--- title: About date: 2023-05-17 20:35:10 ---
Hi! Hi there! I'm Tim, a young student from Austria with an insatiable passion for programming. But that's not all—I'm also enthusiastic about many other topics that I love to share and discuss. Since describing myself with sentences can be tricky, let's break it down with some code: {% codeblock lang:cs %} var tK = new Person("Tim","Kicker"); tK.State = "Austria"; tK.Interests = {"Linux", "Selfhosting", "Vinyl", "Data curation", "Privacy Guardance"}; tK.FavGames = {"Half-Life 2", "Lego Universe", "Far Cry 3", "Portal 2"}; tK.FavLang = "CSharp"; tK.FavColor = Color.Black; // if that's a real color? {% endcodeblock %} I've answered some common questions on my [FAQ page](https://tim.kicker.dev/faq/). If you prefer to read my content without JavaScript, check out the [**alternate frontend**](https://blog.kicker.dev). Feel like supporting me? [Buy me a coffee!](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/timkicker) Don't hesitate to reach out—I'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment, send an email, or connect with me on Twitter or GitHub. Happy browsing! Tim c: