Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
1.1 KiB

#include "lsidefs.h"
#include "pilsobj.h"
#include "lsgrchnk.h"
#include "lstflow.h"
#include "mwcls.h"
LSERR FetchCompressInfo(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, BOOL fFirstOnLine, LSTFLOW lstflow,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLim,
long durCompressMaxStop, long* pdurCompressTotal);
void GetCompLastCharInfo(PILSOBJ pilsobj, long iwchLast, MWCLS* pmwcls,
long* pdurCompRight, long* pdurCompLeft);
void CompressLastCharRight(PILSOBJ pilsobj, long iwchLast, long durToAdjustRight);
LSERR ApplyCompress(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLim, long durToCompress);
LSERR ApplyExpand(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, BOOL fScaled,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLim,
DWORD cNonTextObjects, long durToExpand, long* pdurExtNonText, BOOL* pfFinalAdjustNeeded);
void ApplyDistribution(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, DWORD cNonText,
long durToDistribute, long* pdurNonTextObjects);
#endif /* !LSTXTCMP_DEFINED */