Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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* assoc.h - Type association routines description.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++. */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* Global Constants
/* assoc.c */
extern const HKEY g_hkeyURLProtocols;
extern const HKEY g_hkeyMIMESettings;
extern CCHAR g_cszURLProtocol[];
extern CCHAR g_cszContentType[];
extern CCHAR g_cszExtension[];
/* Prototypes
/* assoc.c */
extern BOOL RegisterMIMETypeForExtension(PCSTR pcszExtension, PCSTR pcszMIMEContentType);
extern BOOL UnregisterMIMETypeForExtension(PCSTR pcszExtension);
extern BOOL RegisterExtensionForMIMEType(PCSTR pcszExtension, PCSTR pcszMIMEContentType);
extern BOOL UnregisterExtensionForMIMEType(PCSTR pcszMIMEContentType);
extern BOOL RegisterMIMEAssociation(PCSTR pcszFile, PCSTR pcszMIMEContentType);
extern BOOL RegisterURLAssociation(PCSTR pcszProtocol, PCSTR pcszApp);
extern HRESULT MyMIMEAssociationDialog(HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwInFlags, PCSTR pcszFile, PCSTR pcszMIMEContentType, PSTR pszAppBuf, UINT ucAppBufLen);
extern HRESULT MyURLAssociationDialog(HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwInFlags, PCSTR pcszFile, PCSTR pcszURL, PSTR pszAppBuf, UINT ucAppBufLen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* End of extern "C" {. */
#endif /* __cplusplus */