Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.8 KiB

#include "lsdefs.h"
#include "lsfrun.h"
#include "lsesc.h"
#include "fmtres.h"
#include "plsdnode.h"
#include "lstflow.h"
#include "plssubl.h"
#include "tabutils.h"
#include "chnutils.h"
#include "lsffi.h"
#define InitFormattingContext(plsc, urLeft, cpLimStart) \
InitLineTabsContext((plsc)->lstabscontext,(plsc)->urRightMarginBreak, \
(plsc)->grpfManager & fFmiResolveTabsAsWord97);\
urLeft, 0);\
(plsc)->lslistcontext.plsdnToFinish = NULL;\
(plsc)->lslistcontext.plssublCurrent = &((plsc)->plslineCur->lssubl);\
(plsc)->lslistcontext.plssublCurrent->cpLim = (cpLimStart);\
(plsc)->lslistcontext.plssublCurrent->urCur = (urLeft);\
(plsc)->lslistcontext.plssublCurrent->urColumnMax = (plsc)->urRightMarginBreak;\
(plsc)->lslistcontext.nDepthFormatLineCurrent = 1;\
Assert((plsc)->lslistcontext.plssublCurrent->vrCur == 0);\
Assert((plsc)->lslistcontext.plssublCurrent->plsdnLast == NULL);
LSERR FetchAppendEscResumeCore(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LineServices context */
long urColumnMax, /* IN: urColumnMax */
const LSESC* plsesc, /* IN: escape characters */
DWORD clsesc, /* IN: # of escape characters */
const BREAKREC* rgbreakrec, /* IN: input array of break records */
DWORD cbreakrec, /* IN: number of records in input array */
FMTRES* pfmtres, /* OUT: result of last formatter*/
LSCP* pcpLim, /* OUT: cpLim */
PLSDNODE* pplsdnFirst, /* OUT: plsdnFirst */
PLSDNODE* pplsdnLast, /* OUT: plsdnLast */
long* pur); /* OUT: result pen position */
LSERR FetchAppendEscCore(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LineServices context */
long urColumnMax, /* IN: urColumnMax */
const LSESC* plsesc, /* IN: escape characters */
DWORD clsesc, /* IN: # of escape characters */
FMTRES* pfmtres, /* OUT: result of last formatter*/
LSCP* pcpLim, /* OUT: cpLim */
PLSDNODE* pplsdnFirst, /* OUT: plsdnFirst */
PLSDNODE* pplsdnLast, /* OUT: plsdnLast */
long* pur); /* OUT: result pen position */
LSERR QuickFormatting(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LineServices context */
LSFRUN* plsfrun, /* IN: already featched run */
long urColumnMax, /* IN: urColumnMax */
BOOL* pfGeneral, /* OUT: quick formatting was stopped: we should general formatting */
BOOL* pfHardStop, /* OUT: formatting has been stoped due to special situation, not because
exceeded margin*/
LSCP* pcpLim, /* OUT: cpLim */
long* pur); /* OUT: result pen position */
LSERR ProcessOneRun(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LineServices context */
long urColumnMax, /* IN: urColumnMax */
const LSFRUN* plsfrun, /* IN: given run */
const BREAKREC* rgbreakrec, /* IN: input array of break records */
DWORD cbreakrec, /* IN: number of records in input array */
FMTRES* pfmtres); /* OUT: result of last formatter*/
LSERR CreateSublineCore(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LS context */
LSCP cpFirst, /* IN: cpFirst */
long urColumnMax, /* IN: urColumnMax */
LSTFLOW lstflow, /* IN: text flow */
BOOL); /* IN: fContiguos */
LSERR FinishSublineCore(
PLSSUBL); /* IN: subline to finish */
LSERR FormatAnm(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LS context */
PLSFRUN plsfrunMainText);
LSERR InitializeAutoDecTab(
PLSC plsc, /* IN: LS context */
long durAutoDecimalTab); /* IN:auto decimal tab offset */
LSERR HandleTab(
PLSC plsc); /* IN: LS context */
LSERR CloseCurrentBorder(PLSC plsc); /* IN: LS context */
long RightMarginIncreasing(PLSC plsc, long urColumnMax);
#endif /* LSFETCH_DEFINED */