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// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Cmdline.h
// Abstract:
// This modules contains the common functionality file headers and type definitions
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 1-Sep-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 1-Sep-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#ifndef __CMDLINE_H
#define __CMDLINE_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// //
// //
// custom macros ( for trapping memory leaks )
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define __malloc( size ) \
_malloc_dbg( size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define __calloc( count, size ) \
_calloc_dbg( count, size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define __free( block ) \
if ( (block) != NULL ) \
{ \
_free_dbg( (block), _NORMAL_BLOCK ); \
(block) = NULL; \
} \
#define __realloc( block, size ) \
(((block) != NULL) ? \
_realloc_dbg( (block), size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) : __malloc( size ))
#define __malloc( size ) \
malloc( size )
#define __calloc( count, size ) \
calloc( count, size )
#define __free( block ) \
if ( (block) != NULL ) \
{ \
free( (block) ); \
(block) = NULL; \
} \
#define __realloc( block, size ) \
(((block) != NULL) ? realloc( block, size ) : __malloc( size ))
// custom macros ( for NULL pointer assignments handling )
#define CHECK_NULL( statement, value ) \
if ( ( statement ) == NULL ) \
{ \
return value; \
} \
// wrappers for quote meta
#define _X( text ) QuoteMeta( text, 1 )
#define _X1( text ) QuoteMeta( text, 1 )
#define _X2( text ) QuoteMeta( text, 2 )
#define _X3( text ) QuoteMeta( text, 3 )
// function re-defs
#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetCompatibleStringFromMultiByte GetAsUnicodeStringEx
#define GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode GetAsUnicodeString
#define GetCompatibleStringFromMultiByte GetAsMultiByteString
#define GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode GetAsMultiByteStringEx
#endif // UNICODE
// error codes
#define E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS 0xA0010001 // 1010 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
#define I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION 0x50010001 // 0101 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
// macros
#define SIZE_OF_ARRAY( array ) ( sizeof( array ) / sizeof( array[ 0 ] ) )
#define TAG_ERROR GetResString( IDS_TAG_ERROR )
#define SHOW_RESULT_MESSAGE( server, tag, message ) \
if ( IsLocalSystem( server ) == TRUE ) \
{ \
DISPLAY_MESSAGE2( stderr, szBuffer, _T( "%s %s" ), tag, message ); \
} \
else \
{ \
DISPLAY_MESSAGE3( stderr, szBuffer, _T( "%s %s: %s" ), tag, server, message ); \
} \
// string formatting stubs
#define FORMAT_STRING( buffer, format, value ) \
wsprintf( buffer, format, value )
#define FORMAT_STRING2( buffer, format, value1, value2 ) \
wsprintf( buffer, format, value1, value2 )
#define FORMAT_STRING3( buffer, format, value1, value2, value3 ) \
wsprintf( buffer, format, value1, value2, value3 )
#define FORMAT_STRING_EX( buffer, format, value, length, alignflag ) \
wsprintf( buffer, format, value ); \
AdjustStringLength( buffer, length, alignflag )
#define FORMAT_STRING_EX2( buffer, format, value1, value2, length, alignflag ) \
wsprintf( buffer, format, value1, value2 ); \
AdjustStringLength( buffer, length, alignflag )
#define FORMAT_STRING_EX3( buffer, format, value1, value2, value3, length, alignflag ) \
wsprintf( buffer, format, value1, value2, value3 ); \
AdjustStringLength( buffer, length, alignflag )
// stubs for 'displaying'
#define DISPLAY_MESSAGE( file, message ) \
ShowMessage( file, message )
#define DISPLAY_MESSAGE1( file, buffer, format, value1 ) \
FORMAT_STRING( buffer, format, value1 ); \
ShowMessage( file, buffer )
#define DISPLAY_MESSAGE2( file, buffer, format, value1, value2 ) \
FORMAT_STRING2( buffer, format, value1, value2 ); \
ShowMessage( file, buffer )
#define DISPLAY_MESSAGE3( file, buffer, format, value1, value2, value3 ) \
FORMAT_STRING3( buffer, format, value1, value2, value3 ); \
ShowMessage( file, buffer )
// display messages from resource file's string table ( stubs )
#define DISPLAY_RES_MESSAGE( file, id ) \
ShowResMessage( file, id )
#define DISPLAY_RES_MESSAGE1( file, buffer, id, value1 ) \
FORMAT_STRING( buffer, GetResString( id ), value1 ); \
ShowMessage( file, buffer )
#define DISPLAY_RES_MESSAGE2( file, buffer, id, value1, value2 ) \
FORMAT_STRING2( buffer, GetResString( id ), value1, value2 ); \
ShowMessage( file, buffer )
#define DISPLAY_RES_MESSAGE3( file, buffer, id, value1, value2, value3 ) \
FORMAT_STRING3( buffer, GetResString( id ), value1, value2, value3 ); \
ShowMessage( file, buffer )
// constants / defines / enumerations
#define BACK_SPACE 0x08
#define BLANK_CHAR 0x00
#define ASTERIX _T( "*" )
#define BEEP_SOUND _T( "\a" )
#define MAX_RES_STRING 254
#define TRIM_LEFT 0x00000001
#define TRIM_RIGHT 0x00000002
#define TRIM_ALL 0x00000003
#define NULL_CHAR _T( '\0' )
#define NULL_STRING _T( "\0" )
#define FULL_SUCCESS 0
// type definitions
typedef TCHAR __STRING_32[ 32 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_64[ 64 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_128[ 128 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_256[ 256 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_512[ 512 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_1024[ 1024 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_2048[ 2048 ];
typedef TCHAR __STRING_4096[ 4096 ];
// structs
typedef struct tagConnectionInfo
DWORD dwFlags; // flags
LPCTSTR pszServer; // server name
LPTSTR pszUserName; // user name
DWORD dwUserLength; // max. no. of characters allowed for user name
LPTSTR pszPassword; // password
DWORD dwPasswordLength; // max. no. of characters allowed for password
LPCTSTR pszShare; // tells the custom share name
LPVOID lpReserved1; // reserved for future use
LPVOID lpReserved2; // reserved for future use
LPVOID lpReserved3; // reserved for future use
// connection info flags
// general flags
#define CI_ACCEPT_PASSWORD 0x00000001 // 0000 0001
// share
#define CI_SHARE_NONE 0x00000000 // 0000 0000 0000 XXXX XXXX ( default )
#define CI_SHARE_IPC 0x00000010 // 0000 0000 0001 XXXX XXXX
#define CI_SHARE_ADMIN 0x00000020 // 0000 0000 0010 XXXX XXXX
#define CI_SHARE_CDRIVE 0x00000040 // 0000 0000 0100 XXXX XXXX
#define CI_SHARE_DDRIVE 0x00000080 // 0000 0000 1000 XXXX XXXX
#define CI_SHARE_CUSTOM 0x00000100 // 0000 0001 0000 XXXX XXXX
// extra flag used while closing connection
#define CI_CLOSE_BY_FORCE 0x10000000
// function prototypes
// remote connectivity related function prototypes
BOOL SetOsVersion( DWORD dwMajor, DWORD dwMinor, WORD wServicePackMajor );
BOOL IsWin2KOrLater();
DWORD GetTargetVersion( LPCTSTR pszServer );
BOOL IsCompatibleOperatingSystem( DWORD dwVersion );
BOOL IsValidServer( LPCTSTR pszServer );
BOOL IsValidIPAddress( LPCTSTR pszAddress );
DWORD CloseConnection( LPCTSTR szServer );
DWORD ConnectServer( LPCTSTR szServer, LPCTSTR szUser, LPCTSTR szPassword );
BOOL IsUNCFormat( LPCTSTR pszServer );
BOOL IsLocalSystem( LPCTSTR pszServer );
LPCTSTR QuoteMeta( LPCTSTR pszText, DWORD dwQuoteIndex );
LPCTSTR FindChar( LPCTSTR pszTemp, TCHAR ch, DWORD dwFrom );
LPCTSTR FindOneOf( LPCTSTR pszText, LPCTSTR pszTextToFind, DWORD dwFrom );
LPCTSTR FindString( LPCTSTR pszText, LPCTSTR pszTextToFind, DWORD dwFrom );
BOOL GetHostByIPAddr( LPCTSTR pszServer, LPTSTR pszHostName, BOOL bNeedFQDN );
BOOL EstablishConnection( LPCTSTR szServer, LPTSTR szUserName, DWORD dwUserLength,
LPTSTR szPassword, DWORD dwPasswordLength, BOOL bNeedPassword );
// stubs
#define CleanExit( dwExitCode ) ExitProcess( dwExitCode )
BOOL EstablishConnectionEx( PTCONNECTIONINFO pci );
DWORD ConnectServer2( LPCTSTR szServer,
LPCTSTR szUser, LPCTSTR szPassword, LPCTSTR pszShare );
DWORD CloseConnection2( LPCTSTR szServer, LPCTSTR pszShare, DWORD dwFlags );
// other(s)
LPCTSTR GetReason();
VOID SaveLastError();
VOID ReleaseGlobals();
DWORD WNetSaveLastError();
VOID ShowLastError( FILE* fp );
LPCTSTR GetResString( UINT uID );
double AsFloat( LPCTSTR szValue );
LPTSTR GetResStringEx( UINT uID );
VOID SetReason( LPCTSTR szReason );
DWORD WNetShowLastError( FILE* fp );
BOOL IsFloatingPoint( LPCTSTR szValue );
VOID ShowResMessage( FILE* fp, UINT uID );
LONG AsLong( LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwBase );
VOID ShowMessage( FILE* fp, LPCTSTR szMessage );
LPTSTR TrimString( LPTSTR lpsz, DWORD dwFlags );
BOOL IsNumeric( LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwBase, BOOL bSigned );
BOOL GetPassword( LPTSTR pszPassword, DWORD dwMaxPasswordSize );
LPTSTR Replicate( LPTSTR pszBuffer, LPCTSTR szChar, DWORD dwCount );
BOOL InString( LPCTSTR szString, LPCTSTR szList, BOOL bIgnoreCase );
DWORD LoadResString( UINT uID, LPTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwBufferMax );
LONG StringLengthInBytes( LPCTSTR pszText );
LPTSTR AdjustStringLength( LPTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength, BOOL bPadLeft );
LPSTR GetAsMultiByteString( LPCTSTR pszSource, LPSTR pszDestination, DWORD dwLength );
LPSTR GetAsMultiByteStringEx( LPCWSTR pwszSource, LPSTR pszDestination, DWORD dwLength );
LPWSTR GetAsUnicodeString( LPCTSTR pszSource, LPWSTR pwszDestination, DWORD dwLength );
LPWSTR GetAsUnicodeStringEx( LPCSTR pszSource, LPWSTR pwszDestination, DWORD dwLength );
LONG StringCompare( LPCTSTR szString1, LPCTSTR szString2, BOOL bIgnoreCase, DWORD dwCount );
// //
// //
// constants / defines / enumerations
// item types supported by dynamic array
#define DA_TYPE_NONE 0x00000000
#define DA_TYPE_GENERAL 0x00010000
#define DA_TYPE_STRING 0x00020000
#define DA_TYPE_LONG 0x00030000
#define DA_TYPE_DWORD 0x00040000
#define DA_TYPE_BOOL 0x00050000
#define DA_TYPE_FLOAT 0x00060000
#define DA_TYPE_DOUBLE 0x00070000
#define DA_TYPE_ARRAY 0x00080000
#define DA_TYPE_HANDLE 0x00090000
#define DA_TYPE_SYSTEMTIME 0x000A0000
#define DA_TYPE_FILETIME 0x000B0000
// type definitions
typedef VOID* TARRAY;
// public function prototypes
// array pointer validation function(s)
BOOL IsValidArray( TARRAY pArray );
// dynamic array creation / destraction functions
TARRAY CreateDynamicArray();
VOID DestroyDynamicArray( PTARRAY pArray );
// general helper function(s)
DWORD DynArrayGetCount( TARRAY pArray );
DWORD DynArrayGetCount2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow );
DWORD DynArrayGetItemType( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
DWORD DynArrayGetItemType2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
// adding columns
DWORD DynArrayAddColumns( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumns );
DWORD DynArrayInsertColumns( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwColumns );
// array append function(s) ( for one-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayAppend( TARRAY pArray, LPVOID pValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendLong( TARRAY pArray, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendBOOL( TARRAY pArray, BOOL bValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendDWORD( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendFloat( TARRAY pArray, float dwValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendDouble( TARRAY pArray, double dwValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendString( TARRAY pArray, LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength );
LONG DynArrayAppendHandle( TARRAY pArray, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendSystemTime( TARRAY pArray, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendFileTime( TARRAY pArray, FILETIME ftValue );
// helper to append 2-dimensional array
LONG DynArrayAppendRow( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumns );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayAppend2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, LPVOID pValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendLong2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendBOOL2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, BOOL bValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendDWORD2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendFloat2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, float dwValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendDouble2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, double dwValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendString2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength );
LONG DynArrayAppendHandle2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendSystemTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
LONG DynArrayAppendFileTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, FILETIME ftValue );
// array insert function(s) ( for one-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayInsert( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID pValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertLong( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertBOOL( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertDWORD( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertFloat( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, float dwValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertDouble( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, double dwValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertString( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength );
LONG DynArrayInsertHandle( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertSystemTime( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertFileTime( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, FILETIME ftValue );
// helper to insert 2-dimensional array
LONG DynArrayInsertRow( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwColumns );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayInsert2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, LPVOID pValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertLong2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertBOOL2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, BOOL bValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertDWORD2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertFloat2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, float dwValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertDouble2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, double dwValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertString2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow,
DWORD dwColIndex, LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength );
LONG DynArrayInsertHandle2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertSystemTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow,
DWORD dwColIndex, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
LONG DynArrayInsertFileTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow,
DWORD dwColIndex, FILETIME ftValue );
// item value set function(s) ( for one-dimensional array )
BOOL DynArraySet( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID pValue );
BOOL DynArraySetLong( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LONG lValue );
BOOL DynArraySetBOOL( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bValue );
BOOL DynArraySetDWORD( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue );
BOOL DynArraySetFloat( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, float dwValue );
BOOL DynArraySetDouble( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, double dwValue );
BOOL DynArraySetString( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength );
BOOL DynArraySetHandle( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, HANDLE hValue );
BOOL DynArraySetSystemTime( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
BOOL DynArraySetFileTime( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, FILETIME ftValue );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
BOOL DynArraySet2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, LPVOID pValue );
BOOL DynArraySetLong2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, LONG lValue );
BOOL DynArraySetBOOL2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, BOOL bValue );
BOOL DynArraySetDWORD2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, DWORD dwValue );
BOOL DynArraySetFloat2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, float dwValue );
BOOL DynArraySetDouble2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, double dwValue );
BOOL DynArraySetString2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow,
DWORD dwColumn, LPCTSTR szValue, DWORD dwLength );
BOOL DynArraySetHandle2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, HANDLE hValue );
BOOL DynArraySetSystemTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
BOOL DynArraySetFileTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, FILETIME ftValue );
// item value get function(s) ( for one-dimensional array )
LPVOID DynArrayItem( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
LONG DynArrayItemAsLong( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
BOOL DynArrayItemAsBOOL( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
DWORD DynArrayItemAsDWORD( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
float DynArrayItemAsFloat( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
double DynArrayItemAsDouble( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
LPCTSTR DynArrayItemAsString( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
HANDLE DynArrayItemAsHandle( TARRAY pArrray, DWORD dwIndex );
SYSTEMTIME DynArrayItemAsSystemTime( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
FILETIME DynArrayItemAsFileTime( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
DWORD DynArrayItemAsStringEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, LPTSTR szBuffer, DWORD dwLength );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
LPVOID DynArrayItem2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
LONG DynArrayItemAsLong2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
BOOL DynArrayItemAsBOOL2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
DWORD DynArrayItemAsDWORD2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
float DynArrayItemAsFloat2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
double DynArrayItemAsDouble2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
LPCTSTR DynArrayItemAsString2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
HANDLE DynArrayItemAsHandle2( TARRAY pArrray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
SYSTEMTIME DynArrayItemAsSystemTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
FILETIME DynArrayItemAsFileTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
DWORD DynArrayItemAsStringEx2( TARRAY pArray,
DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, LPTSTR szBuffer, DWORD dwLength );
// array item removal function(s) ( for one-dimensional array )
VOID DynArrayRemoveAll( TARRAY pArray );
BOOL DynArrayRemove( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
BOOL DynArrayRemoveColumn( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn );
// find value function(s) ( for one-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayFindLong( TARRAY pArray, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayFindDWORD( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayFindString( TARRAY pArray, LPCTSTR szValue, BOOL bIgnoreCase, DWORD dwCount );
LONG DynArrayFindFloat( TARRAY pArray, float fValue );
LONG DynArrayFindDouble( TARRAY pArray, double dblValue );
LONG DynArrayFindHandle( TARRAY pArray, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayFindSystemTime( TARRAY pArray, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
LONG DynArrayFindFileTime( TARRAY pArray, FILETIME ftValue );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayFindLong2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayFindDWORD2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayFindString2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow,
LPCTSTR szValue, BOOL bIgnoreCase, DWORD dwCount );
LONG DynArrayFindFloat2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, float fValue );
LONG DynArrayFindDouble2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, double dblValue );
LONG DynArrayFindHandle2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayFindSystemTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, SYSTEMTIME stValue );
LONG DynArrayFindFileTime2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, FILETIME ftValue );
// ( for two-dimensional array ... column wise searching )
LONG DynArrayFindLongEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, LONG lValue );
LONG DynArrayFindDWORDEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, DWORD dwValue );
LONG DynArrayFindStringEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn,
LPCTSTR szValue, BOOL bIgnoreCase, DWORD dwCount );
LONG DynArrayFindFloatEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, float fValue );
LONG DynArrayFindDoubleEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, double dblValue );
LONG DynArrayFindHandleEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, HANDLE hValue );
LONG DynArrayFindSystemTimeEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, SYSTEMTIME ftValue );
LONG DynArrayFindFileTimeEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwColumn, FILETIME ftValue );
// array attachment helpers ( one-dimensional )
LONG DynArrayAppendEx( TARRAY pArray, TARRAY pArrItem );
LONG DynArrayInsertEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, TARRAY pArrItem );
BOOL DynArraySetEx( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwIndex, TARRAY pArrItem );
// ( for two-dimensional array )
LONG DynArrayAppendEx2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, TARRAY pArrItem );
LONG DynArrayInsertEx2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColIndex, TARRAY pArrItem );
BOOL DynArraySetEx2( TARRAY pArray, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, TARRAY pArrItem );
// //
// //
// constants / definitions / enumerations
#define CP_TYPE_TEXT 0x00000001 // 0000 0001
#define CP_TYPE_NUMERIC 0x00000002 // 0000 0010
#define CP_TYPE_UNUMERIC 0x00000003 // 0000 0011
#define CP_TYPE_DATE 0x00000004 // 0000 0100
#define CP_TYPE_TIME 0x00000005 // 0000 0101
#define CP_TYPE_DATETIME 0x00000006 // 0000 0110
#define CP_TYPE_FLOAT 0x00000007 // 0000 0111
#define CP_TYPE_DOUBLE 0x00000008 // 0000 1000
#define CP_TYPE_CUSTOM 0x00000009 // 0000 1001
#define CP_TYPE_MASK 0x000000FF // 1111 1111
#define CP_MODE_ARRAY 0x00000100 // 0001 XXXX XXXX
#define CP_MODE_VALUES 0x00000200 // 0010 XXXX XXXX
#define CP_MODE_MASK 0x00000F00 // 1111 XXXX XXXX
#define CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL 0x00001000 // 0001 XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_VALUE_MANDATORY 0x00002000 // 0010 XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_VALUE_NODUPLICATES 0x00004000 // 0100 XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_VALUE_MASK 0x0000F000 // 1111 XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_MAIN_OPTION 0x00010000 // 0000 0000 0001 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_USAGE 0x00020000 // 0000 0000 0010 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_DEFAULT 0x00040000 // 0000 0000 0100 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_MANDATORY 0x00080000 // 0000 0000 1000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_CASESENSITIVE 0x00100000 // 0000 0001 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_IGNOREVALUE 0x00200000 // 0000 0010 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define CP_MASK 0x0FFF0000 // 1111 1111 1111 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
// user defined types
typedef TCHAR OPTION[ 256 ];
typedef TCHAR OPTVALUE[ 256 ];
// custom value validation routine prototype
typedef BOOL ( *PARSERFUNC )( LPCTSTR pszOption, LPCTSTR pszValue, LPVOID pData );
typedef struct __tagCmdParser
OPTION szOption; // options
DWORD dwFlags; // flags ( specifies the type etc )
DWORD dwCount; // tells the no. of times the option can repeat
DWORD dwActuals; // no. of times the option actually repeated
LPVOID pValue; // pointer to the option value
OPTVALUE szValues; // to hold valid value in case flag = CP_MODE_VALUES
PARSERFUNC pFunction; // pointer to custom value validation function
LPVOID pFunctionData; // extra data that will be passed to custom function
// public function prototypes
DWORD GetOptionCount( LPCTSTR szOption, DWORD dwCount, PTCMDPARSER pcmdOptions );
BOOL DoParseParam( DWORD dwCount,
LPCTSTR argv[],
DWORD dwOptionsCount,
PTCMDPARSER pcmdOptions );
// //
// //
// constants / definitions / enumerations
// types
#define F_TYPE_TEXT 0x00000001 // 0000 0000 0001
#define F_TYPE_NUMERIC 0x00000002 // 0000 0000 0010
#define F_TYPE_UNUMERIC 0x00000003 // 0000 0000 0011
#define F_TYPE_DATE 0x00000004 // 0000 0000 0100
#define F_TYPE_TIME 0x00000005 // 0000 0000 0101
#define F_TYPE_DATETIME 0x00000006 // 0000 0000 0110
#define F_TYPE_FLOAT 0x00000007 // 0000 0000 0111
#define F_TYPE_DOUBLE 0x00000008 // 0000 0000 1000
#define F_TYPE_CUSTOM 0x00000009 // 0000 0000 1001
#define F_TYPE_MASK 0x00000FFF // 1111 1111 1111
// modes
#define F_MODE_VALUES 0x00001000 // 0001 XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define F_MODE_PATTERN 0x00002000 // 0010 XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define F_MODE_ARRAY 0x00004000 // 0100 XXXX XXXX XXXX
// custom filter data validation result
#define F_FILTER_INVALID 0x00000000
#define F_FILTER_VALID 0x00000001
#define F_RESULT_KEEP 0x000000FF
#define F_RESULT_REMOVE 0x00000000
// Bit no. 2 is '='
// Bit no. 3 is '<'
// Bit no. 4 is '>'
// 7654 3210
// EQ 0000 0010 0x02
// NE 1111 XX0X 0xFD
// LT 0000 0100 0x04
// GT 0000 1000 0x08
// LE 0000 0110 0x06
// GE 0000 1010 0x0A
#define MASK_EQ 0x00000002
#define MASK_NE 0x000000FC
#define MASK_LT 0x00000004
#define MASK_GT 0x00000008
#define MASK_LE 0x00000006
#define MASK_GE 0x0000000A
#define MASK_ALL 0x000000FF
// mathematical operators
#define MATH_EQ _T( "=" )
#define MATH_NE _T( "!=" )
#define MATH_LT _T( "<" )
#define MATH_GT _T( ">" )
#define MATH_LE _T( "<=" )
#define MATH_GE _T( ">=" )
// parsed filters information
// structures / user defined data types
typedef TCHAR OPERATORS[ 101 ];
typedef TCHAR FILTERVALUES[ 256 ];
// custom value validation routine prototype
typedef DWORD ( *FILTERFUNC )( LPCTSTR pszProperty, LPCTSTR pszOperator,
LPCTSTR pszValue, LPVOID pData, TARRAY arrRow );
typedef struct __tagFilterConfig
DWORD dwColumn; // mapping from filter to column in data
FILTERPROPERTY szProperty; // filter property
OPERATORS szOperators; // valid operators for the filter
DWORD dwFlags; // flags ( specifies the valid type for the filter )
FILTERVALUES szValues; // to hold valid value in case flag = F_MODE_VALUES
FILTERFUNC pFunction; // pointer to custom value validation function
LPVOID pFunctionData; // extra data that will be passed to custom function
// public function prototypes
LPCTSTR FindOperator( LPCTSTR szOperator );
BOOL ParseAndValidateFilter( DWORD dwCount,
PTFILTERCONFIG pfilterConfigs,
TARRAY arrFiltersArgs, PTARRAY parrParsedFilters );
BOOL CanFilterRecord( DWORD dwCount,
TFILTERCONFIG filterConfigs[],
TARRAY arrRecord, TARRAY arrParsedFilters );
DWORD FilterResults( DWORD dwCount,
TARRAY arrData, TARRAY arrParsedFilters );
// //
// //
// constants / definitions / enumerations
// formats
#define SR_FORMAT_LIST 0x00000001 // 0000 0001
#define SR_FORMAT_TABLE 0x00000002 // 0000 0010
#define SR_FORMAT_CSV 0x00000003 // 0000 0011
#define SR_FORMAT_MASK 0x0000000F // 1111 1111
// column types
#define SR_TYPE_NONE 0x00000000 // 0000 0000 0000 0000 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_STRING 0x00000010 // 0000 0000 0000 0001 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_NUMERIC 0x00000020 // 0000 0000 0000 0010 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_FLOAT 0x00000030 // 0000 0000 0000 0011 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_DOUBLE 0x00000040 // 0000 0000 0000 0100 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_DATE 0x00000050 // 0000 0000 0000 0101 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_TIME 0x00000060 // 0000 0000 0000 0110 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_DATETIME 0x00000070 // 0000 0000 0000 0111 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_CUSTOM 0x00000080 // 0000 0000 0000 1000 XXXX XXXX
#define SR_TYPE_MASK 0x00000FF0 // 1111 1111 1111 1111 XXXX XXXX
// flags ( global level )
#define SR_NOHEADER 0x00001000 // 0000 0001 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
// flags ( column level )
#define SR_HIDECOLUMN 0x00001000 // 0000 0000 0001 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_VALUEFORMAT 0x00002000 // 0000 0000 0010 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_ARRAY 0x00004000 // 0000 0000 0100 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_WORDWRAP 0x00008000 // 0000 0000 1000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_ALIGN_LEFT 0x00010000 // 0000 0001 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_ALIGN_RIGHT 0x00020000 // 0000 0010 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_ALIGN_CENTER 0x00040000 // 0000 0100 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_NO_TRUNCATION 0x00088000 // 0000 1000 1000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
#define SR_SHOW_NA_WHEN_BLANK 0x00100000 // 0001 0000 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
// user defined types
// custom value formatter
typedef TCHAR COLHEADER[ 256 ];
typedef TCHAR COLFORMAT[ 65 ];
typedef VOID ( *FORMATFUNC )( DWORD dwColumn, TARRAY arrData, LPVOID pData, LPTSTR szValue );
typedef struct __tagColumns
COLHEADER szColumn; // column header name
DWORD dwWidth; // width of each field
DWORD dwFlags; // flags ( specifies the type etc )
COLFORMAT szFormat; // custom format
FORMATFUNC pFunction; // formatter function
LPVOID pFunctionData; // function data
// public functions
VOID ShowResults( DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData );
VOID ShowResults2( FILE* fp, DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __CMDLINE_H