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/** Microsoft LAN Manager **/
/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-2000 **/
/* :ts=4 */
//** ADDR.H - TDI address object definitions.
// This file contains the definitions of TDI address objects and related
// constants and structures.
#include "tcp.h"
#include <gpcifc.h>
#define ao_signature 0x20204F41 // 'AO '
#define WILDCARD_PORT 0 // 0 means assign a port.
#define MIN_USER_PORT 1025 // Minimum value for a wildcard port
#define NUM_USER_PORTS (uint)(MaxUserPort - MIN_USER_PORT + 1)
typedef struct AddrObj AddrObj;
#define IS_PROMIS_AO(A) ((A)->ao_rcvall || (A)->ao_rcvall_mcast || (A)->ao_absorb_rtralert)
//* Datagram transport-specific send function.
typedef void (*DGSendProc)(AddrObj *SrcAO, void *SendReq);
//* Definition of the structure of an address object. Each object represents
// a local address, and the IP portion may be a wildcard.
typedef struct AddrObj {
#if DBG
ulong ao_sig;
struct AddrObj *ao_next; // Pointer to next address object in chain.
DEFINE_LOCK_STRUCTURE(ao_lock) // Lock for this object.
struct AORequest *ao_request; // Pointer to pending request.
Queue ao_sendq; // Queue of sends waiting for transmission.
Queue ao_pendq; // Linkage for pending queue.
Queue ao_rcvq; // Receive queue.
ulong ao_flags; // Flags for this object.
uint ao_listencnt; // Number of listening connections.
IPAddr ao_addr; // IP address for this address object.
ushort ao_port; // Local port for this address object.
uchar ao_prot; // Protocol for this AO.
uchar ConnLimitReached;// set when there are no connections left
ushort ao_usecnt; // Count of 'uses' on AO.
ushort ao_maxdgsize; // maximum user datagram size.
uchar ao_mcast_loop; // MCast loop allowed/denied flag.
uchar ao_rcvall; // rcv all packets or not (3 bits)
uchar ao_rcvall_mcast;// rcv all mcast packets or not (3 bits)
uchar ao_absorb_rtralert;
IPOptInfo ao_opt; // Opt info for this address object.
IPOptInfo ao_mcastopt; // MCast opt info.
IPAddr ao_mcastaddr; // Source address for MCast from this addr object.
Queue ao_activeq; // Queue of active connections.
Queue ao_idleq; // Queue of inactive (no TCB) connections.
Queue ao_listenq; // Queue of listening connections.
CTEEvent ao_event; // Event to use for this AO.
PConnectEvent ao_connect; // Connect event handle.
PVOID ao_conncontext; // Receive DG context.
PDisconnectEvent ao_disconnect; // Disconnect event routine.
PVOID ao_disconncontext;// Disconnect event context.
PErrorEvent ao_error; // Error event routine.
PVOID ao_errcontext; // Error event context.
PRcvEvent ao_rcv; // Receive event handler
PVOID ao_rcvcontext; // Receive context.
PRcvDGEvent ao_rcvdg; // Receive DG event handler
PVOID ao_rcvdgcontext;// Receive DG context.
PRcvExpEvent ao_exprcv; // Expedited receive event handler
PVOID ao_exprcvcontext;// Expedited receive context.
struct AOMCastAddr *ao_mcastlist; // List of active multicast
// addresses.
DGSendProc ao_dgsend; // Datagram transport send function.
PErrorEx ao_errorex; // Error event routine.
PVOID ao_errorexcontext; // Error event context.
PChainedRcvEvent ao_chainedrcv; // Chained Receive event handler
PVOID ao_chainedrcvcontext; // Chained Receive context.
PVOID ao_RemoteAddress;
PVOID ao_Options;
RouteCacheEntry *ao_rce;
ULONG ao_GPCCachedLink;
struct RouteTableEntry *ao_GPCCachedRTE;
IPAddr ao_rcesrc;
IPAddr ao_destaddr;
ushort ao_destport;
ulong ao_promis_ifindex;
ulong ao_bindindex; // interface socket is bound to
uint* ao_iflist;
ulong ao_owningpid;
} AddrObj;
#define AO_RAW_FLAG 0x0200 // AO is for a raw endpoint.
#define AO_DHCP_FLAG 0x0100 // AO is bound to real 0 address.
#define AO_VALID_FLAG 0x0080 // AddrObj is valid.
#define AO_BUSY_FLAG 0x0040 // AddrObj is busy (i.e., has it exclusive).
#define AO_OOR_FLAG 0x0020 // AddrObj is out of resources, and on
// either the pending or delayed queue.
#define AO_QUEUED_FLAG 0x0010 // AddrObj is on the pending queue.
#define AO_XSUM_FLAG 0x0008 // Xsums are used on this AO.
#define AO_SEND_FLAG 0x0004 // Send is pending.
#define AO_OPTIONS_FLAG 0x0002 // Options pending.
#define AO_DELETE_FLAG 0x0001 // Delete pending.
#define AO_BROADCAST_FLAG 0x400 // Broadcast enable flag
#define AO_CONNUDP_FLAG 0x800 // Connected udp
#define AO_SHARE_FLAG 0x1000 // AddrObj can be shared
#define AO_PKTINFO_FLAG 0x2000 // Packet info structure passed up in
// control info.
#define AO_DEFERRED_FLAG 0x4000 // Deferred processing has been
// scheduled
#define AO_VALID(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_VALID_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_INVALID(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_VALID_FLAG
#define AO_BUSY(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_BUSY_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_BUSY(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_BUSY_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_BUSY(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_BUSY_FLAG
#define AO_OOR(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_OOR_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_OOR(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_OOR_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_OOR(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_OOR_FLAG
#define AO_QUEUED(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_QUEUED_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_QUEUED(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_QUEUED_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_QUEUED(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_QUEUED_FLAG
#define AO_XSUM(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_XSUM_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_XSUM(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_XSUM_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_XSUM(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_XSUM_FLAG
#define AO_REQUEST(A, f) ((A)->ao_flags & f##_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_REQUEST(A, f) (A)->ao_flags |= f##_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_REQUEST(A, f) (A)->ao_flags &= ~f##_FLAG
#define AO_BROADCAST(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_BROADCAST_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_BROADCAST(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_BROADCAST_FLAG
#define AO_CONNUDP(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_CONNUDP_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_CONNUDP(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_CONNUDP_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_CONNUDP(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_CONNUDP_FLAG
#define AO_SHARE(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_SHARE_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_SHARE(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_SHARE_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_SHARE(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_SHARE_FLAG
#define AO_PKTINFO(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_PKTINFO_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_PKTINFO(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_PKTINFO_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_PKTINFO(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_PKTINFO_FLAG
#define AO_DEFERRED(A) ((A)->ao_flags & AO_DEFERRED_FLAG)
#define SET_AO_DEFERRED(A) (A)->ao_flags |= AO_DEFERRED_FLAG
#define CLEAR_AO_DEFERRED(A) (A)->ao_flags &= ~AO_DEFERRED_FLAG
//* Definition of an address object search context. This is a data structure used
// when the address object table is to be read sequentially.
struct AOSearchContext {
AddrObj *asc_previous; // Previous AO found.
IPAddr asc_addr; // IPAddress to be found.
ushort asc_port; // Port to be found.
uchar asc_prot; // Protocol
uchar asc_pad; // Pad to dword boundary.
}; /* AOSearchContext */
//* Definition of an address object search context. This is a data structure used
// when the address object table is to be read sequentially. Used for RAW only
struct AOSearchContextEx {
AddrObj *asc_previous; // Previous AO found.
IPAddr asc_addr; // IPAddress to be found.
ushort asc_port; // Port to be found.
uint asc_ifindex; // ifindex the packet came on
uchar asc_prot; // Protocol
uchar asc_pad; // Pad to dword boundary.
uint asc_previousindex; // Previous AO's index
}; /* AOSearchContextEx */
typedef struct AOSearchContext AOSearchContext;
typedef struct AOSearchContextEx AOSearchContextEx;
//* Definition of an AO request structure. There structures are used only for
// queuing delete and option set requests.
typedef struct AOMCastAddr {
struct AOMCastAddr *ama_next; // Next in list.
IPAddr ama_addr; // The address.
IPAddr ama_if; // The "interface" requested.
IPAddr ama_if_used; // The actual ifaddr used.
BOOLEAN ama_flags; // Flags.
BOOLEAN ama_inclusion; // Inclusion or exclusion mode?
ulong ama_srccount; // Number of entries in srclist
struct AOMCastSrcAddr *ama_srclist;// List of active sources.
} AOMCastAddr;
#define AMA_VALID_FLAG 0x01
#define AMA_VALID(A) ((A)->ama_flags & AMA_VALID_FLAG)
#define SET_AMA_INVALID(A) (A)->ama_flags &= ~AMA_VALID_FLAG
typedef struct AOMCastSrcAddr {
struct AOMCastSrcAddr *asa_next; // Next in list.
IPAddr asa_addr; // The address.
} AOMCastSrcAddr;
//* External declarations for exported functions.
extern CACHE_LINE_KSPIN_LOCK AddrObjTableLock;
extern uint AddrObjTableSize;
extern AddrObj **AddrObjTable;
extern AddrObj *GetAddrObj(IPAddr LocalAddr, ushort LocalPort, uchar Prot,
AddrObj *PreviousAO, BOOLEAN CheckIfList);
extern AddrObj *GetNextAddrObj(AOSearchContext *SearchContext);
extern AddrObj *GetNextBestAddrObj(IPAddr LocalAddr, ushort LocalPort, uchar Prot,
AddrObj *PreviousAO, BOOLEAN CheckIfList);
extern AddrObj *GetFirstAddrObj(IPAddr LocalAddr, ushort LocalPort, uchar Prot,
AOSearchContext *SearchContext);
extern AddrObj *GetAddrObjEx(IPAddr LocalAddr, ushort LocalPort, uchar Protocol, uint IfIndex,
AddrObj *PreviousAO, uint PreviousIndex, uint *CurrentIndex);
extern AddrObj *GetNextAddrObjEx(AOSearchContextEx *SearchContext);
extern AddrObj *GetFirstAddrObjEx(IPAddr LocalAddr, ushort LocalPort, uchar Prot, uint IfIndex,
AOSearchContextEx *SearchContext);
extern TDI_STATUS TdiOpenAddress(PTDI_REQUEST Request,
void *Reuse);
extern TDI_STATUS TdiCloseAddress(PTDI_REQUEST Request);
extern TDI_STATUS SetAddrOptions(PTDI_REQUEST Request, uint ID, uint OptLength,
void *Options);
extern TDI_STATUS GetAddrOptionsEx(PTDI_REQUEST Request, uint ID,
uint OptLength, PNDIS_BUFFER Options,
uint *InfoSize, void *Context);
extern TDI_STATUS TdiSetEvent(PVOID Handle, int Type, PVOID Handler,
PVOID Context);
extern uchar GetAddress(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *AddrList,
IPAddr *Addr, ushort *Port);
extern int InitAddr(void);
extern void ProcessAORequests(AddrObj *RequestAO);
extern void DelayDerefAO(AddrObj *RequestAO);
extern void DerefAO(AddrObj *RequestAO);
extern void FreeAORequest(AORequest *FreedRequest);
extern uint ValidateAOContext(void *Context, uint *Valid);
extern uint ReadNextAO(void *Context, void *OutBuf);
extern void InvalidateAddrs(IPAddr Addr);
extern void RevalidateAddrs(IPAddr Addr);
extern uint MCastAddrOnAO(AddrObj *AO, IPAddr Dest, IPAddr Src);
#define GetBestAddrObj(addr, port, prot, checkiflist) \
GetAddrObj(addr, port, prot, NULL, checkiflist)
#define REF_AO(a) (a)->ao_usecnt++
#define DELAY_DEREF_AO(a) DelayDerefAO((a))
#define DEREF_AO(a) DerefAO((a))
(a)->ao_usecnt--; \
if (!(a)->ao_usecnt && !AO_BUSY((a)) && AO_PENDING((a))) { \
SET_AO_BUSY((a)); \
CTEScheduleEvent(&(a)->ao_event, (a)); \