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// Microsoft Net Library System
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997.
// File: fsciexps.hxx
// Contents: Objects provided by the FileSystem CI client to
// Olympus. These are :
// 1. Property Store.
// 2. Property Store iterator.
// 3. User mode security cache.
// History: 4-07-97 srikants Created
// 4-07-97 KrishnaN Added property store declaration
#pragma once
// Class: PPropertyStore
// Purpose: The property store.
// History: 4-07-97 KrishnaN Created
// Notes: This interface exposes a HPropRecord instead of the CI
// specific CPropRecord.
class CStorageVariant;
class CFullPropSpec;
typedef void (CALLBACK * T_UpdateDoc)(WORKID wid, BOOL fDelete, void const *pUserData);
typedef HANDLE HPropRecord;
// the sizes of CPropRecord and CCompositeRecord are smaller
// than the values specified here. We just want to be sure
// we allocate something larger than the actual size.
unsigned const sizeof_CPropRecord = 100;
unsigned const sizeof_CCompositePropRecord = 200;
// The following constants enable SetParameter and GetParameter to be generic
// and at the same time allow for control of individual params. Currently
// both the params should be accompanied by VT_UI4 datatype.
class PPropertyStore
virtual ~PPropertyStore() {}
// This method internally fabricates a CiStorage from the pwszDirectory.
virtual SCODE FastInit( WCHAR const * pwszDirectory) = 0;
virtual SCODE LongInit( BOOL & fWasDirty, ULONG & cInconsistencies,
T_UpdateDoc pfnUpdateCallback, void const *pUserData ) = 0;
virtual SCODE IsDirty( BOOL &fIsDirty ) const = 0;
virtual SCODE Empty() = 0;
// Schema manipulation
virtual SCODE CanStore( PROPID pid, BOOL &fCanStore ) = 0;
virtual SCODE Size( PROPID pid, unsigned * pusSize ) = 0;
virtual SCODE Type( PROPID pid, PULONG pulType ) = 0;
virtual SCODE BeginTransaction( PULONG_PTR pulReturn) = 0;
virtual SCODE Setup( PROPID pid, ULONG vt, DWORD cbMaxLen,
ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCanBeModified = TRUE,
DWORD dwStoreLevel = PRIMARY_STORE) = 0;
virtual SCODE EndTransaction( ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCommit,
PROPID pidFixedPrimary,
PROPID pidFixedSecondary ) = 0;
// Property storage/retrieval.
virtual SCODE WriteProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid,
CStorageVariant const & var,
BOOL &fExists) = 0;
virtual SCODE WritePropertyInNewRecord( PROPID pid,
CStorageVariant const & var, WORKID *pwid ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ReadProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid,
PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb,
BOOL &fExists) = 0;
virtual SCODE ReadProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var,
BYTE * pbExtra, unsigned * pcbExtra,
BOOL &fExists) = 0;
virtual SCODE ReadProperty( HPropRecord, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var,
BYTE * pbExtra, unsigned * pcbExtra, BOOL &fExists ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ReadProperty( HPropRecord, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData,
unsigned * pcb, BOOL &fExists) = 0;
virtual SCODE ReadProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var,
BOOL &fExists) = 0;
virtual SCODE OpenRecord( WORKID wid, BYTE * pb, HPropRecord &hRec) = 0;
virtual SCODE CloseRecord( HPropRecord hRec ) = 0;
// Special path/wid support
virtual SCODE MaxWorkId(WORKID &wid) = 0;
virtual SCODE DeleteRecord( WORKID wid ) = 0;
virtual SCODE CountRecordsInUse(ULONG &ulRecInUse) const = 0;
virtual SCODE Shutdown() = 0;
virtual SCODE Flush() = 0;
// Property Save/Load
virtual SCODE Save( WCHAR const * pwszDirectory,
IProgressNotify * pProgressNotify,
ICiEnumWorkids * pEnumWorkids,
BOOL * pfAbort,
IEnumString ** ppFileList) = 0;
virtual SCODE Load( WCHAR const * pwszDestinationDirectory, // dest dir
IEnumString * pFileList, // list of files to copy
IProgressNotify * pProgressNotify,
BOOL fCallerOwnsFiles,
BOOL * pfAbort ) = 0;
// Enables parametrization of the property store
virtual SCODE SetParameter(VARIANT var, DWORD eParamType) = 0;
virtual SCODE GetParameter(VARIANT &var, DWORD eParamType) = 0;
// Miscellaneous
virtual SCODE GetTotalSizeInKB(ULONG * pSize) = 0;
// Enables refcounting. Final Release causes delete.
virtual ULONG AddRef() = 0;
virtual ULONG Release() = 0;
// Class: PPropertyStoreIter
// Purpose: An iterator for the property store.
// History: 4-07-97 srikants Created
// Notes:
class PPropertyStore;
class PPropertyStoreIter
virtual ULONG AddRef() = 0;
virtual ULONG Release() = 0;
virtual SCODE GetWorkId(WORKID &wid) = 0;
virtual SCODE GetNextWorkId(WORKID &wid) = 0;
typedef ULONG SDID;
// Class: PSecurityStore
// Purpose: A table for doing SecurityDescriptor to SDID mapping and
// doing access checks based on the SDID.
// History: 4-07-97 srikants Created
class PSecurityStore
virtual ~PSecurityStore() {}
virtual ULONG AddRef() = 0;
virtual ULONG Release() = 0;
// Initialize data from the given directory location.
virtual SCODE Init( WCHAR const * pwszDirectory ) = 0;
// Load data from the files produced by "Save". The first parameter
// is the target directory for loading.
virtual SCODE Load( WCHAR const * pwszDestinationDirectory, // dest dir
IEnumString * pFileList, // list of files to copy
IProgressNotify * pProgressNotify,
BOOL fCallerOwnsFiles,
BOOL * pfAbort ) = 0;
// Make a copy of the security store. This can potentially be shipped
// to a different machine.
virtual SCODE Save( WCHAR const * pwszSaveDir,
BOOL * pfAbort,
IEnumString ** ppFileList,
IProgressNotify * pProgressEnum ) = 0;
// Empty the contents of the security store.
virtual SCODE Empty() = 0;
// Look up the 4byte SDID of the given security descriptor.
SDID & sdid ) = 0;
// Tests if the given token has access to the document with the given
// SDID.
virtual SCODE AccessCheck( SDID sdid,
HANDLE hToken,
BOOL & fGranted ) = 0;
// Obtains the security descriptor associated with the given SDID.
virtual SCODE GetSecurityDescriptor(
SDID sdid,
ULONG & cbSDOut ) = 0;
virtual SCODE Shutdown() = 0;
// DLL exports for creating the various objects.
extern "C" {
// Creates a property store. Needs ICiAdviseStatus
SCODE CreatePropertyStore( ICiCAdviseStatus *pAdviseStatus,
ULONG ulMaxPropertyStoreMappedCache,
PPropertyStore **ppPropertyStore );
// Creates a property store iterator given a property store.
SCODE CreatePropertyStoreIter( PPropertyStore * pPropStore,
PPropertyStoreIter ** ppPropStoreIter );
// Creates a security store.
SCODE CreateSecurityStore( ICiCAdviseStatus * pAdviseStatus,
PSecurityStore ** ppSecurityStore );
} // extern "C"
#define CREATE_PROPERTY_STORE_PROC_A "CreatePropertyStore"
#define CREATE_PROPERTY_STORE_PROC_W L"CreatePropertyStore"
#define CREATE_PROPERTY_STORE_ITER_PROC_A "CreatePropertyStoreIter"
#define CREATE_PROPERTY_STORE_ITER_PROC_W L"CreatePropertyStoreIter"
#define CREATE_SECURITY_STORE_PROC_A "CreateSecurityStore"
#define CREATE_SECURITY_STORE_PROC_W L"CreateSecurityStore"