Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1.8 KiB

#include "lsdefs.h"
#include "plstbcon.h"
#include "plsdnode.h"
#include "lsktab.h"
#include "plssubl.h"
#define SetCpInPara(lstabscontext, cp) \
lstabscontext.cpInPara = (cp);
#define InitLineTabsContext(lstabscontext, ColumnMax, cp, ResolveTabsAsWord97) \
lstabscontext.fTabsInitialized = fFalse;\
lstabscontext.urColumnMax = (ColumnMax);\
lstabscontext.plsdnPendingTab = NULL;\
lstabscontext.fResolveTabsAsWord97 = (ResolveTabsAsWord97);\
SetCpInPara(lstabscontext, cp);
#define CancelPendingTab(plstabscontext) ((plstabscontext)->plsdnPendingTab = NULL)
LSERR GetCurTabInfoCore(
PLSTABSCONTEXT plstabscontext, /* IN: Pointer to LS tabs context */
PLSDNODE plsdnTab, /* IN: plsdnTab */
long urBeforeTab, /* IN: position before this tab */
BOOL fResolveAllTabsAsLeft, /* IN: switch all other tab to left */
LSKTAB* plsktab, /* OUT: Type of current tab */
BOOL* pfBreakThroughTab); /* OUT: fBreakThroughTab */
LSERR ResolvePrevTabCore(
PLSTABSCONTEXT plstabscontext, /* IN: Pointer to LS tabs context */
PLSDNODE plsdnCurrent, /* IN: current dnode */
long urCurrentPen, /* IN: Current pen position */
long* pdurPendingTab); /* OUT: offset because of pending tab */
LSERR InitTabsContextForAutoDecimalTab(PLSTABSCONTEXT plstabscontext, /* IN: Pointer to LS tabs context */
long durAutoDecimalTab); /* IN: durAutoDecimalTab */
LSERR GetMarginAfterBreakThroughTab(PLSTABSCONTEXT plstabscontext, /* IN: pointer to LS tabs context */
PLSDNODE plsdnTab, /* IN: tab which triggered breakthrough tab */
long* purNewMargin); /* OUT: new margin because of breakthrough tab */