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//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
* Module Name:
* Registry.cpp
* Abstract:
* Registry.cpp: implementation of the CRegistry class.
* This class helps with registry by allocating memory by itself
* As a result caller must copy the pointer returned by Get functions
* immediately.
* Author:
* Makarand Patwardhan - April 9, 1997
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Registry.h"
* Constructor
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
m_pMemBlock = NULL;
m_hKey = NULL;
m_iEnumIndex = -1;
m_iEnumValueIndex = -1;
#ifdef DBG
m_dwSizeDebugOnly = 0;
CRegistry::CRegistry(HKEY hKey)
m_pMemBlock = NULL;
m_hKey = hKey;
m_iEnumIndex = -1;
m_iEnumValueIndex = -1;
* Destructor
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
if (m_hKey != NULL)
m_hKey = NULL;
* void Allocate (DWORD dwSize)
* This private function is used for allocating the memory for
* reading registry
* returns the pointer to memory allocated.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void *CRegistry::Allocate (DWORD dwSize)
if (m_pMemBlock)
m_pMemBlock = new BYTE[dwSize];
#ifdef DBG
// remember the size of the block to be allocated.
m_dwSizeDebugOnly = dwSize;
return m_pMemBlock;
* void Release ()
* This private function is used for releasing internal memory block
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CRegistry::Release ()
if (m_pMemBlock)
#ifdef DBG
// fistly fill up the block we allocated previously with garbage.
// so that if anybody is using this block, it is more lilely to
// catch the bug.
FillMemory(m_pMemBlock, m_dwSizeDebugOnly, 'c');
m_dwSizeDebugOnly = 0;
delete [] m_pMemBlock;
m_pMemBlock = 0;
//* DWORD CRegistry::CreateKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM access /*= KEY_ALL_ACCESS*/, DWORD *pDisposition /*= NULL*/, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecAttr /* = NULL */)
//* opens/creates the key specified. before attempting any operation on any key/value. this function
//* must be called.
//* hKey - hive
//* lpSubKey - Path of the key in the format _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server")
//* access - access desired. like REG_READ, REG_WRITE..
//* RETURNS error code.
//* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::CreateKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM access /*= KEY_ALL_ACCESS*/, DWORD *pDisposition /*= NULL*/, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecAttr /* = NULL */)
ASSERT(*lpSubKey != '\\');
// security descriptor should be null or it should be a valid one.
ASSERT(!lpSecAttr || IsValidSecurityDescriptor(lpSecAttr->lpSecurityDescriptor));
ASSERT(*lpSubKey != '\\');
if (m_hKey != NULL)
m_hKey = NULL;
DWORD dwDisposition;
LONG lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(
hKey, // handle of an open key
lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE , // special options flag
access, // desired security access
lpSecAttr, // address of key security structure
&m_hKey, // address of buffer for opened handle
&dwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
m_hKey = NULL;
if (pDisposition)
*pDisposition = dwDisposition;
return lResult;
* DWORD OpenKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM access) ()
* opens the key specified. before attempting any operation on any key/value. this function
* must be called.
* hKey - hive
* lpSubKey - Path of the key in the format _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server")
* access - access desired. like REG_READ, REG_WRITE..
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::OpenKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM access /*= KEY_ALL_ACCESS*/ )
ASSERT(*lpSubKey != '\\');
if (m_hKey != NULL)
m_hKey = NULL;
LONG lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(
hKey, // handle of open key
lpSubKey, // address of name of subkey to open
0 , // reserved
access, // security access mask
&m_hKey // address of handle of open key
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
m_hKey = NULL;
return lResult;
DWORD CRegistry::DeleteValue (LPCTSTR lpValue)
return RegDeleteValue(m_hKey, lpValue);
DWORD CRegistry::RecurseDeleteKey (LPCTSTR lpSubKey)
CRegistry reg;
DWORD dwError = reg.OpenKey(m_hKey, lpSubKey);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return dwError;
LPTSTR lpChildKey;
DWORD dwSize;
// we needn't/shouldn't use GetNextSubKey in this here
// as we are deleting the key during the loop.
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.GetFirstSubKey(&lpChildKey, &dwSize))
VERIFY(reg.RecurseDeleteKey(lpChildKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
return RegDeleteKey(m_hKey, lpSubKey);
* DWORD ReadReg(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPBYTE *lppbyte, DWORD *pdw, DWORD dwDatatype)
* Reads the registry used internally.
* LPCTSTR lpValue - value to be read.
* LPBYTE *lppbyte - address of the lpbyte at which to place the output buffer.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* dword datatype - datatype you are expecting.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::ReadReg(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPBYTE *lppbyte, DWORD *pdw, DWORD dwDatatype)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL);
*pdw = 0;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD lResult = RegQueryValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to query
lpValue, // address of name of value to query
0, // reserved
&dwType, // address of buffer for value type
0, // address of data buffer
pdw // address of data buffer size
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
ASSERT(dwType == dwDatatype || dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ);
if (0 == Allocate(*pdw))
lResult = RegQueryValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to query
lpValue, // address of name of value to query
0, // reserved
&dwType, // address of buffer for value type
m_pMemBlock, // address of data buffer
pdw // address of data buffer size
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*lppbyte = m_pMemBlock;
return lResult;
* DWORD ReadRegString(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
* Reads A string (REG_SZ) from the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValue value to be read.
* LPTSTR *lppStr - address of LPTSTR in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::ReadRegString(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
return ReadReg(lpValue, (LPBYTE *)lppStr, pdw, REG_SZ);
* DWORD ReadRegDWord(LPCTSTR lpValue, DWORD *pdw)
* Reads A string (REG_SZ) from the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValue value to be read.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which the read dword returned.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::ReadRegDWord(LPCTSTR lpValue, DWORD *pdw)
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwReturn = ReadReg(lpValue, &pByte, &dwSize, REG_DWORD);
ASSERT(dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwSize == sizeof(DWORD));
if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*pdw = * LPDWORD(pByte);
return dwReturn;
* DWORD ReadRegMultiString(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
* Reads A string (REG_MULTI_SZ) from the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValue value to be read.
* LPTSTR *lppStr - address of LPTSTR in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::ReadRegMultiString(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
return ReadReg(lpValue, (LPBYTE *)lppStr, pdw, REG_MULTI_SZ);
* DWORD ReadRegBinary(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPBYTE *lppByte, DWORD *pdw)
* Reads A string (REG_MULTI_SZ) from the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValue value to be read.
* LPBYTE *lppByte - address of LPBYTE in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::ReadRegBinary(LPCTSTR lpValue, LPBYTE *lppByte, DWORD *pdw)
return ReadReg(lpValue, lppByte, pdw, REG_BINARY);
* DWORD GetFirstSubKey(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
* Reads a first subkey for the key
* LPTSTR *lppStr - address of LPTSTR in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* used to enumerate the registry.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::GetFirstSubKey(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
m_iEnumIndex = 0;
return GetNextSubKey(lppStr, pdw);
* DWORD GetNextSubKey(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw
* Reads the next subkey for the key
* LPTSTR *lppStr - address of LPTSTR in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* used to enumerate the registry.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::GetNextSubKey(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL);
ASSERT(m_iEnumIndex >= 0); // must call GetFirstSubKey first.
*pdw = 1024;
if (0 == Allocate(*pdw * sizeof(TCHAR)))
LONG lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to enumerate
m_iEnumIndex, // index of subkey to enumerate
(LPTSTR)m_pMemBlock, // address of buffer for subkey name
pdw, // address for size of subkey buffer
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of buffer for class string
NULL, // address for size of class buffer
NULL // address for time key last written to
(*pdw)++; // since null is not included in the size.
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lResult)
return lResult;
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*lppStr = (LPTSTR)m_pMemBlock;
return lResult;
* DWORD GetFirstValue(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw, DWORD *pDataType)
* Reads a first value for the key
* LPTSTR *lppStr - address of LPTSTR in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* used to enumerate the registry.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* DWORD *pDataType - datatype of the value is returned in this one.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::GetFirstValue(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw, DWORD *pDataType)
m_iEnumValueIndex = 0;
return GetNextValue(lppStr, pdw, pDataType);
* DWORD GetNextValue(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw, DWORD *pDataType)
* Reads a next value for the key
* LPTSTR *lppStr - address of LPTSTR in which resultant buffer is returned. caller must copy
* the buffer to immediately. caller must not use this buffer except for copying it.
* caller must not write to this buffer.
* used to enumerate the registry.
* DWORD *pdw - address of dword in which size of the buffer (in bytes) is returned.
* DWORD *pDataType - datatype of the value is returned in this one.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::GetNextValue(LPTSTR *lppStr, DWORD *pdw, DWORD *pDataType)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL);
ASSERT(m_iEnumValueIndex >= 0); // must call GetFirstSubKey first.
*pdw = 1024;
if (0 == Allocate(*pdw * sizeof(TCHAR)))
LONG lResult = RegEnumValue(
m_hKey, // handle of key to query
m_iEnumValueIndex, // index of value to query
(LPTSTR)m_pMemBlock, // address of buffer for value string
pdw, // address for size of value buffer
0, // reserved
pDataType, // address of buffer for type code
NULL, // address of buffer for value data maks_todo : use this
NULL // address for size of data buffer
(*pdw)++; // since null is not included in the size.
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lResult)
return lResult;
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*lppStr = (LPTSTR)m_pMemBlock;
return lResult;
* DWORD WriteRegString(LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr)
* writes REG_SZ value into the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be written to
* LPCTSTR lpStr - data to be written
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::WriteRegString(LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
DWORD dwSize = (_tcslen(lpStr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) / sizeof(BYTE);
return RegSetValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to set value for
lpValueName, // address of value to set
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // flag for value type
(LPBYTE)lpStr, // address of value data
dwSize // size of value data
* DWORD WriteRegExpString(LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr)
* writes REG_EXPAND_SZ value into the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be written to
* LPCTSTR lpStr - data to be written
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::WriteRegExpString(LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
DWORD dwSize = (_tcslen(lpStr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) / sizeof(BYTE);
return RegSetValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to set value for
lpValueName, // address of value to set
0, // Reserved
REG_EXPAND_SZ, // flag for value type
(LPBYTE)lpStr, // address of value data
dwSize // size of value data
* DWORD WriteRegMultiString(LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr, DWORD dwSize)
* writes REG_MULTI_SZ value into the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be written to
* LPCTSTR lpStr - data to be written
* DWORD dwSize - size of data.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::WriteRegMultiString(LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr, DWORD dwSize)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
#ifdef DBG
// lets make sure that the given size is right.
LPCTSTR lpTemp = lpStr;
DWORD rightsize = 0;
while (_tcslen(lpTemp) > 0)
rightsize += _tcslen(lpTemp) + 1;
lpTemp += _tcslen(lpTemp) + 1;
ASSERT(*lpTemp == 0); // final NULL.
rightsize++; // account for final terminating null
rightsize *= sizeof(TCHAR) / sizeof(BYTE); // size must be in bytes.
ASSERT(dwSize == rightsize);
return RegSetValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to set value for
lpValueName, // address of value to set
0, // Reserved
REG_MULTI_SZ, // flag for value type
(LPBYTE)lpStr, // address of value data
dwSize // size of value data
* DWORD WriteRegBinary (LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwSize)
* writes REG_BINARY value into the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be written to
* LPBYTE lpData - data to be written
* DWORD dwSize - size of data.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::WriteRegBinary (LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwSize)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
ASSERT(dwSize > 0);
return RegSetValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to set value for
lpValueName, // address of value to set
0, // Reserved
REG_BINARY, // flag for value type
lpData, // address of value data
dwSize // size of value data
* DWORD WriteRegDWord(LPCTSTR lpValueName, DWORD dwValue)
* writes REG_DWORD value into the registry
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be written to
* LPCTSTR dwValue - data to be written
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::WriteRegDWord(LPCTSTR lpValueName, DWORD dwValue)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
return RegSetValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to set value for
lpValueName, // address of value to set
0, // Reserved
REG_DWORD, // flag for value type
(LPBYTE)&dwValue, // address of value data
sizeof(dwValue) // size of value data
* DWORD ExistInMultiString (LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr, BOOL *pbExists)
* checks if given null terminated string exists in a multi_sz value
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be checked
* LPCTSTR lpCheckForStr - the value to be checked for
* BOOL *pbExists - return. TRUE if exits.
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::ExistInMultiString (LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpCheckForStr, BOOL *pbExists)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
*pbExists = FALSE;
LPTSTR szValue;
DWORD dwSize;
dwError = ReadRegMultiString(lpValueName, &szValue, dwSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError)
LPCTSTR pTemp = szValue;
while(_tcslen(pTemp) > 0 )
if (_tcscmp(pTemp, lpCheckForStr) == 0)
*pbExists = TRUE;
pTemp += _tcslen(pTemp) + 1; // point to the next string within the multistring.
if ( DWORD(pTemp - szSuiteValue) > (dwSize / sizeof(TCHAR)))
break; // temporary pointer passes the size of the szSuiteValue something is wrong with szSuiteValue.
return dwError;
* DWORD AppendToMultiString (LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr)
* appends given string to a multistring value
* LPCTSTR lpValueName - value name to be appended to
* LPCTSTR lpStr - the value to be appended
* RETURNS error code.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CRegistry::AppendToMultiString (LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPCTSTR lpStr)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
// copy the buffer immediately
DWORD CRegistry::GetSecurity(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSec, SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, DWORD *pdwSize)
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
DWORD dwError;
*pdwSize = 0; // we just want to get the right size during the first call.
dwError = RegGetKeySecurity(
m_hKey, // open handle of key to set
SecurityInformation, // descriptor contents
&pSecurityDescriptor, // address of descriptor for key
pdwSize // address of size of buffer and descriptor
// this call can not succeed. as we have set the size = 0
// something else has went wronng.
// return the error code
return dwError;
ASSERT(*pdwSize != 0);
// now we have got the right size, allocate it.
if (0 == Allocate(*pdwSize))
dwError = RegGetKeySecurity(
m_hKey, // open handle of key to set
SecurityInformation, // descriptor contents
m_pMemBlock, // address of descriptor for key
pdwSize // address of size of buffer and descriptor
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*ppSec = m_pMemBlock;
return dwError;
ASSERT(m_hKey != NULL); // call setkey before calling this function.
return RegSetKeySecurity(
m_hKey, // open handle of key to set
SecurityInformation, // descriptor contents
pSec // address of descriptor for key
// this function will fail miserably if the source and destination overlap.
DWORD CRegistry::CopyTree(CRegistry &regSrc)
DWORD dwSize;
LPTSTR szValue;
DWORD dwError;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwError = regSrc.GetFirstSubKey(&szKey, &dwSize)))
CRegistry regSrcKey;
CRegistry regDstKey;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwError = regSrcKey.OpenKey(regSrc, szKey)))
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwError = regDstKey.CreateKey(m_hKey, szKey)))
LOGMESSAGE2(_T("Failed to create dest key <%s>, LastError = %d"), szKey, dwError);
LOGMESSAGE2(_T("Failed to open src key <%s>, LastError = %d"), szKey, dwError);
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwError = regSrc.GetNextSubKey(&szKey, &dwSize)));
// now copy values.
DWORD dwDataType;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwError = regSrc.GetFirstValue(&szValue, &dwSize, &dwDataType)))
TCHAR *szValueName = new TCHAR[dwSize];
if (!szValueName)
_tcscpy(szValueName, szValue);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwError = regSrc.ReadReg(szValueName, &pData, &dwSize, dwDataType)))
dwError = RegSetValueEx(
m_hKey, // handle of key to set value for
szValueName, // address of value to set
0, // Reserved
dwDataType, // flag for value type
pData, // address of value data
dwSize // size of value data
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
LOGMESSAGE2(_T("Error Setting <%s>, Error = %d"), szValueName, dwError);
LOGMESSAGE2(_T("Failed to Reading Value <%s>, Error = %d"), szValueName, dwError);
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == regSrc.GetNextValue(&szValue, &dwSize, &dwDataType));
return TRUE;
#ifdef _Maks_AutoTest_
// make sure that CRegistry does not support
// Copy constructor & assignment operator
void TestRegistry (CRegistry reg)
CRegistry reg2 = reg; // should get error for copy constructor
CRegistry reg3(reg); // should get error for copy constructor
CRegistry reg4;
reg4 = reg; // should get error for = operator.
TestRegistry(reg); // should get error for copy construtor
#endif // _Maks_AutoTest_
// EOF