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<!-- This page allow the user to originate a call from a given address and using the selected address type
This sample is also able to accept incoming calls.
What is covered by this sample:
1. Address enumerations and registering on address in order to receive call notifications
2. Call operations: create, connect, answer, disconnect
3. Setting application priority (which application will receive notifications about incoming calls)
4. Processing of TAPI events.
5. QOS usage.
6. Call forwarding setup (minimal)
What is not covered:
This page does not manage the positioning of video windows.
(In order to do this, you can change the sample to use an ActiveX control that is able
to set properties in IVideoWindow. This requires window handle values - HWND - which
are not available in vbscripting).
<meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<title>Call operations</title>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var an = navigator.appName;
// Is it IE?
bMSIE = (ua.indexOf("MSIE")>=1);
if (! bMSIE)
alert("You need to use IE to run this page");
<script LANGUAGE="VbScript">
Const CallerName ="name1"
'Constants section
'These constants are copied from tapi3if.idl
Const TD_CAPTURE = 0
Const TD_RENDER = 1
Const QSL_NEEDED = 1
Const DC_NORMAL = 0
Const TE_DIGITEVENT = &H00008000&
Const CS_IDLE = 0
Const CNE_OWNER = 0
Const CIS_COMMENT = 11
Const CIL_REASON = 8
'Interface IDs for casting
'Note: you can find the following IID-s in tapi3.idl, tapi3if.idl or rend.idl
Const IID_String_ITMediaSupport = "{B1EFC384-9355-11D0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
Const IID_String_ITTerminalSupport="{B1EFC385-9355-11D0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
Const IID_String_ITBasicCallControl = "{B1EFC389-9355-11D0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
'Const IID_String_ITCallInfo = "{B1EFC390-9355-11d0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
'New interface
Const IID_String_ITCallInfo = "{350F85D1-1227-11D3-83D4-00C04FB6809F}"
Const IID_String_ITStreamControl= "{EE3BD604-3868-11D2-A045-00C04FB6809F}"
Const IID_String_ITDirectoryObjectConference= "{F1029E5D-CB5B-11D0-8D59-00C04FD91AC0}"
Const IID_String_ITCallStateEvent = "{62F47097-95C9-11d0-835D-00AA003CCABD}"
Const IID_String_ITCallNotificationEvent = "{895801DF-3DD6-11d1-8F30-00C04FB6809F}"
Const IID_String_ITDigitDetectionEvent = "{80D3BFAC-57D9-11d2-A04A-00C04FB6809F}"
' IID of IVideoWindow
' Note: you can find this IID defined in control.h (from your sdk\inc directory),
' which contains the interface to type library QuartzTypeLib for quartz.dll;
' (search for the interface IVideoWindow)
Const IID_String_IVideoWindow = "{56A868B4-0AD4-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770}"
' The following CLSID is defined in tapi3.h
'(and it's used for creating a terminal of class "video window terminal")
Const CLSID_String_VideoWindowTerm = "{F7438990-D6EB-11d0-82A6-00AA00B5CA1B}"
'Global variable section
DIM spITAddress
spITAddress = Empty
'Set on True when we are unable to complete the connecting phase, to skip rest of processing
DIM sUnableToComplete
DIM sbNeedToExit
sUnableToComplete = False
sbNeedToExit = False
' If we want to receive incoming calls, we have to register on the corresponding addresses.
'We don't really use the values returned by registration (they are supposed to be used
'for unregistration), because Unregistration is performed automatically when we shutdown the TAPI object
'The variable pRegisteredCallNotification is an array that contains cookies returned by RegisterCallNotifications;
'these would normally be used to call UnregisterNotifications.
'The variable pRegisteredName holds correspondent AddressName
DIM pRegisteredCallNotification(50)
DIM pRegisteredName(50)
DIM iQtaRegistered
iQtaRegistered = 0
'Set by radio button "Select Address Type"
DIM sCurrentAddressType
sCurrentAddressType = -1
' This variable will hold a references to the currently established calls
Const MaxCallNumber = 20
DIM spITCall(20)
DIM spCallState(20)
DIM spCallerCallee(20)
DIM spTerminalState(20)
DIM spDtmfDetected(20)
DIM spCallOnHold(20)
spTerminalsNumber = 0
DIm pVideoWindow1
DIm pVideoWindow2
DIM FwdType
FwdType = 0
<script ID="clientEventHandlersVBS" LANGUAGE="vbscript">
'Simplest error processing
Sub CheckError(strMsg)
if not Err.number = 0 Then
MsgBox strMsg & ":" & Err.number & ";"&Err.description
sbNeedToExit = True
End If
End Sub
' Enumerate addresses, register for incoming calls and fill listbox
Sub window_onload
On Error Resume Next
' If TAPI object is not initialized, we can't do anything, so exit.
If sUnableToComplete = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
radioFType.value = ""
'Listen on ALL available addresses
DIM intTmp
intTmp = Find_Address_And_Register()
If sbNeedToExit Then
Exit Sub
End If
If intTmp = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to find any valid address. Try to reload page.",0,"Initializing"
Exit Sub
End If
' Select first address option
selAddress.options(0).selected = True
call changeOptionsState()
Call PopulateFwdRules
window.status = "Done."
End Sub
' Find all addresses that have state "in service" and have at least audio capabilities.
' Register the app as "owner" on all these addresses
' Return number of addresses for which we registered...
Function Find_Address_And_Register()
On Error Resume Next
DIM bUsefulAddress
DIM bSupportVideoOrAudio
DIM bSupportVideo
Find_Address_And_Register = 0
For Each pITAddress in TAPIOBJ.Addresses
bUsefulAddress = False
if pITAddress.State = AS_INSERVICE Then
'Check if this address supports Audio or Video
'Obtain ITMediaSupport
DIM pITMediaSupport
Set pITMediaSupport = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
'If this address does not support streaming
'(such as the addresses exposed by RemoteSP, data modems, etc,)
'skip it
if not Err.number = 0 Then
'Check if audio or video are supported
bSupportVideo = pITMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO)
bSupportVideoOrAudio = _
pITMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(TAPIMEDIAMODE_AUDIO) or bSupportVideo
call CheckError("Find_Address_And_Register:ITMediaSupport.QueryMediaType" )
bUsefulAddress = bSupportVideoOrAudio
End If
End If
if bUsefulAddress and pITAddress.AddressName="H323 Line" Then
' This address should be used:
' register the application to receive notifications on this address
iQtaRegistered = iQtaRegistered + 1
Set spITAddress = pITAddress
if bSupportVideo Then
End If
'Register as Owner of any incoming call
pRegisteredCallNotification(iQtaRegistered) = TAPIOBJ.RegisterCallNotifications(pITAddress,True,True,modes,0)
pRegisteredName(iQtaRegistered) = pITAddress.AddressName
if not Err.number = 0 Then 'Probably this address does not support incoming calls
iQtaRegistered = iQtaRegistered - 1
Find_Address_And_Register = Find_Address_And_Register + 1
End If
'Fill address list
DIM oOption
Set oOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
oOption.text = pITAddress.AddressName
oOption.value = pITAddress.AddressName
Set oOption = Nothing
End IF
'This section shows how to override Application Priority:
'after the execution of the following lines, our app will always receive incoming calls
'even if there are other running tapi apps that had registered for receiving calls before our app.
End Function
'fired when user changes selected outgoing address radio button
Sub changeOptionsState
On Error Resume Next
'Find address selected
Selstr = ""
bSupportVideo = false
For i = 0 to selAddress.length - 1
If selAddress.options(i).selected = True Then
selstr = selAddress.options(i).value
Exit For
End If
'Find this address and check if video is supported
For Each pITAddress in TAPIOBJ.Addresses
if pITAddress.AddressName =SelStr Then
'Obtain ITMediaSupport
DIM pITMediaSupport
Set pITMediaSupport = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
call CheckError("changeOptionsState:Query ITAddress for ITMediaSupport" )
'Check if video is supported
bSupportVideo = _
call CheckError("changeOptionsState:ITMediaSupport.QueryMediaType" )
Set pITMediaSupport = Nothing
Exit For
End If
call CheckError("changeOptionsState:After enumerating the Addresses")
checkAOnly.disabled = not bSupportVideo
checkNoOutgoingVideo.disabled = not bSupportVideo
End Sub
' Check parameters of a call before connecting it
Sub PressConnect
On Error Resume Next
DIM iAddressType
DIM pConnectTo
DIM addressFrom
DIM selStr
' Find new entry in call array
DIM CallNumber
CallNumber = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if IsEmpty(spITCall(i)) Then
CallNumber = i
Exit For
End If
If CallNumber = 0 Then
MsgBox "Maximum number of calls reached. Disconnect call first",0,"connect"
Exit Sub
End If
If txtAddress.value = "" Then
MsgBox "You have not entered a destination address",0,"connect"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if type is supplied
if sCurrentAddressType < 0 Then
MsgBox "You have not selected addres type",0,"connect"
Exit Sub
End If
' Address type. This app uses only type = 1 ("Phone") and type = 16 ("ip address")
iAddressType = CInt(sCurrentAddressType)
pConnectTo = txtAddress.value
'Find selected originating address
For i = 0 to selAddress.length - 1
If selAddress.options(i).selected = True Then
addressFrom = selAddress.options(i).value
Exit For
End If
If addressFrom = "" Then
MsgBox "Originating Address is not selected or doesn't exist at all: uable to connect",0,"COnnect"
Exit Sub
End If
Call Connect(CallNumber, pConnectTo,iAddressType,addressFrom,checkAOnly.value="on" or checkAOnly.disabled,checkNoOutgoingVideo.value="on" or checkNoOutgoingVideo.disabled)
End Sub
' Create Call object, setup terminals, connect call
Sub Connect(CallNumber, pConnectTo,iAddressType,addressFrom,blnAOnly,blnNoOutVideo)
On Error resume Next
sUnableToComplete = False
window.status = "Connecting to " & pConnectTo & "..."
'Create new internal call representation
'Find address selected
DIM pITAddress_Connect
DIM blnFoundAddress
blnFoundAddress = False
DIM pITAddress
For Each pITAddress in TAPIOBJ.Addresses
if pITAddress.AddressName = addressFrom Then
'Obtain ITMediaSupport
DIM pITMediaSupport
Set pITMediaSupport = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
call CheckError("connect:Query ITAddress for ITMediaSupport" )
'Check what is supported
bSupportVideo = _
call CheckError("connect:ITMediaSupport.QueryMediaType" )
blnFoundAddress = True
Set pITAddress_Connect = pITAddress
Exit For
End If
Set pITAddress = Nothing
if not blnFoundAddress Then
MsgBox "Sorry, outgoing address " & addressFrom & "does not exist",0,"Connect"
window.status = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed."
Exit Sub
End If
Call UnselectTerminals
Call CheckError("Connect: before CreateCallWindow")
Call CreateCallWindow(pITAddress_Connect,blnAOnly or not bSupportVideo,blnNoOutVideo or not bSupportVideo)
Call CheckError("Connect: after CreateCallWindow")
'Obtain Terminal support
DIM pITTerminalSupport
'Set pITTerminalSupport = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
Set pITTerminalSupport = pITAddress_Connect
call CheckError("connect:Query ITAddress for ITTerminalSuport" )
'Create a Call
DIM MediaTypes
If not bSupportVideo or blnAOnly Then
End If
Set pCall = pITAddress_Connect.CreateCall(pConnectTo,iAddressType,MediaTypes)
call CheckError("connect:CreateCall" )
window.status = "Configure terminals..."
Call AssignTerminals(CallNumber,pCall,blnAOnly,blnNoOutVideo,True, False)
call CheckError("connect:after AssignTerminals" )
if sUnableToComplete Then
Call DisconnectCall(CallNumber,1)
window.status = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed."
Exit Sub
End If
DIM pITCallInfo
Set pITCallInfo = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITCallInfo, pCall)
call CheckError("connect:get CalllInfo from Call" )
pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_CALLINGPARTYID) = CallerName
call CheckError("connect:Set caller name" )
window.status = "Connecting..."
Call pCall.Connect(false)
' Check for error "invalid address" (see in tapi3err.h TAPI_E_INVALADDRESS=(HRESULT)0x8004000C)
if Err.Number = &H8004000C Then
Call DisconnectCall(CallNumber,1)
window.status = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed: Address is invalid"
Set pCall = Nothing
if not Err.Number = 0 Then
Call DisconnectCall(CallNumber,1)
window.status = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed: error " & Hex(Err.number)
Set pCall = Nothing
Set spITCall(CallNumber) = pCall
spCallState(CallNumber) = "Connecting..."
spCallerCallee(CallNumber) = "To " & pConnectTo
spDtmfDetected(CallNumber) = ""
Call RefreshCallTable
End if
End If
call CheckError("connect:main connect" )
Set pCall = Nothing
End Sub
' Refreshing Call Table
Sub RefreshCallTable
On error Resume Next
' Delete all entries
For i = 0 to selectCalls.options.length
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if Not IsEmpty(spITCall(i)) Then
if Not spCallerCallee(i) = "" Then
CallString = spCallerCallee(i) & " " & spCallState(i)
if spCallOnHold(i) Then
CallString = CallString & "(On Hold)"
End If
if spTerminalState(i) Then
CallString = "==>" & CallString
End IF
if Not spDtmfDetected(i) = "" Then
CallString = CallString & " DTMF:" & spDtmfDetected(i)
End If
Set oOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
oOption.text = CallString
oOption.value = i
End If
End if
End Sub
'* Unselect terminals from the call which has them
Sub UnselectTerminals
On Error Resume Next
'Find call which have terminals selected
ActiveCall = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if spTerminalState(i) = TRUE Then
ActiveCall = i
Exit For
End If
if ActiveCall = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
DIM pITStreamControl
'Set pITStreamControl = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
'IID_String_ITStreamControl, spITCall(ActiveCall))
Set pITStreamControl = spITCall(ActiveCall)
if Not Err.Number = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
DIM pITStream
DIM lMediaType
DIM lDirection
DIM pITTerminal
Set pVideoWindow1 = Nothing
Set pVideoWindow2 = Nothing
spTerminalsNumber = 0
spTerminalState(ActiveCall) = FALSE
'Unselect all audio terms...
For Each pITStream in pITStreamControl.Streams
If Not Err.Number = 0 Then ' most likely call is already closed
Exit Sub
End If
For Each pITTerminal in pITStream.Terminals
If Not Err.Number = 0 Then ' most likely call is already closed
End If
Set pITTerminal = Nothing
End Sub
' For static terminals: get default static terminal, select it on stream and start the stream
Sub AssignTerminals(CallNumber,pCall, is_no_video, is_no_render,bSetQOS, StartStreams)
On Error Resume Next
' Terminals may already selected somewhere
'Find call which have terminals selected
ActiveCall = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if spTerminalState(i) = TRUE Then
ActiveCall = i
Exit For
End If
if Not ActiveCall = 0 Then
'Exit Sub
End If
DIM pITCallInfo
Set pITCallInfo = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITCallInfo, pCall)
Call CheckError("AssignTerminals:query for pITCallInfo")
DIM pITAddress
Set pITAddress = pITCallInfo.Address
Call CheckError("AssignTerminals:pITCallInfo.Address")
DIM pITTerminalSupport
'Set pITTerminalSupport = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
' IID_String_ITTerminalSupport,pITAddress)
Set pITTerminalSupport = pITAddress
Call CheckError("AssignTerminals:query for pITTerminalSupport")
DIM pITStreamControl
'Set pITStreamControl = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
Set pITStreamControl = pCall
call CheckError("AssignTerminals:Query ITCall for ITStreamControl" )
DIM pITStream
DIM lMediaType
DIM lDirection
'Setup all static terminals: video capture,
' and both audio terminals (microphone and speakers)
For Each pITStream in pITStreamControl.Streams
lMediaType = pITStream.MediaType
lDirection = pITStream.Direction
'Try to find correspondent terminal (if we need one ;))
if not ((is_no_video and lMediaType = TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO) or _
(is_no_render and lMediaType = TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO and lDirection=TD_CAPTURE) ) Then
if (lMediaType = TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO) and (lDirection=TD_RENDER) Then
is_error = false
Set pITTerminal = pITTerminalSupport.GetDefaultStaticTerminal(lMediaType,lDirection)
if not (Err.number = 0) Then 'No such terminal?
is_error = True
is_error = False
End if
call CheckError("AssignTerminals:SelectTerminal" )
End If
if is_error Then 'Maybe unnecessary
' Maybe join audio only - special case
if (lMediaType = TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO and lDirection=TD_CAPTURE) Then
'MsgBox "Unable to find video capture device: attach video receive only"
if (lMediaType = TAPIMEDIAMODE_AUDIO and lDirection=TD_CAPTURE) Then
'MsgBox "Unable to find audio recording device: attach audio receive only"
MsgBox "Unable to find audio playback device."
sUnableToComplete = True
Exit Sub
End If
End if
Else 'No errors, start this stream!
'call CheckError("AssignTerminals:StartStream" )
'And now setup specific devices: video windows...
if (lMediaType = TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO ) Then
'for Video Capture we will create a "Preview Window"terminal
'for Video Render we will create a "Video Window" Terminal
if lDirection = 0 Then 'see TD_CAPTURE = 0 in tapi3if.idl
'Preview window
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: SelectTerminalStream")
'Show preview window (this will show the video stream sent by our app to the other party)
Dim pIVideoWindow2
Set pIVideoWindow2 = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(IID_String_IVideoWindow, pVideoWindow2)
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: query for IVideoWindow")
pIVideoWindow2.AutoShow = True
'pIVideoWindow2.Visible = TRUE
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: set visibility")
End If
if lDirection = 1 Then 'see TD_RENDER = 1 in tapi3if.idl
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: SelectTerminalStream")
'Show window (this will show us the video stream received by our app from the other party)
Dim pIVideoWindow1
Set pIVideoWindow1 = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(IID_String_IVideoWindow, pVideoWindow1)
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: query for IVideoWindow")
pIVideoWindow1.AutoShow = True
'pIVideoWindow1.Visible = TRUE
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: set visibility")
End If
call CheckError("AssignTerminals: SelectTerminalStream")
End If 'Create Preview
End if 'have error
End if 'our Stream
call CheckError("AssignTerminals:GeneralChecking1" )
if StartStreams Then
Call pITStream.StartStream
End If
Next ' End cycle for ITStreams
spTerminalState(CallNumber) = TRUE
call CheckError("AssignTerminals:Streams cycle problems" )
if bSetQOS Then
'Let's try to setup QoS level for video and audio
if not is_no_video Then
call CheckError("AssignTerminals:set QOS_REQUIRED for Video" )
End If
call CheckError("AssignTerminals:set QOS_REQUIRED for Audio" )
End IF
End Sub
' Create two new Video Window terminals
Sub CreateCallWindow(pITAddress, AOnly,NoOutgoingVideo)
On Error Resume Next
'Obtain Terminal support
DIM pITTerminalSupport
'Set pITTerminalSupport = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
Set pITTerminalSupport = pITAddress
call CheckError("CreateCallWindow:Query ITAddress for ITTerminalSuport" )
if not AOnly Then 'create window for your party
Set pVideoWindow1 = pITTerminalSupport.CreateTerminal(CLSID_String_VideoWindowTerm,TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO,TD_RENDER)
End If
if not AOnly and not NoOutgoingVideo Then
Set pVideoWindow2 = pITTerminalSupport.CreateTerminal(CLSID_String_VideoWindowTerm,TAPIMEDIAMODE_VIDEO,TD_RENDER)
End If 'Create window for preview
call CheckError("CreateCallWindow:GeneralChecking1" )
End Sub
' Tapi events processing:
' - call state events ("connected", "disconnected")
' - and call notification events (these calls will be in "offering" state)
Sub TAPIOBJ_Event(event_type, tapi_event)
On Error Resume Next
DIM pITCallInfo
'MsgBox CStr(event_type)
if event_type = 2 Then
Call PopulateFwdRules
End if
'Check For disconnected call
if event_type = TE_CALLSTATE Then
DIM pITCallStateEvent
Set pITCallStateEvent = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:unable to map" )
iCallState = pITCallStateEvent.State
'MsgBox "Call state" &Cstr(iCallState)
call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get CallState" )
Set pITCallInfo = pITCallStateEvent.Call
call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get CallInfo" )
Set pITCall = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITBasicCallControl, pITCallInfo)
call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get Call from CallInfo" )
if iCallState= CS_DISCONNECTED or iCallState= CS_IDLE Then
cause = pITCallStateEvent.Cause
strinnerHTML = ""
Select Case cause
' Normal disconnect
strinnerHTML = "Your Party is busy.Try Later."
strinnerHTML = "Address is invalid"
strinnerHTML = "No answer from your party."
case 0 'CEC_NONE
strinnerHTML = "No answer from your party."
Case Else
strinnerHTML = "Your call is cancelled, rejected or failed"
End Select
window.status = "Done."
'Find call entry
ActiveCall = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if spITCall(i) Is pITCall Then
ActiveCall = i
Exit For
End If
if ActiveCall = 0 Then
'Bogus call : no such call
Exit Sub
End If
if strinnerHTML= "" Then
window.status = "Disconnected"
window.status = strinnerHTML
End if
spCallState(ActiveCall) = window.status
Call UnselectTerminals
Call RefreshCallTable
End If 'Call is disconnected
if iCallState = CS_CONNECTED Then 'Call is connected
window.status = "Call is connected."
'Find call entry
ActiveCall = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if spITCall(i) Is pITCall Then
ActiveCall = i
Exit For
End If
if ActiveCall = 0 Then
'Bogus call : no such call
Exit Sub
End If
spCallState(ActiveCall) = "Connected"
Call RefreshCallTable
' Set digit detection
spITCall(ActiveCall).DetectDigits LINEDIGITMODE_DTMF
call CheckError("connect:Detect digits" )
End If 'Call is connected
End If ' event: call state
'Check only for incoming calls
if event_type = TE_CALLNOTIFICATION Then ' We have an incoming call (an "offering" call)
DIM pITCallNotificationEvent
Set pITCallNotificationEvent = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:query for pITDirectoryObjectUser")
CallOwnership = pITCallNotificationEvent.Event
Set pITCallInfo = pITCallNotificationEvent.Call
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get pITCallInfo")
if not blnShowOnlyOnce and pITCallInfo.CallState = CS_OFFERING and not ( CallOwnership = CNE_OWNER) Then
MsgBox "Unable to accept incoming calls: is other instance of this app running?",0,"Info"
blnShowOnlyOnce = True
Exit Sub
End IF
if CallOwnership = CNE_OWNER Then 'We are the owner!
'Create new call entry
' Find new entry in call array
DIM CallNumber
CallNumber = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if IsEmpty(spITCall(i)) Then
CallNumber = i
Exit For
End If
If CallNumber = 0 Then
MsgBox "Maximum number of calls reached. Disconnect call first",0,"connect"
Exit Sub
End If
if pITCallInfo.CallState = CS_OFFERING Then 'Offering
sCalleeName = pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_CALLERIDNAME)
if not Err.number = 0 then ' Caller ID name is not supported
sCalleeName = "Unknown"
End if
sCallerNumber = pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_CALLERIDNUMBER)
if not Err.number = 0 then ' Caller ID number is not supported
sCallerNumber = ""
sCallerNumber = " {" & sCallerNumber & "}"
End If
sCalleeName = sCalleeName & sCallerNumber
sRName2 = pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_REDIRECTINGIDNAME)
if not Err.number = 0 then
sRName2 = ""
End If
sRNumber = pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_REDIRECTINGIDNUMBER)
if not Err.number = 0 then ' Caller ID number is not supported
sRNumber = ""
sRNumber = " {" & sRNumber & "}"
End If
sRName2 = sRName2 & sRNumber
if not sRName2 = "" Then
' Trying to get forwarding reason
dueTo = ""
reason = pITCallInfo.CallInfoLong( CIL_REASON)
if not Err.number = 0 then ' non che
'tapi.h:#define LINECALLREASON_FWDBUSY 0x00000002
'tapi.h:#define LINECALLREASON_FWDNOANSWER 0x00000004
'tapi.h:#define LINECALLREASON_FWDUNCOND 0x00000008
if reason = 2 Then
dueTo = " since original caller was busy"
if reason = 4 Then
dueTo = " since original caller does not answer"
End If
End If
End if
sRName2 = " ( Forwarded from " & sRName2 & dueTo &" )"
End if
DIM pITCallOffer
Set pITCallOffer = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITBasicCallControl, pITCallInfo)
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:query for pITCall")
Set spITCall(CallNumber) = pITCallOffer
spCallState(CallNumber) = "Offering..."
spCallerCallee(CallNumber) = "Incoming " & sCalleeName &" " & sRName2
spTerminalState(CallNumber) = FALSE
spDtmfDetected(CallNumber) = ""
Call RefreshCallTable
if AutoAnswer.value ="on" Then
Call AcceptIncomingCall(CallNumber,pITCallOffer, pITCallInfo)
End If
End If 'Call is offering
End If 'We are owner
End If 'Call Notification has arrived
'DTMF detection
if event_type = TE_DIGITEVENT Then
DIM pITDigitDetectionEvent
Set pITDigitDetectionEvent = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:query for pITDigitDetectionEvent")
digit = pITDigitDetectionEvent.Digit
Set pITCallInfo = pITDigitDetectionEvent.Call
call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get CallInfo" )
Set pITCall = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITBasicCallControl, pITCallInfo)
call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get Call from CallInfo" )
'Find call entry
ActiveCall = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if spITCall(i) Is pITCall Then
ActiveCall = i
Exit For
End If
if ActiveCall = 0 Then
'Bogus call : no such call
Exit Sub
End If
spDtmfDetected(ActiveCall) = spDtmfDetected(ActiveCall) & Chr(digit)
Call RefreshCallTable
End if
End Sub
Sub AnswerCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
DIM pITCallInfo
Set pITCallInfo = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
Call CheckError("Get CallInfo from Call in AnswerCall")
Call AcceptIncomingCall(ActiveCall,spITCall(ActiveCall), pITCallInfo)
Call RefreshCallTable
End If
End Sub
' Sub for incoming calls processing
Sub AcceptIncomingCall(CallNumber,pITCallIncoming,pITCallInfoIncoming)
On Error Resume Next
'Get address
sUnableToComplete = False
DIM pITAddress
Set pITAddress = pITCallInfoIncoming.Address
Call CheckError("AcceptIncomingCall:pITCallInfo.Address")
sname1 = pITCallInfoIncoming.CallerIDName
if not Err.number = 0 Then
sname1 = "Unknown"
End If
Call CheckError("AcceptIncomingCall:sFriendltName")
Call UnselectTerminals
'sAddressName = pITAddress.AddressName
Call CheckError("AcceptIncomingCall:AddressName")
Call CreateCallWindow(pITAddress,False,False)
Call CheckError("AcceptIncomingCall: after CreateCallWindow")
window.status = "Configure terminals."
Call AssignTerminals(CallNumber,pITCallIncoming,False,False,False, False)
call CheckError("AcceptIncomingCall:after AssignTerminals" )
if sUnableToComplete or sbNeedToExit Then
window.status = ""
pITCallIncoming.Disconnect 6 'rejected
Exit Sub
End If
window.status = "Answering..."
Call pITCallIncoming.Answer()
window.status = "Connected."
call CheckError("AcceptIncomingCall:main connect" )
window.status = "Done."
End Sub
' Disconnect current call
Sub DisconnectCall(CallNumber,callDisc)
On Error resume Next
if not IsEmpty(spITCall(CallNumber)) Then
if not callDisc = 8 and not callDisc = 0 Then
' We need some kind of message pump here. The following call to MsgBox does exactly this:
MsgBox "A call is disconnected",0,"Disconnect"
End If
Set pVideoWindow1 = Nothing
Set pVideoWindow2 = Nothing
window.status = "You are disconnected"
if callDisc=0 Then
End If
spITCallTransferred(ActiveCall) = Empty
End If
Call RefreshCallTable
End Sub
' Disconnect call if we have one and shutdown TAPI object on exit from page
Sub window_onunload
On Error Resume Next
Call DisconnectCall(0)
End Sub
' Used by radio button: address type
Sub change_type
sCurrentAddressType = CInt(window.event.srcElement.value )
End Sub
'small function to change value of checkboxes in a more appropriate
' manner.
Sub togglechk()
'Toggle state of checkbox
If (window.event.srcElement.value = "off") Then
window.event.srcElement.value ="on"
window.event.srcElement.value ="off"
End IF
End Sub
Sub PressCreateRule
buttFCreate.disabled = True
editDestination.value = ""
editCaller.value = ""
FwdInfo.style.visibility = "visible"
End Sub
' Used by radio button: forward type
Sub changeF_type
On Error resume Next
FwdType = CInt(window.event.srcElement.value )
End Sub
Sub FRuleCancel
On Error resume Next
buttFCreate.disabled = False
FwdInfo.style.visibility = "hidden"
End Sub
Sub FRuleCreate
On Error resume Next
if FwdType = 0 Then
MsgBox "Forwarding type is not selected"
Exit Sub
End if
'Find address selected
DIM pITAddress_Connect
Set pITAddress_Connect = spITAddress
call CheckError("Before create" )
Set pCall = pITAddress_Connect.CreateCall("",1,S_MEDIA_AUDIOVIDEO)
call CheckError("CreateCall" )
Set pForwarding = pITAddress_Connect.CreateForwardInfoObject
call CheckError("CreateForwardInfoObject" )
pForwarding.NumRingsNoAnswer = 2
call CheckError("NumRingsNoAnswer" )
if editCaller.value = "" Then
if FwdType = 1 Then
FwdT = 1
elseif FwdType = 2 Then
FwdT = 16
elseif FwdType = 3 Then
FwdT = 256
FwdT = 4096
end if
if FwdType = 1 Then
FwdT = 8
elseif FwdType = 2 Then
FwdT = 128
elseif FwdType = 3 Then
FwdT = 2048
FwdT = 32768
end if
end if
pForwarding.SetForwardType FwdT, editDestination.value, editCaller.value
call CheckError("An error occured while preparing forward information" )
pITAddress_Connect.Forward pForwarding, pCall
call CheckError("An error occured while setting forward information" )
Call FRuleCancel
Call PopulateFwdRules
End Sub
Sub PopulateFwdRules
On Error resume Next
' clear select
'Remove all from list
'For i = 0 to selectRules.options.length
' selectRules.remove(0)
'get forward info
Set CurrentFwd = spITAddress.CurrentForwardInfo
call CheckError("CurrentForwardInfo" )
'now lets find all about it...
FwdT = 1
fRule.innerHTML = ""
For i = 1 to 18
s1 =""
s2 =""
s2 = CurrentFwd.ForwardTypeCaller(FwdT)
call CheckError("GetForwardType" )
s1 = CurrentFwd.ForwardTypeDestination(FwdT)
call CheckError("GetForwardType1" )
if Not (s1 ="") Then
if FwdT = 1 or FwdT = 8 Then
s4 = "always"
elseif FwdT = 16 or FwdT = 128 Then
s4 = "when we are busy"
elseif FwdT = 256 or FwdT = 2048 Then
s4 = "on no answer"
s4 = "on no answer or busy"
end if
if Not (Asc(s1) = 63) Then
s5 = "from "& s1 & " "
s5 = " "
end if
s3 = "Forward calls "& s5 & s4 & " to "& s2
'Set oOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
'oOption.text = s3
'oOption.value = s3
fRule.innerHTML = fRule.innerHTML & s3 & "<BR>"
End if
FwdT = FwdT * 2
if fRule.innerHTML = "" Then
fRule.innerHTML = "No rules are active"
End if
End Sub
Function check_call
On Error Resume Next
check_call = True
if selectCalls.value = "" or IsEmpty(selectCalls.value) Then
MsgBox "You need to select call first",0,"Operations"
check_call= False
End if
End Function
Sub DeleteCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
Set spITCall(ActiveCall) = Nothing
spITCall(ActiveCall) = Empty
spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) = ""
Call RefreshCallTable
End If
End Sub
Sub DisconnectThisCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
Call DisconnectCall(ActiveCall, 0)
Call RefreshCallTable
End If
End Sub
Sub HoldCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
if ISEmpty(spCallOnHold(ActiveCall)) Or spCallOnHold(ActiveCall) = FALSE Then
spCallOnHold(ActiveCall) = TRUE
spCallOnHold(ActiveCall) = FALSE
End If
Call CheckError("HoldCall: ITBAsicCallControl.Hold")
Call RefreshCallTable
End If
End Sub
Sub BlindTransferCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
sDestinationAddress= InputBox("Enter destination for call transfer", "Blind Transfer")
spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) = spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) & "(BTRNSF:"&sDestinationAddress& ")"
CheckError("Call BlindTransfer")
End If
End Sub
Sub RedirectCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
sDestinationAddress= InputBox("Enter new destination for call", "Call Redirection")
spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) = spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) & "(Blind TRSFR:"&sDestinationAddress& ")"
CheckError("Call BlindTransfer")
End If
End Sub
Sub SelectTerminals
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
Call UnselectTerminals
DIM pITCallInfo
Set pITCallInfo = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITCallInfo, spITCall(ActiveCall))
Set pITAddress = pITCallInfo.Address
call CheckError("connect:get CalllInfo from Call" )
Call CreateCallWindow(pITAddress,False,False)
Call CheckError("SelectTerminals: after CreateCallWindow")
Call AssignTerminals(ActiveCall,spITCall(ActiveCall),False,False,False, True)
Call RefreshCallTable
End If
End Sub
Sub TransferCall
'Not yet fully implemented, workaroud for now..
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
sDestinationAddress= InputBox("Enter destination for call transfer", "Transfer")
spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) = spCallerCallee(ActiveCall) & "(TRNSFR:"&sDestinationAddress& ")"
DIM pITCallInfo
Set pITCallInfo = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITCallInfo, spITCall(ActiveCall))
Set pITAddress = pITCallInfo.Address
Set pCall = pITAddress.CreateCall(sDestinationAddress,16, S_MEDIA_AUDIOVIDEO)
CheckError("Call Transfer: Create Call")
Set Call1= spITCall(ActiveCall)
'Unselect Terminals from previous call
'if Not spCallOnHold(ActiveCall) Then
' Call1.Hold(TRUE)
' CheckError("Call Transfer: Hold Call")
' spCallOnHold(ActiveCall) = TRUE
'End If
Call UnselectTerminals
'Set spITCallTransferred(ActiveCall) = pCall
'do not make Call UnselectTerminals
' Find new entry in call array
DIM CallNumber
CallNumber = 0
For i = 1 to MaxCallNumber
if IsEmpty(spITCall(i)) Then
CallNumber = i
Exit For
End If
If CallNumber = 0 Then
MsgBox "Maximum number of calls reached. Disconnect call first",0,"connect"
Exit Sub
End If
Set spITCall(CallNumber) = pCall
spCallState(CallNumber) = "Initiating transfer..."
spCallerCallee(CallNumber) = "To " & pConnectTo
spDtmfDetected(CallNumber) = ""
'Select Terminals
Call CreateCallWindow(pITAddress,False,False)
Call CheckError("Call Transfer: after CreateCallWindow")
window.status = "Configure terminals."
Call AssignTerminals(CallNumber,pCall,False,False,False,False)
call CheckError("Call Transfer:after AssignTerminals" )
Call1.Transfer pCall , FALSE
Call CheckError("CreateTransfer: Transfer")
End If
Call RefreshCallTable
End Sub
Sub FinishTransferCall
On Error Resume Next
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
Set Call1= spITCall(ActiveCall)
'if IsEmpty(spITCallTransferred(ActiveCall)) Then
' MsgBox "Wrong call to finish transfer"
' Exit Sub
' End If
Call1.Finish 0
Call CheckError("FinishTransferCall: Finish")
spITCallTransferred(ActiveCall) = Empty
End If
End Sub
DIM sKeypadCall
Sub SendDTMF
if check_call() Then
ActiveCall = selectCalls.value
sKeypadCall = ActiveCall
divKeypad.style.visibility = "visible"
End If
End Sub
Sub CancelDtmf
divKeypad.style.visibility = "hidden"
End Sub
Sub DoClick
On Error Resume Next
window.event.cancelBubble = True
'1. Determine element that is clicked
Set sCurrentlyClickedButton = window.event.srcElement
'2. Change background to blue
sCurrentlyClickedButton.style.background = "blue"
'Send DTMF code
spITCall(sKeypadCall).GenerateDigits sCurrentlyClickedButton.value,2 'DTMF mode
Call CheckError("DoClick:pITLegacyCallMediaControl.GenerateDigits")
sCurrentlyClickedButton.style.background = "gray"
End Sub
<div id="AllElementsNonSimple" style="position:absolute;top:5px" >
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px;width:400px;background:blue;LEFT:0px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Dialing center
<div id="UserSelectionSection" style="position:absolute;Width:300px">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; background:#000080;POSITION: absolute; TOP: 20px;width:200px;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Address to call
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; background:#000080;TOP: 75px;width:200px;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Address type
<input id="txtAddress" style="HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:black;WIdth:200px">
<div id="divRadioGroup" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: black 2px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 2px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: black 2px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 2px solid; HEIGHT: 80px; LEFT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 100px; WIDTH: 200px">
<font style="COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12px;font-style:oblique">
<input id="radioAddressType" name="radioAddressType" onclick="change_type()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10px;LEFT:10px" type="radio" value="16" title="IP Address">
<input id="radioAddressType" name="radioAddressType" onclick="change_type()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px; LEFT:10px" type="radio" value="1" title="Phone Number">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10px;LEFT:40px">
IP Address
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px;LEFT:40px">
Phone Number
<div id="Separator3" style="position:absolute;BORDER-BOTTOM: blue 2px solid; BORDER-LEFT: blue 2px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: blue 2px solid; BORDER-TOP: blue 2px solid; HEIGHT: 305px; LEFT:405px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; WIDTH: 0px">
<div id="PropertiesSelectionSection" style="LEFT:0px;ALIGN:CENTER;position:absolute;top:190px;Width:400px">
<p style="HEIGHT: 10px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px;background:#808080;width:100%;LEFT:0px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Originating address and call properties
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute;background:#000080; TOP: 20px;width:200px;LEFT:0px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
<select id="selAddress" name="selAddress" onchange="changeOptionsState()" style="position:absolute;width:200px;Left:0px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:black;top:40px">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 20px;width:150px;LEFT:200px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:black;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Setup audio only
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px;width:150px;LEFT:200px;FONT-SIZE:16px;COLOR:black;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Setup no video-out
<input type="checkbox" id="checkAOnly" name="checkAROnly" value="off" onclick="togglechk()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; LEFT: 350px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 20px; WIDTH: 20px" title="Connect Audio Only">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkNoOutgoingVideo" value="off" onclick="togglechk()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; LEFT: 350px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px; WIDTH: 20px" title="Do not send outgoing video">
<INPUT type=button id="buttConnect" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:40px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 300px; top:270px" onclick="PressConnect()" value="Create new call" title="Create new call">
<!--p id=ConnANN style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 305px;width:100%;background:blue;LEFT:3px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
<hr id=secHr1243 size=1 ALIGN=RIGHT style="color:blue;position:absolute;Top:310px;Left:0px;width:100%">
<div style="HEIGHT: 150px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 315px;width:100%;LEFT:10px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:black">
<p style="POSITION: absolute; background:blue; TOP: 10px;width:400px;LEFT:0px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Forwarding information
<P id=FRule style="FONT-SIZE: 16px;color:blue;z-index:10; HEIGHT: 100px; LEFT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 35px; WIDTH: 350px;BORDER-BOTTOM: blue 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: blue 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: blue 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: blue 1px solid">
<INPUT type=button id="buttFCreate" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:20px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 350px; top:140px" onclick="PressCreateRule()" value="Create New Forward rule" title="Create New Forward rule">
<!--INPUT type=button id="buttFClear" style="visibility:hidden;cursor:hand;LEFt:20px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 200px; top:100px" onclick="PressClearForward()" value="Clear Forwarding" title="Clear Forwarding"-->
<!--hr id=secHr1 size=1 ALIGN=RIGHT style="color:blue;position:absolute;Top:135px;Left:0px;width:300px"-->
<!--p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 140px;width:100%;LEFT:50px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:black">
Current forward rules
<!--SELECT size=2 id=selectRules name=selectRules
style="FONT-SIZE: 12px;z-index:10; HEIGHT: 150px; LEFT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 160px; WIDTH: 200px">
<!--INPUT type=button style="cursor:hand;LEFt:30px; HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 180px; top:320px" onclick="PopulateFwdRules()" value="refresh" title="Refresh Rules"-->
<hr id=secHr1 size=2 ALIGN=RIGHT style="color:blue;position:absolute;Top:180px;Left:0px;width:405px">
<div id="Separator3" style="position:absolute;BORDER-BOTTOM: blue 2px solid; BORDER-LEFT: blue 2px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: blue 2px solid; BORDER-TOP: blue 2px solid; HEIGHT: 250px; LEFT:405px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -10px; WIDTH: 0px">
<p style="POSITION: absolute; background:blue; TOP: 190px;width:400px;LEFT:0px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center">
Application features
<input disabled type="checkbox" id="AutoAnswer" name="AutoAnswer" value="off" onclick="togglechk()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; LEFT: 140px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 220px; WIDTH: 20px" title="Auto Answer">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 220px;LEFT:20px">
Auto Answer
<!--p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 250px;width:100%;LEFT:50px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:black">
DTMF digits detected
<P id=DTMFD style="FONT-SIZE: 16px;color:blue;z-index:10; HEIGHT: 100px; LEFT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 280px; WIDTH: 200px">
<div id=TransfInfo style="visibility:hidden;POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px;width:350;LEFT:420px;FONT-SIZE:22px;COLOR:black;background-color:grey">
<p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10px;width:350px;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:22px;COLOR:white;background:blue">
Call Transfer
<p id=transp style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px;width:350px;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:22px;COLOR:black">
<INPUT type=button style="cursor:hand;LEFt:10px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:200px" onclick="CreateTransfer()" value="Make Transfer" title="Make Transfer">
<INPUT type=button style="cursor:hand;LEFt:180px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:200px" onclick="CancelTransfer()" value="Cancel Transfer" title="Cancel Transfer">
<div id=FwdInfo style="visibility:hidden;POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px;width:350;LEFT:420px;FONT-SIZE:22px;COLOR:black;background-color:grey">
<p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10px;width:100%;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:22px;COLOR:black">
New Forward Rule
<p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px;width:100%;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:black">
Forward to
<INPUT id="editDestination" style="LEFt:20px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 120px; top:70px" >
<p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 100px;width:100%;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:black">
<div style="HEIGHT: 200px; LEFT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 110px; WIDTH: 300px">
<font style="COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12px;font-style:oblique">
<input id="radioFType" name="radioFType" onclick="changeF_type()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10px;LEFT:10px" type="radio" value="1" title="Unconditional forward">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10px;LEFT:40px">
<input id="radioFType" name="radioFType" onclick="changeF_type()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px;LEFT:10px" type="radio" value="2" title="Forward when we are busy">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px;LEFT:30px">
Forward when we are busy
<input id="radioFType" name="radioFType" onclick="changeF_type()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px;LEFT:10px" type="radio" value="3" title="Forward on no answer">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px;LEFT:30px">
Forward on no answer
<input id="radioFType" name="radioFType" onclick="changeF_type()" style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 70px;LEFT:10px" type="radio" value="4" title="Forward on no answer or busy">
<p style="HEIGHT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 70px;LEFT:30px">
Forward on no answer or busy
<p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 200px;width:100%;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:black">
Forward only this caller:
<INPUT id="editCaller" style="LEFt:20px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 120px; top:220px" >
<INPUT type=button id="buttFRule" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:20px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 100px; top:250px" onclick="FRuleCreate()" value="Create" title="Create Rule">
<INPUT type=button id="buttFRule" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:140px; HEIGHT: 30px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 100px; top:250px" onclick="FRuleCancel()" value="Cancel" title="Cancel Rule Creation">
<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:410px">
<p style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5px;width:580px;background:blue;LEFT:0px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white;TEXT-ALIGN:center;LEFT:20px;FONT-SIZE:18px;COLOR:white">
Call Table
<SELECT size=2 id=selectCalls name=selectCalls
style="FONT-SIZE: 10px;z-index:10; HEIGHT: 262px; LEFT: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px; WIDTH: 380px">
<INPUT type=button id="buttAnswer" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:35px" onclick="AnswerCall()" value="Answer Call" title="Answer Call">
<INPUT type=button id="buttRedirect" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:60px" onclick="RedirectCall()" value="Redirect Call" title="Redirect Call">
<INPUT type=button id="buttBlindTransfer" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:85px" onclick="BlindTransferCall()" value="Blind Transfer" title="Blind Transfer">
<INPUT type=button id="buttTransfer" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:110px" onclick="TransferCall()" value="Start Transfer" title="StartTransfer">
<INPUT type=button id="buttDisconnect" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:135px" onclick="FinishTransferCall()" value="Finish Transfer" title="Finish Transfer">
<INPUT type=button id="buttDisconnect" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:160px" onclick="DisconnectThisCall()" value="Disconnect" title="Disconnect">
<INPUT type=button id="buttHold" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:185px" onclick="HoldCall()" value="Hold/UnHold" title="Hold/UnHold">
<INPUT type=button id="buttUnselect" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:210px" onclick="SelectTerminals()" value="SelectTerminals" title="SelectTerminals">
<INPUT type=button id="buttDelete" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:235px" onclick="DeleteCall()" value="Delete Call" title="Delete Call">
<INPUT type=button id="buttDTMF" style="cursor:hand;LEFt:405px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:260px" onclick="SendDTMF()" value="Send DTMF" title="Send DTMF">
<div id=divKeypad style="visibility:hidden;HEIGHT: 200px; LEFT: 460px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 305px; WIDTH: 150px">
<div style="BORDER-BOTTOM: black 2px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 2px solid;
BORDER-RIGHT: black 2px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 2px solid;
HEIGHT: 180px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 20px; WIDTH: 150px;background:#000080;">
<INPUT id=butt1 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:10px;left:20px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt2 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:10px;left:60px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt3 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:10px;left:100px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt4 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:50px;left:20px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt5 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:50px;left:60px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt6 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:50px;left:100px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt7 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:90px;left:20px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt8 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:90px;left:60px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt9 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:90px;left:100px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=buttA onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:130px;left:20px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=butt0 onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:130px;left:60px;width:30px"
<INPUT id=buttD onclick="DoClick()" type=button style="color:white;background:gray;position:absolute;height:30px;top:130px;left:100px;width:30px"
<INPUT type=button style="cursor:hand;LEFt:0px; HEIGHT: 25px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 150px; top:200px" onclick="CancelDTMF()" value="Cancel" title="Cancel">
<!-- Listed objects : TAPI(tapi3.idl), DispatchMapper(tapi3.idl) -->
<object classid="clsid:21D6D48E-A88B-11D0-83DD-00AA003CCABD" id="TAPIOBJ"></object>
<object classid="clsid:E9225296-C759-11d1-A02B-00C04FB6809F" id="MAPPER"></object>
<script LANGUAGE="vbscript">
' Be shure that you call TAPIOBJ.Initialize before window_onload, otherwise you'll
' never receive events from tapi...
On Error Resume Next
window.status = "Initialization phase started..."
call TAPIOBJ.Initialize
sUnableToComplete = False
TAPIOBJ.EventFilter = &H1FFFF&
if Not Err.number = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to perform Tapi3 initialization",0,"Init"
sUnableToComplete = True
End If