short x; storage = NewPtrClear(sizeof(UAMDialogRec)); if (storage == NULL) { return(NULL); } dialog = GetNewDialog(id, storage, (WindowPtr) -1); if (dialog == NULL) { return(NULL); } SetPort(dialog); if (UAM_GetItemType(dialog, kStdOkItemIndex) == kButtonDialogItem) { SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog, kStdOkItemIndex); } if (UAM_GetItemType(dialog, kStdCancelItemIndex) == kButtonDialogItem) { SetDialogCancelItem(dialog, kStdCancelItemIndex); } SetDialogTracksCursor(dialog, true); if (show) { ShowWindow(dialog); } UAM_DLOG(dialog).hasScrollBar = FALSE; UAM_DLOG(dialog).supportCmdKeys = TRUE; UAM_DLOG(dialog).customFilter = NULL; UAM_DLOG(dialog).hasList = false; for (x = 0; x < kMaxGatedItems; x++) { UAM_DLOG(dialog).gateItems[x].controlID = 0; UAM_DLOG(dialog).gateItems[x].textID = 0; } for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { UAM_DLOG(dialog).bulletItems[x].editID = 0; UAM_DLOG(dialog).bulletItems[x].maxLength = 0; UAM_DLOG(dialog).bulletItems[x].hTE = NULL; } UAM_DLOG(dialog).scrollActionProc = NewControlActionProc(&UAM_ScrollText); InitCursor(); return(dialog); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_Update() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_Update(DialogPtr inDialog) { GrafPtr savePort; GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(inDialog); BeginUpdate(inDialog); if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasScrollBar) { UAM_UpdateText(inDialog); } if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasList) { UAM_ListUpdate(inDialog); } DrawDialog(inDialog); DrawControls(inDialog); EndUpdate(inDialog); SetPort(savePort); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_DialogFilter() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- pascal Boolean UAM_DialogFilter(DialogPtr inDialog, EventRecord *e, short *itemHit) { Boolean result; short thePart, temp; Point pt; ControlHandle theControl; ModalFilterUPP theStdProc; result = FALSE; if (GetStdFilterProc(&theStdProc) == noErr) { if (CallModalFilterProc(theStdProc, inDialog, e, itemHit)) { // //The standard proc handled everything for us, so exit. // return(TRUE); } } if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).customFilter != NULL) { if (CallModalFilterProc(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).customFilter, inDialog, e, itemHit)) { return(TRUE); } } switch(e->what) { case updateEvt: if ((DialogPtr)e->message == inDialog) UAM_Update(inDialog); break; case mouseDown: pt = e->where; GlobalToLocal(&pt); if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasScrollBar) { thePart = FindControl(pt, inDialog, &theControl); if (theControl == UAM_DLOG(inDialog).scrollBar) { if (thePart == kControlIndicatorPart) { temp = TrackControl(theControl, pt, 0L); UAM_AdjustText(theControl); result = TRUE; } else if (thePart >= kControlUpButtonPart) { temp = TrackControl(theControl, pt, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).scrollActionProc); result = TRUE; } } } if ((!result) && (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasList)) { result = UAM_ListDialogFilter(inDialog, e, itemHit); } break; case keyDown: case autoKey: result = UAM_ProcessKeydown(inDialog, e, itemHit); break; default: break; } return(result); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_CheckGatedControls() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_CheckGatedControls(DialogPtr inDialog) { short x,i; Str255 s2; // //Flip through each of the gated controls and check to see if their associated //text box has text of not. // for (x = 0; x < kMaxGatedItems; x++) { if ( (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID != 0) && (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].textID != 0) ) { UAM_GetText( inDialog, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].textID, (Str255 *)&s2 ); // //Do we have text in the associated text box? And, is the first character //a non-white space? // if ((s2[0] == 0) || (isspace(s2[1]))) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].state != 255) { // //No, so set the state of the box to 255 which grays it out. // UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].state = 255; UAM_HiliteItem( inDialog, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].state ); // //Now see if any other controls are gated to this text box. If so, then //set the state to grayed also at this point. // for (i = 0; i < kMaxGatedItems; i++) { if ((i != x) && (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[i].controlID != 0)) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[i].textID == UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].textID) { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[i].state = 255; UAM_HiliteItem( inDialog, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[i].controlID, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[i].state ); } } } } } else { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].state = 0; UAM_HiliteItem( inDialog, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].state ); } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_FrameItem() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- pascal void UAM_FrameItem(DialogPtr inDialog, short i) { GrafPtr savePort; Rect r; GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(inDialog); r = UAM_GetItemRect( inDialog, i); if ((r.bottom - <= 1) || (r.right - r.left <= 1)) { if (r.bottom - <= 1) { MoveTo(r.left,; LineTo(r.right,; } else { MoveTo(r.left,; LineTo(r.left, r.bottom); } } else FrameRect(&r); SetPort(savePort); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetDRect() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rect UAM_GetDRect( short id ) { DialogTHndl dTh; Rect r; dTh = (DialogTHndl)Get1Resource('DLOG', id); r = (**dTh).boundsRect; ReleaseResource((Handle)dTh); return(r); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SetUpUserItem() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SetUpUserItem(DialogPtr inDialog, short i, UserItemUPP userProc, short type) { short itype; Handle ihan; Rect irect; GetDialogItem(inDialog, i, &itype, &ihan, &irect); SetDialogItem(inDialog, i, type, (Handle)userProc, &irect); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_DisposeDialog() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_DisposeDialog(DialogPtr inDialog) { SInt16 x; if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasScrollBar) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).dialogTE) TEDispose(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).dialogTE); if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).scrollBar) DisposeControl(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).scrollBar); } DisposeRoutineDescriptor(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).scrollActionProc); if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasList) { LDispose(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).dialogList); } for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE != NULL) { TEDispose(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE = NULL; } } DisposeDialog(inDialog); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GateControl() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_GateControl(DialogPtr inDialog, short controlID, short textID) { short x; Boolean found = false; // //Find the next available gate slot. // for (x = 0; x < kMaxGatedItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID = controlID; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].textID = textID; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_StopGate() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_StopGate(DialogPtr inDialog, short controlID) { SInt16 x; for (x = 0; x < kMaxGatedItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID == controlID) { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].controlID = 0; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].textID = 0; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).gateItems[x].state = 0; UAM_HiliteItem(inDialog, controlID, 0); break; } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SetBulletItem() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SetBulletItem(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, short maxLen) { short x; Boolean found = false; Rect rDest; for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].editID == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].editID = item; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].maxLength = maxLen; SetRect(&rDest, -1001, -1001, -1000, -1000); UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE = TENew(&rDest, &rDest); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SetBulletText() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SetBulletText(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, Str255 text) { short x, i; Str255 s; TEHandle hTE = NULL; // //Flip through all the bullet items till we find the one to set // for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].editID == item) { SelectDialogItemText(inDialog, item, 0, 0); s[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= text[0]; i++) { s[i] = kPasswordBulletText; s[0]++; } UAM_SetText(inDialog, item, s); TESetText(&text[1], text[0], UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_ClearBulletText() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_ClearBulletText(DialogPtr inDialog, short item) { short x; TEPtr pTE; // //Flip through all the bullet items till we find the one to set // for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].editID == item) { UAM_SetText(inDialog, item, "\p"); HLock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); pTE = *(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); pTE->selStart = 0; pTE->selEnd = pTE->teLength; HUnlock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); TEDelete(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); break; } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_ProcessKeydown() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boolean UAM_ProcessKeydown(DialogPtr inDialog, EventRecord *event, short *item) { Boolean result = false; short chCode = (event->message & charCodeMask); Cell theCell = {0,0}; Cell tempCell = {0,0}; short x; TEHandle hTE; TEPtr pTE; // //See if we want to support the edit command keys. If not, then //kill the event and act like nothing happend. Also checkd for //the unsupported Forward Delete key. // if ( ((!UAM_DLOG(inDialog).supportCmdKeys) && (event->modifiers & cmdKey)) || (chCode == UAMKey_FwdDel) ) { event->what = nullEvent; event->message = 0; return(true); } // //If we have a list box, then we want to process the arrow keys for up //and down movement only. We can't process the keys directly here because //we can't call LGetSelect() from this callback routine. // if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).hasList) { switch(chCode) { case UAMKey_Up: case UAMKey_Down: case UAMKey_PageUp: case UAMKey_PageDown: case UAMKey_Home: case UAMKey_End: *item = DITEM_ListNavigationKey; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).lastKeyCode = chCode; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).modifiers = event->modifiers; result = true; break; default: *item = DITEM_ListMoveToKey; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).lastKeyCode = chCode; UAM_DLOG(inDialog).modifiers = event->modifiers; GetDateTime(&UAM_DLOG(inDialog).lastKeyTime); result = true; break; } } for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { if ((UAM_DLOG(inDialog).standardDialog.editField + 1) == UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].editID) { switch(chCode) { case UAMKey_PageUp: case UAMKey_PageDown: case UAMKey_Home: case UAMKey_End: case UAMKey_Tab: case UAMKey_Left: case UAMKey_Right: case UAMKey_Up: case UAMKey_Down: // //We don't want to process these keys so just break here and continue. // break; case UAMKey_FwdDel: break; default: hTE = UAM_DLOG(inDialog).standardDialog.textH; if (hTE == NULL) { break; } if (chCode != UAMKey_BackDel) { event->message -= chCode; event->message += kPasswordBulletText; } HLock((Handle)hTE); HLock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); pTE = *(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); pTE->selStart = (*hTE)->selStart; pTE->selEnd = (*hTE)->selEnd; if ((pTE->selStart == pTE->selEnd) && (chCode != UAMKey_BackDel)) { if (pTE->teLength >= UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].maxLength) { SysBeep(1); HUnlock((Handle)hTE); HUnlock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); event->what = nullEvent; event->message = 0; break; } } HUnlock((Handle)hTE); HUnlock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); TEKey(chCode, UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); break; } break; } } return(result); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_GetBulletBuffer() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_GetBulletBuffer(DialogPtr inDialog, short item, StringPtr outBuffer) { short x; Boolean found = false; TEPtr pTE; for (x = 0; x < kMaxBulletItems; x++) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].editID == item) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { HLock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); pTE = *(UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); outBuffer[0] = pTE->teLength; HLock(pTE->hText); BlockMove(*pTE->hText, &outBuffer[1], pTE->teLength); HUnlock(pTE->hText); HUnlock((Handle)UAM_DLOG(inDialog).bulletItems[x].hTE); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SupportCmdKeys() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SupportCmdKeys(DialogPtr inDialog, Boolean support) { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).supportCmdKeys = support; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ¥ UAM_SetCustomFilterProc() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UAM_SetCustomFilterProc(DialogPtr inDialog, ModalFilterUPP proc) { if (UAM_DLOG(inDialog).customFilter == NULL) { UAM_DLOG(inDialog).customFilter = proc; } }