mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1020 lines
28 KiB
1020 lines
28 KiB
<html id=ieCustomizeSearchSettings>
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<meta name="GENERATOR" content="PMShawn">
<title>Customize Search Settings</title>
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function PersistSettings()
var doc;
var docNode;
var chk;
var i;
var n;
doc = xmlObj.XMLDocument;
docNode = doc.documentElement;
n = catlist.options.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
chk = eval(catlist.item(i).value);
var catNode = doc.createNode(1, "CATEGORY", "");
XML_SetAttribute(doc, catNode, "PANELID", chk.panelID);
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chk = chkCat[i];
xmlObj.load(g_pnlConfig + chk.panelID);
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docNode = doc.documentElement;
var j;
var blocks = chkCat[i].blocks.split(",");
var nBlocks = blocks.length;
for (j = 0; j < nBlocks; j++)
var select = eval(blocks[j]);
var blockNode = doc.createNode(1, "BLOCK", "");
var nEngines = select.options.length;
XML_SetAttribute(doc, blockNode, "NAME", select.block);
for (k = 0; k < nEngines; k++)
var engNode = doc.createNode(1, "ENGINE", "");
var engChk = eval(select.item(k).value);
XML_SetAttribute(doc, engNode, "ID", engChk.optVal.toLowerCase());
blockNode.insertBefore(engNode, blockNode.childNodes[0]);
docNode.insertBefore(blockNode, docNode.childNodes[0]);
xmlObj.save(g_pnlConfig + chk.panelID);
function CategoryOptionFromPanelID(panelID)
var i;
var n = chkCat.length;
var result = null;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (chkCat[i].panelID == panelID)
result = chkCat[i];
return result;
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var chk;
var i;
var n;
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for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var panelID = XML_GetAttribute(docNode.childNodes.item(i), "PANELID");
chk = CategoryOptionFromPanelID(panelID);
if (chk != null)
if (g_bEnableShellSearch || (chk.shell != "yes"))
n = chkCat.length;
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if (chkCat[i].blocks != null)
chk = chkCat[i];
xmlObj.load(g_pnlConfig + chk.panelID);
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docNode = doc.documentElement;
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var nEngines = blockNode.childNodes.length;
for (k = 0; k < nEngines; k++)
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var ctlID = String(chk.panelID + "_" + blockName + "_" + engID).toLowerCase();
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function SetCheckGroupDefaults(chkGroup)
var n = chkGroup.length;
var i;
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var chk = chkGroup[i];
if (chk.defOn == "true")
function ClearCheckGroup(chkGroup)
var n = chkGroup.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
chkGroup[i].checked = false;
function ClearSelectGroup(selGroup)
var n = selGroup.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var opts = selGroup[i].options;
var nOpts = opts.length;
var j;
for (j = 0; j < nOpts; j++)
function ClearAll()
function SetDefaults()
var i;
var n;
var defPanelOrder = new Array("Web", "Pers", "Co", "Files", "Prev", "Map", "Enc", "News", "Printer", "Computer");
n = defPanelOrder.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var chk = CategoryOptionFromPanelID(defPanelOrder[i]);
if ((null != chk) && ((g_bEnableShellSearch || (chk.shell != "yes"))))
n = chkCat.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (null != chkCat[i].blocks)
var blocks = chkCat[i].blocks.split(",");
for (j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++)
var prefix = blocks[j].substring(2, 1024) + "_";
var cchPrefix = prefix.length;
var order = new Array();
var k;
var prefCountFld = eval(blocks[j] + ".prefCount");
var prefCount = (prefCountFld != null) ? Number(prefCountFld) : 4;
for (k = 0; k < chkEng.length; k++)
var curID = chkEng[k].id;
if (curID.substring(0, cchPrefix) == prefix)
order[order.length] = curID;
if (prefCount > order.length)
prefCount = order.length;
for (k = 0; k < order.length; k++)
var rand;
if (k < prefCount)
rand = Math.floor(prefCount * Math.random());
rand = Math.floor((order.length - prefCount) * Math.random()) + prefCount;
var saveIt = order[k];
order[k] = order[rand];
order[rand] = saveIt;
for (k = 0; k < order.length; k++)
function Exit()
function Update()
var i;
var count = 0;
var n = chkCat.length;
for (i = 0; (i < n) && (count < 1); i++)
if (chkCat[i].checked)
if (count > 0)
var L_NoCategoriesChosen_ErrorMessage = "You must select at least one Category!";
function CategoryClick(chk)
if (chk.checked == true)
AddToList(catlist, chk);
RemoveFromList(catlist, chk);
function EngineClick(chk)
var select = eval(chk.select);
if (chk.checked == true)
AddToList(select, chk);
RemoveFromList(select, chk);
function SelectMoveUp(select)
var i = select.selectedIndex;
if (i > 0)
var item = select.item(i);
select.options.add(item, i - 1);
g_dirty = true;
function SelectMoveDn(select)
var i = select.selectedIndex;
if ((i < (select.options.length - 1)) && (i != -1))
var item = select.item(i);
select.options.add(item, i + 1);
g_dirty = true;
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var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.text = chk.nextSibling.innerText;
opt.value = chk.id + "";
g_dirty = true;
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var iLimit = select.length;
var dispTitle = chk.nextSibling.innerText;
for (i = 0; i < iLimit; i++)
if (select.item(i).text == dispTitle)
g_dirty = true;
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var s = coll.name + " "
for (x in coll)
s += x + " ";
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<td colspan="2">
<nobr><img src="icon.gif" width=32 height=32><id id=id0000> <span class="title"><b>Customize Search Settings</b></span></id></nobr>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="2pixel_line.gif" width="100%" height="2">
<td id=idInstruct>
Choose categories that you want to search. You can also choose search providers within each
category. If you have multiple search providers within a category, you can determine the
order in which they are used by clicking the arrows below the list.
<tr height="100%" valign="top">
<td id=ads width="156px" style="padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-top:5px;">
<td width="100%">
<div id=divLoading style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto">
Loading Search Settings...
<div id=divOptions style="display:none;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto">
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optWeb onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Web blocks="s_web_default"><label for=optWeb class=hdrLabel id=idFindAWebPage>Find a Web Page</label>
<div id=pWeb>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_web_default" prefCount=5 block=default name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_web_default);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_web_default);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=AltaVista type=checkbox id="web_default_altavista" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_altavista">AltaVista</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Infoseek type=checkbox id="web_default_infoseek" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_infoseek">Infoseek</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Hotbot type=checkbox id="web_default_hotbot" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_hotbot">HotBot</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Lycos type=checkbox id="web_default_lycos" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_lycos">Lycos</label>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=MSN type=checkbox id="web_default_msn" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_msn">MSN Web Search</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Excite type=checkbox id="web_default_excite" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_excite">Excite</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=AOLNetFind type=checkbox id="web_default_aolnetfind" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_aolnetfind">AOL NetFind</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Yahoo type=checkbox id="web_default_yahoo" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_yahoo">Yahoo!</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Euroseek type=checkbox id="web_default_euroseek" select="s_web_default"><label for="web_default_euroseek">Euroseek</label><br>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optPers onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Pers blocks="s_pers_smail,s_pers_email"><label for=optPers class=hdrLabel id=idFindAPersonsAddress>Find a Person's Address</label>
<div id=pPers>
<id id=idPersMailingAddress><b>Mailing Address:</b></id>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_pers_smail" block=smail name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_pers_smail);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_pers_smail);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=InfoSpace type=checkbox id="pers_smail_infospace" select="s_pers_smail"><label for="pers_smail_infospace">InfoSpace</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=BigFoot type=checkbox id="pers_smail_bigfoot" select="s_pers_smail"><label for="pers_smail_bigfoot">BigFoot</label><br>
<id id=idPersEmailAddress><b>Email Address:</b></id>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_pers_email" block=email name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_pers_email);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_pers_email);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=InfoSpace type=checkbox id="pers_email_infospace" select="s_pers_email"><label for="pers_email_infospace">InfoSpace</label><br>
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=BigFoot type=checkbox id="pers_email_bigfoot" select="s_pers_email"><label for="pers_email_bigfoot">BigFoot</label><br>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optCo onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Co blocks="s_co_default"><label for=optCo class=hdrLabel id=idFindACompanyOrganization>Find a Company/organization</label>
<div id=pCo>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_co_default"" block=default name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_co_default);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_co_default);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=InfoSeek type=checkbox id="co_default_infoseek" select="s_co_default"><label for="co_default_infoseek">Infoseek</label><br>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optMap onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Map blocks="s_map_address,s_map_place,s_map_company"><label for=optMap class=hdrLabel id=idFindAMap>Find a Map</label>
<div id=pMap>
<id id=idMapAddress><b>Address:</b></id>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_map_address" block=address name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_map_address);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_map_address);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Expedia type=checkbox id="map_address_expedia" select="s_map_address"><label for="map_address_expedia">Expedia Maps</label><br>
<id id=idMapPlaceName><b>Place Name:</b></id>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_map_place" block=place name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_map_place);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_map_place);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Expedia type=checkbox id="map_place_expedia" select="s_map_place"><label for="map_place_expedia">Expedia Maps</label><br>
<id id=idCompany><b>Company:</b></id>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_map_company" block=company name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_map_company);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(s_map_company);">
<input onClick='EngineClick(this)' name=chkEng optVal=Expedia type=checkbox id="map_company_expedia" select="s_map_company"><label for="map_company_expedia">Expedia Maps</label><br>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optEnc onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Enc><label for=optEnc class=hdrLabel id=idFindInEncyclopedia>Find in Encyclopedia</label>
<div id=pEncy>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<id id=idEncSearchDescription>This will search Microsoft Encarta for articles in the online encyclopedia</id>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optNews onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=News blocks="s_news_default"><label for=optNews class=hdrLabel id=idFindInNewsgroups>Find in Newsgroups</label>
<div id=pNews>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center">
<select id="s_news_default" block=default name=selList size="5">
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(s_news_default);">
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<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optPrev onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Prev><label for=optPrev class=hdrLabel id=idPreviousSearches>Previous Searches</label>
<div id=pPrev>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<id id=idPrevSearchDescription>This will store the last 10 searches you did so that you can redo those searches easily</id>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optFiles onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Files shell=yes><label for=optFiles class=hdrLabel id=idFindInFilesAndFolders>Find Files and Folders</label>
<div id=pFiles>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<id id=idFindInFilesDescription>This will allow you to search for files and folders.</id>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optPrinter onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Printer shell=yes><label for=optPrinter class=hdrLabel id=idFindAPrinter>Find a Printer</label>
<div id=pPrinter>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<id id=idFindPrinterDescription>This will allow you to search for printers.</id>
<div class=panel id=panel>
<div class=header>
<input type=checkbox id=optComputer onClick="CategoryClick(this)" name=chkCat panelID=Computer shell=yes><label for=optComputer class=hdrLabel id=idFindAComputer>Find a Computer</label>
<div id=pComputer>
<table cellspacing="5" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<id id=idFindComputerDescription>This will allow you to search for computers.</id>
<hr color=buttonface height=2 noshadow>
<id id=idSelectCatOrder>Select the order of your chosen categories:</id>
<td align=center>
<select id=catlist name=selList size=6 style='width: 200px'>
<input type=image src="upcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='upgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='upcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveUp(catlist);">
<input type=image src="downcolr.gif" onMouseDown="this.src='downgry.gif';" onMouseUp="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='downcolr.gif';" onClick="SelectMoveDn(catlist);">
<hr color=buttonface height=2 noshadow>
<id id=idPickOtherProvider>If you would rather work with only one search provider, you can <a href="picksrch.htm">Choose a Default Search Provider</a>. This will replace the Search Assistant with a search engine of your choice in the Explorer bar.</id>
<tr height="25" valign="top">
<td colspan="2" style="padding-left: 10px;">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="threedlightshadow" width="100%" height="2">
<div style="padding: 7px; position: relative; left: 167px;">
<input type="button" width=60px value="Update" onclick="Update()">
<input type="button" width=60px value="Reset" onclick="SetDefaults()">
<input type="button" width=60px value="Cancel" onclick="Exit()">
<span style="display:none"><input type=hidden id=xmlObj style="behavior:url(#_IE_)" class=userData></span>