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#include "lsidefs.h"
#include "plsdnode.h"
#include "plssubl.h"
#include "lstflow.h"
// Rectangle (usually clip rectangle) in local coordinate system
// U grows to the right, v grows up, so normally upLeft < upRight, vpTop > vpBottom
// Upper left corner belongs to the rectangle, lower right corner doesn't.
// That means:
// upRight - upLeft equals dupLength.
// Rectangle that contains one point (0,0) is {0,0,-1,1}.
// Shading rectangle for dnode starting at (u0,v0) is {u0, v0+dvpAscent, u0+dupLen, v0-dvpDescent}
// Note this last line reflects the big LS convention:
// v0+dvpAscent belongs to line, v0-dvpDescent doesn't.
typedef struct tagRECTUV
long upLeft;
long vpTop;
long upRight;
long vpBottom;
typedef const RECTUV* PCRECTUV;
/* CreateDisplayTree sets plsdnUpTemp in sublines to be displayed with given subline,
* rejects wrong sublines, submitted for display, sets fAcceptedForDisplay in good ones
void CreateDisplayTree(PLSSUBL); /* IN: the uppermost subline */
/* DestroyDisplayTree nulls plsdnUpTemp in sublines displayed with given subline.
void DestroyDisplayTree(PLSSUBL); /* IN: the uppermost subline */
/* AdvanceToNextNode moves to the next dnode to be displayed (maybe changing sublines),
* updating current pen, returning pointer to the next dnode
PLSDNODE AdvanceToNextDnode(PLSDNODE, /* IN: current dnode */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: current (main) text flow */
POINTUV*); /* INOUT: current pen position (u,v) */
PLSDNODE AdvanceToFirstDnode(PLSSUBL, /* IN: main subline */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: current (main) text flow */
POINTUV*); /* INOUT: current pen position (u,v) */
/* AdvanceToNextSubmittingDnode moves to the next dnode which submitted for display,
* updating current pen, returning pointer to the next dnode
PLSDNODE AdvanceToNextSubmittingDnode(
PLSDNODE, /* IN: current dnode */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: current (main) text flow */
POINTUV*); /* INOUT: current pen position (u,v) */
PLSDNODE AdvanceToFirstSubmittingDnode(
PLSSUBL, /* IN: main subline */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: current (main) text flow */
POINTUV*); /* INOUT: current pen position (u,v) */
// NB Victork - following functions were used only for upClipLeft, upClipRight optimization.
// If we'll decide that we do need that optimization after Word integration - I'll uncomment.
#ifdef NEVER
/* RectUVFromRectXY calculates (clip) rectangle in local (u,v) coordinates given
(clip) rectangle in (x,y) and point of origin */
void RectUVFromRectXY(const POINT*, /* IN: point of origin for local coordinates (x,y) */
const RECT*, /* IN: input rectangle (x,y) */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: local text flow */
PRECTUV); /* OUT: output rectangle (u,v) */
/* RectXYFromRectUV calculates rectangle in (x,y) coordinates given
rectangle in local (u,v) coordinates and point of origin (x,y) */
void RectXYFromRectUV(const POINT*, /* IN: point of origin for local coordinates (x,y) */
PCRECTUV, /* IN: input rectangle (u,v) */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: local text flow */
RECT*); /* OUT: output rectangle (x,y) */
#endif /* NEVER */