Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#ifndef MNBASE
#define MNBASE
// Characters for _DrawMenuGlyph
#define CH_MENUARROWA '8'
#define CH_MENUCHECKA 'a'
class CMenuBand; // Forward Declare
class CMenuBandMetrics;
#define LIST_GAP 8 // from Observation
class CMenuToolbarBase: public IWinEventHandler, public IObjectWithSite
// *** IUnknown ***
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj);
// *** IObjectWithSite methods ***
virtual STDMETHODIMP SetSite(IUnknown* punkSite);
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetSite(REFIID riid, void ** ppvSite);
// *** IWinEventHandler methods ***
virtual STDMETHODIMP IsWindowOwner(HWND hwnd) PURE;
virtual STDMETHODIMP OnWinEvent(HWND hwnd, UINT dwMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *plres);
// Other public methods
CMenuToolbarBase(CMenuBand* pmb, DWORD dwFlags);
// Returns the HWND and Converts the pt to child.
virtual void v_ForwardMouseMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual void v_SendMenuNotification(UINT idCmd, BOOL fClear) PURE;
virtual BOOL v_TrackingSubContextMenu() PURE;
virtual void v_Show(BOOL fShow, BOOL fForceUpdate);
virtual BOOL v_UpdateIconSize(UINT uIconSize, BOOL fUpdateButtons) PURE;
virtual void v_UpdateButtons(BOOL fNegotiateSize) PURE;
virtual HRESULT v_GetSubMenu(int iCmd, const GUID* pguidService, REFIID riid, void** pObj) PURE;
virtual HRESULT v_CallCBItem(int idtCmd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) PURE;
virtual HRESULT v_GetState(int idtCmd, LPSMDATA psmd) PURE;
virtual HRESULT v_ExecItem(int iCmd) PURE;
virtual DWORD v_GetFlags(int iCmd) PURE;
virtual void v_Refresh() PURE;
virtual void v_Close();
virtual void v_OnEmptyToolbar();
virtual void v_OnDeleteButton(LPVOID pData) {};
virtual HRESULT v_InvalidateItem(LPSMDATA psmd, DWORD dwFlags)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
virtual void NegotiateSize();
virtual void SetWindowPos(LPSIZE psize, LPRECT prc, DWORD dwFlags);
virtual void GetSize(SIZE*);
virtual HRESULT CreateToolbar(HWND hwndParent);
virtual void SetParent(HWND hwndParent);
virtual HRESULT GetShellFolder(LPITEMIDLIST* ppidl, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) {return E_FAIL;};
virtual HRESULT GetMenu(HMENU* phmenu, HWND* phwnd, DWORD* pdwFlags) { return E_FAIL; };
virtual HRESULT SetMenu(HMENU hmenu, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags) { return E_FAIL;};
virtual void Expand(BOOL fExpand) {};
HRESULT GetSubMenu(int idCmd, GUID* pguidService, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj);
HRESULT PositionSubmenu(int idCmd);
void Activate(BOOL fActivate);
void SetMenuBandMetrics(CMenuBandMetrics* pmbm);
void PostPopup(int idCmd, BOOL bSetItem, BOOL bInitialSelect);
void PopupClose(void);
HRESULT PopupOpen(int nCmd);
void PopupHelper(int idCmd, BOOL bInitialSelect);
void KillPopupTimer();
void SetToTop(BOOL bToTop);
void EmptyToolbar(); // override
DWORD GetFlags(void) { return _dwFlags; };
BOOL DontShowEmpty() { return _fDontShowEmpty; };
void DontShowEmpty(BOOL fDontShowEmpty) { _fDontShowEmpty = BOOLIFY(fDontShowEmpty); };
BOOL GetChevronID() { return _idCmdChevron; };
int GetValidHotItem(int iDir, int iIndex, int iCount, DWORD dwFlags);
BOOL SetHotItem(int iDir, int iIndex, int iCount, DWORD dwFlags);
void SetKeyboardCue();
inline virtual BOOL ShowAmpersand() { return FALSE; }
HRESULT SetMinWidth(int cxMenu);
HRESULT SetNoBorder(BOOL fNoBorder);
HRESULT SetTheme(LPCWSTR pszTheme);
virtual ~CMenuToolbarBase();
BOOL IsEmpty() { return _fEmpty; };
HWND _hwndMB;
WCHAR* _pszTheme;
BOOL _fNoBorder;
virtual void v_CalcWidth(int* pcxMin, int* pcxMax);
virtual int v_GetDragOverButton() PURE;
virtual HRESULT v_GetInfoTip(int iCmd, LPTSTR psz, UINT cch) PURE;
virtual HRESULT v_CreateTrackPopup(int idCmd, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) PURE;
// Window Proc Overrides
LRESULT _DropDownOrExec(UINT idCmd, BOOL bKeyboard);
virtual LRESULT v_OnCustomDraw(NMCUSTOMDRAW * pnmcd);
void _PaintButton3D(HDC hdc, int idCmd, LPRECT prc, DWORD dwMBIF);
virtual LRESULT _OnHotItemChange(NMTBHOTITEM * pnmhot);
virtual LRESULT _OnNotify(LPNMHDR pnm);
virtual LRESULT _OnDropDown(LPNMTOOLBAR pnmtb);
virtual LRESULT _OnTimer( WPARAM wParam );
virtual void _FlashChevron();
virtual LRESULT _DefWindowProcMB(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL _OnKey(BOOL bDown, UINT vk, UINT uFlags);
void _OnSelectArrow(int iDir);
void _FireEvent(BYTE bEvent);
void _RefreshTheme();
// Utility Functions
void _DoPopup(int idCmd, BOOL bInitialSelect);
virtual void _SetFontMetrics();
virtual void _SetToolbarState();
void _PressBtn(int idBtn, BOOL bDown);
HRESULT _SetMenuBand(IShellMenu* psm);
BOOL _SetTimer(int nTimer);
void _DrawMenuArrowGlyph( HDC hdc, RECT * prc, COLORREF rgbText );
void _DrawMenuGlyph( HDC hdc, HFONT hFont, RECT * prc,
CHAR ch, COLORREF rgbText,
LPSIZE psize);
int _CalcChevronSize();
void _DrawChevron(HDC hdc, LPRECT prect, BOOL fFocus, BOOL fSelected);
BOOL _HandleObscuredItem(int idCmd);
CMenuBand* _pcmb;
DEBUG_CODE (int _cRef); // To debug references to the sub objects.
DWORD _dwFlags; // SMSET_* flags
UINT _uIconSizeMB;
UINT _nItemTimer;
int _idCmdChevron; // -1 if no chevron exists
int _cPromotedItems; // Number of promoted items.
BYTE _cFlashCount;
int _idCmdLastClicked;
int _iLastClickedTime;
int _idCmdDragging;
int _cxMinMenu;
HTHEME _hTheme;
BITBOOL _fHasDemotedItems: 1;
BITBOOL _fVerticalMB: 1;
BITBOOL _fTopLevel: 1;
BITBOOL _fEmpty : 1;
BITBOOL _fHasSubMenu: 1;
BITBOOL _fEditMode : 1;
BITBOOL _fClickHandled: 1;
BITBOOL _fProcessingWrapHotItem: 1;
BITBOOL _fEmptyingToolbar : 1;
BITBOOL _fMulticolumnMB : 1;
BITBOOL _fExpandTimer: 1; // There is an expand timer.
BITBOOL _fIgnoreHotItemChange: 1;
BITBOOL _fShowMB: 1;
BITBOOL _fFirstTime: 1;
BITBOOL _fHasDrop: 1;
BITBOOL _fRefreshInfo: 1;
BITBOOL _fDontShowEmpty: 1;
BITBOOL _fSuppressUserMonitor: 1;
BITBOOL _fHorizInVerticalMB: 1; // TRUE: Don't set EX_Vertical on the Toolbar
int GetButtonCmd(HWND hwndTB, int iPos);
void* ItemDataFromPos(HWND hwndTB, int iPos);
BOOL SetHotItem(HWND hwnd, int iDir, int iIndex, int iCount, DWORD dwFlags);
long GetIndexFromChild(BOOL fTop, int iIndex);
int GetTBImageListWidth(HWND hwnd);
// UEM Parameters
#define UEM_TIMEOUT 0
#define UEM_HOT_ITEM 1
#define UEM_HOT_FOLDER 2
#define UEM_RESET -1
// This fudge factor is to widen the icon spacing.
#define ICONFUDGE 4
// This fudge factor is the width we add on to the icon width in order to draw a "pleasent" background.
#endif // MNBASE