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#include "precomp.h"
* tptif.cpp
* Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
* Abstract:
* This is the implementation module for the TCP TransportInterface class.
* It implements the Win32 TCP transport stack.
* This file contains all of the public functions needed to use
* the TCP stack.
* It uses owner callbacks to forward transport events upward to interested
* parties. It has one default callback to handle
* events for unregistered transport connections (such as incoming connect
* indications). It also maintains an array of callbacks so that events
* for a particular transport connection can be routed appropriately.
* You will notice that many of the entry points to this DLL were taken
* from the X.214 service definition. These entry points are consistent
* with the DataBeam Transport DLLs. This gives the user application
* a consistent interface.
* Protected Instance Variables:
* m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2
* This is the dictionary containg the addresses of the callbacks for
* each transport connection.
* Private Member Functions:
* CreateConnectionCallback
* This function creates a new entry in the callback list.
* ConnectIndication
* Handles TRANSPORT_CONNECT_INDICATION messages from the transport
* layer.
* ConnectConfirm
* Handles TRANSPORT_CONNECT_CONFIRM messages from the transport
* layer.
* DisconnectIndication
* Handles TRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_INDICATION messages from the transport
* layer.
* DataIndication
* Handles TRANSPORT_DATA_INDICATION messages from the transport
* layer.
* Global Variables:
* Transport - Address of this object (used by tprtctrl.cpp)
* g_pSocketList - List of all active connection structures.
* Listen_Socket - The listening socket number.
* Caveats:
* This code is NOT portable. It is very specific to the Windows
* operating system.
* Author:
* Christos Tsollis
* External Interfaces
#include <tprtntfy.h>
#include "plgxprt.h"
#include <service.h>
/* This is the number of the buckets for the socket dictionary */
PTransportInterface g_Transport = NULL;
CSocketList *g_pSocketList = NULL; // key=socket_number, data=pSocket
// The external MCS Controller object
extern PController g_pMCSController;
extern CPluggableTransport *g_pPluggableTransport;
extern BOOL g_bRDS;
* TransportInterface ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
* This is the class constructor.
* Note that this version of the constructor is specific to 32-bit
* Windows.
TransportInterface::TransportInterface (
HANDLE transport_transmit_event,
PTransportInterfaceError transport_interface_error) :
Transport_Transmit_Event (transport_transmit_event),
TransportInterfaceError tcp_error = TRANSPORT_INTERFACE_NO_ERROR;
//WORD version_requested;
//int error;
WSADATA wsa_data;
TRACE_OUT(("TCP Initialization..."));
ASSERT(NULL == g_pSocketList);
g_pSocketList = new CSocketList(NUMBER_OF_SOCKET_BUCKETS);
if (g_pSocketList == NULL)
WARNING_OUT (("TransportInterface::TransportInterface: Unable to allocate socket dictionary."));
/* WSAStartup() must be called to initialize WinSock */
WORD version_requested = MAKEWORD (1,1);
int error = WSAStartup (version_requested, &wsa_data);
ASSERT(error == 0);
if (error) {
WARNING_OUT (("ThreadFunction: WSAStartup returned error %d", error));
else {
/* Print out the developer of this version of WinSock */
TRACE_OUT (("TransportInterface::TransportInterface: WinSock implementation by %s", &wsa_data.szDescription));
// ALWAYS initialize security
pSecurityInterface = new SecurityInterface();
if ( TPRTSEC_NOERROR != pSecurityInterface->Initialize())
WARNING_OUT(("Creating security interface failed!"));
delete pSecurityInterface;
pSecurityInterface = NULL;
/* Initialize the listen socket. This socket will wait for incoming calls */
// Listen on standard socket
Listen_Socket = CreateAndConfigureListenSocket();
if ( INVALID_SOCKET == Listen_Socket ) {
ERROR_OUT(("TransportInterface::TransportInterface: Error - could not initialize listen socket"));
*transport_interface_error = tcp_error;
void CloseListenSocket(void)
if (Listen_Socket != INVALID_SOCKET)
TransportConnection XprtConn;
SET_SOCKET_CONNECTION(XprtConn, Listen_Socket);
Listen_Socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
* ~TransportInterface ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
* This is the class destructor. It unloads the DLL (if necessary).
TransportInterface::~TransportInterface ()
PSocket pSocket;
TRACE_OUT (("Cleaning up the TCP transport..."));
/* Delete all of the Logical Connection Structures */
if (g_pSocketList != NULL)
CSocketList Connection_List_Copy (*g_pSocketList);
while (NULL != (pSocket = Connection_List_Copy.Get()))
// LONCHANC: cannot remove pSocket out of the list now
// because DisconnectRequest() uses it.
/* Disconnect, trash packets, and delete the first connection in the list */
::DisconnectRequest(pSocket->XprtConn, TPRT_NOTIFY_NONE);
delete g_pSocketList;
g_pSocketList = NULL;
/* Close the listening socket */
delete pSecurityInterface;
/* Force Winsock to cleanup immediately */
TRACE_OUT (("TCP Transport has been cleaned up."));
* TransportInterfaceError RegisterTransportConnection ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
* This member function is used to register a callback for a particular
* transport connection. This will usually be done for incoming
* connections, when you know the transport connection handle BEFORE
* registering the callback.
TransportInterfaceError TransportInterface::RegisterTransportConnection (
TransportConnection XprtConn,
PConnection owner_object,
BOOL bNoNagle)
TransportInterfaceError return_value;
* Check to see if the transport connection in question exists. If
* it does, then remove it and add it again with the new owner.
* If not, fail the call.
if (m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.RemoveEx(XprtConn))
* Get the address of the associated connection callback structure.
* Then put the new callback information into it.
TRACE_OUT (("TransportInterface::RegisterTransportConnection: "
"registering new owner"));
m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.AppendEx(owner_object ? owner_object : (PConnection) LPVOID_NULL, XprtConn);
if (IS_SOCKET(XprtConn))
if (bNoNagle)
// We need to disable the Nagle algorithm
TRACE_OUT(("TransportInterface::RegisterTransportConnection: disabling Nagle for socket (%d, %d)",
XprtConn.eType, XprtConn.nLogicalHandle));
::setsockopt(XprtConn.nLogicalHandle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
(const char *) &bNoNagle, sizeof(BOOL));
* There is no entry in the callback list for the specified transport
* connection. Since this function is only used to replace callback
* information for existing connections, it is necessary to fail the
* request.
WARNING_OUT (("TransportInterface::RegisterTransportConnection: "
"no such connection"));
return (return_value);
* TransportError ResetDevice ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
* This member function merely makes the call to the transport DLL if the
* library was successfully loaded.
TransportError TransportInterface::ResetDevice (
PChar device_identifier)
PSocket pSocket;
PChar Remote_Address;
CSocketList Connection_List_Copy (*g_pSocketList);
while (NULL != (pSocket = Connection_List_Copy.Get()))
Remote_Address = pSocket->Remote_Address;
if(Remote_Address && (strcmp(Remote_Address, device_identifier) == 0))
::DisconnectRequest(pSocket->XprtConn, TPRT_NOTIFY_OTHER_REASON);
* TransportError ConnectRequest ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
* After checking to make sure that the library was loaded properly, this
* routine takes the steps required to create a new transport connection.
TransportError TransportInterface::ConnectRequest (
TransportAddress transport_address,
BOOL fSecure,
BOOL bNoNagle,
PConnection owner_object,
PTransportConnection pXprtConn)
TransportError return_value;
TransportInterfaceError transport_interface_error;
TRACE_OUT (("TransportInterface::ConnectRequest"));
* Issue a call to the Transport's ConnectRequest API routine. Note that
* this MUST be done first since one of the return values is the
* transport connection handle of the newly created connection.
* Also note that this is a non-blocking call, so what we have done
* is begun the process of forming a connection. The connection
* cannot be used until a connect confirm is received.
return_value = ::ConnectRequest(transport_address, fSecure, pXprtConn);
if (return_value == TRANSPORT_NO_ERROR) {
* If the call to create the connection was successful, then
* put a new entry into the callback list. This entry will
* contain the callback information provided as parameters to
* this routine.
transport_interface_error = CreateConnectionCallback (
*pXprtConn, owner_object);
if (IS_SOCKET(*pXprtConn))
if (bNoNagle)
// We need to disable the Nagle algorithm
TRACE_OUT(("TransportInterface::ConnectRequest: disabling Nagle for socket (%d, %d)",
pXprtConn->eType, pXprtConn->nLogicalHandle));
::setsockopt(pXprtConn->nLogicalHandle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
(const char *) &bNoNagle, sizeof(BOOL));
#ifdef DEBUG
transport_interface_error) {
* The transport connection handle returned from the
* transport layer is the same as one we already have
* listed. We will therefore terminate the existing
* connection (since its integrity appears to have been
* compromised). We will also fail this request.
WARNING_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectRequest: "
"ERROR - duplicate connections"));
// This should NOT be happenning!!!
else {
* Everything worked fine, so do nothing.
TRACE_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectRequest: "
"callback added to list"));
#endif // DEBUG
* The call to TConnectRequest failed. Report it and let the
* error fall through.
WARNING_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectRequest: "
"TConnectRequest failed"));
return (return_value);
* void DisconnectRequest ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
* This member function is called to break an existing transport
* connection. After checking to make sure that the transport connection
* is valid, it passes the call onto the DLL and removes the transport
* connection from the local callback list.
void TransportInterface::DisconnectRequest (TransportConnection transport_connection)
TRACE_OUT (("TransportInterface::DisconnectRequest"));
if (m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.RemoveEx(transport_connection))
::DisconnectRequest (transport_connection, TPRT_NOTIFY_NONE);
TRACE_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::DisconnectRequest: the specified connection can not be found"));
* BOOL GetSecurity ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
BOOL TransportInterface::GetSecurity (TransportConnection XprtConn)
PSocket pSocket;
if (NULL != (pSocket = g_pSocketList->FindByTransportConnection(XprtConn)))
BOOL fRet = (pSocket->pSC != NULL);
return fRet;
ERROR_OUT(("GetSecurity: could not find socket"));
return FALSE; // Err on the safe side
* Void ReceiveBufferAvailable ()
* Public
* Functional Description:
Void TransportInterface::ReceiveBufferAvailable ()
// Reset the controller's wait info
// Poll all the transport connections
EnableReceiver ();
* Void ConnectIndication ()
* Private
* Functional Description:
* This function handles the reception of a connect indication from the
* transport layer. Normally this involves putting a new entry in the
* callback list, and forwarding the connect indication to the default
* owner object.
* Formal Parameters:
* transport_identifier (i)
* This is a pointer to a structure that contains information about
* the new connection. This includes: the logical handle of the new
* connection; and the handle of the physical connection which will
* carry the new connection.
* Return Value:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
Void TransportInterface::ConnectIndication (
TransportConnection transport_connection)
TransportInterfaceError transport_interface_error;
PConnection pConnection;
* Put the new connection into the callback list.
transport_interface_error = CreateConnectionCallback (transport_connection,
switch (transport_interface_error)
* Everything worked fine, so do forward the indication to the
* default owner object.
TRACE_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectIndication: "
"calling ConnectResponse."));
::ConnectResponse (transport_connection);
* The transport connection handle sent by the transport layer is
* the same as one we already have listed. We will therefore
* terminate the existing connection (since its integrity appears
* to have been compromised).
WARNING_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectIndication: "
"ERROR - duplicate connections. Connection: %d", transport_connection));
::DisconnectRequest (transport_connection, TPRT_NOTIFY_NONE);
* Get the callback information for the previously existing
* connection. Then delete it.
if (NULL != (pConnection = m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.RemoveEx(transport_connection)))
if (LPVOID_NULL != (LPVOID) pConnection)
* Let the former owner of the connection know that it has been
* terminated.
pConnection->HandleDisconnectIndication(transport_connection, &ulReason);
ERROR_OUT(("TransportInterface::ConnectIndication: null pConnection"));
* Void ConnectConfirm ()
* Private
* Functional Description:
* This function handles the reception of a connect confirm frmo the
* transport layer. Assuming that the connect confirm is the result of
* a previously outstanding connect request. everything will be processed
* normally, and the confirm will forwarded to the object that originated
* the request.
* Formal Parameters:
* transport_identifier (i)
* This is a pointer to a structure that contains information about
* the connection being confirmed. This includes: the logical handle
* of the connection; and the handle of the physical connection which
* is carrying the connection.
* Return Value:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
Void TransportInterface::ConnectConfirm (
TransportConnection transport_connection)
PConnection connection;
* Since a connect confirm should only result from an earlier connect
* request, the transport connection handle SHOULD already be in the
* callback list. If it is, then process this confirm normally.
if (NULL != (connection = m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.FindEx(transport_connection)))
* Get the address of the callback structure from the Connection List.
* Then invoke the callback, passing the message and parameter to it.
TRACE_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectConfirm: forwarding CONNECT_CONFIRM"));
if (LPVOID_NULL != (LPVOID) connection)
// The owner is a Connection object.
* This transport connection handle is invalid. It is therefore
* necessary to terminate the connection, and otherwise ignore the
* confirm.
WARNING_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::ConnectConfirm: "
"terminating unknown connection %d", transport_connection));
// ::DisconnectRequest (transport_connection, TPRT_NOTIFY_NONE);
* Void DisconnectIndication ()
* Private
* Functional Description:
* This function handles the reception of a disconnect indication from the
* transport layer. If the specified transport connection exists, it will
* be removed, and the object that owns it will be informed of the loss.
* Formal Parameters:
* transport_identifier (i)
* This is a pointer to a structure that contains information about
* the connection being disconnected. This includes: the logical
* handle of the connection; and the handle of the physical connection
* which carried the connection.
* Return Value:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
Void TransportInterface::DisconnectIndication (
TransportConnection transport_connection,
ULONG ulReason)
PConnection connection;
* It should only be possible to receive a disconnect on a transport
* connection that we already know about. Therefore, the transport
* connection handle SHOULD already be in the list. Check this.
if (NULL != (connection = m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.RemoveEx(transport_connection)))
* Get the address of the callback structure from the callback list.
* Then delete it from the list.
TRACE_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::DisconnectIndication: "
if (LPVOID_NULL != (LPVOID) connection)
// The owner is a Connection object.
connection->HandleDisconnectIndication(transport_connection, &ulReason);
// The owner is the MCS Controller
g_pMCSController->HandleTransportDisconnectIndication(transport_connection, &ulReason);
* We have received a disconnect indication on an unknown transport
* connection. Ignore it.
WARNING_OUT (("DLLTransportInterface::DisconnectIndication: "
"disconnect on unknown connection"));
* TransportError DataIndication ()
* Private
* Functional Description:
* This function handles the reception of a data indication from the
* transport layer. If the transport connection is properly registered,
* the data will be forwarded to the object that owns the connection.
* Formal Parameters:
* transport_data (i)
* This is the address of a structure that contains information about
* the data in the indication. This includes what transport
* connection the data was received on, as well as the address and
* length of the data itself.
* Return Value:
* This indicates that the data was processed.
* This means that the transport layer should try resending the data
* during the next heartbeat.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
TransportError TransportInterface::DataIndication (PTransportData transport_data)
PConnection connection;
TransportError return_value = TRANSPORT_NO_ERROR;
* If the transport connection is in the callback list, then send the
* data to the registered callback. If it is not in the Connection
* List, then ignore the data (we have nowhere to send it).
if (NULL != (connection = m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.FindEx(transport_data->transport_connection)))
if (LPVOID_NULL != (LPVOID) connection)
// The owner is a Connection object.
return_value = connection->HandleDataIndication(transport_data,
// The owner is the MCS Controller
* If we fail to deliver the data indication, we need to set the amount
* of data available to be received and notify the controller to
* retry the operation later.
if (TRANSPORT_NO_ERROR != return_value)
* We have received data on an unknown transport connection.
* Ignore the indication.
WARNING_OUT (("TransportInterface::DataIndication: data on unknown connection"));
return (return_value);
* Void BufferEmptyIndication ()
* Private
* Functional Description:
* This function handles the reception of a buffer-empty indication from the
* transport layer. If the specified transport connection exists, the object
* that owns it will be notified that it can proceed sending data on the
* transport connection.
* Formal Parameters:
* transport_identifier (i)
* This is a pointer to a structure that contains information about
* the connection. This includes: the logical
* handle of the connection; and the handle of the physical connection
* which carried the connection.
* Return Value:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
Void TransportInterface::BufferEmptyIndication (
TransportConnection transport_connection)
PConnection connection;
* It should only be possible to receive a disconnect on a transport
* connection that we already know about. Therefore, the transport
* connection handle SHOULD already be in the list. Check this.
if (NULL != (connection = m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.FindEx(transport_connection)))
* Get the address of the callback structure from the callback list.
* Then delete it from the list.
TRACE_OUT(("DLLTransportInterface::BufferEmptyIndication: "
* Forward the disconnect indication to the owner of this transport
* connection.
if (LPVOID_NULL != (LPVOID) connection)
* We have received a buffer empty indication on an unknown transport
* connection. Ignore it.
TRACE_OUT (("TransportInterface::BufferEmptyIndication: "
"indication on unknown connection"));
* TransportInterfaceError CreateConnectionCallback ()
* Protected
* Functional Description:
* This private member function is used to create new entries in the
* callback list. Each entry consists of a pointer to a structure that
* contains the address of the object that "owns" the transport connection,
* as well as the message index to be used for the owner callbacks.
* This routine allocates the memory used to hold the callback information,
* and puts it in the callback list if everything is successful.
* Formal Parameters:
* transport_connection (i)
* This is the transport connection for which the callback information
* is to be associated.
* owner_object (i)
* This is the address of the object that is to receive all transport
* layer events for the specified transport connection.
* Return Value:
* The operation completed successfully.
* This value indicates that the request was unsuccessful because the
* specified transport connection already exists in the callback list
* (it is an error to try and create an entry for the same transport
* connection more than once).
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Caveats:
* None.
TransportInterfaceError TransportInterface::CreateConnectionCallback (
TransportConnection transport_connection,
PConnection owner_object)
TransportInterfaceError return_value;
* See if there is already an entry in the callback list for the specified
* transport connection. If there is, then abort this request before
* doing anything.
if (m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.FindEx(transport_connection) == FALSE)
* Put the callback information into the newly allocated
* structure. Then put the structure into the callback list.
TRACE_OUT (("TransportInterface::CreateConnectionCallback: "
"adding new callback object"));
m_TrnsprtConnCallbackList2.AppendEx(owner_object ? owner_object : (PConnection) LPVOID_NULL, transport_connection);
* There is already an entry in the callback list for the specified
* transport connection. It is therefore necessary to fail this
* request.
WARNING_OUT (("TransportInterface::CreateConnectionCallback: "
"callback already exists"));
return (return_value);