Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Microsoft Corp. (C) Copyright 1994
Developed under contract by Numbers & Co.
name: Elliot Viewer - Chicago Viewer Utility
Cloned from the IFAX Message Viewing Utility
file: viewerob.h
comments: Class definitions for Viewer and ViewPage Objects.
These objects are interface wrappers for the original IFAX viewer
C code. All of the viewer's static variables and whatnot are collected
here so that multiple independant viewers can be created to support
multiple open documents/pages. The innards of the viewer objects are
essentially the same as the original except for necessary fiddles to
allow functions to get at things that used to be static but are now
private object data. The original innards just scream to be converted
to C++ but time constraints didn't allow that...
If a struct or occasional whatnot seems a bit clumsy it is probably
a relic leftover from the above original clone code. It works...
NOTE: This header must be used with the LARGE memory model
Microsoft Corp. (C) Copyright 1994
Developed under contract by Numbers & Co.
#ifndef VIEWEROB_H
#define VIEWEROB_H
//#include <ole2.h>
Specials for WIN32 and WIN16 coexistance
#ifdef WIN32
#define huge
Unicode spasms
#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef TCHAR
typedef char TCHAR;
#ifndef _T
#define _T(x) x
#ifndef LPTSTR
#ifndef LPTCH
Constants and defs
#define OK 0
#define FAIL -1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define RESET 2
#define RESET2 3
#define MAX_INI_STR 256
#define MAX_STR_LEN 80
#define MAX_EXTSTR_LEN 3
#define MAX_COORD 32767
#define MIN_COORD -32768
#ifdef WIN32
#define MAX_PATHNAME_LEN 256
#define MAX_BANDBUFFER 65536
#define MAX_VOPENBUF 65000
#define MAX_STREAM_BUF 32000
#define TEXT_FOREGROUND RGB( 255,255,255 )
#define TEXT_BACKGROUND RGB( 128,128,128 )
Zoom factors
#define MAX_ZOOM 100
#define INITIAL_ZOOM 100
#define DEFAULT_DPI 80 // 800 pixels, 10 inch screen, used
// for demo bitmaps.
Rotation "angles"
#define RA_0 0
#define RA_90 90
#define RA_180 180
#define RA_270 270
#define RA_360 360
// BKD 1997-7-9: commented out. Already defined in buffers.h
// Standard Bit Valued MetaData values
//#define LRAW_DATA 0x00000008
//#define HRAW_DATA 0x00000010
#ifndef LRAW_DATA
#include "buffers.h"
BitBlt display defaults
Timer ids
#define DRAG_TIMER 2
Misc types
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
My version of RECT
typedef struct
int x_ul, y_ul; // Upper left xy loc
int x_lr, y_lr; // Lower left xy loc
int width, height;
The "attachment" table. This is used to save the header info in a
Chicago style viewer-message file, slightly processed.
typedef struct
char *atchname; // stream name for attachment (document)
LONG numpages; // number of pages in atchname
short binfile; // TRUE -> something we can't look at.
short isademo; // TRUE -> use demo version of viewrend (vrdemo)
// document state (this section is 32bit aligned at this point)
DATE dtLastChange;
DWORD awdFlags;
WORD Rotation;
WORD ScaleX;
WORD ScaleY;
Struct for keeping track of whats in the attachment table,
whats viewable and what isn't, etc.
typedef struct
short is_displayable; // TRUE -> viewable
HBITMAP hbmp; // "icon" for non viewable attachments
uint page_offset; // From first displayable attachment.
attachment_table_type *at; // ptr to attachment table.
Struct for keeping track of viewrend bands
typedef struct
long height_bytes;
long first_scanline;
Struct defining a "viewdata" object. This should be a converted to be
a real c++ object but time constaints dictated I use it as is.
typedef struct
BITMAP bmp; // Raw bitmap data (NOT a GDI bitmap)
// NOTE: This data is NEVER rotated
// (always RA_0) but can be
// scaled.
HBITMAP hbmp; // Handle for in memory bitmap
HDC mem_hdc; // DC for blting it to a window
RECT isa_edge; // Flags for bitmap/file edge correspondance
winrect_type bmp_wrc; // Loc and size of bitmap rel to file bitmap
short dragging; // Bitmap is being dragged if TRUE
short copying; // Bitmap is being select/copied to clipboard
RECT copy_rect; // Area to copy
short copy_rect_valid; // copy_rect has valid data
short first_copy_rect; // flag to init focus rect
POINT copyanchor_pt;
POINT viewanchor_pt;
winrect_type viewwin_wrc; // Loc and size of window to drag in
winrect_type view_wrc; // Loc and size of view window rel to bitmap
POINT last_file_wrc_offset; // used for adjusting view_wrc before
// rotations
POINT last_cursor; // Last cursor loc during a drag
int bdrscrl_scale; // Scale factor for border scroll increments
RECT left_erase; // Rects for erasing the bitmap's
RECT top_erase; // previous position during a drag.
RECT right_erase;
RECT bottom_erase;
short left_iserased; // Draw corespnding erase rect if TRUE
short top_iserased; // during a drag.
short right_iserased;
short bottom_iserased;
If hfile != HFILE_ERROR then the band parameters are undefined. Otherwise
they are defined only if hbmp does not contain the entire page bmp
HFILE hfile; // Handle for file bitmap
band_height_type *band_heights; // Array of Rajeev band heights
short num_bands; // Number of bands
short current_band; // Currently selected band
winrect_type file_wrc; // Loc (always=0) and size of file bitmap;
winrect_type prescale_file_wrc; // file_wrc / x,y_prescale
int x_dpi; // x dots per inch
int y_dpi; // y dots per inch
uint linebytes; // Total bytes per scanline
uint num_planes; // Number of planes
uint bits_per_pix; // Bits per pixel in a plane
short has_data; // Bitmap and/or bmBits contains data.
short in_mem; // All data fits in memory.
typedef int
(WINAPI *IFMESSPROC)( char *, int );
This struct is for reading/writing SummaryStreams. It was
in oleutils.h but I moved it here so every module in the
Viewer doesn't have to pull in oleutils.h because of the
summary_info_t variable in CViewer.
typedef struct
LPSTR revnum;
DATE last_printed;
DATE when_created;
DATE last_saved;
DWORD num_pages;
LPSTR appname;
DWORD security;
LPSTR author;
#define WIDTHSHORTS( width, bits_per_pix ) \
((((long)width)*bits_per_pix + 15)/16)
#define V_WIDTHBYTES( width, bits_per_pix ) \
(WIDTHSHORTS( width, bits_per_pix )*2)
#define BITMAPSTRIDE( widthbytes, height ) \
(((long)widthbytes) * height)
#define BITMAPWIDTHBYTES( widthbytes, height, planes ) \
(BITMAPSTRIDE( widthbytes, height )*planes)
#define BITMAPBYTES( width, bits_per_pix, height, planes ) \
(BITMAPWIDTHBYTES( V_WIDTHBYTES( width, bits_per_pix ), \
height, \
planes ))
#define SWAP_SHORT_BYTES( short_to_swap ) \
__asm \
{ \
__asm mov ax, short_to_swap \
__asm xchg ah, al \
__asm mov short_to_swap, ax \
#define SWAP_LONG_BYTES( long_to_swap ) \
__asm \
{ \
__asm mov ax, word ptr long_to_swap[2] \
__asm xchg ah, al \
__asm xchg word ptr long_to_swap[0], ax \
__asm xchg ah, al \
__asm mov word ptr long_to_swap[2], ax \
Global data
extern /*IFMSGBOXPROC*/IFMESSPROC IfMessageBox_lpfn;
extern TCHAR viewer_homedir[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN+1];
extern short ra360_bugfix;
extern DWORD cshelp_map[];
Non object viewer functions
extern short
InitializeViewer( void );
/* hack so CViewerPage::print_viewdata can call AbortProc */
typedef BOOL (CALLBACK *utils_prtabortproc_type)(HDC, int);
extern utils_prtabortproc_type utils_prtabortproc;