Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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134 lines
4.4 KiB

@echo off
rem Make sure the source path is given and correct
if "%sdxroot%" == "" goto not_razzle
if "%1" == "" goto usage
rem checking a sample file to see if the given path is ok
if not exist %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\fyi.cov goto usage
echo The following script will replace all the binaries + symbols + public SDK + help files and SLD files
echo in the printscan\faxsrv source depot project.
echo Press Ctrl-C now to abort or
echo Marking source files are non-Read-only (can't add files when they are read only)
attrib -r %1\*.* /s
echo Open for edit all "binaries..."
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386
sd edit ...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\win9xmig\chk
sd edit ...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\win9xmig\fre
sd edit ...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\mantis
sd edit ...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\FaxVerify
sd edit ...
rem *******************************************************
rem * *
rem * C H K X 8 6 *
rem * *
rem *******************************************************
echo Replacing with new binaries / SDK / Help (chk x86)...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\chk
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\*.* .
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\chk\sdk
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\sdk\*.* .
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\chk\help
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\help\*.* .
echo Copying symbols next to binaries (chk x86)...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\chk
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\symbols.pri\retail\dll\*.* .
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\symbols.pri\retail\exe\*.* .
echo Copying migration DLL (chk x86)...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\win9xmig\chk
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\win9xmig\fax\*.* .
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\symbols.pri\win9xmig\dll\*.* .
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\fax\i386\symbols.pri\win9xmig\exe\*.* .
echo Copying FaxVerify...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\FaxVerify
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\TEST\FaxVerifier\*.*
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\TEST\FaxVerifier\symbols.pri\retail\exe\faxvrfy.pdb
xcopy %1\USA\CHK\TEST\FaxVerifier\symbols.pri\retail\dll\faxrcv.pdb
rem *******************************************************
rem * *
rem * F R E X 8 6 *
rem * *
rem *******************************************************
echo Replacing with new binaries / SDK / Help (fre x86)...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\fre
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\*.* .
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\fre\sdk
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\sdk\*.* .
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\fre\help
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\help\*.* .
echo Copying symbols next to binaries (fre x86)...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\binaries\i386\fre
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\symbols.pri\retail\dll\*.* .
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\symbols.pri\retail\exe\*.* .
echo Copying migration DLL (fre x86)...
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\win9xmig\fre
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\win9xmig\fax\*.* .
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\symbols.pri\win9xmig\dll\*.* .
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\i386\symbols.pri\win9xmig\exe\*.* .
echo Copying SLD files to Mantis folder
cd %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\mantis
xcopy %1\USA\FRE\fax\mantis\*.* .
rem *******************************************************
rem * *
rem * B U I L D N U M . T X T *
rem * *
rem *******************************************************
echo updating 'BuildNum.txt'
set /p buildnum=Please type the (Haifa) build number:
if "%buildnum%" == "" goto BadGetBuildNum
goto UpdateBuildNum
echo Bad build number entered. Let's try this again
goto GetBuildNum
sd edit %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\buildnum.txt
echo Equivalent to build #%buildnum% of Haifa Whistler Fax. > %sdxroot%\printscan\faxsrv\buildnum.txt
echo All the files replaced with new one.
echo You have to submit the files right now
echo You have to "sd submit" to make the change or "sd revert" to revert
goto end
echo Please run this script from a Whistler razzle environment.
goto end
echo Please type the path to the root of the sources and binaries (root of SRC and USA dirs)
goto end